Eddie - Homelife After Westpac - Cover

Eddie - Homelife After Westpac

Copyright© 2024 by Fatwilly12

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - As Eddie Nolan continues his Navy career, now in port and being transferred back to a previous duty station, he is once again involved in making babies, along with having his wife and two daughters giving birth closely together. His buddy Al Tory is also involved and is making some fateful decisions with his wife.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Voyeurism  

Prior to his transfer, Eddie had welcomed his relief aboard. The new ETC had a different type of personality than Eddie, but he seemed competent and personable. Eddie’s newly minted ET1 Schwimmer had things well in hand, and if the new chief let him, he could run things well. Al still had a couple months before seeing his relief, but he was already making runs to Balboa, trying to get the lay of the land, politics-wise. Seeing whose ass, he’d have to kiss to get the most out of his tour. On board ship, he’d been the big fish, now he was a smaller fish, but being an E-8, still would wield some power. Eddie, on the other hand, had been reluctant to visit the school prematurely, afraid of what he would find, namely Saundra Carter. If she was still there, what kind of reception would he get? Would she feel threatened by her baby’s biological father being present? Would she want to re-connect, conjugally, or what? He kept telling himself he’d been gone long enough for her to move on, either figuratively, or literally. So, he dragged his feet until he was actually due to report to his permanent change of station, namely, Advanced Electronics Schools Command. As soon as he reported to the front desk, he was ushered into the office of the Officer in Charge (OIC) of the school, a crusty Warrant Officer, CWO4 Bradley:

“Senior chief, welcome back. I’ve heard great things from some of your former fellow instructors and department heads. I’ll bet you didn’t expect to be back so soon. It must be nice, escaping a full tour of sea duty. I suppose you plan on retiring as soon as your obligated service is complete. Oh, pardon me, I seem to have let my mouth get me in trouble, again. What ‘are’ your plans?”

Feeling his hackles rise, Eddie decided he didn’t like this man, at least so far.

“Hello, sir, I hadn’t expected to return to this billet, but the bureau offered it to me and since my wife is expecting, we felt it would be best not to move at this time. Depending on how things go, I may opt to complete my full tour here. What did you have in mind for me to do for you and the school?” Eddie replied.

“You have a young wife, then?” Mr. Bradley inquired.

“No, sir, we’re both in our late thirties. Our youngest just turned fifteen, and this was a surprise, as I had only been back from deployment for a couple of months. She must have ‘caught’ in the first month or so after I got back. You know, making up for lost time and all.” Eddie said slyly.

“You old sea dog! Congratulations!” CWO4 joked.

“So, did you want me to start by sitting in and moving to the podium when I’m up to speed?” Eddie questioned.

“No, I have a department head moving back to sea. A thirty-year man, and I need a replacement for him. That’s probably why the bureau sent you to me.” he admitted.

“Wherever you want me, sir.” Eddie exclaimed.

“Good man! That’s what I like to hear, senior chief. Why don’t you get your paperwork completed up front and then go home and take care of your wife. Be back tomorrow at 0800, and I’ll take you to meet everyone in the branch office. You’ll be taking over the Comm branch. See you tomorrow, senior chief. Glad to have you aboard.” he said, shaking Eddie’s hand and ushering him out of his office.

Eddie was even more uncertain about the wisdom of taking this assignment, but it was too late now. He’d just have to keep his sea legs and be able to walk on walls if need be. He felt the OIC already had a hard-on for him, so he’d best tread lightly, if he was going to fit in. At the front desk, the yeoman had him fill out a ream of paperwork, then told him to ‘shove off’ until the next day. Getting home early, he had the house to himself for a couple of hours, until Steven and Marley arrived from school. This would be her last week at conventional school, before starting homeschooling. They’d already picked up the curriculum and books required to complete this year’s studies. Eddie and Carol would be responsible for her getting the work in and taking the required tests in order to get the credits she’d need for graduating.

As soon as Marley walked in the door and saw her father, she started whimpering and when he asked her what was wrong, she complained about her breasts aching. Eddie knew this was normal for a woman to have pains as the mammary glands prepared themselves to produce milk. This knowledge did not help Marley feel any better and she pleaded with her father to massage her breasts, saying Steven was tired of doing it. Eddie had his doubts about how badly she needed someone to fondle her tits but was willing to try and assuage her discomfort. With him reclined in his recliner, Marley lay between his legs which allowed him access to her boobs, and he could put his hands on automatic while they watched television. They were thus engaged when Carol arrived home. Seeing what was happening, she claimed his ministrations next, saying Breeanne would be on her own, unless she could talk either Marley or Steven to do the job. This had become a more frequent occurrence and Eddie half expected it to be a ploy to get some attention from the males. With Edward making only a couple visits during the week, the ratio of male to female was off kilter.

Now, being six months along, the girls were not showing as much as Carol, but they still had baby bumps. Marley had tried disguising the bump while in school, but the rumor mill churned onward. She admitted to nothing, but enrolling in homeschooling during the school year was almost equivalent to putting it on the front page of the school paper. She just kept her chin high and took no shit from anyone. She could still inflict damage on the bullies, and had, on occasion. Breeanne had to alter her work attire to accommodate her swelling belly and breasts, but the skimpy uniform just enhanced her pulchritude and she still got good tips. Carol made sure they all made their scheduled pre-natal appointments and so far, everything looked good: Carol was carrying a boy, while Breeanne looked to be carrying a girl. Marley could be carrying either since there was no discernible penis. The guys were supportive though it became tedious sometimes, if only one male was around to do the ‘step and fetch it’ routine.

Walking into the training building the next morning, Eddie felt a foreboding, but decided to go full-throttle and see what happened. He went first to the OIC office where the Warrant was expecting him. Going upstairs to the department offices, Eddie saw a few familiar faces and he nodded to them as they smiled or waved in return. The department offices were one large room with dividers forming the different branch offices and individual small cubicles. Entering the Communications Branch area, all heads turned their way. A senior chief with the largest desk stood and prepared to greet them.

“Senior Chief O’Malley, I want you to meet your relief: Senior Chief Nolan. I don’t believe you two have ever met before.” Mr. Bradley announced.

Coming around his desk and shaking hands with Eddie, he commented:

“It’s a big Navy, sir. How are you, senior chief? I’m glad to finally put a face with the name. I heard you just left this place. I must have arrived just after you left. I came over from the B double E (Basic Electronics and Electricity) school when I made E-8. We have a couple weeks to get you up to speed. All my instructors have already gone to class, but I’ll introduce you when I take you around my bailiwick. Can I get you a cup of coffee, or anything?”

“I’m glad to be aboard. The place hasn’t changed much, but I’m sure there are small differences since I left. I’m good, as far as coffee is concerned. I’m all yours unless Mr. Bradley needs me for anything.” Eddie admitted.

The Warrant didn’t need Eddie, so he returned to his office, and Eddie sat down adjacent to chief O’Malley, as they began discussing the matters of the communications branch. They were still at it when the catering truck was announced. A break was called, and the two chiefs went downstairs and out to the mobile eatery. While there, Eddie was greeted by instructors he had known before, and chief O’Malley introduced Eddie to any of his instructors who came to the truck. Many ‘brown-bagged’ it and ate either in their classrooms or the instructors lounge, which is where O’Malley directed Eddie after they’d purchased their meal. Upon entering the lounge, the first person Eddie saw was Saundra, now an ET1. She was all smiles and came to greet him:

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