The Black Halloween Party Dress - Cover

The Black Halloween Party Dress

Copyright© 2024 by Spacer X

Chapter 1

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Tommy Bryton is a handsome athlete enjoying his youth to the max

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Humor   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Group Sex   Facial   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

Tommy Bryton heard the bell ring sounding the end to yet another boring day at school. He ran as fast as he could to his locker the minute he got out of the classroom. He only stopped just long enough to yank the denim bag from the metal locker before hurriedly relocking it and once again darting off into the crowd of students. Pushing past everybody in his way, he raced along the corridor until he bounded through the large double doors and into the freedom of the end of the school day.

Tommy ran down the large stairs outside of the entrance to the old building, ignoring the shouts of his teachers and didn’t stop running until he reached the road at the end of the long grass banks in front of the school.

The banks were covered in flowers because of the warm air and sunlight that shone brightly in a cloudless sky, but none of it held his interest at all. All of his attention was on what lay right in front of his eyes.

“Hey Tommy.” A female voice called from behind him.

He turned and looked. It was a very attractive girl named Roberta.

Frankly, he didn’t know her and hardly cared about her. But just by observing her eagerness to talk to him, he knew he’d be fucking her soon. It wasn’t that he was arrogant or egotistical, though he did have a little bit of both. It was just the way things were.

Tommy was an outstanding athlete. In particular, he was a star running back on the school’s football team, much like his father Carl who had been on the same team years before.

Tommy was also tall for his age. He was only 16 years old and he was already six feet tall. He had short dark brown hair and brown eyes, and although he wasn’t hugely built, he was definitely muscular in a defined and toned way. Everyone said that he was the spitting image of his father, just a slightly larger version.

Tommy wasn’t a smooth talker, but he had some kind of indefinable charm that made him a big hit with the girls. He was handsome, smart, strong, and popular. But his secret weapon was his penis. Word had gotten around the girls in school that he was extremely well endowed, but even more importantly, that he knew how to use it.

As a result, he was having great success with girls in school, especially in the last year or so, as he’d grown into his body and became a local sports star. And it was the middle of football season, so his weekly heroics caused even more girls to lust after him.

He never stayed with any girl very long, but he certainly was having a hell of a fun time bedding a surprisingly large number of beautiful girls for his young age. He was so highly prized that he was mostly dating senior girls, even though he was only a junior.

His one regret is that virtually all of the very most desirable girls were off limits because they were in serious relationships. That included one, Misty, that he desired the most, because she had a voluptuous body exceedingly rare for a high schooler, and she also happened to look remarkably similar to his gorgeous mother. He kept close tabs on her, ready to move in if she ever broke up with her boyfriend, but she’d been with the same guy for three years, and it was very serious.

In the meantime, at least he was having a field day dating all the sexiest of the unattached girls. With friends and family, he was a genuinely nice guy. But he’d learned through trial and error that playing hard to get, and acting like a “bad boy” asshole type was wildly successful for getting girls. Plus, it helped set the expectation that he was mainly interested in sex, not romance.

“Hey, Roberta,” he said with calculated disinterest. He was employing his usual “bad boy” persona.

She looked at him, obviously trying to gather up her courage. “Um, so ... How’s it going?”

“Good.” He wasn’t saying much so he could test to see just how eager she was.

She stared at the ground. “Um, so ... do you know what you’re gonna do this weekend?”

“I dunno. The usual, I guess. Hang out with some friends, watch some games on TV, maybe date a couple of hot girls. Hey, but you look really good today. Is that a new dress?”

She looked up, and her face broke into a big smile. “It is! You noticed!” She’d gone through a lot of trouble to find a dress she thought he’d like.

He smiled back. He liked to give out compliments, but in this case she really did look good. Roberta was a stacked senior, and her dress showed off a lot of creamy cleavage. He liked that a lot.

She was one of the most desirable of the available girls in school. He’d had her in his sights for a long time. But his usual method was to wait for the girl to come to him, and then act as if he could have cared less.

She asked, “When you say you’re going to date a couple of girls, have you chosen them yet?”

