The Lusts of Leia (Star Wars)
Copyright© 2024 by sexdottxt
Chapter 1: A Bit of Business in Winter
Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1: A Bit of Business in Winter - After the death of Emperor Palpatine, the New Republic has much work ahead of itself. Princess Leia also has an important mission. And she will undergo many naughty adventures while completing her duties.
Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual Drunk/Drugged Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual Fan Fiction Science Fiction Aliens Magic Cheating DomSub MaleDom FemaleDom Humiliation Sadistic Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Sex Toys Big Breasts
The Empire had been defeated. The second Death Star had been destroyed. Luke had proven himself as a Jedi Knight and redeemed his father. The rebels had won.
That was the tale on Endor and indeed in much of the larger galaxy for some time. Whatever power the once terrifying Galactic Empire once held was gone. Their forces had been scattered to all the small corners of the galaxy and a fragile remnant of what they once were. The mission to build a new republic was underway.
But that was then and much time had passed since then. Actually creating their new order was a completely different task than just imagining it. So it was that they had faced many trials and tribulations in that time.
Yet there was much to celebrate too. Just as they had with the Galactic Empire, they had emerged victorious over each of their ordeals. They had suffered additional losses and made even more sacrifices since the end of the empire. That only solidified their ideals and confidence in that no matter what, they would find a way.
So it was with Princess Leia. She was not only one of the last survivors of Alderaan but had also witnessed her home world’s destruction from the first Death Star. She had heard every dripping bit of condescension from Tarkin’s mouth as he reveled in the deaths of so many purely as a move to punish her and under Darth Vader’s menacing shadow behind her. At that point in time she could have never imagined things would turn around the way they did.
She also had many more responsibilities to take care of. Her status as a senator in the New Republic was no small task. More importantly, her valor as a warrior in the resistance fighting back against the Galactic Empire was also well known. Just as she had led a double life in Palpatine’s order, masquerading as one of his dutiful congressional servants while fighting his tyranny from within, so too now did she put both talents to good use again. Yet this time there was no secret of where her allegiances lie.
So it was now. Currently Leia was escorting a junior senator back to Coruscant after a diplomatic trip to the Middle Rim. It was both a mission to oversee her colleague as well as a protection job. But despite the latter significance of her current mission, the young woman allowed herself to relax in her personal cabin on her vessel. It had been a trying day. Nothing like her old life where she would regularly be on the front lines but no less tiring.
Even now she felt herself taxed by her current responsibilities. She was currently dining with the young senator himself. He was only twenty. That seemed like such an innocent age to Leia at that current point in time, but then she had to realize that she herself was only eighteen when she was elected as a senator herself, back during the dark days of the empire. Now in her mid-twenties, those days definitely didn’t seem like yesterday with the massive change in the status quo. Still, he was definitely innocent.
He had short blonde hair almost as gold as the sun and had chubby little baby-faced cheeks, but that was nothing compared to his fine good looks, he could have been a holo star if he wasn’t under her care. No sign of danger in his eyes either even though he was another survivor of Alderaan like her. Or maybe he seemed childish just as a result of all the fighting she had done regularly in the past few years. Whatever the reason for her viewing him in that way, she knew he was the exact opposite of the types of people she had grown close to in the past few years.
That didn’t keep her from fantasizing about what he looked like under his fine senatorial garb. She didn’t care if he was muscular like the types of rough men she had been around on the regular in the resistance or more effete and plain, she still liked the look of him. A little part of her hoped that he would have been a bit on the soft side. All the easier for her to dominate him.
Yet no matter what kind of man he was, she still felt herself a little stressed out. Owing both to her status as a hero of the resistance as well as one of the senior senators, she had no shortage of responsibilities now. And tutoring him was one of those duties she had.
“I trust the dinner is to your liking?” she said to him.
He was currently chowing down so hard that he barely recognized her talking to him. But as she did so, he quickly snapped his head up to attention. He quickly swallowed it.
“Uh yes, princess ... I mean, Miss Leia.” He looked at her nervously.
She gave him a little smile. She leaned forward and put her hands under her chin. “You can relax. I don’t want to worry you.”
