The Beard - Cover

The Beard

Copyright© 2024 by Omachuck

Chapter 8: Horatius at the Bridge

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 8: Horatius at the Bridge - Caleb, in his brainship named "Cheval Jaune", starts a tour of the Milky Way’s Confederacy. How will the various species respond to this metal-encased human? Familiarity with the Swarm Cycle and the author’s previous stories is strongly encouraged, as detailed character descriptions from "Caleb and Cheval Jaune" are mostly not repeated. My thanks to Trunk Monkey, Zen Master, Steve, Old Rotorhead, Derek Smith, 8tduecemedic, SW MO Hermit... and the rest – you know who you are.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Polygamy/Polyamory   White Female   Oriental Male   Oriental Female  

Then out spake brave Horatius;
The captain of the gate
“To every man upon this earth,
death cometh soon or late,
And how can man die better,
Than facing fearful odds,
for the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods.”

Thomas Babington McAulay 1842

While the crew of Cheval Jaune conducted their trades, not another ship departed Trd’Ya. During a break, T’Bwinkel told Shellie, “Interesting, Friend Pa’Sonn, you’ve accomplished far more than I, or anyone, knew or suspected possible. The trading community has outstripped the politicians in understanding and accepting the potential humans have to offer – art and new applications among them. No matter their fears, traders must be practical. I’m sure it will take a while, but today is better than yesterday for the future of your species, and likely, the Confederacy.”

Blushing, Shellie responded, “I’m flattered and hope that you’re right. I wish we could do something about the Krathees.”

“All in good time, dear,” T’Bwinkel answered. “You are much closer than you know. Your deeds and challenge will spread and continue to pry a claw-hold into the insular Confederacy. After your exchange with Frtrdr Baslim, I’ve had private discussions with each species here. They value my experience as a trader more than that as a politician. I’ve espoused humanity’s cause, our cause, but cautioned against upsetting the Darjee at this early stage, lest they become frightened and have their AIs do something rash. These beings present understand that the current effort addressing the Dangerous Ones needs to be enhanced, not stalled.”

The peace and goodwill of Trd’Ya was suddenly disrupted as a very large and very strange ship popped from a hyperspace bubble and began broadcasting on a range of frequencies and laser modulations and in several languages, among them was English.

“Flee, flee. We Hwee are wounded and pursued by ships of the Horde!”

A cigar-shaped, wart-covered, behemoth had emerged from hyperspace far enough away that the image and communications were delayed until the Hwee came into range of the transporter-powered repeaters beyond the outer limits of the trading zone.

Caleb immediately responded, “How many? What size? How far behind you?”

“There are three,” answered the Hwee, “one very large and two smaller, about one-tenth as large. The larger is partially damaged, but fully capable of fighting. Our sister ships sacrificed themselves to let us escape. We still have ammunition and a few fighters remaining, but lack enough fuel for any meaningful maneuvering.”

Before Caleb could answer, there was a response from the Krathees, “We have various fuels aplenty and will send you a standard contract.”

Shellie’s anger was instant, and her replacement arm shot white-hot with phantom pain, “You idiots are placing greed in front of protection? I’ll ‘contract’ your asses, then we’ll leave you worthless entities for the Dangerous Ones’ next meal.”

“That was a mistake, an automatic offering of trade,” the Krathees’ response sounded pitiful, even considering translation nuances, “We have no mobility and request transport and protection.”

T’Bwinkel and R’Stbkt decided to listen silently and let Shellie roll.

“We’ll offer back your standard contract with non-negotiable modifications,” Shellie, who had minutely studied the Krathees’ hated contract, told them. “First, you will provide the Hwee ship whatever fuel, supplies, and assistance that they request and at no cost to them or anyone present. Second, you will not be indentured but will release all aboard from their indentures and will pay for transport to wherever they wish. AND you will agree to never use indentures again.”

“Outrageous!” the Krathees spokesbeing whined.