“I have. I’m gonna date Randi again on Friday night. I tried her out last weekend, and she’s pretty hot. She can suck my dick pretty well, and most girls can’t handle my size. Ditto with Cassie on Saturday night. She can really suck dick, and turns out she’s a tight fuck too. Why do you ask?”

Sometimes, he still found it hard to believe that talking in these crude terms worked, but the success he had couldn’t be denied. It helped that girls knew of his reputation and expected this sort of things from him. No doubt, being well-known for having a huge dick made all the difference. A normal guy couldn’t have gotten away with that.

Roberta blushed profusely as she said, “Well, uh, just so you know, my last boyfriend was really well-hung. Not as big as you, of course, but close. And I got really good at sucking him. Really, really good. I totally loved doing it for him too. Ask him yourself if you don’t believe me.”

“That’s cool. If I’m gonna date anyone new, she’s got to be an excellent cocksucker. I’m not the romantic dates and flowers kind of guy, as you probably know. I date hot girls who know how to satisfy me.”

Roberta was getting even more embarrassed. “Talk to Jim, my ex, please. He’ll tell you I’m hot and ready for action. And I’m not afraid of your size!”

“Oh, really? Maybe I’ll do that. But if you’re trying to ask me out, I’m busy this weekend with Randi and Cassie. Maybe next weekend. But I’ll probably be busy then too. We’ll see.”

He had mostly been looking at her face, but he switched to blatantly staring at her chest.

She saw the shift in his attention, and struck a pose that emphasized her tits. They weren’t the huge type that he preferred and that Misty had, but they were definitely big. He estimated they were D-cups, at least.

He made a grunt of approval, as if she’d passed the test of minimum breast size.

She noticed, and smiled triumphantly. She started to say, “So, uh ... Do you want...”

He suddenly cut the conversation short. “Hey, I’ve gotta run. I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Okay! Talk to Jim soon, please?!”

He nodded, and walked away.

Seeing the eager look on her face, as he walked away, he thought, Jesus Christ! I can’t believe that lately even the likes of Roberta are asking ME out. She’s definitely one of the hottest available girls I haven’t fucked yet. I definitely can’t wait to fuck her, but as usual I’ve gotta push it off so her anticipation will build.

I can’t believe she was totally throwing herself at me like that. I’m actually embarrassed for her, at the way she debased herself trying to tout her fellatio skills. But that’s how it is. We all want what we can’t get. If I pursued her all moody and needy, she probably would turn me down. It’s fucked up. But I’ve broken the code, and few guys around here have.

He already could guess well what would happen with Roberta. As usual, he’d probably fuck her a few times, even while he was dating and fucking some other girls, and then he’d move on. It wasn’t that he was a total asshole about it. Thanks to his aloof status, he set high expectations that any girl who dated was going to put out starting on the first date, and prove her worth in bed. But at the same time, he actually was a gentleman on dates, at least until it came to acting aggressively in bed. He also was considerate when it came to breaking up, letting girls down easily in an “it’s not you, it’s me” kind of way.

His goal was to make dating him a very enjoyable experience for the girl as well as himself, so she would spread the good word to her girlfriends. By now, it was well known that he wasn’t interested in romance whatsoever, and he never dated the same girl for long, but also that one had a thrilling sex ride with his huge dick while the dating lasted.

That was a very successful formula, and success bred more success. With his reputation as a stud and his surging teenage hormones, he was like a kid in a candy store. He wanted to fuck lots of beautiful and busty girls. But he had yet to come across any one girl who could hold his sexual interest for long.

Misty certainly would have been an exception, if only because she was so very stacked and sexy, but she was still off limits. He hoped at least that his growing reputation as a well-hung sex machine was reaching her ears, making his eventual seduction of her a lot easier.

All in all, life was very good for Tommy. And then it got even better.

Tommy’s mother Leah Bryton placed the receiver back down onto the handset and smiled broadly to herself. The customer had been tough to win over, but her charm never failed. Sure enough, she had just earned herself yet another fat amount of extra bonuses because of that deal.

Leaning back in her chair, she let herself relax with her hands folded on her stomach, and smiled down at the phone on her desk.

She heard a gentle knock on the door.

“Come in,” she called. She looked up and saw Stella, her personal assistant, walking in holding a file in her hands.

