The Nasty Neighbor - Cover

The Nasty Neighbor

Copyright© 2024 by Xanzibar

Chapter 1: Curiosity Fucked the Cat

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1: Curiosity Fucked the Cat - Roxanne and Steve move next door to Frank. They make the mistake of rattling his cage. Roxanne makes the mistake of spying on him. He decides to correct her in the most sexual way possible.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   Cheating   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   PonyBoy   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   White Couple   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Squirting   Foot Fetish   Leg Fetish   Public Sex   Prostitution   Transformation  

Steve finally moved into the house he had been remodeling for four years. It was finally done. Steve and his wife, Roxanne, were looking forward to moving into their new house. When they moved in, Steve was pleasantly surprised by all the neighbors coming to bring their housewarming gift. All except one, Steve did not think of it at the time. After all, he got it, he really did not like talking to neighbors either, but something was wrong with Frank Salenzo. The man looked meaner than a junkyard dog. He had an intense hatred towards Steve and Roxanne, and Steve never knew why. Frank was built like a Mac truck, six foot six, with a greyish white beard and enough muscles to look like he could end you with his hands. He acted like it too, a real bully. If Steve or Roxanne knew about Frank, they would have never got his attention, ever. Sometimes curiosity does worse things than killing the cat.

Frank was always inconsiderate towards Steve and Roxanne, playing music at all hours of the night. He openly ogled Roxanne whenever she worked in the yard. He would bully Steve and belittle him, calling him “Bitchboy.”

The relationship between Frank, Roxanne, and Steve was tense and hostile. From the moment they moved in, Frank had shown a strong dislike towards them for no apparent reason. He would often bully and intimidate them, making Steve feel small and powerless. Frank’s behavior towards Roxanne was even more disturbing, as he would openly ogle her and make inappropriate comments about her past sexual escapades. Roxy just thought he was a typical meathead pig. She would roll her eyes and make a wretch sound.

One day, Steve finally gathered the courage to confront Frank about his behavior. However, Frank responded by punching him in the stomach, leaving Steve terrified of him. From then on, both Steve and Roxanne were afraid to leave their own yard for fear of running into Frank.

They resorted to watching him from the safety of their windows and noticed a steady stream of shady-looking individuals coming in and out of his house. It soon became clear that Frank was involved with some dangerous people, likely gang members.

Feeling unsafe in their own neighborhood, Roxanne decided to call the police. However, before they could arrive, Frank showed up at their house and broke the window of their car. He warned them that if they ever called the police on him again, he would get much nastier.

From then on, Steve and Roxanne lived in constant fear of Frank’s retaliation. They felt trapped in their own home, unable to escape from his menacing presence.

Steve and Roxanne’s fear of Frank only intensified after the window incident. They were afraid to even leave their house, but Roxanne couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more going on with him. She became obsessed with finding evidence of his wrongdoings, hoping it would give them some leverage against him.

Roxanne started to follow Frank around town, keeping a safe distance and trying not to be noticed by him. She would watch him go into different stores and buildings, trying to piece together his daily routine. But she never found anything concrete to use against him.

One night, as Roxanne was watching Frank from her car parked across the street from his house, she saw something unusual. A black car pulled up in Frank’s driveway and parked there for a while before leaving. It was too dark for her to see who was driving or what they were doing, but it seemed suspicious.

Curiosity got the better of her. Roxanne decided to investigate further. She waited until Frank left his house before sneaking over and peeking through his windows. To her horror, she saw several men inside discussing something while counting large stacks of cash.

Roxanne quickly snapped a picture with her phone before running back to her car and driving away as fast as she could. She could not believe what she had just witnessed – it seemed like Frank was involved in some kind of illegal activity.

Roxanne immediately showed the photo to Steve when she got home, who was shocked and equally terrified. They knew they had to do something about this new information but were not sure how without putting themselves in danger.