“In return, Cheval Jaune will undertake to defend Trd’Ya and you from the approaching Sa’arm. After the coming battle, we’ll in assist in cleanup. Understand,” she warned while rubbing her arm to quiet its clamor for attention, “We are contracting to make an honest effort, and results are not guaranteed. But, you will honor this contract regardless of the outcome – your damage or our destruction. All ships present will witness your agreement.”

“We have no other option and no time to negotiate,” the Krathees told her. “Transmit your version of the contract and we will agree under duress.”

Caleb was multitasking like never before. “Marcie, get the guns and missile tubes manned and checked out, but prepare for running stealth. Boris commands the drones. We’ll try to position them before the Sa’arm arrive.” <Rusty, see if you can interface with the outermost repeater transporter nearest the Hwee path and use it to get one of the Remora drones into position with passive sensors active. >

R’Stbkt immediately transmitted to the Krathees, <Following the terms of your standard contract, Trd’Ya’s trading station now belongs to the trader ship, Cheval Jaune, and is under the command and management of J’Tocost. While you are not indentured, if you remain on the station, you are required to act under his delegated representative. That is me!>

Not waiting for a response, he continued, <The transporter portals at all repeater stations are to be expanded to maximum aperture and, for physical objects, make them one-way outbound.> He transmitted the diameter of Cheval Jaune’s missiles and asked, <Will the expanded aperture accommodate the transmitting of an object this size?>

Receiving an affirmative, he instructed the delivery and installation of a transporter to be installed outside each of Cheval Jaune’s six missile tubes. That could slightly compromise the ship’s stealth configuration, but as he told the Krathees, time was too short to install portals within the tubes. Facing away from the incoming Sa’arm should resolve any stealth concern as Cheval Jaune need not face the enemy to fire through her newly installed transporters.

Four ferret-looking Sturch ‘ported aboard Cheval Jaune. Rusty welcomed them and said, <We need to be boosting as soon as possible. Can you work while we boost and then transport back to the station or come aboard when finished?> <Not the first time we’ve worked underway, > their leader told Rusty. <We’ll tie down, just keep the acceleration steady, and we’ll be fine.>

Marcie joined the new arrivals to guide them forward. As the Sturch moved forward, they effusively thanked every being they saw for freeing them from the despised Krathees. When shown the missile tubes, they confirmed that the tubes were locked down, closed their helmets, and exited to install the requested portals.

While R’Stbkt completed his tasks, Caleb turned his attention externally, <A’Udree, T’Bwinkel, Your primary task is to remain clear of the main fight and ensure that no Sa’arm ship leaves to report the existence of Trd’Ya.>

A’Udree immediately responded, <Send me a human. T’Bwinkel and I agree that we can handle defense, but we need a human to pull the trigger should we have a need for offense. I can aim, but I cannot fire... >

<I’ll send Trắc and Natasha, > Caleb told her. <If necessary, Natasha can help with damage control and first aid. They’ll transport over as soon as they suit up and gear up.>

Having delegated, Caleb – J’Tocost – shifted his attention to learn more about the Hwee, their ship’s capabilities, and the expected-to-pursue Sa’arm. “How far behind you are the Sa’arm ships?” he asked.

R’Stbkt had fully analyzed the Hwee transmissions and Caleb was presented with visuals to accompany the audio communications. He saw a slim gray-skinned being with a domed head, large almond-shaped eyes, and a pointed chin. The transmitted view gave no hint of the individual’s height, but it was slim with long digited hands.

The Hwee thought it would be approximately twelve hours before the Sa’arm entered behind them. “The two smaller ships were far from our battle and were moving to join the larger. They would probably need some time to reach the larger ship before following us. At least, that’s the tactics we have seen them use before.”

“Are you expecting us to help resist them?” Caleb continued his probing.

“We have no expectations, only hope for replenishing our fuel,” responded the Hwee. “We have observed other species, and only recently become aware of the Confederacy AND their inability to defend themselves. We did not wish to lead the evil ones here, but our need is desperate, We hope to refuel and defeat our pursuers or at least lure them away before damage can be done to you. In any way possible, we will place ourselves between the Horde and the defenseless.”

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