Newlywed's New Desires - Cover

Newlywed's New Desires

Copyright© 2024 by Mad Stories

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - When Chris and his wife Ashley meet an old friend, a hot roleplay session filled with passion turns into new desires neither person knew they had. What starts as a game of seduction and control quickly spirals into a web of manipulation, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. Chris finds himself grappling with conflicting emotions of jealousy, arousal, and a newfound sense of empowerment as he watches Ashley embrace her sexuality in ways he never imagined.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Rough   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Size  

Chris woke up the next morning to his wife lying between his legs, her warm tongue bathing the underside of his flaccid shaft. “Good morning, lover,” she purred as she felt her husband start to stir. “I thought the new head of sales deserved a special wakeup. I hope you don’t mind.” As she spoke, she wrapped her manicured hand around his shaft, bringing it to life as Chris wiped the sleep from his eyes.

“How did I get so lucky to marry such an amazing girl?” he sighed as he ran his fingers through her hair. Ashley purred lovingly from between the sheets, her tongue circling his head, willing it to life. “God, I love when you do that,” he said, letting out a long sigh as he pushed his head back down on the pillow. Once his dick was completely hard, she smiled to herself and engulfed it with her mouth, running her tongue along its underside as her hand continued to pump his shaft. She loved the way she could get him hard. Being able to watch and feel her man’s arousal grow filled her with some primal urge she couldn’t explain. Chris bucked his hips up as soon as her mouth made contact. He held his hands to her head and groaned in pleasure. Ashley was by far the best he ever had. He couldn’t believe this was how she was waking him up this morning, but he wasn’t about to complain. Ashley took her mouth off his dick but never stopped pumping his shaft with her hand. Her mouth found one of his balls as she gently sucked it. Her tongue began swirling around it, tasting and caressing. Chris let out another low groan, and she moved and began working on the other side, gently caressing and teasing his shaft. Chris was in ecstasy. This woman knew what she was doing. He would do anything she asked as long as she never stopped sucking his dick the way she was.

Holding his dick in her hands, Ashley began licking and kissing her way from his balls up his shaft. Her beautiful face puckered and kissed every inch of his dick until she made her way to the head, where she twirled her tongue around it again, sending little shocks through his body. She kissed the head of his cock in the same intimate way she had kissed him earlier. She slowly removed her mouth from the tip of his cock and began planting soft kisses on his shaft as she stroked him. She only stopped stroking him to lick his dick from the base all the way to the head, where she swirled her tongue around again. Chris groaned in frustration and reached forward, grabbing the back of her head and pulling her down onto him. She obliged, removing her hand and letting his dick disappear into her mouth. He held the back of her head gently as she sucked the entire length of his dick into her mouth. Chris knew he couldn’t last much longer, and so did Ashley. She reached up, running her nails along his chest as she hollowed out her cheeks and desperately worked her husband’s dick. “Oh fuck, I’m so close,” he raised his hips off the bed as Ashley continued to work her magic, determined to suck him dry. With one final thrust, Chris grabbed the back of Ashley’s head, pushing his dick as far into her mouth as he could as he let out a long moan and rope after rope of cum hit the back of her throat. Ashley purred seductively on her husband’s dick, doing her best to swallow every last drop and not allow any of it to spill from her mouth. She felt so powerful sitting there. The ability to literally suck the energy from a man was beyond hot for her. As she heard the last grunt from her husband and felt his cock start to deflate in her mouth, she did her best to put on a show, allowing his cock to drop from her mouth with a ‘pop’ as she made slurping noises and swallowed the rest of his seed before falling onto the bed next to him, completely satisfied.

“What did I do to deserve that?” he asked with a smile as he turned on his side to face his wife.

“You took great care of me last night; I figured I owed you one,” she said with a grin, turning to face her husband, staring deep into his almond-colored eyes.

“Yeah, last night was crazy. I mean, it was some of the best sex of my life. Did ... did you mean any of it?” His eyes shifted; she could see a hint of sadness in them but also something else ... excitement?

