The Lusts of Leia (Star Wars) - Cover

The Lusts of Leia (Star Wars)

Copyright© 2024 by sexdottxt

Chapter 4: Political Liaisons

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4: Political Liaisons - After the death of Emperor Palpatine, the New Republic has much work ahead of itself. Princess Leia also has an important mission. And she will undergo many naughty adventures while completing her duties.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Magic   Cheating   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Big Breasts  

It had only been a day since Del Veniz made his speech. The press was talking about so many things. About Leia’s disappearance with her young protege, about that scandalous dress she wore. His speech supporting her definitely got people saying that he was her aide and companion in all affairs political. But there were more than a few quips that the two of them had done something else. It was the thing prevalent in the trashier tabloids on Coruscant and in the rest of the galaxy too. Not serious talk.

For Borsk Fey’yla however, he was taking it very seriously. The next day, he called Del Veniz that morning. The Bothan senator was sitting behind his desk waiting impatiently. He had specified his mole to be there at a certain time. Yet instead he was left waiting.

It had been only ten minutes that he was sitting there. It was normally enough to stir his ire, it usually told him that something was stirring up his complicated webs of power. Coupled with how awry yesterday had gone, now he was furious.

When Del Veniz had arrived in his unofficial master’s office, he wasn’t smiling all smug or having any particular looks about him. But it radiated from him in one of those quiet ways that seemed so loud. The kind of aura that others not in the know would fail to see and try and make you think you’re crazy.

Borsk Fey’yla intended to bring him to heel. “Tell me something,” he said. There was a long silence between the both of them and the older senator just peered deep into the young man’s eyes.

“Tell you what?” Del Veniz said finally. He swallowed a lump in his throat and looked away.

“Tell me why you said the exact opposite of what I instructed you to say. Tell me where you and that royal bitch snuck off to when the press showed up.” He leaned forward over his desk and pressed his hands together under his chin. “Tell me you are still loyal to me.”

Del Veniz could feel the threat in those words like a blaster bolt. He had dabbled in some martial arts training centers around Coruscant and a man of his fitness in the prime of his life easily excelled. But he had no experience in the real thing, had never tangled in an actual firefight before and was never in a situation where he had to use his skills for real. For all that he was so easily humbled by Leia, first thrown onto the floor. Then she put his body to the test and humbled him. Perhaps that’s why he had been so easily taken in by Borsk Fey’yla’s honeyed words to even consider the possibility of turning on Leia. After being taken under her and making his decision, he felt a new awareness and sensitivity to everything.

And yet as he sat there and being forced to make another decision, he felt a fire he didn’t know he had surging up inside of him. He was no maestro on the political arena like Leia was, but for all his shortcomings compared to her, this was still his battlefield. He looked back up at Fey’yla’s eyes burning into him with their glare. He suddenly felt very confident in what he was going to say next.

“To keep her on the defensive.”

“That was hardly on the defensive. On the contrary, it seemed you were quite aggressive in your line of support for her. I wonder how long you have courted such notions towards your darling little princess. Indeed, I wonder what other ways you may have courted her.”

“I have only done as you have asked me to. If I’m being cut loose, I would prefer to know right now. If these are the kinds of unfounded threats I’m going to be subject to, then maybe I will throw in with her for real.”

His eyebrow flared up a bit. “You think you’re bargaining for your freedom here? Don’t forget I can have your reputation ruined in an instant. There’s already rumors going around about what you and she did when the both of you fled the gala. You’re nobody. A hanger on, fresh meat ready to be eaten alive by the rest of the senate. I say the right things, pull a few strings, and she’ll discard you just to keep her name clean. Don’t forget that.”

“Then maybe you should remember that I am still your mole. Leia told me a few things that made me reconsider my plans. And I acted accordingly.”

Fey’yla’s face lightened. He took his shoes off and he leaned back in his chair and set his feet upon his desk. He was still clasping his hands together. There was another long silence, and as much as Del Veniz returned the Bothan’s gaze, the sight of those bare feet right in front of him were very distracting. Not to mention the pungent odor from those soles becoming very apparent to him. Then Fey’yla held his arms out. “Well? Speak up!”