“This came for you from head office,” Stella said with a friendly voice.

Leah was an exceptionally beautiful woman, and even other women tended to act very friendly around such raving beauties. Stella could have been called a “raving beauty” herself, but she was surprisingly modest about it.

“Ah forget it for now,” Leah said with a smile as she stood up and smoothed her stylish business suit. “It can wait until tomorrow. You get off and go home early. It’s a holiday, so go and enjoy yourself.” Technically, it was still a working day, but it didn’t seem right to her to make everyone work a full day on Halloween.

Stella smiled back at her, and stopped walking towards the table. “You know, one of these days you’re gonna get in trouble for being too nice to us,” she said with a grin. Leah really was a great boss to her staff, firm but kind.

“Yeah, but hey, what’s life if you don’t break a few rules, eh?” Leah replied as she walked over to the coat stand to pick up her coat. “And besides, my bosses will let me get away with anything.” As she said that, she gave her most innocent look while she also leaned forward and wiggled her extremely large and impressive bust.

They both burst into fits of giggling.

But it was true. Leah did get all kinds of slack, thanks to her stunning face and voluptuous body. She was a mouth-watering sight even in her conservatively cut business suit.

“Come on, then before we’re caught,” Stella said as they walked out of the office, “I’ll buy you a drink.”

“Sorry, not today. I’ve gotta get straight home. Carl and I are going to his office’s Halloween party tonight, and I’ve got a special surprise for him.” She closed the door behind her and locked it.

Leah’s marriage with Carl was in the dumps, with their sex life cratering in recent months. She was hoping that a super sexy Halloween outfit could provide a sexual spark.

“Oooh! Really?” Stella asked with a knowing smile, “So you bought that scandalous dress you were telling me about, then?”

Leah just grinned and began to giggle again.

Stella soon joined in. “Sounds like someone will be getting laid tonight!”

“Well, maybe,” she replied more seriously. “You know the problems I’ve been having with Carl about that. I swear, if even this dress doesn’t do it for him, he’s gone gay or something.”

She stared wistfully into space and tried to recall the last time she’d had sex with Carl. It had been weeks, if not months. It had been like that for the past year. Even when they had sex, it felt like going through the motions.

Yet she was only 34 and sexier than most Playboy models. She didn’t understand it. They’d had a good sex life for their entire marriage, and then it seemed to suddenly come to a near total stop for no reason she could see.

“So Leah, are you gonna join me in my office before you go home?” Leah heard a new voice, and immediately recognized Dwayne Borhand, another executive she sometimes worked with, before she turned around.

“In your dreams, Dwayne,” she answered back. She rolled her brilliant blue eyes as she looked at Stella and yawned.

Stella just smiled back at her. She saw Leah deal with this kind of thing every day, and was always impressed at how easily her boss kept the sharks and sleazeballs at bay.

“You’re always in my dreams,” he said to her and motioned to slap her on the ass.

But she quickly pivoted, forcing him to abort his slap (if he’d even been daring enough to go through with it in the first place). “You’re always in my nightmares, Dwayne,” she chided back at him and turned away to walk to the elevators with her sexy assistant. “And besides, you couldn’t handle me,” she called over her shoulder at him.

He stood there gawking at her walk. “She’s probably right about that,” he quietly muttered to himself. “If she fucks half as good as she looks ... Damn! And what an ass!” He shook his head and realized he would never get a chance with her anyway.

Riding in an elevator some moments later, Stella commiserated, “Ugh! Men! That guy has tried to hit on me way too many times.”

Leah smiled. “Every guy in this office has tried to hit on you too many times.” She joked, “But don’t worry. One day, someone will invent a real human portable penis, separate from the body. Then we’ll be done with men for good.”

“Seriously!” Stella sighed. She had a long time serious boyfriend, but things weren’t going well in that relationship either.

When Tommy got home, he went straight to the kitchen to get himself a drink. As usual, his mother Leah was there. A couple of years ago, as a highly regarded executive, she’d had the option of another raise or fewer hours, and she’d chosen the latter so she could spend more time with her one and only child before he grew up and moved away. She knew his football practice schedule, and almost always managed to get home just before he did.

