Lois' Blackmail
Copyright© 2024 by Red Turtle
Chapter 1
Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Lois Griffen gets Blackmailed
Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Mult Teenagers Blackmail Coercion Consensual NonConsensual Reluctant Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual Fan Fiction Vignettes Incest Mother Son MaleDom FemaleDom Humiliation Rough Sadistic Anal Sex Exhibitionism Lactation ENF
Here is an AI generated image I found, which I don’t own. It inspired this story.
I fixed up some of the AI weirdness (anatomy/text) in Gimp. You can probably see my changes as I am no artist.
Note on any updates to already published chapters:
I promise the reader I won’t make any changes to any already published chapter that would make it worth re-reading. So if you see an updated chapter you’ve already read, you can safely ignore it.
When on re-reading a previously published chapter, I encounter a copy error or a particularly awkward sentence I will update the chapter with the correction for the sake of new readers.
- Red Turtle
### Lois’ Blackmail
‘Oh God! My pants have split!’ thought Lois.
Scanning the horizon for a quick exit, the cold breeze on Lois’ vulnerable ass sent a shiver up her spine. No panties! She hadn’t been allowed to wear panties out of the house or remove the ‘electronic marvel’ lodged in her keister since this whole ordeal began almost two years ago.
Well, there were two exceptions, the bathroom, and sex with Peter, and those times had to be filmed showing her face, and the filthy plug had to be in her mouth. She wasn’t allowed to wash the plug either, if she didn’t like it, her blackmailer texted once, she should ‘find ways to remove it less often’.
Lois found that somehow her blackmailer knew if she washed it, and then she was punished.
How did he know? It had to be the sensors in the gizmos Lois carried with her (and in her) at all times. Telemetry must apprise her tormentor of much, but often he seemed to have information beyond what she felt those devices could possibly glean - perhaps, Lois allowed, the devices were more sci-fi than she thought.
The blackmailer, like a controlling parent, set themselves up as the privileged user of Lois’ new phone, leaving it, and the buttplug in her mailbox with a note directing her to keep the phone charged and with her at all times and detailing how to activate the new phone with her existing SIM card. The phone was already paired with the buttplug. The blackmailer told her the rules Lois must follow regarding the devices over text chat.
Who knew what software her phone ran to track her every movement? At times Lois almost thought the seemingly omniscient blackmailer must be Santa Claus Himself. Whatever means he used to spy on her, Lois wasn’t allowed to investigate, that being very naughty indeed.
‘Clues’ Lois learned, were always traps. Lois kept her head down nowadays always running from ‘clues’.
As it stood, Lois couldn’t even define clear limits on her blackmailer’s ‘omniscience’.
Sometimes the blackmailer told Lois why she was punished, sometimes not, sometimes he’d let her think she’d gotten away with something for a long time, only to bring it up much later as the reason she was being punished. Sometimes, her blackmailer would merely inform her that done a naughty thing, and that she’d done a number of naughty things she had yet to be punished for, reminding her that a number of smaller things together might someday add up to one big punishment.
Indeed there were always some ‘naughty’ things she’d done that may or may not have gone unnoticed. And it did seem she was more apt to be punished when she was ‘naughtier’, punishment being less likely when she was ‘good’. Weirdly, Lois felt guilty for what misdemeanors she’d ‘gotten away with’.
Lois couldn’t rule out that she might sometimes have been capriciously punished for nothing at all, but she doubted it happened often. She could always imagine a ‘just’ reason for her blackmailer to punish her.
So nowadays Lois tried her best to be a good girl.
Initially losing some weight due to avoiding the bathroom ordeal as much as possible (before eventually mostly giving up) Lois managed to conceal her new buttplug from Peter for two whole months behind a sudden new obsession for sucking his cock. Peter never enjoyed so much first class cocksucking in his life.
Her devotion to the task, Peter noted, “was commendable.”
Lois wouldn’t stop until she drained her husband at least twice, him falling asleep with his soft dick in her mouth.
Blowjobs suited Peter just fine, being a fatass accustomed to having Lois do all the work in bed anyway, but one day out of the blue grabbing Lois under her shoulders and sitting her on his lap cowgirl style as if it were ordinary, and it was, cowgirl being their favorite position over the years, Peter ignored his wife’s protests, slipping his hand under Lois’ panties before she could stop him, finding the plug.
“What do we have here?” he asked playfully, giving it a little tug.
“Oh Petah, it’s just a little toy to spice things up a bit, you know...”
Soon Peter’s tugging popped it her buttplug out into his hand.
