A Dick Named Rick (Worm Cyoa Lewd Mod) - Cover

A Dick Named Rick (Worm Cyoa Lewd Mod)

Copyright© 2025 by sexdottxt

Chapter 1: Two Hot MILFs

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1: Two Hot MILFs - Living the high life as an esper away from the real world, Rick has it made as a shining gem. Not to mention he seduces hot chicks left and right. All over the world, nobody can resist him.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   FemaleDom   Group Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Big Breasts   Leg Fetish  

I’m waking up to another life in the city. The sun is shining, the sky is blue. My window on top of my chateau was already open, and I’ll tell you what, waking up to that warm breeze is something else. I can’t tell you this for certain given what I’m gonna say now, but I think it has something to do with sleeping while the balmy air is brushing up on your skin. You can tell me that cuddling up in winter on a bed with a big soft blanket is the bee’s knees, and I’ll always tell you that falling asleep in your pad naked in spring and summer weather, hot but not too hot, and then waking up to that feeling? That’s what makes you think if this is my last day on earth, life well spent.

I stretch out my bed. It’s not enough to wake up the two ladies sharing my bed. And that’s the thing I want to emphasize, they are ladies. Not horny little sluts fresh out of high school or hell, even younger little jailbait pieces of ass looking to score something with a studmuffin like me. Not two dirty sluts just looking for some cash. No, I’m talking ladies.

In this case, Mel Jones and Helen Parr. It’s every guy’s dream to have a dick that’s like crack to the bitches. It’s another thing to have two hot MILFs slobbering all over your cock on the regular. You wanna know a little secret? I just turned twenty-one a few months ago. Eighteen is legal age, but they say the time you’re legally able to finally get fucking shitfaced on the regular is when you actually grow up. Apparently these two had the same idea.

I’ve seen these two on the regular. Whether it’s Elastigirl saving the world, or just Mel being stressed out as all hell trying to care for her family and have a minute of time to herself, I’m not strangers to them. We don’t exactly live next to each other but we cross paths enough. We’re neighbors really.

It all happened when I saw them both sitting by themselves at a table in a public square in the city. They had both had a rough day. Mel was beat after doing so much to provide her family while not even getting a simple thank you in return while Helen had just saved the world, and then the other Incredibles just ask her to deal with it like it’s no big deal. Two close friends bitching about not getting enough respect.

I remembered approaching them around that time. They both looked up at me. They were looking pretty fine too, Mel was wearing a simple tank top with those short side stripe shorts that let the whole world see what a nice rear she had, casual enough on it’s own but always stunning on a beautiful woman like her, while Helen was in a short skirt and a sleeveless dress shirt, classy and fine at the same time, she could pull off a sexy secretary look if she wanted to. They both gave me that obligatory friendly smile that women tend to do, but I could tell it was fake.

I decided I would make it a real one.

“Oh hey Rick,” said Mel.

“Hi Mel,” I said. She had a bit of a droll disposition on her face, it didn’t suit a beautiful woman like her.

“How’s it going?” said Helen, a little more chipper.

“Fine, as always. How about you?”

“Oh fine...” she said, her voice trailing off.

“Just fine? You’re Elastigirl and life is just fine for you? I think it would be pretty awesome. Hell, I always feel graced by your presence.”

She smiled awkwardly. “Thanks...”

I looked at Mel. “And you look like something’s bothering you too. That’s not right. You’re so devoted and caring for your family.”

She chuckled to herself. “Wish people would tell me that more.” She still had a bit of a stank face but a gorgeous woman like her, it didn’t hurt to look at.

“I’ll tell both of you pretty ladies nice things until you see it as the truth,” I said. “How about you both come back to my place? Just kick back and relax like you’re queens at a getaway, my treat.”

They looked at each other and shrugged. They got up and followed me. I walked back to my place, which wasn’t far off. On the outside it was just a regular apartment building, nothing special. But it wasn’t my real home.

You want to know a little secret about me? I’m not human, strictly speaking anyway. I look normal, I speak the same as anyone else, and like pretty much every other guy out there, I think I have the biggest dick of all time. Needless to say, plenty of people have that going for them.

But I’m different. I was born with power, they call people like me gems. It’s not a thing you can train for, not a thing someone else can give to you. It’s genetic power. In my case, it’s the mark of an esper. I can change my reality to whatever I want. And in my personal little kingdom, I can let in who I please on a whim and kick out everyone else.

In this case, it’s a bunch of hot babes. I always sleep naked, not just for that warm breeze nobody else can take away from me, but also because I’m up all night having fun with my girls. Remember that bit I told you about falling asleep in warm weather? Now add that to falling asleep with hot girls on the regular after fucking them raw, and you’ll begin to understand how sweet a deal this is. They call people like me gems for a reason.

