Las Amadas and The Team - Cover

Las Amadas and The Team

Copyright© 2024 by Bronte Follower

Chapter 1

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1 - This is a continuation of Beth (which see), picked up the day after the end of Beth, but with a different format. Having read Beth will greatly help readers understand this sequel, but, except, perhaps, at the beginning, may not be all that necessary (given the length of Beth). This story will take Beth and the rest of the girls through some changes to their lives, some of which are engendered by Beth's mother, Sandy. Readers of Beth will expect some surprises due to that last sentence.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Niece   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Exhibitionism   Safe Sex   Public Sex  

23 August 2018 (Thursday)

Author: Maren Palecek

My birth certificate states that I was born at 1:52 in the freaking morning (poor Mom!) on August 23, 2004. However, since the time early this year when Civia and I became best friends after January and, particularly, after I was inducted into the Las Amadas [Beth, Chapter 173], and most particularly after Beth and company informed Civ and me about the sexual relationship at the heart of Las Amadas [Beth, Chapter 181], I’ve come to love Civ, both as friend and ... something we both want ... lover, although in the future tense for the latter option, despite that we kiss ... a lot, sometimes in a clinch. However, that usually gets us too hot, so we save that kissing intensity for special occasions.

[Minor aside: Beth taught me about using ellipses (singular: ellipsis) to indicate longer pauses than those occurring in most speech, that they can be inserted for emphasis of particular bits of a sentence immediately following the ellipsis. I like that, so you’ll find them sprinkled through my portions of our new LA journal. Thanks, Beth!]

Months ago, I told Civ that I was changing my age and my birthday to match hers, because I want her to be my first lover. While my parents and the LA all celebrate my physical birthday, I consider this date to be one year, three months, and one day short of my 14th birthday. This is a critical change as 14 is the LA’s “age of maturity.” It’s sort of like turning 18 and being able to vote and drink beer. We consider 14 to be even more important, as that is when we may partake of more-than-single-person sex. That is, sex graduates from being a personal, one-person thing that’s enjoyable to something that can include the entire over-13-years-old LA membership, or even the entire compound’s roster of older-than-13 residents. Civ and I both wish we could change our ages in the opposite direction of the figurative change I made, as we’re both ready, both ... highly desirous of multi-person sex, particularly – at least in the short run – with each other. Since that’s not possible, we’ll wait for the passage of something like 11,004 hours.

Not that I won’t enjoy the party my parents and others will throw for me later today.

The LA and the compound as a whole (currently, the LA plus the Go5 parents who live in the W) make a big deal about birthdays. Were Elkton schools in session and were Civ and I attending Central High School this fall rather than Cesar Chavez Middle School, the girls would have celebrated my birthday at lunch with what they call the LTG, the lunch-table gang. There would have been silly, conical hats everyone would wear; a single candle each in one or more pans of Carol’s (Rhee’s mom and Beth’s Dad’s second wife) to-die-for chocolate-frosted fudge cake; the birthday song sung out loud; blowing out of the candle or candles; and then distribution of slices to each of us. Every so often, I get a bit weepy thinking about how fun it would be to be in the same school with my older sisters and joining the fun times with the LTG, most of the members of which are our sisters.

However, the membership of the LTG will change, has already changed, from that of last school year when school starts in just short of two weeks. The four LA members who were seniors and became important parts of the LTG last year all graduated. While Meka is officially a non-paid Assistant Coach to the girls’ soccer team, she has no real authority to be on school grounds at lunch time. Seamus will be a much bigger, more important part of the LTG this year since he’s now an LA member. The biggest change will probably be some of the premier-team members who were on the high-school team last year either as player (Emma Smythe) or as staff (Emma Crewe) and the incoming freshmen girls that are part of what we now call The Team – y’know, with capital letters, the 2018 Elkton premier girls’ soccer team who won the state championship ... for the second straight year.

One of the greatest honors ever bestowed upon me was Beth’s assigning me to start off the LA’s new writing endeavor, an effort to pick up where Beth left off in her diary at documenting Las Amadas’ history. Yes, she did that at least partly because we decided to initiate this journal on my physical birthday, and we made that decision for a number of reasons. Despite that Beth told me she knew I could do it and do it well (I love you, so much, Beth!), the most immediate reason I’m initiating this journal is that tomorrow, the day after my official and legal birthday, an event begins that we all expect to change how the LA and The Team interact and relate to and with each other – the groups as a whole and as individuals: The 2018 premier team’s first post-season get-together. This will be the initiation of its efforts to remain incredibly close, the closeness that helped us waltz through the regular and post-season play without a loss and handily winning the state championship for the team’s age level. While we hope that our large, deep friendship will continue, it’s certainly possible that without the competition – the reason there was a team, we may drift apart. None of us want that, hence the upcoming weekend together here in our compound.

