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Copyright© 2024 by Its a skirt, not a kilt

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Brian is in his fifties, divorced and working at a local supermarket stocking shelves as his ex took most of the wages of his previous, well paying job. He is as content as can be, until he gets lumbered with a new young female employee to mentor.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   CrossDressing   TransGender   DomSub   MaleDom  

Claire told him that she had ordered moving boxes and would spend the evenings packing ready for the removal van Saturday morning. She also said that she would start cleaning ready to hand her flat back. Brian asked if she wanted a hand.

“Would you actually give me a hand, or just drag me to the bedroom?”

“I’ll not lie. Bedroom every time.”

“Then no. Your ‘help’ is not required.”

On Saturday morning, Brian drove over to Claire’s to pick her and her son up. The removals van was causing a fair degree of chaos, double parked as it was. Sitting in the stationary traffic saved him from having to find a parking space until Claire and Andie came out after the two removals men, who were carrying the last boxes.

They climbed into his car as the drop tail lift was stowed and the two men climbed into their truck.

“You don’t realise how much stuff you have, till you have to put it all in boxes.” Claire dryly remarked.

At his home, Brian parked on the street so the removal men could reverse up the drive. The offloading was faster, since the two men did not have to navigate the stairs in the flats and Brian gave them a hand. Claire had marked the outside of the boxes where the contents had to go.

“It’s so quiet!” Andie said when the removals van had left.

“I could go a coffee love ... I’ll just go and get my,” Brian paused. “Our car.” Brian walked round the corner, climbed into their car and drove it the short distance to their driveway.

When he walked in, Claire handed him a mug of coffee and picked up her own mug of tea. Given the possibility of physical labour, he had expected her to be in her usual attire of leggings and exercise top. But she had appeared at the entrance to her flat and walked over to his car in a floral dress with a hemline at the knee. It looked good on her, granted, but he still preferred the skin hugging exercise gear.

Andie was in jeans, t-shirt and a pair of trainers. Brian sat on a kitchen chair and savoured his coffee as Claire and Andie transferred Claire’s few items of kitchen ware to his cupboards. Once he had finished the last drop, he smacked his lips and placed the mug in the sink.


“Yes Brian.”

“You’re on your own, don’t break anything. Your Mother and I have a prior engagement.”

“Brian!” Claire said aghast.

“My house, my rules.” He said with a laugh as he scooped up a screaming Claire and physically carried her from the kitchen as Andie looked on, unsure as to what to do or say.

Claire’s mock screams of outrage quickly turned to ones of laughter, as Brian carried her up the stairs. He kicked the bedroom door shut behind him and made his way carefully round the unpacked boxes. He threw her, still laughing, onto his bed as he quickly stripped. She wrapped her arms around him as they kissed passionately.

‘‘I’ve waited all week for this.” He said as he slipped a hand up inside her dress.

“I’ve waited years...” She murmured.

He rubbed his palm over her mons, pushing against her panties.

“You’ll be walking funny tomorrow.”

“Promises, promises...”

Brian sat up, took hold of her panties in both hands and pulled them down her legs. Claire brought her knees to her chest so he could slip her underwear over her ankles. He threw the panties over his shoulder not looking to see where they landed.

“You won’t be needing them for a few days...”

“Back to work on Monday, remember...”

“Don’t spoil it...”

They kissed, Brian rolling her over so she was on top. Claire sat up on her haunches, rubbed herself teasingly against his cock as Brian reached up to fondle her breasts through her dress, feeling the bra underneath. She slapped his hands away and pulled her dress over her head and imitating Brian, threw it unheeding behind her.

“Will I not be needing that either? Rule one was it?” She teased.

“Towel!” Brian pointed out.

Claire quickly climbed off Brian and skipped to the toilet, skipping back with a towel. She laid it on the bed and Brian shuffled his bum onto it as Claire reached behind to unhook her bra, which also sailed through the air. She took her time lowering herself onto him and her thrusting movements were equally slow. She kept it that way until she moaned and lay down upon his chest, kissing his neck. Brian lifted her hips for a bit of room and started thrusting his own hips. She let out a little cry and Brian’s groin became wet. Brian continued to thrust his hips till he reached his own orgasm.