“Leia is still cautious about her place in the senate. But I’ve convinced her that it’s in her best interests to put herself forth accordingly. She is a war hero and one of the last survivors of Alderaan. No matter what people might say about her, she will always be popular. I counseled her and we both decided that it would be best if she went forth unafraid, heedless of the consequences. I’ve decided to put forth her agenda as much as possible. And then when her success becomes even greater, I will make up some false story out of nowhere. I’ll put some of her earlier remarks in a harsher context and misrepresent them, like the many things she has said at the senate. I’ll even apologize for speaking up in her support. You will have everything you ever wanted.”

Fey’yla was nodding. “Well said. But what if she becomes too successful in your little plan? What if all of my bids for power fail? She will still have her rank and position and you’ll be her faithful little lapdog. And I will have gained nothing from this power play.” Del was about ready to speak up when Fey’yla cut him off. “Choose your next words carefully. Remember my promise earlier.”

Del Veniz’s face straightened out and a little bit of that arrogant aura of his seemed to fade. “Princess Leia is still popular. She is a survivor of Alderaan and helped the Rebel Alliance destroy the empire several times over. If you keep fighting her like this, you might be digging your own grave. You want people to forget Princess Leia, the hero. What you really want people to see is Princess Leia the senator. Princess Leia the politician. Princess Leia the corrupt. It shouldn’t be hard. Her resources are far more sparse than you can imagine. The only thing she has going for her is her name. But it’s a very big name. You want it to blow up so big that it pops.”

Fey’yla gave something of an honest smile then. “Ah yes. Like Palpatine. He was seen as an honest senator during Valorum’s tenure, then a Supreme Chancellor with too much power. Then as the emperor, first he was seen as a savior against the ravages of the corrupt Republic. And then it became apparent what he really was.”

Del Veniz swallowed a lump in this throat. “Yes.”

Fey’yla took his feet off the desk and leaned forward again with a sudden exuberance. “Excellent. You have done well. Continue keeping tabs on her. When the time of her downfall is ready, I will have her political career blown up like something else very dear to her.”

Del Veniz winced silently hearing that. He had not seen Alderaan destroyed firsthand like Leia had. But when he heard the news, he was crushed as much as she had been. He knew exactly what Fey’yla was getting at right there.

Does he know who he’s speaking to? he wondered to himself.

“Of course,” he said, bowing before the Bothan. “I will follow your instructions to the letter.”

Then he stood up and left. Fey’yla watched him leave. Those words his mole spoke sounded very promising, very convincing. Indeed, he was now convinced that plan was the best plan of action. He intended to follow it through to it’s conclusion.

And yet he couldn’t help but feel that his mole was lying to him. He couldn’t begin to imagine how right he was.

Del Veniz wished that suspicion on his co-conspirator’s part had been true. After Leia sat on his face, the only thing he was granted was the privilege of eating her pussy and having her feet work his penis. He had been pitching a tent the whole time he danced with her and when he gave his speech. When it was all over, he had expected her to take him home and give him the full treatment. Alas, as soon as they were alone after the party was finished, all he got was her grabbing his crotch and whispering, “Keep being a good boy and I promise that I’ll make you feel really good.” Then she was off back to her apartment.

He was walking back to her place now. He wasn’t what anyone would consider a ladies’ man, he took his duties far too seriously to hit any of the galaxy’s many nightclubs. But he knew that he was good looking and wherever he walked the streets, he would always get looks from at least a couple of women. In a place as diverse as Coruscant, he had encountered Itkotchi, Zabrak, Zeltron, and naturally Twi’lek ladies who were all itching for a piece of him. It was much the case now, especially after dancing with Leia last night, he was much the talk of the town.

Especially with the tabloids looking at him right now. Being Leia’s aide, he always had a few cameras looking at him, even he was doing something as banal as simply headed on senate business. It was no less the case now. He knew he was being tailed and watched even now and that as he was fast approaching his lady’s place, nothing he would say could hope to shut them up. He only hoped the rumors they were telling about him and her would prove to be true.