One of the tasks inherent in this first journal entry is to ... summarize The Team, what it is, who is a member, and how The Team’s members are related to the LA. I argued against my being the initiator of our journal for a few reasons, but the argument Beth found most cogent (don’t you love big vocabularies?!) was that I was not directly involved in the two or three precipitating events of our teammates becoming The Team because I was too young to take part in them fully ... because of the LA’s age-of-maturity limit.

Yes, sex was the overarching precipitator of The Team and its distinction from the LA.

I had to check Beth’s diary to recall the various dates, but on July 25th, what we now know as an underground subset of the premier team had hatched a plan to get the team being naked for the team’s end-of-season team party that would be hosted in late August at the compound [Beth, Chapter 256]. Two of the girls removed their jerseys in the locker room at the end of a game and hung out topless – as in wearing only bras on their torsos, despite our having two guys on the staff, and Coach called them on it. Somehow, even though those girls had not dropped their game shorts, the proposal got changed to allowing the team to be in “undies” rather than just shirtless, like the two girls were. Everyone but everyone was surprised that Coach agreed to the policy change and even offered to follow the policy herself. On August 4th after our first game in the league tournament, the LA girls introduced the LA shower protocol which involved teams of two girls washing each other’s backsides with loofas, first one, then the other [Beth, Chapter 265]. On August 7th, in a post-practice team shower, Coach joined in. Two days later, the day before the team left for the state tournament, nudity was introduced to the locker room outside the showers via having the two guys join in the team’s new shower protocol. Sex followed two days later after our second game at state when Brit (one of the staff) proposed giving game-ball winners – single teammates whose play was over and above typical and whose play during the game made a particular impact on the team winning – the choice of having a particular team member (player or staff) give her an orgasm ... with the rest of the team watching. That night, with Emma Smythe choosing Brett, who gave her an incredible orgasm, the team’s group relationship changed forever [Beth, Chapter 272].

Civ’s and my three parents, Jeff, Kalina (Civ’s biological mom), and Emma (my biological mom) Palecek were sitting on the J’s front porch when most of us J residents returned from a more-major-than-usual groceries trip. Civ and I jumped out of the 20-passenger Ford bus/van in our very short driveway [see Beth, Floor Plans] to hug our parents while Meka moved the Ford into the north bay of the garage.

When I first accepted Beth’s assignment to write this first chapter of our journal, I didn’t understand how much background I would need to provide for those not having read Beth’s diary. Here goes another digression to explain more stuff, but please recall that the LA and the Palecek parents have just met for the day on the front porch of the J, the house in which the LA members all live together.

Dad was in his typical single garment, what we call a Katherine panty, because one of our wives (Katherine, obviously, and I need to backtrack during an existing digression to explain that term, “wives”) designed it, although Liya assisted in the design and manufacture of what might be termed the Katherine panty Mark II. The panty is designed to expose most of a guy’s skin while keeping his penis under cover, even at full erection, without that penis poking the front of the panty out or poking above the waistband. Except for a few straps, the only skin it covers is the penis and testicles and a little bit of pelvis/lower belly on either side of the vertically arranged penis. Goddess, Dad looks so yummy in that! That’s partly because he’s usually hard around the LA (and that erection is obvious, even though it’s covered) and because he’s got such a fine ass! Since I’m on the subject, I should say that the LA doesn’t get fussed over bare butts, which means that, even when Jeff’s here, all the LA girls wear either thongs or G-strings on their pelvises and either nothing up top (breastless girls: Civ and Taylor) or tops as skimpy as possible that can still keep nipples hidden. Yes, the LA goes through gobs and gobs of sunblock because we usually have >95% of our skin, as Beth says, in the air.