“Uh sure,” he said, trying to play it cool and keep back his clear awkwardness. Leia for her part didn’t know why exactly he was so messed up around her. Then again that statement wasn’t entirely true. She knew why, she’d be stupid not to understand it. A young man being around a woman of her beauty with her prestige and accomplishments, it wasn’t vain of her to think that most people would be more than a little flustered. But she didn’t know if it was due solely due to her status or more in the direction of her physical charms.
When they were finished, Leia smiled at him and looked right into his eyes. He gave her as confident a smile as he could muster right back. Though there was a tinge to his cheeks that betrayed how he was really feeling. And the more she looked at him, the redder he got.
No less so because when they stood up, she couldn’t fail to notice that he was pitching a tent. His pants were loose enough that it wasn’t too obvious, but she definitely noticed something up down there. She only looked there for several seconds and then back at his face.
He must have noticed it too because he quickly looked away. Hoping to ease his embarrassment, she said, “It’s a long way until we’re back and I am. Absolutely. Famished.” She said those last words breathily, and with the both of them having just eaten dinner, there was no question as to what she was really getting at. “Perhaps we can have discuss things in private?”
She instantly regretted saying that because he quickly looked away. His face got a little redder and she imagined his penis did too, because she saw the thing poking up twitch just a little bit. But for all his natural desires as a man, clearly his inexperience and timidity won this one. “Sorry Miss Leia. I just remembered there’s some personal things I have to attend to. Excuse me.” With that he quickly scurried off back to his cabin aboard the ship.
Leia sighed. It had been too long since a man had touched her. She hoped someone so innocent would be easy prey. Maybe if while they were eating, she had darted one of her feet up to his crotch and rubbed him there, then withdrew it to tease them, his need for her would have outweighed his nervousness and he would have bent her over and fucked her just the way she liked it. Instead now, he was probably beating it all by his lonesome. If she dared go in there to offer him some personal relief, that could either end up with her getting her needs met or a scandal that would threaten her career even with all of her personal accomplishments.
But she realized that must have been a blessing a disguise. She returned to her own cabin and turned on the holocom with a friend she hadn’t spoken to in some time. The sight of Han Solo’s cocky grin even when they were both on opposite sides of the galaxy never failed to make her feel tingly all over. Now like the young senator she was escorting, it was her turn to get a bit flustered.
She never thought she would trust this smuggler when she first met him, let alone actually fall in love with him. Yet their devotion for each other was proven when he stole her heart en route to Bespin and she risked her life and suffered the degradations of Jabba the Hutt to thaw him out of carbonite. Even after learning Luke was her brother, these two had a bond that was unbreakable.
Still, for now their future was uncertain. Whatever plans they had for each other were set to the wayside with the new order managing both the continued imperial remnant as well as rebuilding the republic infrastructure. They hadn’t officially become an item yet.
“How are you doing Princess? Or should I call you Senator? Which of these titles takes precedence?”
“Whichever one you feel like. But you should know that as long as you keep calling me anything but my name, I won’t address you by your name either. So I don’t know whether I’ll call you nerf herder or smuggler.”
“General would be nice.”
“If you’re a general, then I’m the chief of staff.”
Han actually broke out into laughter. “Fine! You win Leia. If that’s what you want.”
She got a wry smirk on her face herself. “But of course Han.”
“Well then. How are things going over on your end?”
“Oh I’m busy watching over a kid who was just appointed to the galactic senate. Both to supervise him as well as protect him.”
Han cocked an eyebrow at her. “Protect him? I don’t have any doubts as to your abilities, but you’re an even bigger target than he is. Sounds to me like you’re both in more danger than before.”
“We have a body double for me. My best friend from Alderaan, Winter, has agreed to play the part.”
“A body double, huh? Tough times we’re living in. Didn’t even have that back in the resistance, right?”
She shook her head. “Nothing compared to the old days, right? The more time passes, the more popular I become. Life really is good.” She laughed dryly and threw her head back.
