Eddie - Homelife After Westpac - Cover

Eddie - Homelife After Westpac

Copyright© 2024 by Fatwilly12

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - As Eddie Nolan continues his Navy career, now in port and being transferred back to a previous duty station, he is once again involved in making babies, along with having his wife and two daughters giving birth closely together. His buddy Al Tory is also involved and is making some fateful decisions with his wife.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Voyeurism  

For Eddie, it was relatively easy for him to assume the responsibilities of the Communication Branch head. Chris O’Malley had coached him through his expected duties and had transferred from the school with an assured feeling of leaving the branch in good hands. He had even told CWO4 Bradley so, as part of his exit interview. Consequently, the OIC had not tried to micro-manage Eddie and things went smoothly. Petty Officer Carter proved to be one of his top instructors and he let her know it. On the side, he met her for their baby-making trysts three or four times a month, during her fertile period. His wife and daughters continued to grow outward and began to waddle, bemoaning their lot in life and making snide remarks to those who were possible baby daddies. As far as his other pending offspring were concerned, Eddie had requested that Lorna Phillips communicate via email, to an account his family was unaware of, and Edward still acted as the go-between for Phyllis, who relied on Bethany and Angel, to get her missives to Eddie.

Lorna had arrived stateside and was under the care of her brother prior to the birth of her baby girl. As soon as she was able, she sent an email to Eddie, attaching pictures of their baby, whom she named Naomi. Of course, she gushed about how beautiful their little Naomi was, but Eddie thought she looked like a thousand other newborn baby pictures he’d seen. He didn’t say so to Lorna, thank goodness! His latest letter from Phyllis was one of consternation. She lamented about not having a physical birth father around, though she was being emotionally supported by her six compatriots and Bethany’s grandmother, who had taken on the role of expectant ‘grandmother’ to Phyllis, and had been her mainstay of adult support, even offering to have her stay in her home before and after the birth of what was going to be a girl. It was the wrong girl baby, but Al got his wish, as Phyllis announced her baby would be named Edwina. Eddie’s head was swimming, and his conscience was constantly plaguing him with guilt feelings. He’d almost decided against fathering another baby for Saundra, but an event took place that changed the perspective of his present circumstances.

Late on a Wednesday evening, Eddie and Carol were sitting in the living room, watching a movie on streaming. The girls were exhausted and had taken refuge in their rooms to laze about, prior to actually going to bed. Steven was doing homework and Edward was out with a few of his buddies at a local semi-pro basketball game. The doorbell rang and Eddie got up to see who it was. Standing on his front porch was Hal and Veronica Brady. Eddie hadn’t talked to Hal since leaving the ship, and he’d only seen Veronica those two times at Walmart. He bid them to enter, and he saw the apprehension on their faces. Ushering them into the living room, he told them to sit on the sofa. Carol was being quiet but was speculating as to what reason on earth they would visit her home.

Sitting on the sofa, Hal began:

“Look, chief, I know you and I are friends, at least I think so, but...”

Veronica put her hand on Hal’s leg to shut him up.

“Let me, Hal, honey. Look, I know I’m not welcome here, but I want to apologize, profusely, for all the things I did to you, trying to fuck with you, your son, and your entire family. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. If I could turn back time, I would not have involved you and Steven in my fucked-up power trip! I know that doesn’t make up for all the embarrassment, anguish and emotional upset I put you through, Carol. I liked being your friend, but my ego tripping caused me to be someone I’m not happy I became. I’ve broken off nearly all the ties I had with the other members of our circle. I’ve tried to show Hal I’ve repented, and even agreed to have another child. This is where the problem lies. I’m sorry, Hal, but I need to explain this part. I hope I don’t embarrass you too much. I love you, but I need to tell this. Okay?” she said, patting his knee and looking for assent.

He bowed his head but nodded.

“Sometime after Hal fathered our daughter, on one of his trips overseas, he contracted an STD. He waited too long to get treatment and by the time he did, unbeknownst to him, he had become sterile. We didn’t have a clue, until he went to see your friend, HMC Tory. He did a sperm count and said Hal was as close to being sterile as it gets. This is why I’ve never had any other children. We didn’t really try, but we never did anything to prevent it, either.” Veronica stopped her comments. Carol, spoke for the first time:

“Veronica, I accept your apology, and though it did cause a lot of stress for me, my son, and husband, I do have to thank you for turning my head around. Eddie has been a wonderful and considerate lover and he’s shown me how much I’ve missed. I wouldn’t have had a clue if you hadn’t opened my eyes, so to speak. So ... that aside, what did you want? I’m sure it wasn’t just an apology, unless you’ve been losing sleep over it. What can we: Eddie or me, do for you? I’m almost afraid to ask.” she admitted.

Seeming to gain courage, and with the nodding of Hal, Veronica began again:

“This is difficult. Uh, we can’t help but notice there are three pregnant women in this house: all about the same number of months along. We can assume yours is the result of your gaining a new appreciation of sexual relations. Your two daughters, we can only speculate, but having no evidence, we must assume secret boyfriends. Hal has his theory, but no hard evidence.”

“And your point is? It’s really none of your fucking business. Are you fishing for sordid details so you can blackmail us for some specious crime?” Eddie seethed.

“Oh, no, nothing like that, chief. We were just making comment, as a basis for our real reason for bothering you this evening.” Hal assured them.

“Okay, we’re listening.” Eddie snapped.

“Okay, to put it bluntly, we’re in need of a sperm donor!” Veronica hissed.

“Are we talking in vitro fertilization?” Eddie asked, wondering where he’d asked that, recently.

“Look, chief, that’s really expensive. We couldn’t afford that, even if I make chief.” Hal clucked.

“So...?” Eddie added.

“Oh, fuck it, Hal. Eddie, I want you to fuck a baby into me, like you did Carol, and maybe your daughters. We won’t say a thing, about anything, and we’d pay you what we can afford.”

Carol jumped in:

“Veronica, you are a scheming bitch. I knew you wanted to have sex with my husband, but to come here and spin this tale of bullshit!” she then started giggling.

Everyone looked at her as though she’d finally gone off the deep end. She started hiccupping and then got control of herself.

“Sorry, Veronica, I couldn’t resist giving you shit! That was all bullshit. Of course, Eddie will help you get pregnant. That’s what he does!”

“Carol?” Eddie gasped.

“Oh, be quiet, honey. I know you’re a horndog who would love to get your dick wet in such a voluptuous woman as Ronnie. And don’t be ridiculous about paying us. When is your next fertile period?” Carol inquired.

“Carol, what are you thinking?” Eddie exclaimed.

“I’m thinking that with three very gravid women in this house, you could probably use some fresh pussy; one that you can roll around on the bed with, without worrying if you’re hurting them. This is, of course if you don’t already have some other woman lined up to keep your horns trimmed while me and the girls are out of commission. Oops, I guess I let that cat out of the bag! Actually, Ronnie, and Hal, we’re not sure who the father of our three babies is, since we’ve been playing bedroom bingo with Eddie, Steven, and Eddie’s other son, Edward, who I believe you know, Hal. He’s a DS on your ship. Veronica, you got to know more about me than even my husband knew, and though you used some of that knowledge to try and hurt me, I guess you should know ‘everything’ about me. Does that make you feel even more powerful?” Carol crowed.

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