“You mean, do I want to fuck Clayton and feel his massive thick cock inside me?” she asked teasingly. As soon as she said it, she could see the arousal in Chris’ eyes. He couldn’t even speak; all he could do was nod. Ashley smiled sweetly and put a reassuring hand to his cheek. “No, lover. It was all pretend. He’s way too arrogant and full of himself. He seems like the type of guy who would only worry about his own orgasm and not care if his partner finished or not. I just played along with your little game. After all, you seem to enjoy the fantasy a lot,” she said with a wink, as only then did Chris realize she once again had her hand on his dick, and despite cumming just minutes ago, he was already starting to swell.

“I can’t explain it. Maybe it’s the thought of you with someone else, or maybe it’s just the idea of something new and exciting,” he said, trying to understand his own desires.

“It’s okay, baby. We all have fantasies. The important thing is that we’re open and honest with each other about them. I can’t wait to learn what other fantasies you have,” she said, her hand slowly stroking his growing erection as she planted one last kiss on his chest and climbed out of bed to go to work.

As Ashley prepared for her shift at the hospital, she couldn’t help but think about her conversation with Chris. She had always prided herself on being open-minded and adventurous, but the idea of exploring his fantasies with him excited her in ways she hadn’t expected.

Clayton strolled into his compact, yet purposeful office, tucked away in a corner of town. The small team, primarily composed of sales personnel, didn’t require much space, but he preferred this centralized location to keep a close eye on everyone. Even on a Saturday, the sight of his team diligently at work pleased him. Despite the excellence of his app, it required active promotion. That was precisely why he had brought Chris on board. And, of course, it didn’t hurt that Chris’ wife was stunningly beautiful, and completely out of his league. Clayton smirked, reminiscing about the previous night and the way Chris’ innocent wife had accidentally brushed against him. He anticipated the pleasure of manipulating her to his will. However, business matters beckoned, diverting his thoughts.

As Clayton passed by Katie’s desk, he noticed her hurriedly closing a window on her screen upon spotting him. This action reminded him of Katie’s student debt, a burden she had taken on before joining the company. With a warm smile, he approached her desk. “Katie, could you step into my office for a moment?”

Katie gave a concerned look then cautiously followed him to his windowless office where he shut the door behind her. “Have a seat,” he said, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. He took his time walking to his chair allowing her to squirm and fear the worst. “Katie, it seems you’ve become distracted lately at work. It feels like you’ve lost focus and commitment. You need to understand that loyalty is very important to me.”

Katie’s eyes grew wide and tears started to form. She was barely scraping by as it was, there was no way she could afford to lose this job. “Sir, please, I’m very committed to you and this job. Just this morning I signed three small businesses to a trial of our product and I expect them to convert to paying customers by the end of the month.”

Clayton sat calmly at the other end of the table, he knew he had her right where he wanted her, she just needed a little more pushing. “Unfortunately, trials don’t generate revenue and I need results.” Clayton softened his facial features and smiled gently at the young woman who was on the verge of tears. “I like to think of myself as a reasonable man. I know you still have a lot of outstanding student debt, so maybe it doesn’t have to end like this. I’m willing to give you one more chance if you can prove to me you’re loyal. Can you do that, Katie? Can you be loyal to me?”

Katie dried her eyes and returned her boss’s smile. “Yes sir, anything you want. I promise you won’t regret it. I’ll be the most loyal person in the company.” Katie quickly leapt from her seat and wrapped her arms around Clayton’s neck, pulling him into a hug. He smiled to himself as he returned the embrace. The poor girl had no idea what she’d just agreed to, he thought to himself as he dismissed her from his office.

Clayton spent the rest of the afternoon in his office going over emails and looking at sales numbers for his team. The popularity of his product was growing, but if they were going to start making serious money and catch the eye of investors, they needed larger companies with more lucrative deals. He sincerely hoped hiring Chris would help in that department. But even if it didn’t he knew there were other ‘incentives’ to think about. While he was considering what those possibilities might be, he came across a potential sale that caught his eye. The Morgan Group was a local company of about three thousand employees who were currently demoing the product. He decided to give their CTO, Jack, a call and see how the trial was going.

Chris adjusted his tie in the mirror, glancing over at Ashley, who was rifling through her wardrobe, trying to find the perfect outfit. He couldn’t help but smile, staring at her perfect ass as she slid on a small black thong.