In the end they decided possessing money in and of itself was not evidence of a crime taking place. Nothing in the picture indicated it was drug related anyhow. There was no telling where it came from but if Frank indeed used to work for the mob, then there was no telling where that money came from.

Roxy decided she had to know so on the following night another car showed up. Roxy did not even try to see who it was; she bolted to get her coat and shoes and decided she would get more pictures with her phone.

Under a cloak of moonlight, the quiet suburban neighborhood was asleep, save for one restless soul, Roxy. The scent of freshly mowed lawns and distant night-blooming jasmine and other flora hung in the air as she peered suspiciously at the darkened house next door, belonging to the enigmatic Frank Salazar. The taste of her earlier unease lingered, her husband’s indifference adding fuel to her growing curiosity. With a box under her arm and her heart pounding in her chest like a drumbeat, she moved stealthily towards Frank’s house. As the hands of the clock crept towards 11pm, and with her husband away on business, she prepared to delve into an unsanctioned adventure right in the heart of suburbia.

As she peered in the window, she heard it. “Oh. Oh ... oh ... fuck!, Fuck!!! Yes!!” Yelled an unknown woman. Roxanne had no idea he was married. In fact, she was pretty sure he was not, but who was that woman?” She asked herself. She heard the sound of flesh slapping from somewhere, perhaps a nearby room to the window?

<Clop> <Clop><Clop> “ More, more, more fuck me harder Daddy!” A woman’s screamed. Her voice was vaguely familiar, but Roxanne could not place it.

<Clop><Clop> <Clop><Clop> <Clop> “Oh shit I am about to cum!” The voice screamed again.

<Clop> <Clop><Clop> <Clop><Clop> <Clop> “Yes!” The woman moaned out.

Roxanne kept trying to see anyone when the naked form of Frank Salazar came out. My word he was huge Roxanne thought. She gasped as he suddenly looked over to her direction. She did not even wait to see if she was caught, she hurriedly jumped down and ran as fast she could to her house. Unbeknownst to her the anklet Steve gave her snapped off in her hurry to escape.

Roxanne did not tell Steve what she heard in her eavesdropping mission the night before. Frank Salazar was a retired veteran. Some say he used to work for the mob, others say he was a retired cop. In either case no one got along with him, he was a real asshole with just about everything. The first time Steve tried to talk to him he yelled at him until Steve just gave up being nice and stopped talking to him entirely. Roxanne knew Frank leered at her but Roxanne was accustomed to leering eyes. She had perfect alabaster skin and layered black hair. She always had an immaculate look about her and had a good relationship with the other housewives.

She knew she should not have gone alone when Steve was not here like the night before, but she could not help herself, and she almost got caught. Steve was gone on a trip with work, he was gone a lot lately it seemed. So imagine Roxanne’s surprise when Frank showed up at her door. The 59 year old Italian bearded man was huge, not in a fat way he looked like solid muscle. He had a white beard and a healthy head of salt and pepper hair. He stood at a whopping 6’6” and towered over her. Roxanne was wearing high heels because she was about to go to a function with Kate up the street.

“You lost something last night.” Frank said as he reached into his pocket and took out the silver anklet. Roxanne eyes shot open wide as she looked at the stoic expression on Frank’s face.

“Oh, you found it! I have been looking all over for it!” Roxanne lied.

“Oh really? Because I have a camera that says differently you peeping tom.” He said no longer amused.

“Look, I am sorry. I did not mean to-” Roxanne tried to explain.

“You did not mean to move boxes around my backyard until you could climb on top and spy on me?” Frank finished her sentence for her.

“No, it is not like that. Look I screwed up I got curious is all” Roxanne finally fessed up.

“Look bitch I do not like being lied to, and you do it so casually, I bet you walk all over your hubby don’t ya? You cheat on that cuck every chance you get huh?” Frank asked if sizing her up.

“I beg your pardon?” Roxanne asked.

