Wet Dreams and Thunderstorms (Sailor Moon) - Cover

Wet Dreams and Thunderstorms (Sailor Moon)

Copyright© 2024 by sexdottxt

Alternate Ending: Wet Dreams and Thunderstorms XXX Ver.

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Alternate Ending: Wet Dreams and Thunderstorms XXX Ver. - From being Tuxedo Mask to king of the world, Mamoru Chiba still has one thing he can't get off his mind. Namely Makoto Kino. Wanting her since the day he laid eyes on her, being happily married thousands of years into the future does not change that one bit.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Cheating   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Big Breasts  

Alternate Ending: Wet Dreams and Thunderstorms XXX Ver.

Mamoru breathed in hard. He had finally satisfied a fantasy that was thousands of years in the making. There was more joy to be had too even as he trembled with excitement. His magic powers extended to far more than just flinging roses around and changing into a magic tuxedo. Namely that he just came but he was as hard as ever.

Then again, he didn’t need to have any special destiny to still be packing a stiffy. Makoto was just as lustable as she had been since the day he first laid eyes on her, and of all the times he had seen her, this was easily the hottest she had ever been. She could make that conservative schoolgirl outfit in Juban look like a pinup shoot, she was a fox in her sailor outfit that would have turned any other man who could have his position into a raging horny hound dog that would have taken her on the spot, but if they were gonna fool around, there was no more appropriate getup than that racy negligee that left nothing to the imagination. It already didn’t do much to hide her, but the transparent fabric baring her massive tits and that little thong which showcased all of her legs with her ass spilling out on the other end was what finally broke his fidelity. She didn’t just look hot, she looked like a squeeze you’d hire while in the red light district. That only made him want her more.

And whatever hesitation she felt at committing this act with her king was short lived. She played the part of a whore alright, stroking his hardening member while seductively looking up at him with half-lidded eyes. While she was giving him a handsy, she teased him, playfully tracing her fingers along the shaft still in his underwear. He craved direct stimulation, he needed it, and that hardness still in his prick mixed with the tingling feeling of a fresh orgasm, he had no intention of holding back, wanting to satisfy every fantasy he ever had about her.

She felt the same. Feeling Mamoru’s prick throbbing in her hands, seeing his face breaking up, she knew she had him in her power. Makoto was bold in her current position, licking his lips while staring right up into his eyes, she was risking him flat out taking her on the spot. Then again with the nature of their illicit activity, she knew a man in his position couldn’t risk getting too crazy. He was in her power and she knew it.

She would reward him for his obedience. Letting go of his boner, she trailed her fingers up the snake in his undershorts like a bug crawling on him until she had found the hem of his underwear. Then she slowly pulled them down, his bulging length popping out into the open like a newborn free into the open, screaming at the world.

Makoto would give him exactly what he needed. “My little lovely,” she whispered so quietly that Mamoru barely heard it himself if not for the heated situation accentuating every single one of his senses to a degree like a man being alone and fighting for survival. He felt her voice on his dick too, could feel every single one of her small breaths. She touched his naked penis with her bare hand, first running her soft palm up and down the engorged phallus before she resumed stroking him.

Mamoru was shaking up. He had jizzed in his pants after several lifetimes of keeping himself pent up, but that was nothing compared to her really getting in on it now. Of all the times he had made love to his beautiful wife, he never felt something as intimate as being out in the open with another woman and having her touch the bare skin of his prick with the naked skin of her hands. He couldn’t believe how soft they were, Usagi had lived like a queen, taking care of herself in every which way and he loved it each night they bedded together, but Makoto’s hands were twice that, he could only imagine that every man who was fast to attack her could only pass out in sweet bliss when her hand seized his throat and choked him out. The feared Sailor Jupiter who could break men twice her size was now holding him in his most precious spot and he felt like he was going to die of happiness.

“Are you going to cum again so fast?” she said in a playful child’s voice.

He couldn’t answer, wouldn’t answer, knew that if he said a word that he would be shouting and hooting. Enough to wake up the whole palace. Instead he clamped his lips down and grit his teeth shut.

She saw how much he was struggling to hold it together. He was holding onto the armrests of the throne as hard as possible and throwing his head back against it. A low warbling sound was the only sound that he was making and even then he was doing everything in his power to keep his voice in. She teased him, running the sensitive underside of his penis with one of her dainty fingers while breathing on his balls.

He tensed up. Not that much but noticeable enough for her. With him in her power, she intended to break him. His swollen genitalia that close to her face, she could smell the heat, could feel it on her face. Felt his manhood struggling in her hands just as much as he was. She knew he was trying to hold back a nut, to enjoy himself as much as possible.

She’d have the last word. Licking her lips, she took his cock into her mouth as much as she could. Mamoru made a low gasp and a growl nearly burst out of his throat but he kept it in at the last minute, turning into a weird set of pathetic whimpers, like a dog getting fixed while awake. Taking on this role was thrilling enough for her, but hearing him fighting to keep it together, feeling his cock trembling on her tongue, it was better than she could have ever imagined.