But his father Carl was there too. That was highly unusual. Carl earned just as much as Leah did, but in recent years it seemed like he had to spend twice the number of hours at work to do that. Tommy figured the fact that it was Halloween probably explained this rare afternoon father sighting.

Every time Tommy got home and saw his mother for the first time in many hours, he was so struck by her beauty that it was like a punch in the gut. He’d been crushing hard on her ever since he’d hit puberty. But he considered her completely unattainable. Even flirting was out of the question. At least he could take the lust he built up with her and do something with it by fucking high school girls.

As usual upon coming home, seeing his mother took his breath away. But he’d become an expert in hiding his desire and acting casual, so that’s what he did yet again.

Carl was sitting reading the sports section of the newspaper at the large wooden dining room table, dressed in his usual shirt, slacks, and tie.

Leah was leaning against the counter with her arms folded, drinking some orange juice and talking to her husband.

Tommy was able to get a good, long look at her before his presence was noticed. Jesus! Fuck! I swear, it’s such a waste for her to be a married business executive. Just look at that fucking body and her insanely perfect face! And her tits! God, her tits! She’s not even wearing anything revealing, but she still looks like the most desirable porn star. Every minute that I can’t be fucking her to oblivion is time wasted! Dad is so unworthy of her.

He silently sighed with frustration. He figured he was more likely to become a billionaire than ever fuck his mother.

“Hey Mom, hey Dad,” Tommy said as he threw his bag under the table and went straight to the fridge.

“Hey, kiddo,” his mother replied.

“How’s it hangin’?” Carl asked his son without taking his eyes from the paper.

That was typical. Unfortunately, a lot of the time when Carl was home, it seemed like he wasn’t really there. The newspaper or his work papers seemed infinitely more interesting to him than his own family. His attitude wasn’t as bad before, but it had progressively gotten worse over the past several months.

“So how did school go today?” Leah asked Tommy.

“It was cool. Coach told the whole team I’m the ‘engine’ of the offense, and said there’s no stopping us if our line can do a better job opening up lanes for me,” he answered back to her while reaching to bring out some orange juice and pour it into a glass. “He said there’s no reason why we can’t go all the way this year!”

“That’s my boy,” Carl said proudly, folding the paper down in front of him and reaching for his can of beer. His interest perked up quite a bit when it came to his son and sports, because he was a big sports fan in general and very proud of his son’s local football heroics.

Tommy grinned happily as he put the carton of orange juice back in to the fridge and gulped the juice down.

Carl asked him, “How many girls asked you out today?”

“DaaaaAAAAAaaaad!” Tommy complained, even though he was secretly delighted. His parents certainly had noticed his recent success with girls. His mother jokingly called the seemingly endless stream of beautiful girls coming and going to Tommy’s room on the weekends the “Miss Teen America Pageant.”

Tommy thought to himself, Just one today, Roberta, but what a girl! After totally debasing herself trying to ask me out at lunch, boasting about her cocksucking skills, she caught up with me after school and offered a “test run” in a bathroom stall. And damn! She has good reason to boast. The mere fact that she could get my entire cockhead in her mouth moves her way up my list.

Leah chided Carl, “Please, let him be.” But then she beamed with a bright smile and innocently asked Tommy, “So, how many girls DID ask you out today?”

The three of them laughed, while Tommy blushed a little bit. It was weird for him whenever his mother showed any interest in his dating or sex life, especially because she was such a stone cold fox. And it had only gotten worse lately. Even as the three of them were talking and joking around, he had to hide the raging boner he got pretty much any time his mother was near.

He couldn’t resist boasting, “Actually, one did. Roberta. You remember her?”

Leah did. She made a point of putting names to faces for many of her son’s class mates. She always made special note of the beautiful girls, because she took an inordinate interest in her son’s sex life. She was strangely proud of his sex stud reputation.

She said, “Roberta? Of course! Wow! Son, you’re really moving up in the world. She’s a total hottie. What did you say to her?”

“I put her off,” he admitted with a shrug. “But I’ll get back to her in a few weeks. Probably after I get bored of Cassie.”

He thought back to Roberta’s blowjob. Maybe sooner than that, actually. She is a total hottie, and she can suck a really big cock! Maybe I’ll give her mouth a few more “test runs” between now and then. He chuckled at his great fortune.