“Oh you heard me. If you ever try any shit like that again, I will correct you bitch, permanently. I do not want to come here again. In fact, the next time you get in my business it will be the last time. My attention is not on you, push it and it will be.” Frank said leaving for his house next door.

Roxanne thought about telling Steve but was too scared to admit what she done. Holy shit he was terrifying. He definitely killed people. Roxanne thought to herself.

Steve was mowing the lawn one Saturday afternoon when Frank and his thugs walked by. They stopped and stood in front of Steve, blocking his path.

“Hey bitchboy, get off our property,” Frank said with a menacing grin on his face.

“What are you talking about? This is my yard,” Steve replied, confused as Frank referred to a small area of grass in between the two houses. He was sure he owned it.

“It’s our yard now, bitch. We will take it from you just like your pathetic wife,” Frank taunted, pointing at Roxanne who was watching from the porch.

“What? You can’t do that!” Steve exclaimed.

“Watch us,” one of the thugs chimed in. “Now get lost before we make you.”

Steve felt anger boiling inside him but he knew better than to challenge Frank and his gang. He didn’t want to put himself or Roxanne in danger. So he decided to just ignore them and continue mowing the lawn.

“You’re such a wimp, bitchboy,” another thug sneered at him. “Can’t even stand up for your own property. What a joke of a man.”

Steve clenched his jaw and kept mowing, trying to tune out their insults.

“Come on guys, let’s leave this weakling alone. He’s not even worth our time,” Frank said as they finally moved aside to let Steve pass.

As Steve finished mowing and put away the lawnmower, he couldn’t help but feel emasculated by Frank’s taunts. It wasn’t fair that he had to put up with this kind of treatment just because he didn’t want to escalate things with his dangerous neighbor. But deep down, he knew that standing up to someone like Frank would only bring more trouble for him and his family.

When he went inside the house, Roxanne could tell something was bothering him.

“What happened out there?” she asked concernedly.

“Just some more insults from Frank and his goons,” Steve replied with a defeated sigh.

“I’m so sorry, Steve. I never should have provoked him” Roxanne said sympathetically. She told Steve that the disagreement Frank keeps referring to was just an argument, like the one Steve had, he had no idea she was spying on him. Somehow Frank knew she lied and purposefully left that part out when referring to it with Steve.

“It’s ok honey I understand how easy it is to lose your cool with them. I will look for other places to move to. I will work extra hours so we can get out of here sooner.” Steve said in a stressed tone.

Two Months Later...

Everything seem to settle down after the nasty confrontation with Frank. Steve still seemed terrified of Frank and would not go out of the house when Frank was in his yard. Roxanne did not press the issue because after all why would she; the man was scary.

Roxanne was going to the local meeting of her favorite book club, when the topic of Frank came up somehow. Pamela seemed to be eager to change the subject and Roxanne thought it was odd that she would know who Frank was. Roxanne tried to ask but Pamela would cut her off you could tell the woman was visibly shaken.

So after one meeting Roxanne saw Pamela walk off towards a nearby Apartment building which was odd because Pamela lived near her neighborhood not the apartment building she was going to. Roxanne decided to follow her. Roxanne had always been nosy. She just had to know more about Pamela. Roxanne decided to hide and wait for Pamela to take the elevator. She watched it go to the top floor. So, Roxanne followed. The door opened and waiting for her was Frank. Roxanne tried to play it off as coincidence.

“Oh hey I think I got lost.” Roxanne tried to lie only to see the elevator door had closed and Frank was between her and the button.

“I hate it when people lie to me. I hate it more when nosy little sluts like you get involved in my affairs.” Frank said in a gruff voice. He obviously thought she was spying on him.

“It looks like I am going to have to teach you a lesson like I had to teach that bitch back there. But not here. You are coming with me; you are going to drive me back to your house.” Frank said.

