The Love of Money I - Cover

The Love of Money I

Copyright© 2024 by MindSketch

Chapter 24: Meeting Henry Psalter

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 24: Meeting Henry Psalter - Marcus Upton is a young man living in New York City. He has a good job in finance, great friends, a good job, and the love of a good woman. And then a single day changed all that for him. Enjoy the journey of a regular man who has just come into unbelievable wealth and witness the doors and opportunities it opens for him.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Rags To Riches   Workplace   Cheating   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Oriental Female   Big Breasts   Small Breasts   Revenge   Slow  

Tuesday, 4:06 pm

One airplane and helicopter purchase later, and we headed back to the Dunbar building. Once all three of us had satisfied our carnal desires, Erin opened the plane, and I was astounded to see that the entire squad was still out there waiting for me to make a decision. I felt terrible about leaving them all hanging, but a part of me also felt powerful. It didn’t matter if I’d taken more than an hour to decide; they were still waiting on me.

I notified Sam that I would be purchasing the plane, and just as he was about to initiate the purchase, Erin asked about helicopters, stating that they would be a safer and faster way of getting around. I loved the idea. The apartment already had a helipad, and I could have one built on top of the Dunbar building. Photographers would have a hard time chasing someone flying around in the air.

Erin already had a pilot picked out, and Vikram was there to ensure everything went as smoothly and quickly as possible, freeing up my time to head back to the office. Sam and Vikram assured me the plane would be entirely purchased, vetted, insured, registered, and prepped for take-off tomorrow morning for Vegas. I couldn’t believe a purchase like this could move so fast, but Erin insisted that, with enough money, any amount of friction and red tape could be removed.

Assured that everything was handled, Chloe, Helen, Erin, and I piled into the SUV we came in while Ray and the Johns followed behind us as we made our way across town to the Dunbar building. On the way, Erin and I made plans for the trip to Vegas tomorrow, deciding on me, her, and Danielle. I asked Helen to come, but she declined, claiming she couldn’t go because of other business in the city, but the look she gave me from the front seat made the real reason vividly clear. Helen VanCamp running off to Vegas with YPV’s largest client wouldn’t be a good look, something her husband would take issue with.

I called Danielle to see if she could go, but she had already called in a few favors to spend the entire weekend at my place and couldn’t afford to abandon her job to spend the week with me. I almost suggested she quit, but from what I saw, she seemed to enjoy it and I didn’t want to put her in that position. Her genuine disappointment in turning me down made the let-down more bearable.

“Is there anyone else you want to invite?” Erin asked.

“What? You don’t think you’re enough for me?”

“Oh, I’m enough,” Erin said, flashing me her patented grin. “I just think it’d be a shame not to share the wealth.”

Natalie was the first person to come to mind, but that wasn’t an option now that she was officially dating someone else.

Erin’s phone rang before I could answer, and she glanced at it. “It’s John,” she said, her brow knitted in confusion.

“One of the ones back there?” I asked, hiking my thumb over my shoulder.

“No. The one at the apartment,” she said and answered the phone. “Hello? Yes.”

Her eyes went wide, and then she squeezed them shut. She slapped her hand on her forehead. “Oh my god, I’m sorry, John! I meant to tell you Bobbi Nanford would be moving in there today. Yes, let her up.” She glanced at me, watching my reaction as she continued. “Tell her to find a room to put her stuff and then make herself at home. We’ll be at the Dunbar building for a few more hours. After that, we’ll be home, and I can help her get settled.”

She listened as John spoke on the other end and said, “Okay, thank you, John.” Then she hung up, looked at me, and said, “I don’t suppose you’d consider Bobbi for Vegas?”

“Fuck no!” I said. “Have you even met her yet?”

“I haven’t, but Helen’s told me stories.”

“Yeah ... I want to have a good time there, and Bobbi is definitely not a good time.”

