Lois' Blackmail - Cover

Lois' Blackmail

Copyright© 2024 by Red Turtle

Chapter 4

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Lois Griffen gets Blackmailed

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Vignettes   Incest   Mother   Son   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Lactation   ENF  

That afternoon, Lois headed to Bonnie’s with Stewie in his stroller. Three days a week, she and Bonnie did light exercise together, now, since the yoga class ended, back to casual intermittent jogging through the park.

Just as Lois was about to ring the bell, Dick, the yoga instructor came out.

“Oh, hi there Lois ... Griffen wasn’t it? Nice day isn’t it?” asked the well built young stud.

“Why yes it is, fancy meeting you here,” replied Lois.

Bonnie stood in the doorway barely covered by a long white tee.

“See you tomorrow night Dick!” called Bonnie.

“Sure thing, uh Mrs. Swanson!” replied the young man, awkwardly.

“Can’t wait. Come on in Lois,” said Bonnie.

“I don’t want to disturb you Bonnie, looks like you were getting some ‘private lessons’. We can stroll in the park some other time.”

Lois only showed up today out of routine. It would be easier for Lois to let exercise slide just this once, armed now with a handy excuse.

“Nonsense Lois, I was just getting fucked, by Dick - hard. He’s delicious you know, but Dick’s off now to teach his afternoon yoga session, so it’s just you, me, Stewie and Suzie.”

Bonnie wasn’t usually so blunt about her cheating with Lois.

“Um, Joe...”

Lois didn’t much care that Bonnie cheated on Joe who was Peter’s friend more than hers anyway; Lois didn’t owe Joe anything particularly, especially weighed against her friendship with Bonnie, but Joe didn’t seem like a bad guy. Bonnie laying this new cheating revelation on her made Lois feel weirdly guilty.

“Don’t say anything to Joe about Dick visiting, ok Lois?”

“Sure Bonnie, I’ll keep your secret,” replied Lois, feeling a bit pushed into promising.

It wasn’t really fair for Bonnie to involve Lois in this, she should have been a more careful, but Lois would play along. Bonnie, especially recently was Lois’ friend, Joe was Peter’s.

“Oh it’s not really my secret, it’s yours. Joe knows I cheat on him - but Joe doesn’t know you know. That’s what I don’t want him to find out.”

“Joe knows you’re cheating on him?” asked Lois, confused.

“Yeah, at first my cheating was totally on the sly. I felt guilty about it for a long time, not just for Joe, but for little Suzie. I felt so tied down since his handicap. I kept slipping up because I really needed it - sex I mean.

“Joe would always try to repair things when he’d catch me cheating. I would have made an effort to patch up our relationship myself, at least at first, if Joe didn’t always beat me to it. Subconsiously I was hesitating, but Joe, maybe sensing this, would always make my apologies and resolutions for me before I’d thought of a response.

“Joe just corralled me back into our marriage giving me the ‘right words’ to say so I wouldn’t think to say the ‘wrong’ ones. He always made it so easy just to repeat the ‘right words’ back to him, or later merely assent.

“But I never kept those promises, or meant any of it. I needed time to think of an honest sincere response. I needed to understand what sort of response that would be.

“I soon realized I could keep cheating on Joe as much as I wanted and he would never leave me. I was really breaking his heart, but every time he caught me cheating I cared less and less.

“I’d barely go through the motions of keeping my affairs secret, and every time he begged me to try again my disdain for him only grew. He was miserable, I was miserable, I began to think we’d both might be better off if Joe just kicked the bucket.

“I didn’t know if we were staying together for Suzie or even if that would be for the best.

“Then one day as I was driving Joe, Peter, Glen and Cleveland home from the Drunken Clam, having dropped them off earlier so they could all get good and sloshed, Joe, in the back seat, was lying to them about how perfect our marriage was and what a wonderful and faithful wife I was while my snatch still dripped the hot loads of cum I’d just taken while they were drinking through my panties onto the seat.

