A Purpose Denied - Cover

A Purpose Denied

Copyright© 2024 by A funny bowl of custard

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A man had been raised with a singular purpose, till it was stripped of him at 15. He left home at 18 and never looked back. Now, at 25 there is a knock on the door.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Revenge   Slow  

I was created for a singular purpose. I never had a father. My mother inseminated herself on the day she turned 18 with the intent to create me. I was told from the time I spoke my first words what my purpose in life was. I was supposed to complete the task assigned to me on my 18th birthday. Instead, my purpose was stolen. I left my home and haven’t spoken to my mother in 7 years.

On my 25th birthday, I awoke between the two women I loved. I heard the buzz of the intercom from the front door. I disentangled myself from the limbs, Beth groaning at the interruption before subconsciously pulling Alex closer to her. My heart warmed, but then the incessant buzzing interrupted my moment of appreciation. I stumbled into a pair of sweatpants and down the steps from the loft.

I crossed the main area of the apartment taking a moment to appreciate the bay view from the wall of glass windows. I reached the door and opened it wondering who the doorman dared let in that would be that insistent. What I saw was a surprise, My mother. 5’6’’ inches, solid B cup breasts, and a long mane of blonde hair. She was dressed in gym clothes and I could tell she’d been crying. There were two suitcases sitting beside her and a duffel bag alongside her purse at her side. She spoke to me for the first time in seven years, “Sean.”

I slammed the door.

That roused my soon-to-be wives. Alice was a morning person and so was quicker to rise. She popped her chestnut hair over the corner of the loft, “Who was that?”

“My mother.”

“Really? She showed up? After what she did to you?”

“Apparently. I’ll make breakfast. Since it’s technically your apartment can you have a word with the doorman and get the police?”

Kelly was slower to raise, but joined Alice at the edge of the loft and hugged her from behind, “I’m trying to sleep and you know I can’t sleep without you two.”

I smiled at that, “Breakfast time, not sleepy time.”

The buzzing began again. I went into the kitchen and decided to make omelets. After a few minutes my two fiancées slipped down the steps. Kelly went to the door and opened it, “Sean, you forgot to take the trash to the chute!”

Despite her shout she stepped aside and my mother entered, “Hi, I’m Sean’s mother.”

Alice offered in her boardroom voice, “We know. Are you here to beg forgiveness, slut?”

My mother paled, “Sean, Are you going to let them talk to me like that?”

I looked up from the tomatoes I was dicing, “If I had my way they’d have called the police already, but I guess they decided hear you out?”

Kelly teased, “It’s Libby, right?”

My mother turned stern, “Lydia.”

Alice chuckled, “We know. We heard the whole story. I’m just curious why you dared show up? Then we’ll get to the police.”

Kelly offered, “Or we could tie her up and then make her watch when we go back to bed? Then send her packing. Let her know how bad she fucked up?”

My mother turned a whiter shade of pale, “I’m sorry.” She paused and whimpered, “I need a place to stay. My husband kicked me out. This was the only place I could think of.”

I dished out three omelets, well technically they were more messy eggs, since I didn’t have the energy to fold, “And you’ve burned through your inheritance? No friends? I already know you don’t have any family after you lost your son.”

Kelly chuckled, “I defended a pimp last month. I think I can give you his number without breaking attorney-client privilege.”

My mother pleaded, “Sean, please. I need you.”

I looked at my twin hearts and gauged their whims from their eyes. “What happened to your inheritance? It was enough to last you your entire life.”

“Frank, took up gambling.”

Alice smiled and I could see the malice in the way she upturned her lips, “Frank. That’s brilliant. So, you lost all your money to Frank and now you’re trying to suck at the teat of the women the boy you cast off enthralled?” To be honest, Alice tended to scare me a little when she got vindictive. Kelly had piercing and tattoos that could be covered by a pantsuit so she could stand in any courtroom, but when she was off work she would’ve looked dangerous, but Alice despite the upper crust upbringing and perfect business look was a lot more likely to ruin someone.

My mother’s voice trembled, “You told them?”

I served plates to the women I cared about and another to my mother, then went to the fridge for four bottles of water. I offered one to each of the three present and then tucked into my own meal, “Of course I told them. I wouldn’t keep something like that from the women I intend to marry.”

She squeaked, “Marry? You’re marrying one of them?”

Kelly laughed, “Nah, It takes both of us to slow him down. And sometimes a guest or two.”

I offered her a glare to silence the pointless bragging, “I love them both. We’re having a commitment ceremony in six months.”

Alice added, “You’re obviously not invited.”

“How did you even find out where I live?”

My mother glanced between the two women in my life, “I kept track after you ran away. I had the address for you apartment, but you didn’t live there anymore ... so I went to your employer and after some begging they gave me this address.’

“Why did the doorman let you in?”

“I told him I was your mother.”

Alice headed back up the stairs for her phone. I offered, “Might as well grab all three.”

Kelly interrupted, “So, why’d you come here?”

My mother retorted, “I don’t have anywhere else to go.”

“Why would you think I’d help you?”

“I’m your mother.”

Kelly laughed and I heard from upstairs, “NO! I want him fired. That woman was on the list of people to be denied entry to my building ... That’s not good enough.”

“You’ve never been my mother, Lydia. You may have born me, but from the second you gave birth to me till I turned 16 you treated me like your husband in every way, but one. Then you met Frank and I was excess baggage. You’re a lot of things, but my mother was never one of them.”

“I’m sorry...”

“Don’t bother apologizing. I was in therapy for five years, though it took 17 different therapists before I found one that believed the truth of it. I’ve had time to dissect the enmeshment. I’ve had time to come to terms with what you did to me. And a ‘sorry’ won’t change that.”

“I ... I’m sorry about Frank. It was a mistake.”

“It hurt at the time, but I ended up with the better end of the deal. Now, why do you expect me to help you? We’ve not so much as spoken to each other in seven years and I don’t owe you anything.”

“I don’t have any options. You’re the only one who might take me in.”

Alice pranced down the stairs taking pride in her kill, “What exactly do you need?”

“I need somewhere to stay. I need a job ... I’ve never had to work ... but my inheritance it’s all gone.”

Kelly chortled, “Seems like Karma; Destitute, homeless, and completely alone.”

Alice agreed, “Do you even have any marketable skills? Computer training? Office?”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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