When he entered the building, the door shut behind him. He moved fast up the stairs to where Leia’s apartment was. A dark hope was burning in his heart and an even darker one in his pants.

Then he was standing before her apartment. He knocked on the door. When it opened up, he gasped.

Leia had taken her time too in preparing her adherent disciple a suitable reward. Her hair wasn’t done up in the typical Alderaani fashion the highborn women like herself were known for but instead something more like the various human socialites of Coruscant, held up high in a single bun, perfectly done up with a few loose strands of hair hanging from it. She was wearing a black and purple sleeveless dress with a long skirt, more conservative by far than the racy outfit she had on yesterday but no less alluring. It was so skillfully designed that with the light shining in her room and through the fabric of her dress, he could see the impression of her body underneath. Something prim and proper with just the right amount of naughtiness.

“Princess, I...” He couldn’t speak to her properly. He knew it was her, but at the same time he struggled to recognize her. Her makeup was done in that way that made it look like her face was almost shining, and her golden eyeshadow and magenta lip gloss didn’t seem garish, instead it seemed like it was her natural color. With her hair done up the way it was, she looked like one of the many airheaded socialites of Coruscant’s upper class who tried to portray themselves as one of the common people but everything about them was nothing quite ordinary. With Leia it was much the same now, and yet she set herself apart from all of them, her eyes betraying a nefarious intelligence which was nothing so innocent.

“Come in, would you?” she said in a mix of a very haughty tone as if she were speaking to a child and that formal voice that could almost pass for friendly which was often used by receptionists at only the most high end establishments. She snatched his wrist and pulled him in. “You are late, but I’m sure that we can make up for lost time.” The door shut behind them. He didn’t know what she had in store for him but he didn’t care, she was pulling him in.

His mind was swimming with naughty thoughts. All he could do was stare at her, the dress opened at the back with a little string around her neck, her back was totally exposed to his leery eyes and that rump of hers jiggled with every step she took. He had already had the privilege of having her naked donk sitting right on top of his face and yet somehow seeing her tight little ass in this dress was doing it for him way worse. Coupled with the way her hair was styled, she looked like one of the many courtesans across the galaxy who would only serve the most wealthy nobles. He didn’t know where she was taking him and he didn’t care, he just felt so lucky.

She stopped in one room. He was so distracted by her fine self that he barely noticed the bed and then she was easing him to get onto it. Smiling, he moved right onto the mattress.

He was looking up at her with a big smile on his face. He was pitching a tent and felt no shame in doing so. He couldn’t wait for what was going to happen to him.

Leia on the other hand was looking down at him with a dead look in her eyes. She poured out a dab of some oil and moisturized it all over her hands. Then she said, “Take your clothes off.”

He did exactly as he was told. He was so focused on his task that he didn’t notice Leia’s lips curl into a sinister grin. He looked back at her, his whole nude form exposed before her.

“Lie on your stomach.”

Not exactly what he was hoping for. But with his stiff penis hanging out, he suddenly realized what a vulnerable situation he was in. That only made him harder, he craved her touch, her taste at all circumstances. He let out a low breath and did as he was told to do.

His shuddered when he heard her hands clap. He didn’t know what she had in mind for him. He felt his nerves go up at once and his body tingle with excitement when she set her hands on his back. The only thing he felt more than the softness of her palms was the sharpness of her nails digging into his skin. It was terrifying and exciting all at once.

Leia was much pleased herself. The sight of her young apprentice’s body lined with from head to toe with that perfect mix of lean muscle was the sort of thing any woman would appreciate. But very few women could hope to command such a specimen the way she was doing now. He had bared himself before her and now he was doing exactly as she wanted.

She would do as she wanted too. His body was something resembling the sculpture of a hero of myth at some art museum. As she stood over him, she could see and feel him tensing up in response to her touches. She knew from her youth that she looked good and the few times she played the part of a dominatrix it was only for show. Now in her current situation, feeling the lustful shivers creeping in his body for the first time she had ever been with a man, she knew she was doing it for real.