He sensed the sardonic wit in that statement. And he was more than eager to follow up on it. “On the bright side I have a much bigger crew. Moving on up from just me and Chewie was a big upgrade back in your little outfit. Now I have to lead over a bunch of little squirts who can’t tell their brains from their blasters.”
She squinted her eyes at him, sensing exactly what he was getting at. “In that case, you better get to work, General Solo! Clearly you need to teach them how to aim those things properly! And of course I’m sure there’s plenty of little ladies who are also eager to learn how to handle a blaster too.”
Han just shook his head. He thought he could be bad. “Oh but of course Your Highness. And I hope you can babysit the little one in case he looks at you the wrong way and makes a mess all over himself.”
Leia frowned. She didn’t mind her current colleague’s little bit of excitement but she had regretted not capitalizing on it more efficiently, and Han mocking her about it brought her back to that time when they were on the asteroid. She was both embarrassed and frustrated. And apparently he caught on just how bad his words got under her skin because his lips curled up in a sly grin.
“You have no idea how much I loved talking to you Leia. And I can’t wait to see you again in person. Say hi to Luke for me, will ya?”
Leia couldn’t resist that rough charm of his and smiled right back at him. “Of course I will Han. It has been too long.” Then she shut the holocom off.
Sprawled and laying back on a couch in her senatorial garb, she definitely didn’t have the bearings of a senator just then. She didn’t look any less regal because of it, her hair was done up in the traditional Alderaani buns and her uniform was nothing like the plain white dress she wore as a senator in the empire, but instead a long silvery long sleeved dress with a long blue scarf. It was the kind of clothes her regal parents would frequently wear around the palace and now having triumphed over the empire, she was determined to relish in her cultural heritage as much as possible.
Playing the role of imperial senator was a trying task, both to keep up the charade as well as getting things done while avoiding the cruel thumb of dominance always looming about. But there were benefits. Namely, a long warm shower. The worn down nature of resistance bases and other hideouts with so many other people meant that she could only get wet enough to wash up and then dry off, then it was off to the next person to get inside. Now that she was in that position of prominence again, she was intent on enjoying this luxury to her heart’s content.
The only other time she was able to shower so happily during her time in the resistance was when she visited a certain Falleen prince.
Standing up, Leia was intent on enjoying herself once again. She stood up and went to disrobe. Taking off the blue overlays around her shoulders, she undid the buttons on the front of her dress, parting ways to reveal her cleavage. It was a sight that any man would have been jealous of, and other women would have watched in envy and curiosity too. When she moved apart the folds of the top half of the dress, her breasts fully came into view. They were just as marvelous a sight as they had been when she was younger, beautiful and unmarred of any blemishes, truly a treasure in the galaxy. Her nipples were hard at the thought of feeling warm water on her skin.
As she slipped her arms out of the top half of the dress, the rest of her torso was bare and naked. She slipped her legs out of the long skirt of the dress and then tossed it aside. She went over to the long mirror in her cabin and looked at herself to undo her hair.
That didn’t make her any less distracted by the sight of her nude form in the mirror. She smiled, indulging in a bit of vanity. Having lived the infamous life she did on the frontlines as a commander and warrior, nobody would have imagined that Princess Leia of Alderaan was so breathtaking. There had been many rumors spread about her during the reign of the empire as some fire breathing dragon woman at least six feet tall who gave herself teeth made of cortosis to sink into Darth Vader’s lightsaber. And many more. But now having emerged victorious and known over the galaxy as a hero with her face all over public networks, all those tales were put to rest.
Yet for as easy on the eyes as she was, few had the pleasure of gazing upon her naked body. She looked all over her nude form admiringly, even getting a little wet as she relished in how well she had taken care of herself. She had to be fit and strong in order to survive in the resistance. She did not have to look as good as she did too.
But she still did both. It was as much as it was to still survive for the daily needs of protection jobs like this one as much as it was for her vanity. The privileges of living the high life had allowed that much for her. Leia’s flat stomach was chiseled with abs hard enough to carve durasteel on, and her thighs were shapely enough to make any mouth water while her calves looked like they were sculpted out of iron, too gorgeous and perfect to actually be real. Giggling to herself, she turned around a bit to get a look at her derriere. Her tight ass had that perfect mix of bounce and muscle, and if she weren’t required to dress so formally in her senatorial duties, she would feel no shame in dressing far more scandalously on the regular just so all the galactic tabloids would definitely have something to gossip about. Turning back around, she smiled at the heavenly vision she had made of herself.
