Eddie - Homelife After Westpac - Cover

Eddie - Homelife After Westpac

Copyright© 2024 by Fatwilly12

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - As Eddie Nolan continues his Navy career, now in port and being transferred back to a previous duty station, he is once again involved in making babies, along with having his wife and two daughters giving birth closely together. His buddy Al Tory is also involved and is making some fateful decisions with his wife.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Voyeurism  

Once back at home, Eddie and Carol sat in the living room, relaxing from their ‘ordeal’. Breanna came home shortly afterwards and when she came in, Steven and Marley came out of their room so they could participate in any discussion. Carol brought them all up to date, though she didn’t give specifics. She also informed the children that they would continue tomorrow. Steven, who apparently had been bummed at not being the ‘stud’ exclaimed:

“What the hell, dad, how many times do you have to screw her before she’s knocked up?”

Carol discerned his mood and commented:

“As many times as it takes, Steven. Do you think your sisters, or I would be pregnant, if we’d only had sex once? Some couples try for years without success, even if there is nothing medically deficient in either one. Sometimes Mother Nature can be a stubborn old bitch!”

“Do you think tomorrow will do the trick?” Steven continued.

“It’s hard to tell. We may have to try again next month. I had a thought as to how we could possibly increase our chances for success, though.” Carol mused.

All eyes went to her, and Eddie said:

“And how, pray tell, are we going to do that? Are you going to shoot my sperm directly into her fallopian tubes?”

Nearly everyone laughed, but Carol answered:

“I was just thinking about that lame old joke you use all the time, honey: the one about a grudge pregnancy?”

“Uh, um, aren’t we already doing that, with me ‘having it in for Hal’?” Eddie snorted.

“I was taking it another step further, dear. What if we added another stud to the mix?” Carol suggested.

“Who did you have in mind, sweetheart?”

“It seems to me Steven is pretty anxious to be her sperm donor. Perhaps we could use him, and just to be sure, maybe Edward would make his own contribution. That way, we have all the key players in our little home breeding farm, donating. I haven’t said anything about this to you guys, but Ronnie and I discussed it briefly, while your dad and Hal Brady were having a snack. Anyone want to discuss it?” Carol asked.

“Well, either a squirrel got into Steven’s pants, or he likes the idea. There’s definitely a new bulge in his jeans.” Breeanne smirked.

Steven went red in the face but didn’t rebut his sister.

“So, don’t waste that, son. We’ll need it for tomorrow. Your sisters will have to leave you and your father alone tonight. Honey, do you think you could call Edward, to see if he’s available tomorrow?” Carol inquired.

“If he’s aboard, I’m sure I can locate him and ask. Just give me a few minutes.” Eddie replied.

Going into the kitchen, Eddie dialed the ship’s switchboard, which would still be manned at this hour. It took some time, but he was soon back in the living room.

“Edward said he could be here about 1000. That will give us time to brief him on what we’re doing. I didn’t want to discuss it over the phone as the ship’s switchboard watch is boring unless you can listen in on juicy conversations.” Eddie chuckled.

“Okay, good. Now, I don’t know if Ronnie has broached the subject with Hal, yet, but I think he’ll expect some kind of ‘quid pro quo’. What I mean by that, children, is if Ronnie gets to have three cocks in her tomorrow, he will feel like he should get some ‘strange’ pussy, too. I already took one for the team today, so ... would you like to give Hal a shot, Breeanne? I won’t force you, though.” Carol admitted.

“What about me, mom?” Marley jumped in.

“You’ll be babysitting Mandy, dear. Besides, if we use you, Ronnie could always come back at us about you being under-age. What do you say, Breeanne?” Carol repeated.

“But mom, if her husband is the one fucking me, she’d be putting his dick, er, neck in a noose.” Marley argued.

“Mom, Marley and I will discuss it, and ‘one’ of us will take one for the team, tomorrow. Trust me.” Breeanne assured.

“Alright, dears. I guess we have a plan of attack for tomorrow. Let’s settle down and rest up.” Carol advised.

On Sunday morning, the entire family was up and had breakfast finished by the time Edward arrived. There was still coffee, and some left over French toast for him, so he sat at the table while Eddie and Carol briefed him on the plans for the day. To say he was surprised would be an understatement, but he didn’t shy away, like the horndog he was. Sanctioned, strange pussy, already laid out for you was nothing to turn up your nose at. The fact it was a shipmate’s wife was a bit unsettling, but since the husband was on board with it, and it was for a ‘worthy cause’, cancelled out the squeamishness of it. Breeanne had already reported that she would do the babysitting while Marley would let Hal have her cunt. Breeanne’s reasons were valid: she’d seen Hal drooling after her before now and felt a little nauseous about giving him a piece of her. Marley had no such compunctions, as she was willing to take a ‘sanctioned’ stiffy, since her parents would be there. Carol felt sure she wouldn’t have to take Hal on again, with Marley there to keep him satisfied.