“You know, you don’t have to try so hard. You always look stunning,” Chris said, walking over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and kissing her neck.

Ashley leaned into his embrace, turning her head to meet his gaze as his hands slid up her body, cupping her large breasts, his fingers sliding over her sensitive nipples. “I just want to make a good impression. Your boss is kind of a big deal.” She emphasized the word big, feeling Chris’ cock come to life against her ass as she chuckled. “Someone is having naughty thoughts.” She teased, gently rocking her hips against his growing member.

Chris chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “You’re just so sexy. How is it you always know exactly what to say to get me all charged up?”

Ashley blushed, feeling her heart flutter at his words. “Well, these days it seems all it takes is a little shake of my hips and then mention of a large, powerful...”

Ashley couldn’t finish her sentence as Chris kissed her again with even more aggression, slipping his tongue past her lips. She happily accepted it into her mouth, sucking on it softly as her own tongue danced with his.

“I mean every word,” Chris replied, pulling back slightly to look into her eyes. “You’re everything to me, Ashley. I love you.”

“I love you too, baby,” Ashley said, smiling up at him. “Now, let me finish getting all dolled up for you.” She gave him one last kiss on the cheek then pushed him backward as she reached for her bra.

When they finished getting ready, Chris was even more taken aback by her beauty. She wore a short black cocktail dress cut low enough to show just enough of her cleavage to make any guy do a double take. The dress came up just past her knee, showcasing her long, toned legs as she walked across the room in her four-inch heels.

As they arrived at Clayton’s house, Ashley couldn’t help but feel a surge of nerves. She had only met Clayton the one time at the bar, and he was nothing but respectful to her. However, she couldn’t help but feel in this short time the lines between what was real and what was fantasy were starting to blur.

The evening started off well, with polite conversation and delicious food. However, as the night progressed, Ashley couldn’t shake the feeling that Clayton was staring at her every chance he got. Clayton was his normal charming and charismatic self, with a smile that could light up a room. But tonight, there was something in his eyes, a glint of mischief that made Ashley’s heart race. As they ate, he paid close attention to the way she would look to Chris when he would make a racy comment, or the way her pulse would quicken and she’d turn red when she caught him looking down her neckline. He wasn’t sure what it all meant just yet, but he knew there was more there than met the eye.

“Can I get you another drink, Ashley?” Clayton asked, his voice smooth as silk.

“Uh, no thank you, I’m fine,” Ashley replied, trying to keep her composure.

Clayton leaned in closer, his breath tickling her ear. “Are you sure? It’s a special blend, imported just for tonight’s dinner.”

Ashley felt a shiver run down her spine at his proximity. She could feel Chris’s eyes on her, and she knew she should pull away, but there was something about Clayton’s confidence that drew her in. She looked to Chris for guidance, who just smiled warmly and nodded.

“Maybe just a small glass,” Ashley finally relented, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks.

As Clayton poured her a drink, their fingers brushed, sending a jolt of electricity through her.

She quickly pulled away, taking a sip of her drink to calm her nerves. “Thank you,” Ashley said, trying to sound composed.

“My pleasure,” Clayton replied, his smile widening. “I always aim to please.” He added with a wink, sending her into a coughing fit. “Care for another bet?” He asked, turning his attention back to Chris.

“What were you thinking?” Chris asked, sipping his drink as Ashley tried to regain her composure. She was happy the attention wasn’t on her anymore as she tried to slow down her pulse and the wetness between her legs.

Clayton grinned, his eyes dancing with anticipation. “I have a bottle of tequila in the kitchen. First person to finish twelve wins. Just like the old days.”

It had been years since Chris drank tequila, and he knew he would regret the decision in the morning. However, he also prided himself on never backing down from one of these bets, and he wasn’t about to stop now. “Fine, but if I win, I get to go to that big security conference in Vegas next week.”

“Vegas? I want to go!” Ashley whined as Clayton refilled her glass without her asking.

“And Ashley gets to go with me.”

