The Lusts of Leia (Star Wars) - Cover

The Lusts of Leia (Star Wars)

Copyright© 2024 by sexdottxt

Chapter 3: An Unforgettable Dance

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3: An Unforgettable Dance - After the death of Emperor Palpatine, the New Republic has much work ahead of itself. Princess Leia also has an important mission. And she will undergo many naughty adventures while completing her duties.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Magic   Cheating   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Big Breasts  

The next day, Leia was on the senate floor once again. Everyone there assembled and took their positions. It had been an everyday enough notion that even with the heated exchange between her Fey’yla, the two simply walked past each other as if they were strangers. As it always had been, as it always would be. That was the nature of politics.

But even with how dispassionate this profession required one to be, there was one senator who she did smile at. Del Veniz, the young senator who she had tempted so many years ago on a ship only to have him shy away from his senior’s advances and left her so horny that she needed to find solace in Winter’s arms, had not escaped her attention since. He was rising up in the senate, as were so many like him. It was her duty and responsibility to teach him and other senators to stray far away from the trappings of the corrupt imperial senate of the Galactic Empire.

But he remained her favorite. Once as she was resting in her apartment after another long day and looked out the window down on the streets of Coruscant, she saw him shirtless on an evening run on the streets. The rest of him was just as pretty as his face, his torso was built, muscular biceps and triceps and full pectoral muscles. She just stared at him without a concern in the world for being found out, ogling him like she was some teenage girl with her crush. To her benefit, he never once caught her staring at him. She put her face in her hands and just stared happily.

And there was another reason she liked him too. As he had learned from her, she intended for him to become the next senator for Alderaan in her place and push for their people to relocate to a new planet to settle upon. She had taught him well and they had each other’s trust.

Yet in the senate, one had to watch one’s friends. In recent times, she had not failed to notice Fey’yla talking to shady figures on the streets of Coruscant and even in the main senate building. There was nothing strictly illegal about it, people were allowed to associate with who they chose. But it did give her pause for alarm. More than a few times as she was leaving, she had noticed the Bothan senator glaring right at her before returning to confer with his shadowy associates. If he wished to have his choice of friends, then that would mean that Leia would have to be that much more cautious. She had no idea who was watching her.

Even if it was one’s own selected heir. After the current assembly, Leia and Del Veniz walked out of the chambers together to discuss things in her own private suite at a high class Coruscanti restaurant she was used to going to. Away from the watchful eyes of Borsk Fey’yla and the other corrupt senators who were part of the New Republic solely for their own gain as opposed to the justice of the movement. There she could talk things over about her concerns with the future of the New Republic and what decisions would be advantageous for the both of them.

Leia returned to her room in her palace on Coruscant where she and Han had made love earlier. She realized if she wanted to snare a potential fly in her web, then she would have to go the extra mile. There were many aspects to diplomacy beyond knowing how to talk. And that involved seduction.

The princess had come appropriately dressed for the occasion. Her makeup was done perfectly, her lips coated in red lipstick were plump and kissable, and her long hair was styled in single bun with two braids looping around it. A red long sleeved dress that came right down to her ankles. Elegant to be sure. But it was so tight that it clung to every curve of her body and the front was low cut too, giving a very generous look into her cleavage. The patrons there all turned their heads to look at her, not realizing it was Leia at first. As soon as they did realize it was her, their attention was even more captivated.

At that point, Leia was famous for so many things. From her infamy in bringing down the empire as part of the Rebel Alliance to the revelation that she was Darth Vader’s daughter, and her political acumen was no small part of it too, she was a constant figure in the news coverage of the New Republic. Yet the press could never in a million years begin to shut up about her beauty, and even in her most fiery speeches which denounced the Imperial Remnant and called for stricter measures to fight the various crime lords still menacing the galaxy, whether it was what remained of Black Sun, the Zann Consortium, or the all too constant presence of the Hutts, the remarks about what she was wearing and what her hairstyle was were far more prevalent than anything she actually said. As she sat down at her table, she knew it would be much the same.

