Kelly's Diary 175 - Bachelor Party
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 7: Raising the Stakes
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7: Raising the Stakes - I did some bachelor parties back when I was in college but that was years ago. I've changed a lot since then and I'm definitely not the same girl now as I was back then, so how would this one go compared to those others?
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult True Story Cheating Group Sex Orgy Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex
People wonder why I don’t negotiate rates for sex up front. Well, this was why! Ignoring the legal ramifications of doing it ahead of time, it simply made business sense to leave it until the party. Right now every guy in the room was totally at the mercy of his dick. Every one of them had cum in the past hour or so and I had some of the proof still on me! Talk about a negotiating position! I had them all in the palm of my hand and they would do anything at this point to get more of me. That didn’t mean I WANTED them to fuck me, but it DID put me in the driver seat for most anything else.
“I thought I told you before, I’m not a whore!”
“Yeah right, and I’m the King of England. C’mon baby, quit teasing. How much to fuck you?”
Well, he asked for it. Honestly, I loved the blowjobs and I was happy. I could home now, masturbate for a while, and be satisfied. Being fucked by a bunch of strangers wasn’t something I necessarily wanted to turn down, but at the same time it wasn’t something that I would regret of I didn’t. It would just be for my physical gratification, which isn’t nearly as satisfying as when I get the full emotional element involved. If I just let them line up and fuck me, then I really WOULD be nothing but a whore, no better than my cousin.
“OK, then $1,500 - each,” I proposed. It was the sort of offer that I felt I had to make, but at the same time one I knew they would never accept. Thus it put the burden on THEM, not me, as to whether they fucked me and nobody could say I refused them.
Brian practically choked as he took in what I said. “WHAT? You’re kidding. No way ... I mean you’re hot but nobody’s THAT hot.”
I shrugged my shoulders as if it didn’t matter to me. After all, I already had a thousand dollars for the night between the standard party fee and the BJ extra so I wasn’t complaining. Then a thought occurred to me and I gave Brian an evil grin.
“I tell you what ... you guys get together and pool your money and I’ll let you watch me fuck your brother for a grand.”
I said it loud enough so everyone could hear and it set off a firestorm of discussion. Well, we would soon find out if Bobby’s friends were really all that good of friends or just over for thee free beer and show. Then too, there the matter of Bobby. Sure, getting a BJ was one thing before your wedding night - isn’t that rather traditional? But having SEX, well that was a whole different story. Would Bobby want to take the chance of his fiancé finding out that he screwed another girl on the eve of their wedding? To be fair, did Bobby even want to fuck me. Maybe he really did honor and respect his fiancé such that he honestly didn’t want to have sex the night before their vows.
Had I been taking bets, odds were the cost was a moot point and Bobby would squelch this before it even got started. He seemed a decent enough guy after all. Even if he DID say yes, would his friends really pony up that much money for HIM to get laid but not them? Now THAT would be the sign of some pretty damn good friends, that would be for sure.
And to think people wonder why I am not big on gambling...
“Nine hundred, twenty, forty, sixty, eighty ... one thousand,” Brian finished counting out the cash into my outstretched hand. Crap, they had really done it. Somehow they had scraped together the cash. First, I was dumbfounded that between them, they even HAD that much cash. Someone tried to offer a check but I refused that quickly. Brian turned to Bobby, who seemed a little bewildered as well.
“OK bro, it’s a done deal. She’s all yours!”
Bobby seemed a little hesitant but after I quickly tucked the money away, I stood in front of him, hands on my hips and weight on one leg - almost exactly how I has started except now all I was wearing were the hose, heels and a smile. Bobby was a little drunk and a lot horny. Nobody could blame him for giving him - he was just a guy after all.
“Oh alright, but I don’t want you guys watching, nobody’s gonna blackmail me with this later so no proof. C’mon girl, let’s go back to the bedroom.”
Alarms went off and flashing lights appeared in my head. Nope, not going to happen, no way, no how. I shook my head vigorously and told him in no uncertain terms that if he was going to fuck me, it had to be here and they all had to stay. It looked like a stalemate until a genius of an idea struck me.
“Brian, go get the comforter I threw off the bed upstairs and bring it down. Your brother can fuck me under that.”
Brian looked at Bobby, who just shrugged. Brian was back in a flash with a large comforter which he spread out on the floor in the middle of everyone. I pulled it back and motioned for Brian to lay down on the floor. Given the state of the carpeting, I’d rather HE be on the floor with me on top!
Brian left his short on and took his place. I pulled the comforter over me like a cape and lowered myself down onto him, straddling him as I pulled the comforter around me to hide me from the waist downward. I could feel his hard dick poking me between my legs, seeking out my pussy like a heat-seeking missile - and I was plenty hot for it to latch onto, that was for sure. This was kind of cool actually, everyone could see me yet at the same time, they couldn’t know for 100% sure what was going on between Brian and me. Oh sure they knew, but here was nothing they could say under oath later if someone should spill the beans. Brian could always say he just simulated sex with me, like some silly R-rated movie.
Well, this was NOT going to be any simulation, I knew that. Crap, even if Brian was uncertain about it, I certainly wanted it. Now THIS was what I wanted, what turned me on. This wasn’t just a line of guys ramming their dicks in me like some inflatable doll until they came and the next one took his place (been there, done that). No, this was a guy on the eve of his wedding to the girl he supposedly loved and adored above all other, getting ready to fuck me less than 24 hours before he swore never to have another but his wife. Technically he wasn’t committing adultery, but it was a very fine line and I doubt his fiancé would’ve seen the difference.
Not only was the groom to be fucking me, but I had an audience as well, something that always turned me on. I LOVE to watched having sex, knowing those watching are all wishing they were participants rather than observes. Every guy watching me now had one thing on his mind, what little of it may have been functioning properly at the moment. Every last one of them was wishing HE was the guy on the floor and it was THEIR dick poised to violate my wet and hot pussy. I loved it that they all wanted to fuck me but only one of them was getting the chance. I bet the others would be jerking off for years as they fantasized about it being them that was fucking me.
Reaching between my legs, I grabbed his dick and held it in place as I maneuvered my hips to position his cock at the entrance to my pussy hole. God he felt so hard and warm and I wanted in me so bad - SO BAD. For hours now I had been teasing and sucking and it had made me just as horny as it had them. Oh yeah, I wanted to be fucked just as much, maybe more, than good ol’ Bobby. When he was in the right spot, I dropped myself down on him, literally ramming his dick into me in pone swift motion until I landed on his lap, impaled on his rock-hard shaft like a popsicle on a stick - except I was far from being cold.
“Ohhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh!” I moaned as I felt him filling my pussy with his wonderful cock. God he felt so good in me, it was like he was up inside my belly!
“Fuck her Bobby!” I heard Brian cheer him on.
OK, so legally Brian couldn’t know for sure I was actually sitting on his dick, but based on our mutual reactions, there was little room left for doubt unless were both Oscar-winning actors.
I had to use one hand to hold the comforter around us or it would have fallen to the side and revealed what was happening but I was sure the guys watching had a pretty damn good idea of where Brian’s dick was right now. My other hand was rubbing my clit, my fingers working myself over furiously as I rode Bobby’s wondrous dick. Damn, he was so thick it was like he was spreading me apart and about to split me in half!
“Oh god your dick feels so good in me,” I sighed as I rocked back and forth, his dick drawing itself out of me as I leaned forward, only to bury itself deep in once again as I leaned back.