At 1100, the entire Nolan family took a stroll down the street to the Brady home, with Breeanne collecting Mandy and taking her back home. Hal must have been briefed also, since he didn’t bat an eye when the family walked in. His brows went up, however, when he saw Marley was staying. His jeans tented out slightly in anticipation. Veronica was acting hyper in anticipation of her imminent gangbang. She was a bit weepy with Carol, saying how much she appreciated all her friend was doing for her, to try and ensure she got pregnant. Carol had debated with herself whether or not to repeat the mutual cunnilingus to get Veronica ready for her studs. In checking Ronnie, she found her fairly dripping already. She decided to do it anyway, not for Ronnie, but to get the three prospective studs aroused. Today, there were three chairs at the foot of the bed and Hal just sat in the upholstered chair he’d screwed Carol on yesterday. Marley sat on his lap. The three sperm donors would fuck Veronica in order of seniority: Eddie, Edward and Steven. None of them had ever taken ‘sloppy seconds, or thirds’, but it was for ‘the cause’, so they swallowed their distaste and went with the program. Eddie still kissed and fondled her before he plugged in for his injection, but after him, Edward and Steven just followed suit and pounded her, much to her delight. She enjoyed playing the slut, or maybe she wasn’t really playing! While Veronica was taking her rodding with gusto, Carol was dividing her time between keeping her eye on Hal and Marley, and doing what she could to enhance the titillation of the three studs. By the time Steven spewed inside Ronnie, Hal had eaten Marley and fucked her over the chair, like he had her mother the day before. Carol called a break and made Ronnie comfortable while the others went to the kitchen to get a snack. Taking her friend something to eat and drink, she stayed and talked with Ronnie.

After an hour’s break, they repeated the process. Carol had asked Marley if she was okay with Hal. She said she was, and it was nice to have a strange cock, with a different style of having sex. Carol admonished her to not be too wild about finding ‘strange cock’, but Marley assured her she was only willing to do it with her parents present, which ‘did’ reassure Carol. Again, everyone went home, and Mandy was returned to the custody of her father. In the Nolan house, the entire day was discussed as though it was a Sunday football game. Carol reiterated what she had said about weekdays being bad for anymore impregnation attempts, since everyone had work, or school. She then revealed that Veronica had agreed to being visited by Steven, after school, for a couple days, where he would add more sperm to her cunt, as an attempted insurance policy. This news was happily received by Steven. Breeanne invited Edward over on Monday or Tuesday, as he had duty on Wednesday. Marley was appeased, sexually, at present. After a dinner of cold meat and a salad, Edward left to return to the ship.

At school on Monday, Eddie checked with Saundra, to see how she was doing. He wanted to tell her about his becoming a ‘stud service’ but thought better of it. She was waiting for a couple more weeks to take a home pregnancy test, to see if they had been successful, or not. He let his next in command in the department know he was going to visit his former ship, to see an old shipmate and would be gone for a couple of hours. Crossing the quarterdeck, he inquired if Chief Tory was on board. Getting an affirmative, he went to the sick bay first, and then to the chief’s mess, when Al was not in sick bay. Walking into the mess, he was told to ‘get out’ good naturedly by some of his former shipmates. Al was doing paperwork again but put it aside when he saw he had a visitor. When he found out Eddie wanted to talk in private, he gathered his work, and they went to sick bay.

“What’s up, buddy. To what do I owe this visit, you asshole!” Al chuckled.

“Fuck you, very much, dickhead! I was just wondering if you’ve knocked your wife up yet?” Eddie asked.

“Not yet, but I’m not asking you to do it for me, either, shit-for-brains!” Al replied.

“Hear me out, Al. I know you did a sperm count for Flags Brady, and he came up sterile. Have you done the same for yourself?” Eddie questioned.

“Yeah, I have, and I’m good. Just pure damned bad luck, I guess. We’ll just keep trying.” Al vowed.

“Well, hold on to your finger-wave glove, buddy. Flags and his wife have talked my wife into volunteering me to impregnate her.” Eddie admitted.

“No fucking shit? That is really going some. When are you supposed to do this?”

“I spent the weekend filling her twat with my seed, man.” Eddie boasted.