Helen and Mel were gonna learn that first hand. They were still following me. My apartment building was just a few feet away, it was nothing impressive. Only one floor, there was a simple parking lot and it was surrounded by other bigger buildings, high rises and skyscrapers, it was a dingy little blot in a decent enough part of town. But then I turned around and looked at them. “When I said you’re gonna live queens, I meant it.”

I got the exact kind of response I expected from them. Mel arched an eyebrow at me in irritation at me like she didn’t know what I was talking about, and Helen laughed awkwardly like I told some kind of bad joke and she was humoring me. And then I snapped my fingers and everything changed.

I’ll tell you what, we fucked out of Kansas at that moment. We were all in paradise. Gone was my dingy little apartment building. In it’s place was a modern mansion, I’m talking one of those types of places that only the bigtime players can even begin to afford to live in, it was more like a castle than a mansion. It opens out with a big stone garden replete with roses and vines, there’s bees all over the place, it’s even got a fountain nearby. Next to it, all those skyscrapers looked like shacks for poor people.

“Uh, what happened?” Mel said, her face blank.

I cleared my throat and said, “Well, my name is Rick Blazer, and WELCOME TO MY CRIB!” holding my arms out like I was some kind of celebrity whose mug was plastered all over TV.

“I mean...” Helen started. “I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but is this some kind of magic trick?”

I shook my head. I expected something like that from someone ordinary like Mel, but Helen being Elastigirl and saving the world on the regular should know better. I put my hands behind my head. “Well I could tell you all about it, but how about you come on inside and I’ll show you?”

I beckoned them forth with my fingers and went on ahead. It’s true, ladies like it when you lead, because they both followed me inside. Whatever doubt they had then was gone as they just looked all over. My place has statues, my place has fine furniture and carpeting, my place has paintings.

“You believe me now?” I said.

“H-how...?” Mel started.

“Don’t worry about details. I said I’d treat you like queens. I meant it.”

“So,” Helen said with a sly grin, “what did you have in mind?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know. How about both give me kisses on the cheek just for showing you my place to start with? You know that not everybody is getting the red carpet treatment like you two beauties.”

“Oh alright,” said Helen. “You’re such a nice boy Rick!” she said and pecked me on the cheek.

I couldn’t believe that cheesy pickup line worked. It was just an innocent thing, but damn, getting a hot girl to smooch you on the face is enough to make your day better no matter how good or how bad you have it. Especially when they’re fucking MILFs.

I looked at Mel. “Come on, can’t I have a little bit more sugar for this side too?” I said, poking my other cheek.

She still wasn’t smiling like I wanted her to. But that moment there, she didn’t have a stank face on, it just looked like she was pouting. She looked so cute when she did that. It felt so good when she pecked my face too.

These two must have not have been getting the attention from their husbands that they needed. I say that because as soon as Mel had kissed me, Helen took initiative. She grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pushed her tongue into my mouth. It was exactly what I had hoped for, but I never expected that things would go this fast.

I was more than happy to reciprocate. I moved my hands up that skirt of hers, those legs of hers felt so good in that nylon hose, and as I felt her up further, I felt that bare ass of hers too. Best part of it all? She was wearing a thong. She didn’t mind one bit when I grabbed her ass either, even giggling as we were making out.

Apparently Mel wasn’t too fond of that. Not when she snatched me away and feeling up my crotch, started kissing me too. I was more than happy to give her some of that, those shorts of hers were really short and her undercheeks were sticking right out. She was moving those thighs of hers on me. This was heaven.

I pulled back and looked at Helen. She didn’t look too happy. “Ladies, ladies,” I said. “I’ll give both of you time and affection. How about the two of you compete for it? I’ll sit back and watch you kiss. And I’ll give it to whoever I like more.”

Mel flashed me a dirty look. It didn’t look cute anymore, it actually looked angry. She didn’t have too much time to think on that, not when Helen pulled her close with those elastic arms of hers and started making out. The way she stretched them, they were bound tight around Mel’s whole body. The other woman couldn’t escape.

At first Mel was trying to escape. That didn’t last long, Helen was really pushing her tongue in there. Soon Mel had no choice but to give it back to her. And how close they were, their tits were mashing up against each other too.

It was a show. I was already hard, but I never thought these two would go this far. I sat back and watched them go at it. Helen wasn’t even holding Mel’s face, the other woman could have at least tried to get away. Even with those arms tightly wound up all over her. But she must have enjoyed it because I could hear them going at it like crazy. I’ve been at some crazy parties and seen dumb girls do all kinds of crazy shit with each other for money. These two hot older women were doing it for free.