She had long grown used to it. She knew she’d be a fool to expect anything otherwise here. But right now, she had a reason for dressing so scandalously. Namely, for her new favorite senator.

She had groomed him as her successor in the coming senate. However in the current political arena, she still could not be sure where his loyalties lie. Whether he was still firmly ready to carry out her interests, had fallen in line with Fey’yla in secret, or even on the payroll of the nascent crime lords in the galaxy. She had to know. And with him being such a young man, she knew that there were ways to get it out of him where ordinary methods of persuasion would not.

As they went into her private room, she shut the door behind her. They made their orders and the server left them, leaving them alone in perfect privacy. Leia smiled as sweetly as could be. Anyone familiar with her as a dear friend would know the meaning in that grin. It was not genuine, and something she would do to pose. But she had also learned that it was useful in getting what she wanted.

“This is a bit on the up and up, huh?” he said. “Letting me dine with you in your own private suite!”

“But it is better than dining in public, don’t you think?” she said. She cupped her head in her hands to get a better look at him and smiled sweetly.

Whoa, he thought to himself. He looked away nervously. He was aware of his natural good looks, had gotten passes from not only human women but ladies of other species too. Twi’lek, Zeltron, even Cathars and Rodians. He was by no means a ladies’ man, and found himself tongue tied more than a few times. The idea of being in a nightclub made him blush. He also did not scare easily, and had been very happy to return the advances of a select few. But the way Leia was looking at him now made him feel like a little boy who had never known a woman’s touch all over again.

If he had known about her naughty little fantasies about him he probably would have had a heart attack on the spot.

“Well I think I should order...” he started.

“Being the junior of a famous hero and senator has it’s perks I think,” Leia said, cutting him off. “You were chosen for a reason. I think that you should bask in all the privilege that comes with such a position. Pick something nice.”


They ordered their meals together. Being of such high quality, they both knew it would be awhile before their food arrived. Leia had not stopped looking all lovey dovey at him. He had to look away from her. The expression on her face was strangely childlike, no one would think that she was almost thirty or had been a hardened warrior on the frontlines of the Rebel Alliance. Let alone one of the survivors of Alderaan and Darth Vader’s only daughter. And then there were her tits practically spilling out of her dress.

“How have you found your current duties so far?” Leia said.

He forgot his bashfulness. There was still business to be done. He looked up at her, ignoring her more than friendly smile. Somehow managed to keep his gaze looking into her eyes as opposed to her cleavage tempting him to stare right at it. “Good so far,” he said, his voice cracking a bit.

“Good?” She leaned in a little closer so her cleavage was that much more accessible to his eyes. “So do you think you’re ready to inherit the reins from me?”

“I mean ... of course not. I’m sure there’s still a lot I have to learn.” He was trying not to stare into the all too enticing sight of her breasts.

That’s true for us both, Leia thought to herself. What are you hiding from me I wonder.

“But you have made a lot of progress,” she said. “I’m sure that in time, you will find the prospect of my job easier than I do.” She giggled like a little girl. “Of course, that doesn’t say much, now does it? It is quite a handful for me even on my best days!” She casually held her arms up and stretched out like she wasn’t at a formal business meeting. While she was doing so, her full tits became that much more exposed to his eyes. The whole time she was stretching out, her nipples almost slipped free of the confines of that dress and became visible to his eyes.

He was definitely staring then. He caught himself just in time to look away. But Leia had noticed him doing it. She smiled, proud of how alluring she could be as well as how much she knew she was getting under his skin. Maybe this undercover little route of figuring him out would go easier than she expected.

“Do you think you are ready to inherit the reins from me?” she asked bluntly.

“Well um ... I’m sure there’s still a lot I have left to learn.”

“I hope I’m not keeping you from advancing further in your education. I know you’re my protege, but there’s other senators you should be taking advice from too.”

“Like who?”

