The Witness Program - Cover

The Witness Program

Copyright© 2024 by Mina_x

Chapter 7: The Virtual Cuck

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7: The Virtual Cuck - Harriet was the perfect housewife with two wonderful children, a successful husband and a lovely home, but when the arrival of a new resident threatens to disrupt their perfect world, she is surprised by her own part in what follows.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   Rough   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Cream Pie   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

The sun glinted off the calm, blue sea catching her eyes. Harriet was stood on the deck of a luxury yacht, naked, feeling the hot sun on her skin.

Above her stood Witness, resplendent in his white captain’s uniform. Around her worked the crew, all black. They were all naked too.

She felt their eyes on her naked body, but she didn’t feel ashamed. Her own eyes were on theirs. The way the sun glistened on their beautiful dark skin. Their muscular arms.Their powerful legs. Their perfect bottoms and their magnificent cocks. She smiled and Witness smiled down at her.

She heard a cry from the stern and turned around to see. The water behind them wasn’t blue and calm, but grey and choppy. She saw a life raft floating some distance away, and in it she saw Andrew, Hannah and Daniel all shouting for her.

She ran to the back of the boat and jumped into the water, striking out towards the raft.

Harriet was a good swimmer, but her legs didn’t seem to want to work properly and she was having trouble keeping afloat. She started to slip under the water. She woke up as she was drowning.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. “Are you alright?”, said Andrew, “You were tossing and turning”.

Harriet had her legs tangled and caught in the bedclothes. She started to free herself. “I feel sick”, she said.

“Can I get you anything? I really think you should see a doctor”, said Andrew with genuine concern in his voice.

“No.”, said Harriet. “No. Go back to sleep”. She felt a reassuring squeeze on her hand, and Andrew turned and fell back to sleep.

Harriet breathed slowly and her panic faded. She wished she’d asked for a glass of water, but Andrew was already snoring softly. She lay in her bed, wondering if she could imagine her way back to the yacht and the sailors...

Once the morning had come, Harriet decided to have a lazy day. She was feeling exhausted and she still ached between her legs from yesterday. She wondered about the female human body and how it was designed to accept such a pounding and feel such pleasure from it. The aftermath wasn’t as pleasurable, she decided.

The house could look after itself today, she thought, “I’m having a day off from it and Witness”.

It wasn’t long before she was looking at her content on the website again. Remembering that she now had an account she logged in. New folders appeared and she watched herself dancing in her panties. She did look good, she thought, smiling at the fun of it all. She hoped Witness was right about her subscribers keeping it all secure, as she was clearly identifiable.

She browsed her photos, again she felt a thrill at her appearance. Another folder contained pictures and videos that men had sent back, masturbating over her pictures and videos.

She didn’t really care for that, although there was a sense of pride that she was so desired. She noticed that she had messages. She remembered what Witness had said, but what was the worst that could happen? She clicked on the first message.

“Hi HPSaucy. I saw your name on the new members list and thought I’d say hi. I love your videos”.

Harriet replied. “Hi. Thank you for your message. I’m glad you enjoy them. I enjoyed making them”.

A reply turned up surprisingly quickly. “Thanks for replying. I think you are one of the best on here, really. Does your husband know?”

“No he doesn’t, but thanks for your kind words.”

“I find that even hotter you bad girl. At what age did you lose your virginity?”

Harriet may have been new to this site, but she knew what to do with a block button. Blocked. She moved onto the next message from another user. “How old were you when you first took black cock?”. Harriet sighed and swiped away the screen. Maybe Witness had been right after all? She wondered if he was fucking another woman that afternoon.

Despite trying to occupy herself, Harriet returned to the site a few times that day to look at her pictures and videos, revelling in the attention that they received, but she didn’t read anymore direct messages.

She thought about what Andrew had said about seeing a doctor. She thought about her behaviour over the past week and how she had been feeling a rollercoaster of emotions and rapid mood swings. She did feel tired so she googled her symptoms, and then wondered if she was bipolar, although she hadn’t experienced any of these issues before Witness. She decided that she wasn’t ill in that sense and no doctor would be able to help with her particular problem. She smiled when she thought she would be getting more of her preferred treatment for her ailment tomorrow.

The family rallied round when they got in and saw her dozing on the sofa. Hannah loaded the dishwasher and cooked a meal. It was a simple spaghetti bolognese, but everyone appreciated it. Harriet felt extremely guilty but was glad for her day off. She went to bed early, looking forward to tomorrow. She felt conflicted. It was as if she was at war with herself. She tried to return to the yacht in her sleep, but her dreams were once again confused and muddled.

The next day Harriet was up early, once again feeling energised. She wondered if not seeing Witness was the cause of yesterday’s lethargy. She needed her medicine, his attentions. She did her makeup and changed into a dress

Gone was the pretence of delivering his boxes. Once he had arrived home she went straight across and was welcomed in.

“I missed you yesterday”, she said. She saw his look and immediately regretted it. “I meant I missed your cock”, she said quickly. Witness smiled and indicated that she should go upstairs.

She sat on the bed. It was becoming a familiar and welcome sight. She bounced a little as she wondered what today would bring. Witness sat at his laptop.

“Do anything fun yesterday?”, she asked. Witness just grunted and continued with what he was doing.

“Another live show?”, he asked her. Harriet nodded. It had felt good having an audience.

Witness spent a little longer on his laptop. He was messaging someone, making arrangements. Eventually he launched a video chat and asked her to sit and talk

She looked at the man on the screen. He was fair haired and in his 40s. “Hello”, she said.

“Hi”, said the man nervously in reply.

He wasn’t unattractive, but his lack of confidence was obvious and it wasn’t sexy. Harriet looked across at Witness but he just indicated that she should talk more.

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