“Anal Slut,” he read aloud.
They’d done it asswise before. Peter pestered her into anal early on, but she’d been reluctant, and nowadays it seemed too much trouble, especially since she’d told him it wasn’t her favorite, and so it went from a once in a while thing, fading to a never-actually-done but not actually foreclosed possibility. Once Peter embuggared his wife a few times he stopped bugging Lois for anal.
Peter liked sodomizing his wife as much as the next guy, but honestly it wasn’t his favorite either, since it entailed a too-exhausting trip to the shower right after sex. By then, Peter just wanted to sleep.
“I never knew you were an Anal Slut, Lois, what changed?”
“Oh you know, the Internet, and I’m getting older, and maybe wiser, or more twisted,” she said with a twinkle in her eye, “I just got this plug online to remind me of sex and keep me horny you know? It’s a game I play with myself, to keep the boredom away. It never makes me cum, but I stay dripping and juicy all day long. This way, I just can’t wait for you to get home.”
This last part was the truth. Peter believed her.
“So how long have you been wearing this - this buttplug Lois?” he asked.
“About two months,” she replied.
“Oh, so about the time you started being such a good cocksucker then. Are you sure you’re not an Oral Slut instead?”
“You know I am Petah, I love your dick, and the taste of your cum. Any time, anywhere,” she replied.
Over the last two months, she’d been concentrating on satiating her husband to keep her secret, giving him everything, worshipfully even, whether he deserved it or not. If he hinted in the slightest he was horny Lois’ mouth was pleasing him before he could come up with his own idea. By now, she was used to it and had begun to like being the dutiful wife.
Lois realized worshipping her husband’s cock oddly made her wetter when he didn’t deserve it, like when he’d brought on yet another disaster of his own making or let fly yet another callous and insensitive remark to her.
On some level she understood that his callousness was probably why she married him. More polished ‘men’ from her own social class behaved like simps due to her good looks, or were chronic playboys, but Peter, no playboy, was too much an oaf to play such games of manipulation.
His simple oafishness could always surprise her by transgressing her invisible boundaries. That he couldn’t even see those invisible walls made him dangerous in a good way. Such unwritten rules, and byzantine games of etiquette Lois came to believe must be some kind of sin for which Peter would reliably chastise her without realizing it whenever she began to fall back into the bad habit of relying on and so becoming bound by such nonsense.
But these past few months really brought that into focus for her. Lois now fantasized about Peter snapping his fingers, saying ‘You, mouth, cock now.’ while pointing at his crotch. Her total availability was slowly training him to be more demanding and entitled and Lois liked it. She wondered how far she could make her husband go with her. Could she turn oafishness into something more like domination? Maybe. Was that what she wanted? Maybe. Maybe wearing a buttplug all the time made her biased.
“I was going to fuck your pussy, but seeing as you’re an Anal Slut, you probably want your ass fucked instead, right?” he asked.
The solution to a problem she’d been worrying about serendipitously appeared in Lois’ mind.
She executed the solution flawlessly, saying in a naughty girl tone, “Sure Petah, whatever you want, but you need to give me that plug back. It can’t be out of me for more than a few seconds, that’s the rules.”
“What rules?” asked Peter, still holding onto the plug.
“I have to wear that plug all the time Petah, 24x7 365 days a year.”
“You wear this ALL the time now?” asked Peter incredulously.
“Yes Petah, all the time. Being an Anal Slut is a full time job.”
“But you have to take it out sometimes Lois, or I guess you’d explode.”
“The rules say that it has to be in at all times, if I take it out of my ass, it has to be in my mouth until it goes back in my bum.”
“Lois that’s nasty. Who made up these rules anyway?”
Ashamed, Lois said, “They’re the rules of the game I play with myself, the one where I’m an Anal Slut, so I suppose I did.”
“You’re one nasty Anal Slut” said Peter, worrying Lois, if he were grossed out and wouldn’t play along, how would she be able to follow the rules? She might endure one punishment if she failed this time, but she was so close to establishing a routine that would let her wear the plug according to the rules with Peter knowing.
How would they have anal sex if Peter wouldn’t let her follow the rules? How would they not have anal sex now that Peter knew she wore a buttplug saying ‘Anal Slut’ all the time?
But Peter’s eyes narrowed, and he replied, “Ok you nasty Anal Slut of a wife, I’ll play by those rules, but only if you play by one I make, and it’s this: now that your backdoor is wide open, I get to fuck it, whenever I want, any time any where, just like your mouth, that’s the price you pay for wearing an ‘Anal Slut’ buttplug in this house.”