Carl was listening, and just groaned with envy. He said, “I don’t know this Roberta, but if she’s even sexier than Cassie, then I need to do a ‘Freaky Friday’ thing and swap places with you.”

Tommy chuckled, and said, “Not happening, Dad.”

But then Carl’s jokey idea hit him hard, because he realized that if he and Carl switched bodies like in the movie “Freaky Friday,” he could have sex with Leah, his unobtainable mother! Oh, fuck YEAH! If only! God damn! If that really happened, I would rush to wherever she was and be balls-deep in her in a matter of minutes! Oh God! Then we’d fuck and fuck and fuck until we drop from total exhaustion!

Oh, fuck! Between looking at Mom and thinking about Roberta’s tight lip-lock on my dick earlier, I’m way too fucking horny already. And now Dad put THAT idea in my head! I need to go masturbate to some “Freaky Friday” shit right away!

“So what are you up to then tonight?” Tommy’s mother asked him, clueless about how much Carl’s joke was affecting him. “It’s Halloween! The school’s top running back and Don Juan must have big, big plans!” She was teasing him about it, but she also assumed he did have some big plans.

He leaned against the counter opposite her and sighed. “I dunno. You know I got in that big fight with John the other day. There is a big party, but he’s gonna be there, and I just don’t want to deal with him. I dunno, maybe I’ll just hang out here.”

While still reading the paper, Carl asked, “Who’s John?”

Leah rolled her eyes. “He’s only your son’s best friend for like the last five years? I swear! You need to spend more time at home and pay attention. Sometimes I wonder if you’d even know if you HAVE a son, if he wasn’t a football star.”

Carl tore his eyes from the paper, but only because he’d been called out for not paying attention. “Hey, at least I know who Cassie is.”

“Yeah, because you’ve seen her in this house in recent weeks, and she’s a bombshell and you’re a straight male. You don’t get any points for that. Can’t you be there for your son?”

“Well, I’m here now.”

“Yes, that’s true,” Leah replied with some exasperation. “I definitely noticed, and I’m pleased. I was worrying all day that you’d come up with some kind of excuse why you couldn’t go to the party tonight.” She smiled sexily, and wiggled her hips a little bit. “Just wait until you see my costume!”

But her smile died when she saw the embarrassed and contrite look on Carl’s face.

“Uh babe, actually, I’ve got some bad news. I can’t make it tonight, I’ve got a late night meeting tonight with Seers at his house about a new deal.” He tried not to look at his wife.

She exploded, “Are you KIDDING me?! A late night meeting on Halloween?! I swear, you have your business meetings at the strangest times. Next, you’re gonna tell me you’ve got a meeting on Christmas morning!”

He said defensively, “I know, I know! I hate it. But it is the middle of the work week, and you know how much of my business is with foreigners. Halloween is pretty much just an American holiday. And then there’s the usual time zone difference problem. I’m really sorry.”

Leah exhaled loudly. She was an exceptionally nice and easy going person, so it took a lot to get her angry. But right now, it looked like steam was about to come out her ears.

Tommy understood why his father had to be feeling bad. Leah had been looking forward to this party for three months. She loved dressing up in costumes, and now she wouldn’t be able to go. Carl’s excuse sounded reasonable, except that he seemed to have an excuse like that every time Leah wanted to go out and do anything. Tommy strongly suspected Carl was cheating on her (although he couldn’t understand why), but he didn’t have any proof.

His parents had been getting in more and more arguments lately, and he didn’t want to get caught up in another one. He turned gently towards the kitchen door and slowly began to move towards it, trying to silently sneak away.

But his hopes for a quick exit were dashed by what his father said next.

“Tommy could go with you instead. He just said he isn’t doing anything.”

Tommy froze on the spot and turned around to say something to stop him being involved, even if that meant exposing his stiff erection in his shorts. But his mother spoke first, and he knew better than to interrupt a woman who wasn’t happy.

“Tommy can go? And drink alcohol? Carl, he JUST turned eighteen a few weeks ago!” she said, her voice dangerously calm and quiet.