They lay still together, not moving, lost to their own thoughts.

“I should really be giving Andie a hand.” Claire pointed out regretfully.

“Yes, we should.”

“But, the independence will do him good.” Claire added as she snuggled into Brian, obviously not intending on moving anytime soon. It was very relaxing listening to her breathe and his eyelids felt so heavy that it was easier just to close them...

Brian surfaced, unsure as to what had awakened him. Claire was out for the count and didn’t even stir when he extricated himself from her embrace. He could do with a piss but didn’t want to use the en-suite and potentially wake her. He dressed and navigated the obstacle course of unopened boxes to the door, closing it gently behind him. He relieved himself in the upstairs bathroom and headed downstairs.

Andie was watching Brian’s fifty five inch flat screen TV mounted on the wall and he turned it off guiltily when he saw Brian.

“Andie, you live here now, you can watch the TV whenever you want.”

Andie had changed. He’d released his plait, keeping the loose hair in check with a hair band and had swapped his jeans and T-shirt for a floral dress not to dissimilar to his, HER, Brian mentally corrected himself, mothers’ dress that she had been wearing that morning. He, she was obviously wearing a bra with padding again.

Brian didn’t know how he stood with the whole ‘Trans’ thing. He’d never interacted with one before and up till now, his only interest in the subject had been one of mild amusement at the antics of Bud Light over in America with that Dylan character. That was certainly one way to get media exposure. They’d had corporate mandated diversity training at the supermarket, but in all his time there, he had never seen one trans individual. Or at least, never seen one that he had recognised as being biologically of the opposite sex.

Andie dressed as he, she, - he would get the hang of this — was, could have walked past him and he would never have noticed. Not having seen one before, wasn’t really much of a surprise in Brian’s view, as they only made up something like one percent of the UK population. A very noisy one percent of the population.

“Do you want something to drink, Andie?”

“No, I’m fine, thanks Brian.”

“Okay.” Brian headed into the kitchen, to switch on the kettle. In the hallway, to the side of the front door, was a stack of broken down cardboard boxes. ‘Andie’s bedroom’ ‘Kitchen’. ‘Bathroom’, neatly written on some of the bits sticking out. He, fucks sake! SHE! had been busy He made himself a coffee and tried to wonder what it would have been like, if he had been Andie’s father, from babe till now.

It didn’t really work, as he had no real prior experience of being a father. His kids, when he had still been on speaking terms with them, had always been his ex-wife’s problem. Looking back, he had been a shit father really.

The kettle boiled and he added the water to his mug. There were lots of new items in the fridge when he went to get some milk. Yoghurt, cheeses, sliced meat. Up till now, the contents had mostly been milk, beer and during the summer, like now, anything chocolate. He had never seen the thing so full. He poured the milk and put it back. He had a nosey through his cupboards, which were like his fridge, full of new items.
He didn’t bother looking in the freezer, as that doubtless would be the same. Brian carried his coffee through into the living room and sat in the settee.

“Anything interesting on?”

Andie shook her head. Her legs, exposed to Brian’s view by the hem of the dress, were smooth, so she obviously shaved them. Brian had so many questions, but in truth was a little scared to ask them. It was obvious Andie was Claire’s world and he didn’t want her moving straight back out again because he and Andie didn’t get along. But still, part of him wanted to know if she was into girls, or boys. Was she going to go for surgical alteration? The more he sat there and actually thought about it, the more curious he was becoming.

Brian thought about having his cock chopped off and a little shudder ran through him. No, not for him. Life was complicated enough, why would you want to make it even more complicated by changing gender. He sipped his coffee. She was not bad looking, he gave her that. Did she wear panties? Stupid question Brian, She wears a bra, so like, duh! Brian tried a mental image of her dressed just in lingerie and felt the start of arousal. Which was confusing to say the least and he decided to move on from that.

“Are you into sport Andie?”

“Not really. I’ll watch the Olympics, but that’s about it.”

“I take it, that you are into fashion?” She replied with a nod and a demure smile. “Do you read?”