Clayton thought about the proposal for a minute before nodding in agreement. “Deal, but there are going to be a lot of prospects at that conference, so you better bring your A-game.” The two friends shook hands, making the bet official, and Clayton lined up two rows of shot glasses on the kitchen counter. “Pace yourself, I don’t want any vomit on my floor.”

Ashley was made the judge in case it was a photo finish. She nervously drank her wine as the two men got in position. She had never seen Chris drink this much before, so she wasn’t sure what to expect, but she couldn’t deny the excitement of a possible trip to Las Vegas. Ashley said “Go,” and the two friends began throwing back their shots. Clayton started off strong, but after the third shot he had to take a minute to catch his breath. This gave Chris the time he needed to catch up and take the lead. Ashley watched nervously, drinking her wine to help calm her nerves. Clayton smiled to himself, his plan was working perfectly. He made it a show to try to catch back up with Chris, but after his eighth shot he made it a whole production about how much he was struggling. This seemed to give Chris renewed energy as he powered through the last four shots with ease, causing Ashley to squeal and jump into Chris’ arms.

The room was already spinning for Chris, and as Ashley leapt into his arms it was all he could do to catch her before falling to the floor with a laugh.

“Good job, baby!” Ashley said again, planting a kiss on his lips. Chris moaned into her mouth, running his hands up the side of her legs.

“Yes, good job indeed. I’ve gotta say, I thought I had you there for a minute. I can’t believe you were able to drink that much.” Clayton’s words brought Chris back to reality, and he broke the kiss with his wife to give a cheerful smile to his friend.

“Well look, it’s getting late, and you two are clearly in no position to drive. I’ll convert the sofa into a pull-out and you can sleep here tonight.”

Chris opened his mouth to protest, but as he did the room started spinning again, and he knew it was pointless to argue. Instead, he slowly pulled himself off the floor and lifted Ashley, who was also staggering after having finished an entire bottle of wine. “That’s probably for the best.” Chris said a little too loudly as he started giggling for no apparent reason.

As Clayton disappeared to prepare the bed, Ashley kissed her husband again. “I can’t believe we finally get to go to Vegas. We’ve talked about going for so long. I’ll have to call work in the morning and make sure I can get my PTO approved, but it shouldn’t be hard.”

Chris kissed her back, his fingers drawing little circles on her ass, causing the bottom of her dress to ride up a bit. “I’m so happy, baby. It feels like our luck is finally turning around.”

Ashley agreed, kissing his neck softly, the wine from the night starting to take effect on her. “It’s all like a dream come true. Maybe I should march into the living room and show Clayton just how much we appreciate him.” She teased as she heard Chris’ breath catch and felt his manhood press against her thigh.

“You’re so naughty. Did you see the way he was looking at you all night? He was practically eye-fucking you right in front of me.” As he spoke, his fingers continued to play with her ass, causing her to squirm in his arms.

“It’s too bad he only did it with his eyes. Maybe I would have let him have me right there on the table if he tried.” Ashley teased, feeling her husband start to surrender to the fantasy.

Just outside the kitchen, Clayton stood watching. If Chris had opened his eyes, he would have seen Clayton come back to the room. He licked his lips as he watched the back of Ashley’s dress ride up, her toned ass coming into view. “Fucking beautiful,” he said to himself, noticing the wet spot on the front of her panties as she grinded against her husband. He wished he was close enough to hear what they were saying, but he could only make out a few words here and there, most of the words a mumbled mess. Despite his desire to stay and watch, he didn’t want the young couple to see him standing there and suddenly get uneasy around him. Instead, he took a step back and made it a point to make a bit of noise before appearing back in the kitchen.

“The sofa bed is all made up for you. If you need me, I’ll be upstairs, first door on your left,” he said as he reentered the kitchen. Ashley was standing against the kitchen table, bracing it a bit to keep her balance, and Chris was leaning against the counter, grinning like a Cheshire cat, his erection threatening to burst from his pants.

“Thanks again for tonight. You’ve been an excellent host and built a great team.”

“Nonsense. Thank you both. I really am grateful you decided to come aboard. I can’t wait to get to know you both better,” he said, practically eye-fucking Ashley as he spoke, causing her to look away in embarrassment.