Getting a little more turned on now from just how good she looked, she reached a finger down to her honeypot. Her fingers probed the interior of her pussy slowly at first. She wasn’t in a hurry to climax anytime soon and she wanted to enjoy fondling herself as much as possible. As she stirred herself, she felt herself getting wetter.
Her small breasts were no less sensitive. Taking one of her nipples into her hands, she was a little more ruthless with the cap than how she was playing with her pussy. She was a firebrand herself and only felt a certain kind of man was worthy of her, and they were not shy about touching her breasts as they pleased. Whether they were men she loved like Han or men she hated like Jabba, and all those in between too, her sexual encounters had definitely accustomed her tits to get turned on from a certain kind of treatment. She was all too eager to give herself exactly what she needed now.
She dug her fingers just a little more into her pussy, wanting to stir herself up a little more. There was a small tuft of pubic hair above her vagina and she probed her thumb inside to find her clitoris. The nub was already stirring inside of the hood. She bit her lip at just how easily turned on she was becoming, on how good her thumb felt on the sensitive piece of flesh, and moved it inside to find the nub.
She gasped when her wet nub stuck out of the hood. It wasn’t the first time she had played directly with her clit or other men had either, but in the mood she was in right now, it felt better than ever. Immersed in her own pleasure, she stopped touching herself just to pry apart her pubic hair and get a look at the swollen clitoral nub.
Leia’s clitoris had gotten aroused before and it always felt great. But in the state it was in right now, it looked like the head of a penis. As she gently felt up the engorged nub with her fingers, she was washed over with waves of rapture, she couldn’t believe it could feel so good. She knew this orgasm was going to be one of the better ones she had felt at her own hands.
But she didn’t want to rush things either. She closed her eyes and let her mind slip into fantasy. Leia was all too familiar with Han’s touch. Yet alone within the privacy of her thoughts, she would allow herself to indulge in whatever fancies she saw fit.
Luke had only begun to teach her the basics of force trances. But it came easily enough to her now, and here, relaxed in her shuttle after speaking with an old friend and lover, that was even truer now. She opened her mind’s eye, but it felt as if she was looking out with her naked eyes.
She didn’t know where she was, but it was dark. There was a nearby window, the pink moon suspended in the night sky above was casting it’s rosy rays inside, and that illuminated her surroundings. She saw that she was in a palatial estate, far more regal than her cabin in her shuttle or even the palace she was staying at on Coruscant. As she looked around, she saw urns of flowers, a large bed nearby too, and in that flaring moonlight, the floors were so white that she knew they must have been marble, and her feet were on a carpet so fine she felt like she could lay on it and go to sleep. A thought flashed that she was in the bedchambers of Prince Isolder of the royal Hapan houses, he had made his interests clear to her after the defeat of the empire, and though she hadn’t given it much thought, she knew she would have much to gain. He was handsome, royalty, and she could gain much politically from it too. And if that was true, then perhaps this place was a resort planet for the nobles of the Hapes Consortium.
But there was a much larger concern on her mind. She was looking forward, saw her reflection in a mirror, she was just as naked as she had been on her personal craft, but there was another concern entirely. Namely that there was another man behind her, holding her.
He was much taller than her, and she could see his muscular arms cast in a pink ethereal glow within the mirror’s reflection. He was fondling her tits, his big hands were able to envelop her breasts totally. He was just as naked as she was, and this deep in her force trance, it felt realer than real, she could feel her chiseled abs on her back, and his erect manhood was laying on her ass cheeks. She was suddenly possessed of a wanton fire in her body, and her desire to be satisfied was far more important than her regal home away from home.
And as she looked around, she saw her wedding dress on the floor. She didn’t know where she was or who she was with, but it was the night of her honeymoon and she couldn’t be happier. She looked at her reflection and smiled. After losing her home planet and crushing the empire, she deserved this wonderful treatment. There was nobody else save him and her.