“What do you do of the evenings?”

“I play on my computer.”

“Oh right, what do you play?”

“Bee Gee three, the Sims, Sea of Dee three, Minecraft...”

None of that meant anything to Brian, it might as well have been a foreign language.

“Do you have any favourite subsects in school?”

“I like science, English and Geography.”

“Oh, right.”

“Why didn’t you wake me love?”

Brian turned round to see Claire enter the room. She had put her dress back on.

“You looked so peaceful that I didn’t want to disturb you...”

“Awe...” She came over to Brian and gave him a kiss and a cuddle before she sat down next to him, slipping an arm through his. Andie looked uncomfortable at the display of affection.

“I’m going to play on my computer mum.”

“Okay Andie.”

Brian watched her leave. From the back, you wouldn’t know that it wasn’t a genetic girl you were looking at.

“She likes you.” Claire observed.

“She does?”

“Not many can get her to speak more than a few words.”

“Isn’t that the standard for teenagers?”

“And she was wearing a dress. She feels comfortable around you.”

“I bow to your superior knowledge on that matter.”

“What are you watching?”

“Nothing it’s the channel Andie had it on when I came down. She’s been very busy.”

“I saw that, the collapsed empty boxes in the hallway.”

“Does she have friends at school?”

“Not that I know of. She keeps herself to herself.”

“Does she always wear what you wear?”

Claire paused. “Do you know what, I’ve never thought about that, till you just mentioned it.” She lapsed into another moment of silent contemplation “I guess she does, now that I think about it. Isn’t it weird that I’ve never noticed that before?”

“Didn’t see the wood for the trees?”

“Yeah. I suppose so.”

“How does she get her clothes?”

“We go shopping and if she sees anything she likes, she says and I get it in her size.”

“What about fit? I thought women’s sizes were all over the place.”

“They are, annoyingly. If the shop is quiet, she’ll try stuff on in the shop, but mostly, now that you’ve pointed it out to me, I try it on and if we like it. I buy for myself and get it in Andie’s size.”

“Well, I for one, think you have outstanding taste.” He placed a hand on her leg and since they were alone, slid it up under the hem of her dress. She said nothing, so he went all the way.

“Ooh, check you out, being all slutty with no panties.”

“I couldn’t find them.”

He laughed, as did she and soon they were both laughing uncontrollably. She pushed his hand away.

“Enough! You’re making my eyes leak.”

“If you’d left my hand there, it wouldn’t just be your eyes.”

“God! Do you ever stop!”

“When I’m asleep...”

Claire stood up. “I’d better start unpacking. Andie’s put me to shame.”

“I’ll give you a hand.”

“Doing what?” She asked warily, looking down at both his hands and his groin.

“Moral support.”

Brian followed her up to their bedroom, sat on the bed and watched her open the first box.

She pulled out some dresses, neatly folded, and put them on the bed. Moving to another box to retrieve some hangers. Claire slid open the fitted wardrobe door.

“Do you have any clothes?”

“A couple of trousers, some shirts. What more do you need? Besides, it means more room for you.”

“Good point!”

Her bookcases had been dissembled and wrapped together with brown packing tape. Brian went over to them and started to remove the tape.

“I’ve got the screws. Somewhere. In a box.” She cast her gaze over the boxes.

“Where is your dresser and your other furniture?”

“It was a furnished flat, so it wasn’t mine.”

“We can go to Ikea tomorrow and have a look for one.”

“That would be nice.” She opened another box. It was bedding. Brian recognised the pattern on the folded sheet as her duvet cover. He looked at his own cheap simple pattern duvet.

“We can use yours if you want?”

“If you don’t mind?”

“Not at all. This is now as much your home as it’s mine.” He put the shelves aside. Without the screws, he couldn’t do anything with them anyway. He undid the buttons of his duvet cover and pulled the duvet out, inserting it into her duvet cover. She passed over the matching pillow cases, before turning to the next box.

“Found my knickers!” She said with a laugh, reaching down between two boxes. She shook them out and lifted a foot.

“No. Don’t put them on.”