“That’s when I felt something other than indifference toward Joe for the first time in a long time. I knew he knew what I’d been doing, and that we both knew my cheating was what drove him to drink and that I didn’t care and that I wouldn’t stop. I sensed him extolling my virtues wasn’t him pressuring me to live up to those virtues but that he was only trying to save face in front of his friends and preserve a last shred of his dignity in his life. Joe had no more secrets from me - I’d changed too many of his diapers - thank God he regained continence eventually, or I don’t think we would have made it, but he still had a face to save in front of his friends.

“You know I’m an ex stripper Lois, I don’t mind being thought of as a slut though in fact I am not a slut. But Joe cared far more for my ‘reputation’ than I ever had or would because it reflected on him.

“I could shatter that lie in an instant. Part of me wanted to tell everyone in the car the gory details of how I spent my time after dropping them off. But I realized I liked watching him squirming to preserve his dignity in the eyes of his friends. Having that power - it was like having his balls in my hand. I could squeeze them right off whenever I wanted.

“I teased Joe that I only dropped him off so I could go on a date while they were away. The blood drained out of his face leaving him pale as a ghost. ‘Just kidding, you’re the love of my life Joe,’ I said.


“Did I want revenge on him? What made me just want to kick the wheelchair out from under his fake story? I had no right to want revenge - it wasn’t Joe’s fault he was a ‘Hero’. Too bad he couldn’t have been a Hero to me and Suzie though, but I knew who I married, I was even attracted to it, I couldn’t be mad a Joe for being Joe. Joe was even quite a catch once, believe it or not.”

“He is quite attractive in the face and in the chest Bonnie,” said Lois.

“Well yes, and believe it or not, he can still feel his pecker. It barely works now, and only on a good day with much more effort than it is worth. Joe’s penis was never his best feature, he was only ever ‘average’ down there, even before, at least that’s what I told myself.”

Lois didn’t think they would go on their stroll today. Stewie and Suzie played on the carpet happily enjoying themselves already as she and Bonnie sat on the couch.

“Anyway Lois, I realized I didn’t love Joe anymore. I could say it aloud to myself. Lately I just wanted to hurt him. But what made me hesitate? What made me put the lid back on it after teasing Joe in front of the guys if I didn’t care about him?

“Right or wrong, fair or not, I couldn’t forgive Joe for becoming so pitiful while being married to me. I resented him. I think some days I wanted him dead and out of my hair, just to collect his life insurance, but that wouldn’t be fair to Suzie. I’m not a monster. Joe didn’t deserve that just for being a crippled cuckold.

“But I just couldn’t avoid the fact that regardless of what he deserved, I didn’t want any part of Joe sexually anymore except to hurt him. But that desire was undeniably sexual.

“I wanted to bully Joe and toy with him and make him suffer. I wanted to punish him for everything I’d put up with all these years - which was so so much! I’d never be finished with him.

“That’s why I didn’t blow his flattery out the water right then and there. I valued the power my virtuous ‘reputation’ gave me to torment Joe. I suddenly wanted to preserve it just to hold that facade over him. The more he valued it the more I could use it to make him suffer. I’d be a fucking Stepford Wife in public if I had to just to make him suffer. No amount of payback would ever be enough. The thought just sent me over the edge.

“I realized this desire of mine to torment Joe on an ongoing basis was the one ray of hope for our marriage. If I didn’t love Joe anymore I could still love being married to him on those terms. And is that so different from being in love? Is that a pointless distinction if he loves being married to a she-devil tormentor enough to stay?

“So one morning, when Joe confronted me about a dick-pic message he found on my phone from the well hung guy who just stuffed all my holes the evening before, I ripped right into him for opening my phone. I told him everything I’d been brooding over and polishing in my mind, I listed all the ‘boyfriends’ I’d been doing it with since he was crippled, only half of which he even knew about. I even told him about the one lifeguard I blew on our honeymoon before he was even crippled.

“‘I wasn’t even crippled then!’ he said.

“‘No you weren’t, I said, aside from that lackluster chode you’re packing,’ I said.

“That’s what I called it then and still do even though it’s not really technically a ‘chode’. It’s with in the range of normal for his height, especially now that he’s in a chair, but I’ll never refer to it as ‘fun size’ again unless I’m hitting it with a riding crop or fitting it into a teeny tiny cage.