“I want you to decide that one for yourself.” The clannishness of the current senate was an open secret, not only in terms of factions but also in terms of individuals. You could never be certain of who you could trust.

It was terrifying in the imperial order with the Emperor’s shadow looming over them, like being in a chamber with your executioner at all times, knowing you could die at any time but not sure when. In this uncertain time, it was wild and chaotic like being in the jungles of Kashyyk. Either her protege was already taking advice from other corrupt senators, or he would be soon. That little push might hasten things towards her favor and make him that much easier to track. Politics was a battlefield as much as any other, and she knew how to play. Keeping an eye on your friends was important. That way you would know if they were really your friends. And if he was going to turn, then she intended to use him to find out whatever other snakes were lying in wait.

They didn’t speak of anything else after that. Both from her natural talent in the force being Vader’s daughter and from what little Luke had taught her, she could sense his emotions going haywire. Could feel his conflicted loyalties. An elementary trick for aspiring Jedi and a natural trick you learned being in politics. It wasn’t long before her dinner arrived.

They dined without saying much either. He was looking away from her, trying not to be distracted by her luscious assets. Leia on the other hand kept a close eye on him in between every mouthful of her food. Wanted to make sure he wasn’t secretly contacting anyone. To his credit, he did not. She appropriately enough, did not waver in keeping her eyes on him.

When they were finished, Leia smiled at him. As they stood up, she approached him and cupped his cheek. He looked at her in alarm but then she turned his face to the side and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed on the spot, not just from feeling her lips on him, but what she meant by it. He could feel the wetness of her lipstick on his skin, felt her press her lips deeper on his cheek, and then ever so slightly drag them. When she moved back, she was smiling right at him. Blushing beet red, he looked away from her beautiful and proud face, saw her ridiculous cleavage, and then looked away from that too.

Leia did not look away. That kiss left a perfect lip print on his face, along with the little lines. Her usual kisses, whether it was the release she needed with Winter, or in the loving embrace of Han Solo, had been fast and passionate, not slow and seductive. Looking at him, she could tell by the way he was fidgeting that it messed him up. Looking down, she saw the slightest impression of a wood forming in his pants. Just another way of hooking her claws into him.

The two left her private suite, her smiling all the while. She even called him a ride on Coruscant back to his apartment. It was a nice enough gesture. But it was also part of her plan. The vehicle had been bugged and the driver was tasked specifically to ask him revealing questions. Now she would know where his true loyalties truly lie.

If he really was in the employ of the Bothan senator or worse, then that private meeting she arranged between them had gotten the attention of many in the galaxy at large. She knew there were eyes on her on all the different planets in the various star systems. There were far more here on Coruscant. She wasn’t looking in any particular direction so as to give off the impression she was being aloof.

But if the people wanted to talk, let them. She knew that all of her actions in the senate were scrutinized down to the tone she would take. She would give them one hell of a show.

Smiling confidently to herself, she held her arms behind her head, forcing her breasts to stand out against the tightness of her dress. She saw the heads of a whole lot of people turn at that, saw them staring, heard a whole lot of hooting and hollering, and knew the galaxy was watching this one good. Grinning, she winked and blew a kiss to them before making her way back to her room in her palace.

She openly laughed after having done that. After dealing with the jeers of her fellow senators, that kind of attention was exactly what she needed. And it was a bit of a stealth move too. She could imagine the headlines. “Leia Organa talks a good game, but at the end of the day she’s just a dumb bimbo!” “Leia Organa gives the galaxy a good show!” “What is Leia Organa really doing?”

Let them talk, she thought to herself. Doing something like that in the good old days would have invited death, the echelons of the empire was not a place for fools. There were always people vying for your seat by any means necessary. Here, I can look the part of a bimbo and have the mind of a tactician.

She pored over her datapad in the privacy of her bedroom. Han was not present, having left for a conference with his fellow officers in the New Republic army. She knew by the time she reached her room that her apprentice senator had already reached his own residence. But she would listen to the conversation held. Here, without anyone looking at her, with no outside noise drowning out their voices, she would know every word.