Claire placed her foot back down on the carpet, and put her panties to the side. “Your such a perv.”

“Says the woman not wearing any knickers...”

Claire opened her mouth to reply as she raised her right hand and extended her forefinger. She paused, mouth open, finger raised, then without a word being spoken, closed her mouth, dropped her hand and carried on with her unpacking.

“Found the screws.” She handed him a sandwich bag containing the screws and an allen key. It was easy enough to work out what were the sides and what were the shelves. The backing panel was thin cardboard that was cantilevered so as to fold to the width of the shelves and sides. Brian unfolded it out and slid the edge into the matching grove on the top and sides. He put the first completed small bookcase up against the wall. It only stood one metre tall.

“Do you have a file system for your books?”

“Not really. By author is about it.” Claire put a cardboard tube to the side.

“Is that your posters?”


“You can put them up if you want.”

“You sure? It’s a bit childish having posters up, I know, but...”

“I like them.”

“You do?”

He held up one of her books, showing her the front cover of a bound woman sat up on a bed in lingerie. “Helps put me in the mood...” He said with an amused smile. Brian had never really asked, or paid attention to, what turned his ex-wife on. Looking back now, that had probably been one of the factors that had led to their splitting. He was determined not to make the same mistake twice.

“Umm.” She whipped the book out of his hand and put it back in the box, folding the box’s lid down to hide the contents.

“Can you paint, like you draw?”

“In what way?”

“Could you paint these walls to make it look like the stone walls in your pictures?” She went still and quiet, though her eyes had widened. “I wonder if Ikea do four posters...” He let out a little laugh of amusement which she didn’t join in on. He was new to this roleplaying thing, but was keen to explore it. He didn’t know why she had latched onto him. He knew he was nothing special to the eye and he had age against him. He was savvy enough to know she should be out of his league, but if being in command kept her happy and in his bed, he would play the role she wanted, needed from him. He didn’t know what her boundaries were, hell, he didn’t even know what his were. Only one way to find out really.

“Take your dress off, Claire.”

He wondered what she would do. Tell him to stop being a perv again?

She lifted her hands, undid the top four front buttons of her dress, pulled it over her head and stood there holding it.

“Drop your dress. Remove your bra.” She followed his instructions. “Now come here...”

Her head was on his chest again and his arms were wrapped around her. The sex had been quite frantic and a little on the wild side. He wondered if he had been a bit too rough, but she hadn’t complained. He made a mental note to read some of those books, pick up some pointers, as she obviously had them for a reason. Claire stirred.

“I’d better go and put something on for the tea.”

Brian looked at his watch.

“Fucking hell! Is that the time!” Where had the afternoon gone...

Claire slipped out of bed and collected her dress, pulling it over her head. He made another mental note to ask her if she had stockings and suspenders. She looked hot anyway, but in stockings and suspenders, she was going to look amazing.

He listened to the creak of the stairs as she descended. The quiet murmur of voices. It sounded weird to hear voices in his house that weren’t coming from the TV. Brian sat up, made his way naked over to her box of books, opened it and picked out one of the ‘for women by women’ titles. He flicked through the pages at random, a little put out that there wasn’t pictures as well. He read some of the paragraphs.

After a while, he started to see the existence of two behaviours.

One where the protagonist was used and she had neither the say nor the ability to dissent. This was mostly down to her being bound, restrained, and otherwise unable to react to the environment and the situation she was in. The story focusing on the protagonists inability to control the narrative. Helpless to the whims of the other. Or others. And what they were doing to her.

The other notable behaviour, was when the protagonist was given a choice, or choices, yet she always seemed to go for the choice that seemed the least constructive to her situation. Or she was given a command, where it was up to her whether or not she obeyed. Yet, inevitably, she did.

Brian saw similarities between those parts of the books, and some of his interactions with Claire over the last week, and even today. Like how he told her not to wear underwear. She could have ignored him but she didn’t. Or when he told her do something, like get on the bed and she obeyed immediately. His house rules comment had been a flippant, off the cuff remark that he would otherwise have forgotten about, after an hour or two. In fact, he had forgotten about it. Yet, she seemed to be overly fascinated about it, having brought it up on more than occasion, seemingly fixated more on the humiliation aspect of it rather than the fact that the rules may or may not, even exist.