“I don’t even know why I blew that guy on our honeymoon. It was the only time I cheated on Joe when his legs still worked. I never wanted to be a cheater. I don’t think I ever would have been aside from that one time if Joe body wasn’t broken. That time on our honeymoon I just needed to prove to myself I could, I guess. Maybe there’s something like post-partum depression but post-nuptual’ Is ‘post-nuptual depression’ even a thing? I think it was something like that for me.

“I pulled Joe out of his chair, laying him down on the floor standing above him as I spoke. I didn’t care if he was scared of me. I pulled off the dirty panties I still wore since the night before under last night’s sexy nightclub outfit. I straddled Joe’s hips, standing there looking down at him, telling him it was over for us unless I dictated the terms of our relationship from then on, and he agreed to be my toy and to satisfy all my sadistic whims. I put my foot on his balls and pressed hard.

“Committing to it, come what may, it felt so right, so honest, so cathartic.

“‘This is NOT a negotiation,’ I told him. Joe would be my plaything and I’d kick his gimpy ass whenever I wanted from then on if stayed together with me, and I would fuck whoever I wanted whenever I wanted, but he would have to wear a chastity cage ALL the time.

“Having mulled these ideas for quite some time, exploring the internet, this time, when he caught me cheating on him, I had the right words of my own ready to fix our marriage for good. This time, I expressed my own true feelings honestly and sincerely.

“I’ve only freed Joe’s junk from its cage rarely since then Lois, and those were to cane is penis with a riding crop, and bust his balls. Joe’s literally terrified of me, as he should be.”

“He agreed to all that?” asked Lois.

“Yes. All of it. We have a ‘safe word’ of course. Abusing a crippled spouse could get me in trouble and I don’t want to hold back, but I told him it was over if that word ever slipped out from between his teeth. I think I might take him back after the worst beating of his life in that case, but he doesn’t know that, and he’s never said his ‘safe word’.”

All of this sounded familiar to Lois.

“Sounds extreme Bonnie.”

“So are the hard knocks of life, but we make lemonade, we make lemonade.

“Joe is suited to his new role. I love to sit on his face and share every detail of my dirty escapades with my gimpy little cuckold while he licks me out.

“That was my next move that morning. I sat right down on his face as he agreed. I made him prove he was serious by using his tongue to lick out my sweaty-just-creampied-the-night-before cunt while I told him all about my date.

“I love sharing the details of the fun I have with Joe. It takes discipline not to make up stuff, but I force myself to earn every story.

“And I love the sex itself of course. I can’t tell if the feeling of Dick’s sperms swimming around inside me right now is real or my imagination, maybe it’s just me being really wet, but I love it, and I love his big hard young, ready to go and go and go again, mmm, he calls me his ‘hot milfy fuck-buddy’. I wish Joe were here to taste those sperms right now.

“Dunno if they’ll be as noticable tonight when he gets home.

“But that’s the important thing Lois, I wish Joe were here now. Until this change, I never would have wished he was around. I can honestly say I love my husband again, just in a totally different way. He’s my possession, my toy, and I really cherish him. I love that he’s a good father to Suzie, though I am not sure he could be a good role model for a son.

“I might kick him sometimes, and make Joe crawl around like a worm on the floor, or leave him hanging helplessly from the lift as I mock him, but I love him. Who else but Joe could I kick on a whim, or after a bad day? I wouldn’t treat a dog that way, but that’s what Joe is for. It’s worth quite a bit to have someone like that in your life, and it’s good for Joe to be reminded regularly whether he earned it or not.”

“I never would have guessed you two were like that,” said Lois.

“No, as I explained, we keep up normal appearances, in public and even here at home for Suzie’s sake, Joe is a good father to her, but when we’re alone it’s a whole different ballgame. It’s fun for me to have him at my mercy, and toy with him in subtle ways while he tries to cover up, always reminding him. That’s why I want you to keep the fact that you caught me being boned by our Yoga instructor to yourself.”

“Wow Bonnie, I will, I’m glad you and Joe found a way to work things out between yourselves. I’ve cheated on Peter, that time with Stan Thomas, and that other time with Bill Clinton, and I wouldn’t say it was good for our marriage, but we survived.”