Pretty soon there was no doubt in my mind that Mel was getting off on it. She was pushing right back up against Helen and pulling up that skirt, starting spanking that donk. I don’t know if she was doing it to punish the other MILF for being such a pushy bitch or she was a real freaky girl back in college and that side of her was starting to reawaken all over again, but I never thought that lady with a constant stank face would be this much of a slut. She was even pulling on the thong out of her new girlfriend’s big bouncy ass. Forget Girls Gone Wild. This was MILFs Going Cray-Cray.

Then Helen let her go. Mel almost stumbled at first, that’s how tightly she was being held. Then she caught herself. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and looked away out of embarrassment. Nothing at all like how she was acting before, I bet that she would have tore that thong out of that elastic behind if she hadn’t been stopped. Helen on the other hand smiled at me very sweetly.

“So which one?” she said.

“I think I’ll take Mel for a test drive first,” I said. For once she actually smiled, and it lit up her face so much, I couldn’t help but begin to fall in love with her. And I knew that as soon as I was finished with her, that Helen would really fuck me up as payback. All according to plan, right?

Helen pouted a little at me and I was getting kinda worried. My only real power is this kind of reality shifting, and I know she could kick my ass in a heartbeat if she wanted to. Maybe I overplayed my hand.

I didn’t have too long to think on that one. Not when Mel jumped on my lap and pulled me in for a kiss. I’m guessing it’s because she still had Helen’s taste on her tongue, but damn she tasted good, even better than before. I forgot all about any possible miscalculations with this little gamble of mine and gave it right back to her, feeling up those long lovely legs of hers while she put her hands up my shirt. Clearly her husband had not been treating her well.

That was fine. I’d be more than happy to be her little home away from home. While we were going at it, those greedy hands of hers went to work on my fly. She began unbuttoning my pants and getting my fly done. The whole time I staged this thing I thought even at best that Mel would be a cold fish. How wrong I was.

Clearly someone else had another idea too. Just as she was about to put her hands down my pants, she was yanked right off my lap before I knew it. I looked up and saw Helen’s outstretched arms had grabbed around her and lifted her up into the air, then set her down. Mel was fuming and about to give her a piece of her mind, when Helen put a finger on her lips.

“Relax little girl,” she said, smiling cheekily. “Watch how a real woman does things.”

That set off Mel. She was back to wearing that same old stank face. I actually wanted to say something to try and make things all peachy keen, I was really enjoying that one.

Not that I could think on that for too long. Not when Helen jumped on my lap instead. She had a devilish smile on her face and snogged me something fierce. All my disappointments went away as our tongues were all over each other. She really put those hands to work like she had when she was lezzing out with Mel too. Those long arms of hers went up my shirt and fell all over my torso. It felt like I was getting hugged my own mama all over again.

But she sure as hell wasn’t kissing like my mama. That elastic power extended to her tongue, because it was becoming elongated and wrapped around my own tongue. It was so intense first that I almost gagged. Still, I got used to it pretty fast and just relaxed into it. This little casual fling was easily becoming better than I had ever anticipated.

Just as I was getting used to it, those hands of hers found my dick. I was getting so cozy that I actually jumped up feeling her pawing my big ol’ boy. I actually felt her long slimy tongue unwrap from my own and then she pulled her face away from mine. I never felt so powerless with a woman before in my entire life.

It was about to get a whole lot worse. She was as skilled with those fingers of her as she was with everything else, it felt like she was tickling my dick. She was looking into my eyes and couldn’t look away.

Someone else couldn’t look away either. Just as she probing the opening of penis with one of those fingers, she was yanked right off my lap. Helen glared back at Mel with a scowl on her face and my other baby girl’s face had such a cruel smile.

Mel put her hands on her hips. “Payback’s a bitch huh?”

Helen stood up. “You apparently didn’t get it good enough last time. I’ll show you some payback.”

“Dream on.”

“Ladies how about you just...” I started.

I might as well have not said anything because Helen was up for the challenge. She reached those hands right up Mel’s little tanktop and grabbed deeply onto those hooters. Mel grit her teeth at the sensation.

The other MILF wasn’t put off this time and closed the distance again. She grabbed Elastigirl’s booty so good and yanked that thong right down from underneath that skirt. Then her reached those asscheeks apart and pried those fingers of hers deep in there.

They were still glaring at each other. I saw Helen’s hands under Mel’s shirt tighten just a bit and I knew she was pinching those nipples. That only spurred Mel to actually dig her fingers inside of Helen’s butthole. I didn’t know how this one was gonna end.

I wasn’t going to let them ruin a good thing either. “Ladies!” I said. They both looked at me now. “As much as I’d like to see you relive your younger years, you can settle yourselves another way.” I started beating it off right in front of them. “This guy loves both of you and appreciates you very much.”

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