Or, he could just be over-thinking things.

Not that the idea of her walking around the house in sexy underwear didn’t appeal to him. He was definitely going to explore that avenue a bit more.

Brian put the book back and dressed as he could smell something nice being cooked.

Claire and... her daughter ... were talking animatedly away as he entered the kitchen ... Andie helping her with the food preparation with a relaxed ease that told Brian that this was a common occurrence with them. He stayed quiet and let them get on with it.

After the meal, Andie started to wash up without being asked as Claire led Brian into the living room. She curled up next to him on the couch after retrieving the remote.

“Do you want to watch anything?” She asked.

“No I’m good.”

She squinted at the small writing on the remote, familiarising herself with the controls. Claire found and scrolled down the programme list, settling on one of the earlier Marvel action movies. Brian wasn’t sure if it was because she actually wanted to see it, or if it was because she had decided that it was a choice more likely to be accepted by him, which she in turn could suffer her way through.

Andie came through and Claire patted the empty space next to her. Andie climbed on, snuggling into her mother very much like how Claire was snuggled into him. Brian pondered how idyllic the scene must look to anyone watching. The perfect loving family. And yet they had only been together a week. Less than that really. If you were to go by time spent together, then it was really just over a day.

Brian reached out and picked up the remote for the surround sound and turned it on. The TV muted automatically and the action on screen was suddenly around them.

“This is like the cinema!” Claire exclaimed. “But with comfier seats.”

He smiled at her and ran his fingers through her hair.

“I feel like I have died and gone to heaven.” Claire said as she climbed into bed next to him. She was wearing soft fluffy shorts and a matching sleep shirt. The sort worn by women on their own, or those in stable, comfortable relationships. Like in the living room, she snuggled up to him.

Brian was naked under the duvet. He looked to her book shelves. After the film, she had excused herself, saying that there was unpacking still to do. When Brian had joined her later on, she had unpacked her books and placed a couple of posters on the wall. Not as many as she’d had up in her previous bedroom, probably just the few she liked the most. Brian looked at the row of spines in the bookcase, returning to his earlier thoughts and pondering.

He didn’t want a normal boring relationship. He didn’t want to suffer through another breakup. Realistically, his chances of finding another active sexual partner were going to decrease as his years advanced.

“Remember rule one?”

“Nothing frumpy.” She stated and after a brief pause, she crossed her arms and removed her sleep shirt. She folded it and put it to the side. Next she wriggled out of her shorts and set them on top of the shirt.

“You have a beautiful body. You shouldn’t hide it.” He cupped a breast. “And I love your breasts. Just a perfect size. I was looking through your books on the shelves earlier.”

“Oh... “ She said warily.

“Do you have stockings and suspenders?”


“Why not?”

“No-one to wear them for.”

“I think we need to go shopping next Saturday. Get some clothes to go with that sexy body.” She nodded. Brian left her breast alone and moved his hand between her thighs. She opened her legs and leaned back, laying her head down on the pillow. Brian continued to play with, and gently tease, the ridges of her labia.

“Do you have bondage gear? A collar?” Again, she shook her head again. “Didn’t you ever buy some, just to fantasize with?”

“Too embarrassed.”

“I think we will have to remedy that as well, don’t you?” Another nod. “Tell me you at least have a vibrator?” She nodded. “No. No head moments. You have to tell me. Do you have a vibrator?”


“Show me it.”

She slipped out of bed, rummaged in one of the few un-emptied boxes, pulling out

a vibrator. She climbed back into bed, handed it to him.

“I don’t want it.”

She looked at him, a bit confused, lost.

“Turn it on.”

She turned it on.

“Touch yourself.”

“Umm. Where?”

“Where you normally touch yourself. Do what you normally do...”

She was obviously reticent at first, but her hand moved to between her thighs. The vibrator was near silent, but Brian could hear tonal changes to the hum as she varied the pressure of the toy against her flesh. Her nipples were engorged, demanding attention. Brian adjusted his pillows for a more comfortable position in which to watch her. Reaching out, he dragged his fingers over the nearest hard nub, which was standing out proud upon the fleshy summit, like a conquering hill climber. Her body was making little twitches and her mouth opened as her lower jaw fell back towards her chest.