“Look I am-” Roxanne tried to talk back only to have Frank’s massive hand grab the back of her neck and squeeze. Holy shit! He is strong. Roxanne thought to herself, he could break her neck like a twig.

“-Going to your car and going to drive me back to your place.” Frank finished her sentence for her.

Roxanne simply nodded scared.

He did not let go of her neck the entire walk back to her car. Roxanne drove to her house and was shivering when they got there. Roxanne tried to talk her way out again.

“Look I learned my lesson, Ok ... We do not have to do anything more” Roxanne pleaded with a wavering voice.

“Oh, but we will. Let go inside. You really do not want to make me mad. I would hate to send your hubby to the hospital. It would not be the first time I sent a nosy slut’s husband to the hospital. I might do it for the hell of it.” Frank said calmly. Roxanne shuddered at the threat to Steve’s life. She knew he would do it too.

Roxanne had a tear coming down her eye. As she walked to the front door and unlocked it. As soon as the door closed Frank picked Roxanne off the ground like she was a duffle bag and carried her to the couch and plopped her down.

He looked at his watch and gave her a stern warning. “I’ll be back in five minutes. If I come back and you’re anywhere else than sitting on the couch with your clothes still off, there will be consequences for everyone.” He smirked and added, “But make sure you leave those glossy black heels on.” She shuddered at his words, feeling a mix of fear and excitement.

Five minutes later.

Frank returned with a bag and placed it on the ground. Roxanne was shivering naked as the day she was born in her own modest three-inch heels. Frank looked at her with a grin on his face. He took both of Roxanne’s wrist and pulled them behind her back so fast she did not even know what was happening until he was binding her wrist together with a leather strap. Frank then proceeded to bend Roxanne over the arm of her own couch. He casually undid his belt and started rubbing Roxanne’s ass gently.

“You have been a bad girl, and you need someone to show you some true discipline. Bitchboy just lets you get away with being all kinds of uppity.” Frank said causally.

“Please, please you do not have to do this. I promise to leave you alone” Roxanne begged through tears.

“Bitch you should have left me alone, now you can’t. You have my COMPLETE attention now.” He said with a toothy grin rubbing his hands on her soft ass.

Roxanne’s hands were tied behind her back, and her legs trembled as she knelt on the cold, hard floor.

Frank stood over her, his face stern and unwavering. “Now,” he said, holding a leather belt in one hand, “you will count for me and thank me after each stroke.” Roxanne could feel the fear and anticipation building inside her.

The first strike of the belt was like fire on her skin, and she couldn’t help but let out a sharp cry. She saw Frank’s eyebrow raise in disapproval, and she immediately forced herself to speak through gritted teeth. “One. Thank you, sir.”

Tears welled up in her eyes as the second strike hit even harder than the first. She could feel her knees buckle under the pain, but she refused to give up. “Two. Thank you, sir.” She repeated this process, counting and thanking him after each excruciating blow, until finally it was over.

By the time the tenth stroke fell, Roxanne was sobbing uncontrollably, pleading for it to stop. Her bottom was on fire, and she felt as if she could not take any more. But Frank did not relent, delivering blow after blow, each one more excruciating than the next.

Finally, after what felt like hours of relentless punishment, Frank paused, inspecting his handiwork. Roxanne’s bottom was significantly red and welts began to rise. Tears still streamed down her face, and her sobs shook her entire body.

“You know, Roxanne,” Frank said, slowly and deliberately, “I could have made this a lot worse. But I think you’ve learned your lesson.” He helped her up from the couch and guided her over to the significantly damaged mirror in the corner of the room.

Roxanne stared at her reflection, her eyes wide and dazed. Her face was pale, and her lips were quivering. She could feel the sting of her lashes against her skin, and the embarrassment of her nakedness.

“Now,” Frank continued, “I want you to promise me that you will never, ever spy on me or anyone else again.”

“I pr ... pr ... pr ... promise not to spy on you again” Roxanne sobbed out.