Del Veniz was sitting comfortably in the back seat. He actually rested his hands behind his head like he accomplished something great. The driver, a male Devaronian, watched him through the rear view mirrow and smiled a toothy grin at him. He was trying to rub out that kiss mark, but the stain was still there.

“So how has your day been?” asked the driver.

“Oh um ... good enough,” said Del Veniz.

“And how about your night?” He chuckled a bit.

“The same.”

“That was just good enough? I saw you walking out with Leia Organa. Is it true what they’re saying?”

There was silence. Then, “Well, what are they saying?”

“That you had dinner with her.”

“Well, we’re both from Alderaan and she is my mentor in the senate. It was a business meeting.”

“A business meeting!” He laughed. “What kind of business?”

“Well uh...”

“Saw that little number she was wearing too. You lucky boy!” He laughed.

“It’s not like that!”

“Oh, then what is it like? I hope her brother or General Solo don’t get any ideas.”

“They’ll be committing a crime. Because we haven’t done anything.”

“If you say so. So how close are you too, anyway?”

“I’m telling you, it’s nothing like that!”

The Devaronian driver’s expression straightened up. “I think what I should be asking is, how long before you flip things on her? Word is that Leia has lots of people aiming their blasters at her back. I wouldn’t blame you if you decided to jump ship. The way I see it, it’s good to be smart as it is to be loyal.”

“Well...” He paused and said nothing.

“So there is something else, huh?”

“I am loyal to Alderaan first and foremost. Our homeworld was destroyed. But it lives on in the hearts of us, the people.”

“Well said.”

“Leia Organa helped defeat the empire. But that doesn’t mean she always had our interests at heart.”

“So, where do you think her interests really lie?”

“I think that she means well. I know she’s done a lot. I wish I could begin to compare to her. She is a dear friend and I would never betray her. But she is as corruptible as anyone else. And if that’s the case, then she should be replaced.”

“You think you’re ready to fill her shoes?”

“Not me. But I’ve been talking with others.”

“Others?” His lips curled into a grin. “What others? Feel free to speak. After all, it’s not like anyone is listening.”

“Mon Mothma. A woman of modesty. And maybe some of her allies too.”

“Any names beyond that?”

“I haven’t really given it much thought. And I haven’t thrown in with them yet. But I’m thinking on it. If I see any sign that she’s going to turn...”

“You’re not thinking of the two men in her life are you? General Solo and her brother that Jedi Knight. Can’t remember his name for the life of me, what’s his name, Starkiller?”


“Not every senator has someone like that willing to vouch for them.”

He paused, seeming to take it all in. From her private location, Leia listened closely. Then Del Veniz smirked. “I haven’t made any decisions yet. But I am considering my options. Just a secret between two friends, right?”

“Oh of course! I’m thinking of leaving Coruscant soon anyway. Nobody would believe anything I have to say anyway. Making my way across the galaxy. That’s the way to live, isn’t it?”

There was a silence and then he said, “We’re here, hero. Try and be good to Leia, won’t you? It’s not easy for a woman like her.”

“Uh, yeah ... sure, sure...”

That was the end of the recording.

She sighed. There wasn’t any real proof that he was going to turn on her. But he was having ideas.

Just a secret between friends? she thought to herself.

Leia figured she and him would talk about much in the future. They would have a few secrets of their own. And at the end of it, he would learn just how much of a boy he still really was.

The next day, the senate was not in session. During the initial time of the New Republic, they would convene far more frequently. But several years in, their bonds were far more secure. That left Leia plenty of freedom to do as she willed. And she would extract every last drop she could from her young protege.

While court was not in session, it was still a big day today. Several important officials were poised to make big speeches today. Including Leia’s ambitious understudy. She wouldn’t miss the chance to try and make him mess up.

It was not required that senators attended. In the past, the more lax senators had stayed home and ignored them altogether. Leia was already in a power struggle to maintain her place, but she would not dismiss the possibility that they might turn on her. People on the sidelines like them were the most important. She would win them over.