Brian expected moans, but nothing but air passed her lips, the only sound he could hear, was her breathing, which was becoming faster. The twitching kept pace with her breathing, the bed letting out odd little creaks. Claire’s eyes were tightly closed and Brian wondered where she was in her mind. What she was doing there, and what was being done to her. He also wondered if she would answer him honestly, if he were to ask. Her whole body gave a particular violent spasm and a barely audible gasp finally escaped her mouth.

Brian was somewhat surprised by the speed of her ascension.

“Are you always that fast.” She shook her head. “Verbal communication only. Remember.”


In all fairness, she did look a little surprised herself.

“Why the change?”

She was silent, obviously thinking about it herself. “I’ve never had anyone watch me before.”

Brian wasn’t sure having someone watch him, would have had the same effect. Most likely the opposite in fact. He filed it away for future consideration. It was certainly arousing enough watching her. He looked down at his erection.

“Impale yourself.” Claire rose onto her hands and knees to straddle his body. Shuffling back a little, to position herself above his erect cock. She took hold of him and held him steady as she sank herself down. “Now ride me.”

She rested her palms on his chest and manoeuvred herself up and down on his shaft.

Annoyingly to him, he was just as quick as she had been. She said nothing as he twitched and spurted inside her.

They snuggled together and drifted off to sleep.

Brian woke to the fingertips of a hand tracing out an unknown - to him anyway - pattern upon his chest.

“Morning my love.” Claire said as she watched his eyes open.

“Morning sexy.” He was treated to that little shy smile of hers that he found so adorable. “Do you fancy a trip to Ikea today?”


Brian looked around the room. With the exception of the unpacked boxes and the new bookshelves, Brian had never been one for furniture. There had been no need. His ex-had spent a lot of time at her dressing table and Claire’s had been positively festooned with make-up products. At the moment, she had no place to put those products.

“Thought you’d like to look at dressing tables? And any other furniture you might need.”

She rolled on top of him, kissed him deeply. “You make my heart want to burst asunder...”

“Can you do that in the bathroom please? Easier to clean the blood up...”


“Don’t mind if I do...” Brian reached up and cupped one of her breasts. “God, your body is so beautiful.”

“And all yours...” She whispered into his ear. Brian couldn’t work out if her tone was teasing or offering.

“Mine you say?”


“Well in that case...” He rolled her on to her back, spread her thighs and moved between them. He quickly hardened and pushed the tip between her fleshy folds. The rest of him quickly followed as he sank balls deep. Remembering one of the paragraphs in her books he had skimmed through the previous day, he took hold of one wrist of hers and placed it on the bed above her head. He placed the other next to it and held both in place with one of his larger ones. She definitely seemed to like that, so he held them in place with his left hand and used his right to fondle her breasts.

His ex would definitely have objected to the current situation, but Claire was obviously into it. Brian had always been a silent fucker, not even grunting or exclaiming loudly that he had cum, like they did in the few porno’s he had seen. But the male’s in her novels always seemed to be quite vocal. He wasn’t sure if that was the literary equivalent of the ’show don’t tell’ in the film world. After all, a reader couldn’t use facial or posture to understand a character like on TV. It had to be explained.

Brian rolled the words around in his head. It was all a little alien, even a little preposterous. The more he thought about it, the worse it sounded. If he spoke, would she just burst out laughing? Which would ruin the moment somewhat. But then, it wasn’t just about him, was it? Maybe he was overthinking it again.

“Tell me. Who do you belong to?” She let out a little moan.

“I belong to you...”

“To do with as I please?”

“Yessss...” She was definitely into this, her body becoming more agitated.

The words ‘To be my personal slut...?’ Were there in his head, but he couldn’t say them, or more precisely, call her a slut. It was just wrong, and ran contrary to how his parents had brought him up.

“To obey my every wish, my every command?”

“Oh god ... Yes...”

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