“Say it again, and from now on you will call me, Sir. At least until we know each other better.” Frank corrected.

“I promise Sir” She sobbed out her breaths returning now that he stopped.

“Now are you going to ever back talk me again?” Frank said rubbing her hot ass.

“No Sir” Roxanne meekly answered.

“And if I tell you to do something, you are going to do it, aint ya bitch!” Frank said slapping her ass again for good measure.

“Yes ... Sir I will do it.” Roxanne answered defeated.

“Good, because I need you to spread your legs for me.” Frank commanded as he placed the palm of his hand on her ass as if he owned her.

“What? But I am married” Roxanne cried out.

“Bitch, what did I just say, do I need to give you another lesson?” Frank said as he grabbed his belt for good measure.

“No Sir! Please ... I am being a good girl see” Roxanne blubbered out not wanting to endure another session with his belt. She opened her legs for him and tried to still herself. She had seen how well-endowed he was the first time she spied on him. A part of her was getting incredibly turned on by his cock.

Frank’s primal instincts took over as he saw Roxanne spread her legs for him. He couldn’t resist the urge to claim her, to show her who was in control. With a growl, he grabbed her hips and pulled her towards him, his cock already rock hard and ready for her.

“Look at this,” Frank said, slapping Roxanne’s ass, “You’re so wet for me. You can’t deny that you want this.”

Roxanne whimpered as Frank’s words ignited a fire within her. She couldn’t deny the desire coursing through her body. She wanted to be taken by him - hard and fast.

“You want it rough, don’t you?” Frank asked, positioning himself behind her and lining his cock up with her dripping entrance.

“Yes,” Roxanne moaned out, unable to hold back any longer.

Without warning, Frank thrust into her with a force that made Roxanne cry out in both pain and pleasure. The sound of their bodies slapping together echoed throughout the room as Frank pounded into her relentlessly.

“You like that, don’t you? Bitch,” Frank said between grunts as he continued his savage assault on Roxanne’s body.

She could only nod in response, too lost in the sensations coursing through her to form coherent words. Every thrust brought her closer to the edge until finally she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Fuck,” she screamed as an intense orgasm washed over her, causing her body to convulse uncontrollably under Frank’s touch.

But he wasn’t done yet - not until he claimed every inch of his submissive little spy. He flipped Roxanne onto her back and entered her once again, this time with even more force than before.

Her screams turned into moans as Frank took full control of their movements, pulling on Roxanne’s hair and biting at all the sensitive spots on her neck and chest. It was wild and primal, and Roxanne couldn’t get enough.

“Mine,” Frank growled as he claimed her one final time, their bodies locked together in a primal dance. “You belong to me now, bitch.” He said, his voice thick with victory.

Roxanne felt her world collapsing in on itself. She knew she had crossed a line she could never come back from. But there was something undeniably thrilling about it. She had always been a good girl, always followed the rules. But now, for the first time in her life, she felt truly alive.

She lay there in the aftermath, her body pulsing with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Frank sank down next to her, his heart pounding in sync with hers. For a moment, they just lay there, catching their breath and reveling in the intensity of their encounter.

The adrenaline slowly faded, leaving them both trembling and exhausted. Roxanne couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of invigoration.

“Let’s go to your bedroom. I want to take you right on bitchboy’s bed. You say he is gone the entire week?” Frank asked.

Roxanne stared at him for a split second trying to see if there was a lie to tell him, but remembered the whipping she just got and weakly responded, “Yes ... Sir, he is gone all week” Roxanne felt so trapped and vulnerable as she admitted that information to him.

“Nice ... well we will worry about the other stuff later, tonight your ass is mine.” Frank spat out.

One Hour Later...

“You like that, don’t you, bitch?” Frank growled, relishing the sight of Roxanne struggling to keep up with his merciless pace. “You love being my little fuck toy, don’t you?”

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