“Fuck, buddy, that is unreal. I hope she gets pregnant, then. I knew Flags was devastated when I told him. They want another baby pretty badly. I guess badly enough to hire your cock and balls to do the deed!” Al growled.

“I wouldn’t call it ‘hired’. I did it for free, at my wife’s insistence. But I would have done it, anyway. Have you seen Flags wife?” Eddie inquired.

“Yep, and I’d do her, too! I may even pay her, but like you, I don’t do professionals.” Al chuckled.

“So, anyway, what I was getting at is yesterday, in order to hedge our bets, my wife recruited my two sons to make a deposit into her ‘I want to be a mama’ account. I know you don’t want me to get into your wife, but how about one of my sons, just as a little added something. They’re not bad looking guys.” Eddie assured his friend.

“Yeah, but they look like you, you bastard!” Al complained.

“Well, there is that! I was just offering my buddy some help, without compromising his wife, myself.” Eddied observed.

“Oh, hell, let me think about it. I’m not sure my wife would be willing, but she’s getting a bit desperate. Maybe we could have her wear a blindfold, and maybe them, too!” Al suggested.

“Yeah, you think about it and let me know, buddy. Edward may be too close to home, since he’s a shipmate like me, but he’s also fucked some of the same women you and I have, in New Zealand. Steven is unknown to you and may be your best bet. He’s young and may be more virile than I am.” Eddie conceded.

“That’s a bunch of horseshit, my friend! You knocked up half the women in the Pacific.” Al bellowed.

“Come on, Al, that’s not true. I didn’t fuck half the women in the Pacific.” Eddie chortled.

“Not for lack of trying, my friend. I’ll let you know, okay?” Al announced.

“Okay. I need to get back to the school, before my assistant dismisses all my classes and they don’t learn what they’re supposed to, today.” Eddie advised.

“Okay, see ya!” Al replied.

When Eddie got home, Marley was in her room, but told her dad Steven was making a ‘deposit’ at the Brady’s and would be back shortly. She was doing her home homework, so he left her to it. He decided to check his secret email account and when he did, he found one from Lorna Phillips. She had uploaded the official birth announcement which declared she was the proud mother of a newborn baby girl, named Naomi. The baby weighed seven pounds and seven ounces. Of course it listed her husband as the father, but she had struck out his name and put Eddie’s in, but on his copy only. Of course this was old news, but she wanted Eddie to have something for his records. Naomi would be two months old, and Lorna had attached more recent pictures of her, and Lorna herself. It gave Eddie a few pangs of sadness to see pictures of such a beautiful woman who could never be his, and a baby girl he could never claim, legally. Signing out of his account, he changed clothes and was just getting into his recliner when Carol came home. She had as many groceries as she could handle in her gravid condition, and when he asked, she told him there were more in the car. When he went to the car, Steven was just getting the last of the bags out.

“Have fun, son? I know you have a crush on her, so I imagine this is a dream job for you, helping to knock her up. Older women were always a turn on for me, too!” Eddie commiserated.

“Yeah, dad, it’s pretty fucking cool that I get to do this. I’m sure it won’t last much longer. Mrs. Brady probably has enough sperm in her to re-populate all of San Diego.”

Eddie took one of the bags from Steven, so he didn’t go into the house empty-handed. When all the bags were in the kitchen, he helped Carol put things away and Steven went to his room to begin his homework.

“So, how was your day, sweetie?” he asked.

“Oh, same-o, same-o. How about you?” she replied.

“I went to the ship during lunch, to see Al.” he supplied.

“Oh, and how is your little corpsman friend doing?”

“He and his wife seem to have caught the bug that’s going around.” he chuckled.

“Why is that funny? Your friend is sick and you’re laughing?” she scolded.

“Not the type of bug you think. I was meaning his wife wants to have a baby. So far, they have none.”

“Oh, and he was bragging about how much fun it was to make babies?” she retorted.

“No, he was lamenting about how he has failed to make a baby and how his wife was becoming frustrated.” Eddie offered.

The light came on for Carol and she gushed:

“So, now we get to expand the Nolan Stud Services, Inc? That’s great, honey. I need to meet with his wife so I can tell her how we operate.”

“No, no, it’s not like that! Al and I are best buddies, and we share a lot. He and I talked about the Brady’s and how you volunteered me to help them. He shut me down when he thought I was offering him the same service. I asked if he’d run the same tests on himself that he did for Hal. He said he had, and he was good. It was just bad luck his wife hadn’t ‘caught’ yet. We’ve joked around about this, since he found out I had impregnated those women overseas. After you got pregnant, he teased me about wanting to knock up half the women in the world. He doesn’t know about the girls, yet.” Eddie lied.

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