Kelly's Diary 193 - Uncle Paul Gets More - Cover

Kelly's Diary 193 - Uncle Paul Gets More

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 2: Masturbating in Traffic

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Masturbating in Traffic - OK, so I have issues just like everyone else. One of them has to do with who is in "control" when I have a relationship with someone, no matter how brief it may be. My Uncle Paul had fucked me a couple of months back and ever since then it was nagging me how he had been in control that day. Something needed to be done about that!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Cheating   Incest   Uncle   Niece   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

If all I wanted was to go after a married man and get him to commit adultery and fuck me, that would have been pretty simple and straightforward. As I once heard said, “A man is only as faithful as his options.” Give most men the right options and I don’t care how “faithful” they may profess to be, most will find the temptation irresistible. They may rationalize it as “just this once” or “I deserve it” or maybe even “it’s not my fault my wife doesn’t satisfy me”, whatever it takes they will find the excuse.

OK, so maybe there are a few good husbands out there who are faithful to their marriage but I haven’t met many of them. Even my own father, who loved my mother unconditionally and believed strongly in the sanctity of his marriage vows, couldn’t resist the chance to fuck my best friend Beth and my mom’s best friend Tammy. He rationalized it with the “we’re so close they are just like family” excuse, but it was still technically adultery, even if my mom forgave him.

One concern I always have with married men is that their wife will find out and their marriage might suffer because of me. It’s one of the main reasons I generally only let a married guy do me once. I’m not looking to have an affair or become someone’s mistress. The longer such a thing goes on, the more likely the wife will find out and I have no desire to incur the wrath of a woman scorned! In the end, though, even if she DID find out it really wouldn’t be me that would bear the brunt of her fury. The husband would be the primary target and most likely I would never even know about it unless he was someone I knew from church or the neighborhood and word of their “problem” became public.

Well, what does all this have to do with my Uncle Paul? Well, besides the fact he is my uncle, he is also my MARRIED uncle and since I know my Aunt Julie pretty well, it, make everything a lot more “personal” for me. While technically Uncle Paul wasn’t committing adultery by having sex with his niece, somehow I don’t think Aunt Julie subscribes to my definition of adultery, let alone the issue of incest. Thus while on the one hand the idea of doing it again with Uncle Paul was little exciting because of the relationships involved, it was a lot more dangerous for me than it would be if he was just another married guy. If the entire family found out that he was fucking me, who knows where that would lead to? Even though I’m 24 and there’s no longer any issues about underage sex, what would happen if anyone found out about me and my dad when I was younger, or even what he was doing with my cousin Tammy since she was still only sixteen? I’m sure my Aunt Shari would throw the book at him, if she didn’t kill him first.

What I’m trying to say is that whatever I did with Uncle Paul, it needed to be discreet. Yet at the same time for my own personal satisfaction it needed to be more than just a quick fuck like the first time. These were potentially conflicting criteria which required some thought on my part as to how to deal with them. Of course, just thinking about such things can be fun as well as the best time to do it is when you’re masturbating - my favorite thing to do.

Over the course of a couple of weeks I must have masturbated a dozen times or more about what I could do with Uncle Paul. Most of the time my thoughts digressed to wild and impossible scenarios, most of which included his daughters and sometimes even my aunt. A daughter swap, similar to what my dad and Uncle Jim had done a couple of times, was the most common fantasy I would have while touching myself in the process and was always a great way to achieve a quick orgasm. Still, while most of my fantasies were about things that could never happen, a few rational ideas popped up now and then for me to consider - provided I remembered them afterwards.

My final plan began to gel finally and one day after a particularly lengthy morning masturbation session, I laid in bed catching my breath with my pussy throbbing when it hit me - why do it all in one shot? It was genius, if I say so myself. First I would bait the trap - and then bag my prey. I would get my revenge but at the same time, it would be fun.

Sounded like a win-win for me!

Uncle Paul worked as a manager or something like that for some sort of engineering company. I never really understood what he did but then I can’t say I ever took, much interest in it either. All I knew it must have paid pretty well based on the huge home they owned and the things they did - cruises, big weddings, parties and such. Ginny and Laura certainly never seemed to want for much growing up, that was for sure. They both got cars for their 16th birthday, went to expensive private universities, and their weddings were like out of a fairy tale.

I’d never been to where Uncle Paul worked and I actually had to do some detective work just to find out what the company name was. It was like I was some sort of stalker, looking up his company on the Internet, trying to learn more about it. I even made a trial run, driving to where his office was and checking the place out. Even though the doors were locked, it was easy to get in by just waiting for someone to open it with their pass card and following them in. I was dressed conservatively with sunglasses and nobody stops a girl to question what she is doing anyway. I found his office, checked out the surroundings, and left before I might have stumbled upon him - something that would have been pretty hard to explain. I’d learned what I needed to know - I could get in the place easily, he had an office (a cube or something more open would have made my plan all but impossible), and nobody seemed to care about me while I walked around looking busy. Perfect!

Driving home, I started to think more and more about my plans. Tomorrow would be perfect. It would be a Friday and people probably wouldn’t notice if he left work early. Aunt Julie worked as a legal assistant so she would be gone during the day. Finally, the more I thought about everything the hornier it was making me and I didn’t think I could put it off much longer.

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