The LA calls all of its members “girls,” despite that some are >17 years old (two are parents of other members!) and despite that two members are guys. This convention we use of a single term for all of us saves time and mental energy, and neither the women nor the guys mind being lumped into the single term. Within the LA, each female girl is considered wife to all the other members, while the two guys are each the husbands of all the wives; we’re very into sharing. Despite that we all consider ourselves married, our gigantic marriage does not restrict members’ sexual activities to the LA marriage, and certainly does not restrict love. Our marriage is open to what we call the Williams-clan parents (four of the mothers of the Go5 or Gang of 5 girls all married – legally or otherwise – to Beth’s dad and living together across the backyard in the W, the Williams house), with all LA members of LA-legal age having shared sex with one or more of the Williams parents and vice-versa. Did I tell you we’re into sharing? Readers of our history must understand this point: We share, and we (that’s the royal “we” there; I’m not yet of LA-legal age) love sharing our bodies. Despite that we young girls don’t have sex with anyone, we four are still considered wives; we simply haven’t consummated those marriages.

End of digression.

The more-major-than-usual groceries trip was needed not only to stock up our own larders, but because we will be hosting The Team and Coach from about noon tomorrow (Friday) through about noon or a little later on Sunday. I guess that provides a good segue (I love that word; Beth taught it to me; she’s the LA’s primary lexicologist; look it up) to finally explain what The Team is and who’s on it.

The 2018 Elkton girls’ premier soccer team (ages 12-15) had a roster of 23, seven of whom are LA members (Beth, Rhee, Gracey, Heather, Civia, Char, and Mia), although the LA’s impact is larger on that team than the eight LA members would suggest for three reasons: the entire offense of one of the two lineups are LA members, Beth is the overall team captain, and all eleven team assistants are LA members. “The Team” refers to the 15 other members [see Beth, Cast]. This distinction is critical to ... everything about the relationship between the two groups, the importance and role of the two guys, and how the guys’ time is apportioned between the two groups. Pretty crazy and decadent, don’t you think?! (Readers might be best served by reading Beth’s diary, particularly Chapter 271, which details the precipitating event that caused/enabled the distinction.)

I find there is no real need to describe how the two groups interact because one of the first tasks of our weekend team party is hashing out a new contract that will describe how the two groups interact and how they share sex and the LA’s husbands. Like for the LA, itself, the major portion of why there is a close relationship between the LA and The Team is due to the love and respect across that premier team, but with sex being a large minority (perhaps a ratio of 25:75) of that relationship. Perhaps more precisely, the strong team aspect that encourages the close relationship between the two semi-distinct entities would remain without the sexual aspect, but the sexual aspect is what may keep the entities together, at least in some respects, down the road.

Hmm, that seemed like yet another digression. So be it.

Civ and I delayed greeting our parents in the typical LA-Palecek way until all of us had brought all the groceries inside (Holy moly, Batman, we bought a lot of stuff), after which Kalina-Mom delayed greetings even further.

“Beth, LA girls, at the risk of elevating the sexual tension further, we propose to increase the length of greeting and departure kisses from two pecks-and-a-half to three pecks.”

Meka asked, “Girls, can we do this without a Committee of the Whole session?”

Celeste replied, “I don’t see why not. I’m for the change.”

Meka came back with, “Okay. Does anyone vote against it?” When her query met silence, she turned to Kalina and stated, “I guess we’re good with it, and, personally, I’m very much for it! And I’ll start.”

She stepped into Kalina and the two shared a relatively torrid three-peck kiss that may well have stretched into three pecks-and-a-quarter. We use “pecks” as the unit measure because this all started with the peck – a short lips-to-lips kiss that might last a second. Thus, we altered the length of the inter-family greeting and departure kisses from about 2.5 seconds to about 3.0 seconds. Yes, that might not seem much of a difference, but do you know how long it takes to get 25 girls (two of which are boys) kissing each of three Palecek parents, even for a kiss as short as three pecks (although, so far, the boys and Jeff don’t kiss each other; they simply hug for the duration)? And do you understand what that does to one’s libido? Each of the LA girls gets only three kisses, but each of the Palecek mothers get 25! They’re usually buzzing after that but have learned not to suggest any changes in protocols while in that state. Oh, I forgot one of the more important factors that increases the sexiness of those kisses and turns a seemingly short, three-second kiss into something of a sexual event: each person wraps arms around her kissing partner and the bodies are in full frontal contact with each other and with both bodies usually dressed very skimpily! That means that Dad is usually as hard as he can get at the end of the greeting/departure kisses and we developed an organic response to the end of the kisses, with all the girls (including the Palecek moms) ogling Dad’s obvious straining erection in his panty. He’s become resigned to being ogled intimately.

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