A warm breeze blew in through the window. It was cool compared to the heat burning in her heart and between her legs. His hands were so big and his palms were so soft too. He was able to strike the perfect balance of pleasure and roughness as a woman needed, squeezing her tits and playing with her nipples with the perfect amount of force, only to slow down as soon as it was on the verge of becoming uncomfortable. Trusting him completely, she rested her head against his broad chest and let them touch her to her heart’s content.
Her lips were parted in a sigh of pure happiness. Before she knew it, he locked his mouth with hers and she was all too eager to reciprocate. It wasn’t just his technique, it wasn’t just his taste, it felt like it was her first kiss all over again. They were sucking face like two horny animals. Her heart beat with happiness as he kept on fondling her naked form, her eyes were closed, immersing herself in this perfect fantasy. She caressed his face, his head, she could tell he was bald, he wasn’t Prince Isolder. But she still couldn’t piece him together. That didn’t matter.
She made to open her eyes to see him but then he broke the kiss and turned away from her before she could glimpse his features. Not that it mattered, she looked at herself smiling in the mirror’s reflection, and licked her lips, savoring his taste. She looked around at her surroundings, the vases of flowers had all sorts of well pieced designs, intricately designed urns befitting her status, a wardrobe which for all it’s proper ornamentation she knew her clothes within were that much more regal. But as far as she was concerned, it paled to the wonderful sight of her and this man together.
She was so wet. She sighed happily in their shared privacy, and looked up to get a good look at his face. She still couldn’t see who he was in the shadows and the pink moonlight, but she moved her hands up to caress the muscles of his arms, felt behind her too, he was built all over, the type of man most women wanted to protect and please them in equal measure. She didn’t know who he was, but he was her perfect fantasy come true.
She looked in the mirror again. She smiled when she saw one of his hands moved down to her twat, and he casually brushed his fingers on her slit in a motion so light it might as well have been a gale from the outside window. That brief touch was enough to make her squirm in a fit of lust and he chuckled, a dark menacing sound that only got her more excited. He reached around further to grab her other tit and spared no mercy this time. With every rough caress, his forearm moved on her other tit. He moved his fingers inside of her pussy, and she cried out breathlessly from how good he felt inside of her.
She felt his big erection on her bare behind. As he fondled her, he started grinding up against her, burying his meat within her soft and bubbly ass cheeks. His touches became more forceful and she felt his breath on her neck. His passion and the heat of his body on hers, the two of them alone together, it all felt so safe and right.
Leia moaned loudly. His lips brushed up on her shoulders and his hands still touching her were driving her wild and he picked up the pace quick, hungrily slurping all over her skin. Unable to control herself anymore, Leia moved herself back against him. His wanton caresses coupled with the size of his manhood moving in between her ass cheeks, she wanted him, she needed him.
She looked into her reflection and smiled at the sight of herself being cuddled by the sight of this brawny adonis. She still couldn’t see his face in the darkness of her room, but in that cherry moonlit reflection and feeling his touches directly, there was no doubting his raw passion for her. And as good as his hands felt, that thing laying on her ass would make her feel a lot better. Unable to control herself anymore, she reached behind her to grab his neck, she wanted him to ravish her.
The feeling of his back was a little rougher than she expected, she couldn’t put her finger on it. But she was in such a state of hot lust and hazy love that she didn’t care. As he continued eating her neck, she breathed lustily.
“You’ve been wanting this for so long,” he said. Something familiar about his voice, she couldn’t place it but she didn’t care, and she faintly said, “Yes,” in a needy whisper. He kissed her ear for her compliance and licked inside of it, and she turned her face to make it easier for him. The final lick left her ear and he cupped her chin, stroking her cheeks and her neck with his long elegantly trimmed nails. Her heart melted and her body needed more in a single act of deep heartfelt desire. Closing her eyes, she turned her face to his with her mouth open.