Grabbing the base of his member, Makoto actively sucked him off. Bobbing her head back and forth, she felt his whole body twitching up and continued fellating him without any regard for how much it was breaking him. If the whole palace woke up and found them going at it, she’d be okay with it. Whatever dishonor she might suffer, she’d have etched a permanent place in Mamoru’s psyche for all of eternity.

Mamoru grabbed onto his head, clutching it in desperation. He was shaking all over but it was the worst in his dick. Mamoru was moaning deeply as she blew him, and he knew she was doing it to edge him out and drive him insane. It was the worst thing ever and it felt so good when she did it too.

Jupiter wanted him to nut in her mouth so bad. She deliberately slowed down her fellatio, putting more of an emphasis on making sucking motions with her lips and teasing his sensitive flesh with her teeth. Looked up at him, saw he was almost hyperventilating. She imagined that he had Usagi had done this sort of thing on the regular and if there was passion, it was slow and precise. But having him in her power, she imagined he felt like a virgin all over again.

Mamoru gasped when he blew it all, and would have roared like an animal if he didn’t grind his teeth down at the last moment, making an audible hiss. Not really that loud, but compared to everything else he had made that night, it was much more evidence. He felt a pang of regret that instant, expecting someone to wake up from the sound and find him on his throne with Makoto on her knees.

Not like he could do much about it if that was true. His whole body was shaking and his vision was becoming blurry from the intensity of that orgasm. All the while he was still cumming. It was so good that he could barely feel the mouth of his long cherished crush still gobbling down his meat.

Makoto was stunned from all the cum that flooded her mouth. But it didn’t take her long to adjust, she was strong in so many ways and relished in having this power over not just a man, but her king and the ruler of Crystal Tokyo. Closing her eyes, she licked at the opening of his penis, feeling it flare open and release so many spurts of cum in real time and she only swallowed as much of it as possible.

As soon as he was finishing up, he was still hard. That suited her just fine. Standing up, she licked her lips of the last bits of jizz on her face and looked down at him. The moonlight above was the only real source of light and she could still see a faint sheen of sweat on his manly naked body.

She cupped his face. “Are you awake, Your Majesty?”

Her sweet voice made him come to. The whole reason he got out of bed to get some air this night was because of this same exact fantasy and now he had it and it was better than he could have ever imagined. And he was still hard.

“Yes...” he said slowly, looking her in the eyes. That sexy body of hers was just as distracting as ever, but that same understanding and need in her eyes was what held his attention now. He sighed, feeling the heat in his organ, still so very stiff. The hardness he felt for her was only magnified from having two strong orgasms straight in a row.

She hovered over him. Felt his penis in her hands, so big and strong. She hummed pleasantly to herself at it’s heat and thickness on her palm. There was a new place she wanted it now.

Mamoru was just taking it all in. He was unashamedly staring at her hooters, thinking of all the things he wanted to do to them when he heard something very close, a wonderful and soft sound. Knew what it was, it was her dropping her little panties.

Her eyes had his attention then. Makoto had a naughty smile on her face and his face darkened with sheer want, nodding his head at her. She gripped his prick harder and he bared his teeth at her in his animalistic grin when she lowered herself down on him.

Her hands, her mouth, both had felt amazing and each felt better than the last. But when he felt her hot pussy lips touch his naked manhood for the first time, he almost laughed from how good it was. Like a small child feeling attraction for the first time, he couldn’t believe he was finally fucking Makoto for real.

She was so tight and wet. The practiced precision of lovemaking as a husband was nothing compared to the raw anticipation of spontaneous fucking. She was drawing it out for as long as she could too, going down on him slowly.

Mamoru couldn’t take it anymore and grabbing her shoulders, pushed her down all the way onto his dick. She made an embarrassed, almost dainty groan, from his sudden aggression and looked down to see him staring up at her with a devilish smile, nodding his head. She felt the need to say something, to try and reprimand him some way, but the intensity of his phallus filling up her vagina kept her from being able to properly speak for those first few moments.

Nor would she be saying a word anytime soon. He began moving up and down inside of her on his own, not forcing her down any further with his hands on her shoulders but instead pumping inside of her on his own. Taking the lead, he grabbed her bare ass hanging out, enjoying himself to his heart’s content as he drove himself inside of her.

But it was getting to be a bit much. He was still struggling to keep his voice in and not succeeding as much as he liked, instead making a mix of squeaks that a little boy would make only to suddenly barely hold in a man’s grunt. He wasn’t going to stop fucking her anytime soon but if he kept it up, he’d soon release a loud roar that would no doubt wake up more people than he liked.

Makoto knew it too. Holding onto his shoulders just to take that big prick inside of her, she slapped one of her tits. Not a word uttered and he knew exactly what she was getting at. All too happy to comply, he took one of her tits into his mouth.

Mamoru practically devoured it, he could feel the pliant texture in his mouth even as he was tasting the soft silky transparent gown on his tongue. No matter how modest Makoto might carry herself, she could never hide her natural mammaries and even on his better days when he wasn’t feeling his drive for her that much, he was still distracted by her tits. He was all too happy to finally have a reason to go all out on that chest for real, even if it was a wholly perverted reason his dear wife wouldn’t be too happy with.

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