Leah wasn’t the type to yell, but Tommy had learned over the years that her kind of angry quiet could be worse than yelling. He looked longingly towards his exit, so close and yet so far.

Carl replied, “So? I was drinking when I was 18, and so were you, Leah. Anyway, one night of getting a little tipsy won’t hurt the boy. Or he can just drink Coke. And so what if he’s only 18 anyway?”

“So what? They wouldn’t let him in anyway, he’s underage, Carl!” his mother said, still not sounding calm. “The drinking age is 21 now, as I’m sure you know. Plus, I’ve been to your office parties. Things get pretty wild!”

She particularly recalled having to go to the ladies room one year. She’d had to walk down a hall of offices to get there, but every office seemed to be occupied with very vocal and amorous couples.

Carl said, “He won’t have any problems. Just give him my costume, and no one will recognize him. They’ll probably think it was me. Hell, his voice even sounds just like mine.”

He visibly relaxed, realizing that he’d just come up with a pretty clever solution to his problem. “Now that would be funny, if they thought he was me. They’ll all be wondering how I had managed to party as well as make a deal.” He chuckled to himself.

Tommy was still standing halfway to the kitchen door, but he watched his mother sigh and take a big swig of her orange juice.

With Carl’s “Freaky Friday” idea still in Tommy’s head, he found the idea of being mistaken for Carl to be unusually arousing. If only I could go to that party and EVERYONE thought I was Carl, even Mom! Especially Mom! Gaaaawwwd! Then I could have my way with her! I wish!

Leah replied, “It’s a moot point, because he wouldn’t want to go anyway. He wouldn’t want to spend time with his fuddy duddy ol’ mother at some party for old people.”

Tommy didn’t know what to say. She was right, he didn’t want to spend a night drinking with his father’s bosses and workmates, but his mother really wanted to go. He secretly feared that he was in romantic love with her or something, because he always found himself utterly incapable of disappointing her or telling her no.

He didn’t know about that, but he most definitely was in lust with her. He remembered that she’d just mentioned something about having picked out an extra sexy costume for the party.

Leah almost invariably dressed conservatively, like she was Amish or a nun. It wasn’t that she was prudish, but with her smoking hot body, she got way too much unwanted attention already. She didn’t need to show cleavage or leg to get even more attention. The more sexily she dressed, the more leers, rude comments, and wolf whistles she got. She hated that. Since she knew hormones ruled the brain of a boy Tommy’s age, she was just as careful at home.

He had no idea what her specific costume was, but he decided it would be worth it to endure several hours of small talk with “boring old people” if there was a chance he could see his mother in something really sexy. His imagination ran wild as he imagined her dressed as a sexy nurse, or a sexy witch, or Wonder Woman, or Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.

That last idea was a particular favorite for him. He didn’t have any special interest in Elvira, a relatively obscure horror-themed pop character most popular in the 1980s and 90s. But Leah had pale skin and jet black hair, just like Elvira did. And she had huge breasts, like Elvira, only even larger. He longed to see her deep cleavage completely exposed in the type of outfits Elvira had always been seen in.

He thought, I would literally KILL PEOPLE to see my mother like that! His erection was suddenly so hard that it was downright painful.

He spoke up. “Hey Mom, I don’t mind going if you still want to go.”

She looked at him doubtfully.

So he said, “Honest! I got nothing better to do anyway. I can’t go with my friends, and staying at home is only gonna depress me.”

She looked at him curiously. “You have nothing better to do? I find that impossible to believe.”

He lied, “I didn’t make plans.” Actually, he was supposed to date a girl called Rebecca, but he would cancel it for a chance to go to a party with his mother if she wore a sexy costume. It occurred to him that he might even get to dance with her some.

Leah asked, “I find that hard to believe too. But even if that’s true, why don’t you call up one of your many girlfriends?”

He rolled his eyes with disdain. “Mom, it doesn’t work like that.” He pretended that he was holding a phone. “‘Hello? It’s booty call time. Come over here in five minutes, girl, and bring your sister.’” He laughed. “Please!”

Actually, that was exactly how it worked with him sometimes, minus the “bring your sister” part. That was too outrageous, even for him. But he figured there were a handful of very tempting girls who would drop their own dating plans for a booty call with him.

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