“Oh Petah, yes you can, and my pussy too, that’s the way it should always be and how it always should have been between us,” Lois said enthusiastically. She’d just given up sex as a bargaining chip in their marriage, surprising herself with how much she meant it. Her enthusiasm was real.
“And,” Peter continued, “If you want this in your mouth while I plow your Hershey Highway with my dick, there’s going to be another rule around here, and it’s this: anything that goes up your rear end goes directly in your mouth after until it’s clean. And you have to swallow the mess you make like the nasty Anal Slut you are.
“Since you do Ass-to-Mouth for this buttplug, you’re going to be just as polite to every car and truck driving down your Hershey Highway. It’s gonna be free car washes in Lois’ mouth after. If you’re really the nasty Anal Slut you claim to be you’ll honor that promotional deal for the increased traffic.”
Lois was used to the taste of her own ass-juice residue by now. It was a small price to pay. This had been so easy - she wouldn’t have expected it.
“Oh yes Petah, that makes perfect sense, my Hershey Highway is open for business!”
“And,” added Peter, “You better keep following the rules about wearing this all the time. I’ll be checking. If I catch you not wearing this, you’re going to get a spanking.”
That wasn’t about to happen. She was too afraid of the blackmailer already.
“That makes sense Petah, if I’m naughty, and break the rules, you can certainly spank me.”
She felt some sadness that she would never be caught by Peter without the plug. If it weren’t for the blackmailer, she’d probably break that rule just to get spanked - at least once or twice - depending on how hard he spanked her, and how horny she was. By letting her husband help enforce the rule that she had to always wear the buttplug, she’d opened the door to him enforcing more rules on the threat of a spanking. She could feel being blackmailed had begun to drive her crazy. She didn’t want more rules did she?
“Ok, open wide Lois, I’m gonna fuck your ass and I don’t want any backtalk.”
“Uh Petah, there’ a bit of ... just wipe it off fir-”
“On what Lois, wipe it on what?”
“A tissue?”
“They’re way over there on the shelf, and beside the point, I don’t want to wait for you to go get one, and I’m certainly not wiping this filth on anything here on the bed. Open wide Lois, or out deal is off. Maybe you’ll find a way to make less mess next time, I don’t know, maybe not, but since you’re the Anal Slut, it’s your job to deal with the consequences.”
Tentatively opening her mouth, Lois accepted the filthy plug Peter stuffed inside sealing their new fortuitous arrangement. Peter immediately slid his long thick member all the way into Lois’ juicy guts in one motion without resistance. His dick was longer than the plug, so the sensation of him plowing that last leg of Lois’ ‘Hershey Highway’ shocked her, the tip stretching her innermost parts for the first time in a long time.
Falling asleep with Peter’s soft dick again in her mouth that night, and the plug back in her ass where it belonged, Lois woke at 3:38 AM with a start.
“Oww!” Lois said loudly, Mornings, which meant after sunup this time of year, the plug vibrated her awake in sync with her alarm, but a shock meant it was angry, this time she confirmed on the app about having a low battery charge below 50%. Low battery shocks had only happened to Lois once before. She had about a minute before the next shock was due. The blackmailer told her the minute was to give her time to connect the charger. After three such low level shocks, they would increase to once every thirty seconds, going on escalating, eventually getting stronger. But the low-level shock was already unbearably painful. She’d never felt anything worse from the plug as of yet.
The charger was in her purse in the living room.
“Ooohhh,” she moaned bending at the waist.
The plug expanded both inside her, and elongated along her butt crack outside her pinning her sphincter and stretching her insides. Lois wasn’t allowed to remove the plug while it was angry, but expanded like a pear of anguish whenever it got angry, making removal impossible anyway.
Overcoming the sensation of the newly expanded buttplug inside her, Lois spurred herself back to her quest for the charger in her purse.
Chris lay on the couch. He must have fallen asleep watching TV. The television masked the noise of the floorboards creaking as she walked but aside from the light from the TV screen, the dark room might hold trip hazards for her if she were not careful. Exposed by his unzipped pants, was the source of the bulge Lois spied Chris’ hand, or had he outdone even his father in the size department?
Where was her purse? Hopefully Chris wasn’t laying on it. She was due for another shock soon so she didn’t want to have a too long conversation about why she needed him to move - she didn’t count on being able to avoid reacting to further painful shocks.
‘No!’ she remembered, ‘It’s in the car in the driveway,’ I left it in there when we got home from dinner.