Bonnie continued, “I’m really not a slut or anything. I don’t get boned by a different guy every night or anything like that. I’ve never used Tinder, I’ve never been with Glen. I prefer medium to long term no-strings-attached trysts with much younger men. I find plenty prefer an undemanding experienced married woman in whom to sow their wild oats while they find their feet in life, and I’m happy to let them plow me as much as they’d like.

“The fact is, I’ll do anything in bed. Naturally, I’ve always been very submissive to men. Whatever previous girlfriends might have balked at, I’m generally down for at least to see where it goes, which men appreciate. But that doesn’t make me a whore or a slut. I date men and women serially, or at most man and a woman at the same time if they aren’t jealous of each other. I like manly men who don’t tend to be jealous of women, so more often than not I have lovers of both sexes, but I do make it a point to be dating someone all the time,” said Bonnie more sultry than usual for even her.

Continuing in the same tone, she added, “I was just as submissive with Joe when we met. I would have been happy to be like that my whole life, but now as you know, Joe is my cuckold bitch. Unfortunately, Joe doesn’t seem to be jealous of the women though, so I try to have some dick in my life to tease him about, over and above the fact that I love dick, especially big ones.

“It’s strange that Joe is jealous of the men. Does he think he is in competition with them just because he technically has a penis? It’s not as if his penis is ever going inside me again? It’s the women who he should be jealous of.”

“Why is that?” asked Lois.

Bonnie answered, her voice still breathy, looking Lois in the eye, “I like women, just as much as I like men Lois, but it has to be a certain type of woman, you see, I’m naturally submissive toward men but with women I’m competitive, and I like to dominate. That’s why Joe should be more jealous of women because he’s in direct competition with them for the privilege of meeting my needs.”

Lois noticed Bonnie’s hand on hers, both resting on her leg, how long had it been there? Bonnie’s face closed in towards hers.

Bonnie said, “That’s a nice necklace you have there Lois.”

She hadn’t mentioned it till now. “It’s new it’s -”

“It’s almost like a collar. Lois, are you naturally submissive toward the men in your life too?”

“I, uh, I suppose...”

Lois had to lean backwards as Bonnie closed in further. Soon she’d be on top of her.

“I thought so,” said Bonnie, “I bet you also like women, don’t you?”

Bonnie’s warm soft flesh pressed against Lois, her breathy voice and perfume above her. Bonnie’s nose touched Lois’, the woman was going in for a kiss.

Just then Lois’ phone dingged like a hotel-bell, the large jewel blinked furiously as the plug inside her vibrated angrily. With no warning or delay, the plug, expanded ruthlessly, as the collar around her neck zapped Lois’ throat simultaneously.

SQUAAAK” quacked Lois reaching for the ring around her neck.

Ding*ding*ding went her phone, the plug vibrating again.

Lois finding her feet after pushing herself off the couch, let Bonnie fall onto the cushion previously warmed by her prey. Bonnie sat back up.

‘Would Peter stop mashing the button? I’m on my way!’ thought Lois, not bothering to explain as she unfolded Stewie’s stroller. She gripped it tightly, doubling over from the rumbling plug.

‘How does he expect me to make it home if he’s doing that?’ wondered Lois.

Bonnie said, a smirk on her face, “I see duty calls. That is quite a nice collar you’re wearing!”

“Bonnie I need to get back home, I’ll talk - OWWWWWWW!” Lois words turning to a mornful wail with another shock to her neck and insides.

Bonnie added, seeing her head to gather up Stewie, “I’ll watch Stewie this afternoon, if you want, so you can hurry home Lois. He’s playing so nicely with Suzie.”

“Would ya Bonnie, I’d be so grateful if you would,” replied Lois.

“On one condition,” continued Bonnie, “you need to tell me all about that shock collar when you come pick him up.”

She couldn’t deny it, or refuse, it was all less urgent then getting home fast. Thank goodness she hadn’t taken Stewie to the park with Bonnie and Suzie today! Thank goodness she hadn’t been driving!

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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