As he made his way upstairs, the couple made their way into the large living room and sat down on the bed, turning on the TV in an attempt to bring down their excitement. The movie began playing, and Ashley nestled up against Chris, resting her hand on his leg. “I had a lot of fun tonight. And your boss seemed to really like these,” she teased, pressing her arms together to make her chest pop a bit.

Chris laughed, placing his hand on her thigh. “Oh, I’m sure he did. You didn’t seem to mind the attention too much, either,” he said with a laugh.

“What can I say? There’s just something hot about getting two guys all hot and bothered thinking about me. I bet he’s up there right now thinking about it,” she purred into his ear, letting her fingers slowly slide up his leg. She felt his heart begin to race, unsure if it was caused by her words or her actions. As her hand slowly slid up his leg, she brushed against his hardening cock. “Well, well, what do we have here, Sir?” she laughed as she nibbled at his ear, causing him to let out an audible sigh.

“What can I say? Clayton wasn’t the only one who noticed how unbelievably sexy you are.” Ashley purred and moved her face close to his. Her hand now lightly caressed his dick through the fabric of his pants. “Mmmmm hmmm, good answer.”

Her soft lips gently connected with his, their tongues slowly venturing out and exploring each other as the events of the evening raced through both of their heads.

Chris put his hand on Ashley’s face, his fingertips playing with her ear as the other snaked around and pulled her body close to his. His fingers reached to the base of her neck, where his nails slowly caressed the hair there. Suddenly, he tightened his grip on her hair and pulled her right on top of him, eliciting a soft moan from Ashley.

His mouth opened hungrily, kissing her fast and hard. Ashley responded in kind, matching his passion and pushing herself down into him as she moaned into his mouth. Chris could feel Ashley’s dress start to ride up. The soft fabric of her panties rubbed against his manhood as it strained against him. He ran his hand down and grabbed one of her ass cheeks and squeezed as he pulled her harder into him.

Ashley moaned into his mouth and kissed him harder. She loved when he grabbed her ass and pulled her harder onto his dick. It was pressing right into the inside of her thigh. She could feel how wet she was already getting and the heat from Chris’ cock was making her grow hotter. She stuck her tongue into Chris’ mouth and slowed down their kissing, savoring the taste of him. His tongue darted out and danced with hers, moving to a long, slow, open kiss. She continued kissing him like this as she reached down and slipped her hand beneath the waistband of his pants.

Fumbling to get beneath his boxers, Ashley eventually found her prize when her hand made contact with the rigid hardness of Chris’ cock. He broke their kiss and took a sharp intake of breath as she wrapped her fingers around it and slowly began to stroke. Chris leaned his head back in ecstasy. Her touch was electric. He had been so pent up all day that the sudden attention was sending him into overdrive. Ashley could see and feel his excitement and began licking and kissing his neck while she stroked his cock. After about a minute, she got tired of the awkward angle and how difficult his waistband was making things. “Take these off.”

“Clayton is right upstairs,” Chris reminded her before instinctively raising his hips.

“You’re right, maybe I should go up there instead. I bet he won’t hesitate to pull out that large cock of his for me.” Under normal circumstances, Ashley would have never talked like this. Perhaps it was all the alcohol clouding her judgment, or maybe just the taboo nature of it all. Whatever it was, it was clearly having an effect on Chris as well, as he gave her a mischievous grin and quickly pulled his pants and boxers off his hips. Ashley gave a triumphant smile as she helped him get them the rest of the way off, sliding off his body and onto her knees in front of him.

Ashley enthusiastically began stroking his now rock-hard cock with her hands as she kneeled between Chris’ legs on the side of the makeshift bed. The lust and desire were practically pouring out of both of them as they locked eyes, and she eagerly licked her lips.

She engulfed his dick with her mouth. Chris let out a long moan as he bucked his hips up as soon as her mouth made contact. He held his hands to his head and groaned in pleasure. Ashley never took her mouth off it. It was like her prized possession as she continued to work more and more of it into her mouth. Chris let out another groan, and she let it fall from her mouth briefly, only to suck even more of it back into her mouth. He had never seen her this motivated to suck him before. “Fuck, that feels amazing, baby,” he moaned a little too loudly as she proudly took his entire length into her throat.

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