The Wicked Few - Cover

The Wicked Few

Copyright© 2024 by Dreams in Autumn

Chapter 2: Execute Pt.2 of 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Execute Pt.2 of 3 - Hassan an 18-year-old Moroccan boy living with his grandmother Fatima in Casablanca, takes his opportunity during his grandfathers monthly business trips to target her vulnerabilty during her triggered sleepwaking episiodes. Locked in her highly suggestive sleepwalking state, she's unable to remember what she's done or is done to her afterwards with the peculiar quirk that she doesn't wake up or resume her normal sleep until after a long period of time of inactivity passes.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Incest   Grand Parent   Cream Pie   First   Petting   Squirting   BBW   Size   AI Generated  

Part 2 0f 3

Fatima released her own guttural cry as she came around his cock, her muscles clamping down hard on his length. The sensation sent him spiralling over the edge, his orgasm ripping through him like a tornado. He filled her completely, his seed mixing with her wetness, marking her as his in the most primal of ways.

He almost collapsed into her, catching himself in time, landing a series of kisses on her face before meeting her lips. Her tongue mingled with his, this time unafraid, welcoming the taste of him, the feel of him, as he prolonged the kiss, savouring the victory of their shared release. They remained locked in this embrace, their breaths mingling in the quiet room, the only sound the distant hum of the city outside their window.

“Do you mind if we cuddle for a little grandma before heading in for a shower?”, he asked, his voice gentle, as he laid there still deep within her, his cock still pulsing slightly. She nodded, feeling the weight of what they had just done settling heavily upon her, but also a strange comfort in his arms, a comfort she hadn’t felt in a long time, and she didn’t want to let go of it just yet.

“I’m gonna’ slide out of you then grandma, so as not to cause you any discomfort”, he said as they both could feel his still very hard semi-erection pulsing inside her softly.

Fatima nodded, and felt a strange sadness wash over her as he slowly pulled out of her, his cock sliding out with a wet pop, leaving her feeling both empty and oddly satisfied.

He laid it out on her thighs as he embraced her, she found herself irrevocably drawn to it, her eyes refusing to draw themselves away, as it’s swollen surface was riddled with their combined bodily fluids and more, their hopes to overcome this malady affecting them, she thought to herself.

“It’s rude to stare grandma”, he said with a slight chuckle.

Fatima blushed, looking away from his semi-erect cock, the sight of which still made her feel a mix of disgust and fascination. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn’t help it, she had never seen one so ... alive before, not even from her husband. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to”, she murmured.

“It’s okay, if you want before we head to the shower, you can explore it”, he said “it’s no use trying to understand how to move forwards from this without exploring every avenue. I can only imagine how it might taste like for a partner”, he said in an unguarded moment of vulnerability.

Fatima hesitated before she reached out a trembling hand to touch him, her fingers brushing the head of his cock, feeling the stickiness of their combined juices. It was still so warm, so alive against her skin, she felt a strange fascination with it, it was as if it was a part of her she had never truly known.

“It doesn’t bite”, he joked warmly, trying to diffuse the tension with humour, she looked up at him before leaning in hesitantly taking him into her mouth, her eyes watering slightly as she tasted herself on him, her mind racing with the obscenity of what she was doing. Yet she found she didn’t hate it, she found she didn’t hate it at all. His breath caught in his throat as he felt her soft, wet warmth envelop him, her tongue tentatively licking at the sensitive spot beneath the head of his penis before taking him deeper.

It was perfect, like having his own unwittingly personal concubine at his disposal, one who was willing to do anything to save her marriage and maintain her dignity, even if it meant betraying the very essence of her purity. As she took him into her mouth, his eyes rolled back in his head, the pleasure so intense it was almost painful. He had never felt so alive, so in control, and he knew he was going to love every second of this twisted game they had stumbled into.

She continued to explore his cock with her mouth, her movements tentative at first, but growing more confident as she listened to his moans of pleasure. The taste was foreign and yet oddly familiar, a mix of salt and musk that sent a thrill down her spine. His hand gently cradled the back of her head, guiding her without force, his breathing growing heavier with each passing second.

She cradled his ballsack in her free hand, as her other one stroked his shaft, feeling him grow harder as she took him deeper, her eyes never leaving his, watching his every reaction as she sucked him off. His moans grew louder, his hips thrusting slightly, as he gave in to the pleasure she was giving him. It was a strange dance, one of power and submission, of love and lust, of right and wrong, but in this moment, it was theirs and theirs alone. Before she knew what she was doing she was adding her breasts into the mix, caressing the long length of his shaft in their soft, enveloping flesh, as she felt him stiffen even more in her mouth.