Their kiss was raunchy and debased from the beginning. It had been only a minute at the most since they last kissed but it was far too long for Leia. Their tongues hungrily licked against each other, and soon they locked their mouths together again. They were scouring the inside of each other’s mouths and his fingers stabbed deep inside of her vagina.
She had to break the kiss and throw her head back against his chest hard as she could when she suddenly climaxed. She was holding onto him weakly now before her arms helplessly fell to her sides, and it was only his hands still holding her that kept her from falling onto her knees. She was hot all over.
As she opened her eyes, she looked into the mirror again. The moon had shifted in the reflection to allow her to see the jaw of her lover. Even in that orgasmic delirium, something seemed familiar about him.
She saw him smile in the reflection. He moved the hand away from her vagina up to her lips and she could smell her juices on his fingers. Without needing a verbal command, she took each of the digits into her mouth and sucked them clean. She was a bit surprised to feel that his nails were a bit longer than she expected, but she closed her eyes and dutifully cleaned off his hand.
Then that same hand, cupped her chin. His member was right up underneath her ass, she felt the heat from his penis right inside of her vagina. She wanted it so bad. She hooked an arm around his head, feeling his neck. As he turned her head to lock eyes with her, she finally got a good look at him.
She gasped as his cock suddenly slammed right inside of her. The size of it, it’s heat, the rapidfire pace of his tempo, it was all so good. She couldn’t believe how amazing it felt. She moaned from the sheer ecstasy.
But that wasn’t the only reason she had gasped. The rose moon had shifted in the window, fully casting his identity to her. Her secret lover hiding with her in this phantom palace was Prince Xizor. Even in the moonlight, his handsome and exotic features were clearly visible, and despite how fast and hard he was fucking her, his face was calm with a warm smile.
“It has been too long Princess Leia,” he said, and suddenly kissed her again. That roughness she felt were the characteristic Falleen neck ridges, there was no denying who he was now. In the passion of that heat, the ecstasy, she couldn’t fight back, and as his tongue slipped into her mouth, she submitted to his pheromones and coiled hers right back around his.
Knowing who she was with broke the last vestige of strength she had. The realization broke her to a climax that rocked her body and soul and still she submitted to him. She was only barely able to break away from their shameful kiss at the last minute. Her torso fell forward from the strength of his thrusts and her own desire running riot through her as well as the breaking sensation of defeat being at his mercy. She was only still standing up from him grabbing her hips and she could only weakly move herself back while he plowed her hard. She looked in the mirror, and could only see the needy wanton face of a whore. She tried to bite her lip, to control herself, but she couldn’t and soon she was crying out in needy lust.
She heard his laughter even amidst her own lustful cries and the sounds of their flesh slapping up together. In the pink moonlight, she could still see that his skin had dimmed to a dark crimson, almost the color of blood. She knew what it meant from that encounter with him back on Coruscant, an indicator of his lust, and he definitely proved that, his cock pounding her insides was rocking her body and soul with uncontrollable lusts she long thought she had gotten control of. And then before she knew it, she moved back against him.
Leia suddenly snapped out of her force trance. She looked around and realized she was back in her cabin. She looked up and saw that she was standing up, alone in her reflection. Then she looked down.
Her hands were wet and her pussy was soaking. Her whole body was hot and she was light headed as if she just woken from the most wonderful dream. She couldn’t believe it.
But just as she was so turned on from that fantasy, Leia was also disgusted with herself for having fantasized about Prince Xizor. She hadn’t intended on letting her thoughts slip in that direction. Yet they had, and just like in real life, his presence had made her weak, body and mind. She had come here simply to have fun with herself before another day of work on Coruscant, and now it felt as if her lusts were dripping off her after having stepped into a torrential downpour.
Despite feeling so violated, she was more intent on finishing herself off more than ever. She resumed playing with her nipple and fingering her vagina as she brushed her clit with her thumb. Her hips started jerking back and forth uncontrollably and she moaned loudly as she was on the verge of another climax, she wasn’t thinking of anything at that point, she didn’t need to. Her body was so horny that she wasn’t even thinking about anyone, she was just giving it to herself. In the privacy of her cabin, she let herself be as loud and wanton as she needed to be.
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