But Lois didn’t make it out the door before getting shocked again. This time, however, the plug was vibrating.
‘The phone!’ Lois remembered she was out of the bluetooth range of the phone. She left it on the nightstand back in her room. Lois knew better than that! She held in a gasp to avoid waking Peter when the next minute was up.
Now carrying her phone with her, Lois endured two more shocks before finding her purse in the car, getting back to her bedroom, plugging in the phone and the charger, and connecting the sanitary magnetic wireless charger to the hermetically sealed buttplug. Feeling the plug begin purring inside her as it normally did while charging, Lois knew she was safe.
Lois figured the vibrations probably extended the charging time by wasting energy, but it always vibrated the whole time it was charging nonetheless. She hoped it would be done by morning so she could use the bathroom, and not have to do her morning routine of making breakfast etc with it expanded like that. Even if the plug hadn’t already expanded, Lois knew from experience that if she disconnected the charger while it was under 100% the pear would expand and remain open inside her until she completed her full charging cycle incentivizing her to block out a continuous chunk of her day to being ‘charged’.
The plug, a fail-open device, Lois dreaded the day when something might malfunction or her plug might stop reliably holding a charge.
At least, now that Peter knew her secret, she could try and fall back asleep even with the wire leading out of her ass to the nightstand, this would be more convenient than charging during the day.
Another shock zapped Lois’ anus, the plug briefly vibrating more strongly.
‘What the fuck? I’m charging!’ snapped her own voice in her mind.
Lois’ only recourse was to check her phone for any messages from the plug, there were none, but there was a text from the blackmailer. She didn’t even look towards Peter, sleeping there in front of her. She already knew the blackmailer couldn’t be him so his new alibi was redundant.
“Low Battery - I see you’re plugged in. It’s been a while since you let that happen Lois.” There was a small lightning bolt emoji next to it, the cause of her latest shock she figured.
“Yeah, I try to avoid it, this evening was hectic and I forgot. Why did you shock me Mr. Blackmailer?”
“In case you were asleep. You might not notice a vibration since you’re charging.”
“I was awake, you didn’t have to do that.”
“Whatever, you did well tonight, I watched the footage. Your plug was outside you too long but I’m going to overlook that because you did so well with Peter. Now that he knows about your plug I’m sending you both a present.”
‘Oh great,’ thought Lois.
“Why does this thing have to remain expanded now that I’m charging? I’m being a good girl, and it makes it hard to sleep.”
“It’s a punishment for letting your battery go low. Be more attentive. Maybe you should keep yourself plugged in whenever there’s not a reason not to be.”
“I keep a battery pack in my purse, it’s just that I got distracted.”
The battery pack could top off a 90% charge or stop the shocking temporarily in an emergency, but lacked the capacity to fully charge her.
“What is this present?” she asked.
“I kind of like the idea of you having to be plugged into the wall,” continued the blackmailer over text, “maybe the present is a charging station. Maybe it’s a heavy immovable chair with a thick piston dildo to fuck your cunt deeply, together with a software update to make charging not work unless you’re strapped into it. Or maybe it’ll fuck your ass with you holding the plug in your mouth, or have two dongs, one for each hole!”
“No! Peter wouldn’t understand, I couldn’t hide it from the kids! Please don’t make me do that! I won’t do it, jail would be better!”
Lois deleted that last sentence before sending. It would definitely provoke him. He was probably teasing about the chair - probably - it was over the top, but she wouldn’t put it past him if she pissed him off.
‘Would jail be better?’ she wondered.
She’d been driving home from her parents’ anniversary celebration. God they got on her nerves the whole evening, especially her dad! She stormed off drunk and someone pulled out in front of her suddenly from the left from a hidden drive. She swerved but she was so drunk it almost seemed like they wanted to get hit. She thought there had been no passengers. The driver got out of the car with what she thought was a shotgun so she peeled off.
The next day Lois looked at the damage on her car. The vehicle made it home, but barely. Whoever pointed a shotgun at her shouldn’t have reported the incident, but if they were crazy enough to point a gun at her, they might be nuts enough to cause her trouble.
And what shotgun? It would he her word against theirs that there had been a gun at all. If the other driver were smart enough to deny it she just committed a hit and run with no extenuating circumstances - while drunk.
Because of this, she thought better of taking her car to any shops. Still hung over, that morning, Lois parked the wreck temporarily in a nearby field behind some rusty junkers that seemed to her to have sat there undisturbed for years.
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