The blue predawn sky had only begun to rise over Coruscant. She made a personal call to him early in the morning, it was still several hours before he had to get up and prep for the speech he was going to make. He picked up the call, still more than a little groggy. He was clearly out of it. But even that disheveled he still looked cute.

She was still wearing that red dress. For several seconds, he was distracted by the sight of her cleavage. He caught himself just in time and looked up at her eyes.

That was her intention all along. “S-Senator Organa ... how are you doing?” he said, bashful as can be. As soon as he got gotten home he had jacked himself off fierce. It was not enough to get this woman out of his mind.

She smiled innocently at him. “I would like to meet up with you this afternoon.”

He woke up a bit. “Oh really...?”

“Yes, I have some things I wish to discuss with you. You’re not doing anything else this morning, are you?”

He lazily rubbed his face. “Well no...”

She chirped up. “Good! Come along to my room will you? I just want to talk with you a bit. And put on something nice too.” Then before he could respond, she shut off the call.

She went to her wardobe and looked over her selection of dresses. That red dress put him off guard. This one would blow his mind.

It wasn’t long until he arrived at her suite. He was much better groomed than when she initially contacted him that day, fully dressed too. Unlike her, who was only wearing a bathrobe when he arrived. Nowhere near as devastating as that red dress. But he seemed nervous.

Leia knew it too. It wasn’t just that he knew that she was naked underneath it. She remembered the conversation he had last night in that cab with her plant. I’ll bet you’re nervous about a few things huh, she thought to herself. But she refused the opportunity to gloat. She bid him to come in and he did.

“So what’s this about?” he said.

“Well, I was headed to the gala today and I figured you could help me decide my choice of attire.”

He blinked. “Pardon?”

“It’s an important meeting you know. It’s best to make a good impression. I figured you would be able to help me.”

He was packing a nervous sweat and looked away. “This is unexpected...”

“You told me you didn’t have anything else going on this morning. I hope this won’t be a problem?”

“No of course not.”

She looked back at him and smiled as sweetly as she could. It would have been disarming under any normal circumstances and it reminded him of how she looked at him last night or how she had grinned at him whenever he did a good job. But he read far more malicious intentions behind that look.

But she made no indication of how much she knew. Instead she went to her wardrobe and taking out several dresses, laid them on her bed. “Tell me, which one of these do you think I’d look best in?”

He looked at the dresses. Calling them dresses was being nice. Even without them on her, he could tell they were all very small and left nothing to the imagination. But when he looked back at her, she had on her usual expression. He didn’t know if he was just wrong or his estimation or she was just that innocent.

He didn’t dare displease his superior either. “Um, this one...” he said pointing to none of them in particular.

Her face instantly lit up and he blushed. “Oh thank you! I like it myself too. Wait here while I go change will you?”

She took a golden number and disappeared into her washroom. He waited patiently, hearing her hum pleasantly to herself. He recognized the tune, it was an Alderaani nursery rhyme and the last time he heard someone play it, it was his mother reciting it to him. He was lost in nostalgia when the door suddenly opened and he saw her come back out.

He already knew that dress didn’t leave much to the imagination. But seeing was believing as they say. The two piece golden dress she was wearing couldn’t very much be called a dress. The hem of the skirt stopped short of revealing her crotch underneath, it revealed so much of her legs, no nylons, just her bare skin. The top was a single garment, long sleeved but only came down to her bustline, it conformed perfectly and snugly to her large breasts, and the whole outfit in all bared her midriff, her perfect flat stomach and shapely womanly hips. Worst of all was that it was slightly transparent, he could see that she was only wearing a black thong under the skirt. Could also see the color of her skin under the sheer fabric, could swear he saw the impressions and color of her nipples too. She just kept upping the ante.