Her own arousal grew, her body once again betraying her, her nipples hardening and her pussy growing wet with need. She could feel the stickiness of their previous encounter between her legs, and she knew she needed more, she needed to be filled by him again, to feel him deep inside her as she had never felt before.

He watched her, his eyes dark with desire as she worked his cock with her mouth and breasts, her passion for him growing with every stroke and suck. He knew he had to have her again, to feel her warmth and tightness around him, to claim her once more.

“We need to go to the shower grandma and cool down before we both overheat prematurely, but don’t worry that doesn’t mean we have to stop when we get there”, he said, guided her to her bedrooms adjoining bathroom, leading her into the shower, as he began to undo her hijab before he said “do you mind leaving it on? It’s a little detail I really love about you”, he said sincerely.

Fatima nodded, feeling a strange thrill at his request, as he turned on the water and helped her step into the shower, his eyes never leaving hers as he guided her into the warm spray. The water cascaded down their bodies, washing away the sweat and their combined juices, but not the guilt or the passion that lingered in the air.

He braced her softly against a far wall, the other having a stone bench tiled with the same intricate mosaic style the rest of the shower shaded in a brilliant red with a repeating swirling orange pattern meant to denote autumn leafs caught in the sunset on high winds. He braced her back softly against a wall, wrapping one of her legs over his waist and then hooking it over his hip as he entered her.

“Don’t be afraid grandma, but I feel inspired to show you something you might not have seen and ergo appreciated in a long time for what it truly is and how astounding it has yet to be, through our lovemaking”, he told her sincerely as he leaned in close for a light kiss on her lips.

Fatima looked at him, her eyes wide with curiosity and fear, she had never seen this side of him before, the side that was gentle and caring, the side that made love to her, that didn’t just take her body but sought to pleasure her in every way he could.

“What”, she said simply, her voice edged in concern as he leaned in closer and whispered with a smile “you”, before kissing her deeply, his tongue slipping into her mouth as he pushed into her.

Their kiss grew more passionate as the water beat down on them, the steam rising around them in the confined space as their bodies moved in unison. Fatima’s leg wrapped around him gave him the leverage to push deeper into her, and she gasped into his mouth as he did so, her body reacting instinctively to his touch.

From her point of view, Fatima felt the world spinning around her, the warm water caressing their intertwined bodies as the shower echoed with their passionate sounds. The steam created a private sanctuary, obscuring the harsh realities of their world outside the bathroom door. In the haze of lust and love, she could almost believe that this was normal, that she wasn’t committing a sin that would shatter her husband’s heart. But the stark reality remained, a constant reminder etched in the lines of guilt on her face, even as he pounded her into sweet oblivion.

The sensation of his cock filling her up in such an intimate space was almost too much to handle, but she took it, eager to please him, to be the woman he needed her to be in this twisted scenario. His kiss grew more demanding, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth as his hands roamed her body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

She could sense he needed more that he was quickly growing insatiable again, as he broke the kiss, his eyes searched hers for consent, she nodded, giving in to the overwhelming need that surged within her, and he picked up the pace, his hips moving faster and faster, his cock pistoning into her with a rhythm that had her gasping for air

She screamed into the shower water, her voice bouncing off the tiles as he fucked her with an urgency that seemed almost desperate. The water washed away their sins, turning the red tiles into a blur as she lost herself in the sensations, her leg tightening around his waist as she felt herself getting closer to the edge.

He groaned, his grip on her hips tightening, his movements growing more erratic as he approached his own climax. “Grandma, I’m going to cum inside you again, okay?” he breathed into her ear, and she nodded frantically, her eyes squeezed shut, focusing on the feeling of his cock moving inside her.

He took her left breasts in his mouth greedily. His left hand helping her keep her leg wrapped around his waist as he held it up by the thick thigh hungrily, as his right hand squeezed her right breast just as eagerly. All these sensations flooded her mind at once, the need to consume her from without, the need to knead her body from within with every part of his deepening lust, as the cooling shower water provided the only relief between their bodies. He seemed almost manic in his attempt to either provide her or himself with a form of sensory overload or even both of them, as she clung on, her moans turning to helpless cries of passion, as he took and gave in equal terrifying measure.