Her hands had been moisturized with oils. He let out a low moan as she worked his shoulderblades and lower back. The feeling of her manicured sharp nails after her palms caressed his back was the perfect amount of pain and pressure, and he had never felt something so erotic. His package was throbbing up on the mattress far from any real release, and he just didn’t want to cum.

He just realized there was an incense burner that had been lit. It was a delicious scent, something like a mix of apples and strawberries and he could faintly smell a hint of oro bark, an all too nostalgic smell to his nostrils. With the way she was still touching him, every single muscle on his body slackened and he felt himself becoming so limp and inert. Save one very sensitive spot on his body.

Leia slowly traced her fingers down to his butt. She teased his cheeks with the ends of her talons. He bit his lip to keep himself from moaning too loud, only letting out a low breath, but the moment was so tense that she heard it. He knew it too and realized she would only be more aggressive from now on.

She wasted no time in doing so. At first she fully grabbed both of his ass cheeks like she was some kind of shameless pervert. Her sharp nails dug into his soft flesh as she moved her hands in and out. He hid his face from view, but a childish grin had lit up his face at her feeling him up like that. It was good pain.

As she worked him, he put his arms up and resting his head upon them. He was totally at ease. He made no attempt to hide his comfort now either. She worked her fingers in between his cheeks. She would give him something to feel comfortable about.

He was just getting cozy when she showed her vicious side again. His state of arousal so strong that every pore in his body was opening up and her slick fingers made it very easy for her to touch inside of his anus. His head jerked up from the moment of penetration.

Leia smiled. She had only begun to prod the opening of his rosebud with her fingers, and yet she could see how much it was putting him on edge. She could only begin to wonder how rock hard he must have been lying there and at her mercy.

She circled the sharp around his anus, teasing him. He wasn’t outwardly moaning just yet but his breaths were becoming more labored. Asserting her power over him, she poked the first part of her finger inside of him. She went in and out with it at a steady pace, working on loosening him up.

He held his arms closer together and grit his teeth. Not yet poking inside of him further, Leia leaned forward over him and softly blew on his back. It was the slightest of change inside him but she could tell how much of an effect she was having. That close she could see his skin shining with oil quivering from her technique.

Then she moved one of her fingers wholly inside of his anus. He was struggling to hold it in but his whole body was jerking up from her subtle movements. She could feel his anus tightening up too. She breathed huskily along his shoulders again and moved her lips to his ear.

For several moments she breathed on his earlobe, teasing his sensitive flesh with her hot breath. She slipped another finger inside his anus, it was so easy for her to do so, and lovingly moved them around inside him. Then she whispered, “Cum for me lover.”

She actively wriggled her fingers inside of him. His entire body jerked up and she moved her forearm down on his neck to keep him from moving. She stuck her tongue out and jammed it inside of his ear.

He wanted to turn and look at her, to beg her to take him. But her fingers stimulating his sensitive spot so bad that he couldn’t even speak and her hot wet tongue was raping inside of his ear, all he could hear was that thing wriggling inside of it. He started freakishly dry humping the mattress.

Then without warning he suddenly came. He let out a loud and helpless cry of pure submission. It was easily one of the strongest nuts he had ever had, even after she had rode his face while pleasing his dick with her feet. His penis was throbbing all over the mattress and he felt his hot semen bubbling out on his skin.

She knew of his release. His sharp cry, his body quivering from her touch, and the almost sweet aroma of his cum. Even something in his sweat seemed different from before.

“Delicious...” she whispered in his ear.

Leia was not finished with him yet. She had slowed down the rate of her fingers stirring inside his anus, enough to give him time to rest, but still enough to torment him. His breaths were faint and he was still twitching, yet in his state of orgasmic euphoria, his princess touching inside of him at a very slow rate, he felt like he was in a state of almost exciting relaxation. There was nowhere else he wanted to be.

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