For a minute he was surprised to recognize her himself. It wasn’t just the dress either, her hair had been fashioned into a single long ponytail with several stylish golden hoops down the length of it. She didn’t look like Leia, she looked like your average dippy high and mighty socialite who would go to Outer Rim worlds to fuck the biggest and baddest men in the galaxy, all while under the protection of guards paid for by their families. He couldn’t keep himself from staring.

Too long apparently. “Come along now,” she said, pinching that same cheek she kissed last night. “I don’t want you getting cold feet. You have a big day today and I want to make sure you do well!”

“Uh sure thing...” A goofy smile appeared on his face. That pleased her. Her scheme was going according to plan.

It normally wasn’t Leia’s style to do this sort of thing. But given her current aim, it was her idea to bedazzle everyone around her, make them think she was less dangerous than she was. On a planet as superficial and glitzy as Coruscant, all they would be able to talk about was how good she looked. They would not care where she was going, and it would only be a short while before they left her alone to gawk at the next big thing.

She boldly made her way onto the streets of Coruscant alongside him. She was wearing a long fur coat that she received as a gift, stylish enough to turn heads but fashionable enough to look elegant. With every step she took, glimpses of her mouthwatering thighs would extend out of the coat only to retreat back, her feet were clad in high heel stilettos, and her hair pulled back in a long ponytail made her look as high class as if she was just any girl having herself a good time. To him too, she didn’t look like a woman, she looked like a high class starlet, and he found himself staring.

The press would be so distracted that the headlines would be all mixed up. Some would think that the promising young senator Del Veniz was having himself a fine time with his lady while others would say that Leia Organa was having herself a fine time with her protege. That was fine already, but seeing her sitting in the seats, Del himself wouldn’t be able to find the words during his actual speech.

They arrived at the main building. Inside it was already a busy scene, plenty of big names present, a few senators too, that made her and her young beau all the more inconspicuous here. Still she got some glances here and there, and she wondered if half of them even knew who she was. She didn’t exactly stand out when it came to looking good, everyone there was dressed to impress. That was fine for her.

Especially because this sort of thing was invite only. Nobody could get in unless they were government officials. Some of her old royal pride rose to the surface knowing how exclusive this meeting was. The receptionist, a tall and lanky Gungan, was wowed by her himself, even still in her coat she looked like trouble. All he could do was say, “Woo, uh hiya Miss! Could I have your name and reservation?”

She batted her eyes ever so slyly and said, “Leia Organa if you please.”

“Uh, wow Princess, we wassa expecting you, sure.” Even for a Gungan he was flustered. Leia didn’t know if it was how different she looked compared to her old self or her beauty, and she didn’t care which. She knew her plan would unfold perfectly. “Go uh, go right this way.”

“Why thank you,” Leia said taking a bow. “I think I will.” She looked up at Del Veniz. “Come along won’t you?”

“Y-yes P-Princess, I mean Senator...” He paused then said, “Actually, can you give me a minute? I just need to do something.”

“Nature calls?”

He chirped up. “Yeah, that’s it!”

He went away for awhile. She tried keeping her eyes on him but he disappeared amidst the crowd. Leia looked up and saw Borsk Fey’yla was there too. He gave a dark smile at her.

She frowned at him before she looked away. It wasn’t long before Del Veniz returned to her side. He was being tongue tied and tried to correct himself but then she took his hand. He shut up quick. They made their way to the main doorway and found that there was already a long line of hangars where so many guests had already left their coats. He made to take his off, and Leia found herself staring at him too.

He put his own coat on the rack, and Leia was a little taken aback herself, there were more people offworld when the Death Star made it’s power known to the rest of the galaxy, but it was still rare of her to see someone in traditional Alderaan high garb.

“Is something wrong?” he said, when she had been staring at him a little longer than expected.

“No nothing...” They made their way into the main chamber, him following behind her. That dress clung to her rear too, and her ass jiggled with every step she took. He tried not to stare but that donk was so shapely, and much to his delight, a little bit of her undercheeks was hanging out too. He never felt so dirty and so lucky before in his life.

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