When she climaxed it came as a relief, her body spasming around his cock as she threw her head back and screamed his name. The sound echoed off the tiles, a declaration of their forbidden love that seemed to hang in the steamy air. He followed closely behind, his own release a primal roar that seemed to shake the very foundation of the shower. His cum filled her once more, their bodies connected in a way that was so wrong yet felt so incredibly right in that moment.

They rested against eachother, before almost collapsing on the stone bench.

“I can’t believe we just did that”, she whispered, her voice hoarse from the screams she had been holding in.

To this he merely blinked his face blank and drained of emotion, as he tried to pick his words carefully. Settling for more direct approach he took her hand in his, brought it to his lips, before kissing them gently. “Thank you grandmother”, was all he could say as he caught his breathe. “I understand why an act like this is so specially reserved between trusted partners, the level vulnerability alone would make anyone fearful of rejection of inadequacy, so thank you grandmother, you’ve taken all my fears away of that and my getting a good night’s sleep tonight, more so you’ve done it with your own reservations in tow and not blindly or foolishly, which I appreciate. Most probably you’ve saved both of us”, he said thankfully.

Her eyes searched his, looking for any hint of regret or disgust, but all she found was a profound sense of peace and gratitude. Despite the depravity of their actions, she couldn’t help but feel a strange warmth spread through her at his words. It was as if, in this moment, she had found a partner who truly understood her, who was willing to share in her burden and help her through it.

“The only thing I would dare to recommend next, which is not something I’d want to suffer, let alone inflict on someone else without their express permission is em...”, he blushed before he could even make the suggestion making Fatima’s eyes widen in anticipation of his words.

“Well to put it boldly, you have three orifices and we’ve only used two of them so far”, he said going a deeper shade of red.

Fatima’s cheeks burned at his words, and she felt a mix of horror and arousal at the thought. “You want to...”, she trailed off, unable to even say the words.

“Not want, but rather make sure tonight’s sleepwalking theme does not involve you inserting a rather large vegetable or “utensil” into yourself in an attempt to imitate my ... manhood ... should you feel unsatisfied with exploring that part of your body”, he said. “Best case scenario”, he added for good measure “in case you involve me again and em ... proceed to record it ... again”, he finished solemnly.

Fatima felt the blood drain from her face at his words, the reality of their situation crashing down on her once more. “I ... I don’t know if I can do that”, she whispered, her voice trembling slightly.

“Like I said, I won’t inflict anal sex on anyone, anymore than I’d wish it forced on myself and even if we did, we would have to use enough lube and care to make sure as much discomfort as possible was avoided”, he said in an assuaging tone “did grandfather never explore anal sex with you before?”, he asked curiously.

Fatima was stunned by his question, her mind racing back to the days of her youth. “No, he was a gentle man, never ... never something so...”, she struggled to find the words “so ... extreme”, she finally said, feeling the heat of embarrassment spread across her face.

“It’s okay grandmother, there are no judgements here”, he said reaching over to kiss her forehead lovingly “nor will there ever be”, he added with sincerity.

He pulled her into a warm embrace, her head resting on his broad shoulder, as the water continued to cascade down their bodies. His words hung in the steamy air, a gentle reminder of the trust they had built in this dark corner of their lives.

“I think we if start it small, with time to adjust maybe, but you’d have to show some extreme patience on your part, due to the size of your...”, she trailed off gazing at his erection already half hard and almost beckoning her to ride it to completion again, angrily.

Hassan’s heart pounded in his chest at the thought. He had never done anything like this before, but the idea of claiming her fully, of showing her that she was truly his, was intoxicating. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. “We can try it if you’re willing, but we need to go slow and use lots of lube, okay?”

Fatima nodded, her eyes never leaving his, and in that moment, she realized that she did trust him. Despite the madness of their situation, she knew he would never hurt her. She steadied herself, her legs still wobbly from the intense orgasms, and turned to face the wall of the shower. She leaned against it, bracing herself for what was to come.

“No grandmother”, he said as he came behind her. “I appreciate the thought and the need to get this over with, but we should both be as comfortable as we can be and prepared”, he said as he turned the shower off and began guiding her to the bedroom. “Despite my.

... eagerness ... I’d like to treat you with all the respect and dignity you deserve. This is a disease and we are treating it with the equivalent of a shock to the system. It doesn’t mean we need to be cruel or undignified or at least that’s what I believe. Passion can play big part of it but never forget this is your body and I’m just a mere guest”, he said as he wrapped a towel around her, she felt a strange sense of comfort in his words, she knew he was right, she needed to be prepared for this next step.

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