“I beg to differ,” Helen said, and I could see a slight smirk playing about her lips. I felt my dick stir at the memory of the time we shared with Bobbi and wondered if we were overdue for a repeat performance.

“This trip is about removing stress, Helen,” I said, “not adding to it.”

“Fair enough,” Erin said as the car stopped in front of the Dunbar building. The four of us got out and made a beeline for the front lobby before we attracted too much attention while one of the Johns got out of the car behind us and jumped into the SUV to park it.

“What about Natashya?” Erin asked as we entered the lobby. I stopped briefly to say hi to Andrew before passing through security.

“You mean for Vegas?” I asked as we reached the elevators.

“Yeah,” she said. “I saw how well you two hit it off this weekend. I’m sure she would be a lot of fun.”

Natashya was one of the three exotic dancers Erin, Danni, and I met in The Starlight - a high-end gentlemen’s club for the rich and famous. The three of us, along with Natashya and two of her friends, Rose and Honey, ended up in the high-end VIP suite where we’d participated in a six-person orgy. Not finished, the six of us went to my apartment, where we continued well into dawn. Honey left the following morning, but Rose and Natashya stayed the entire weekend. The five of us spent the next day and a half consecrating every room of my vast apartment with at least one person’s fluids. I’d enjoyed them all, but Natashya’s exotic, half-Asian features and dreads fascinated me. Our personalities had also meshed well, so my dick ended up finding its way into her more than anyone else during the rest of the weekend.

“Yeah,” I said, reminding myself that she and Erin had also become especially cozy that weekend. I suspected she would be a good fit if she was open to coming with us. “That could be fun.”

I called her, and she answered on the second ring. Like Helen and Danielle, she told me she couldn’t take that much time off work, but unlike Danni, I knew she wasn’t as attached to her job.

“I’ll cover it,” I said. “Whatever a good Saturday night is for you, I’ll pay that for every day you have to miss work.” I regretted it as soon as I said it, concerned that she would take it as some sort of commentary on how she was essentially a prostitute.

“Hm,” Natashya said, “That is tempting. I would accept if The Starlight could find someone to cover for me for that many days.”

“The Starlight would need someone to cover your shift so you can go?” I asked.

“Suggest that you pay the company their cut,” Erin muttered.

I did, and Natashya immediately said yes.

“Good!” I said, grinning. “I’m glad you said yes. It’ll be me, you, and Erin.”

“Two of my favorite people,” Natashya purred, that subtle hint of an accent bleeding through her words.

Erin watched my face and could tell I was happy with the outcome. “Tell her I’m going to rock her fucking ass off when we get there.”

“I heard that,” Natashya said. “Tell her I can’t wait. See you tomorrow?”

“Be ready at eight o’clock,” I said. “We’ll send a car for you.”

“Fancy! Talk to you tomorrow.” She made a kissing sound and hung up.

“She said she can’t wait,” I said to Erin as the elevator doors opened. As we stepped into the lobby of my office floor, I noticed some building supplies stacked in one corner. Erin must have found a contractor to remodel this space to my specifications. After sleeping in the office a couple of times, I asked Erin to find someone to turn this floor into a small apartment on top of being a workspace.

“This sounds like it’s shaping up to be a lot of fun,” Helen said. “I’m sad I’ll miss it.”

She hadn’t been part of the weekend’s festivities because I had been mad at her, and I felt a little bad that she would miss out on an encore performance. I would have to talk to her later and see if I could convince her to change her mind. The thought of having Erin, Natashya, and Helen with me was enticing.

“You’d like her,” I said as I entered my office with the other two on my heels. Chloe broke off from us to go into her office next door to mine, leaving the two of us alone. Helen shut the door behind us.

“Okay, so Vegas planning aside,” I said, rounding my desk and sitting down, “I have a meeting with the investigator in a few minutes. Is there anything I need to know in advance?”

“Not really,” Erin said, sitting on the edge of one of the seats and crossing her arms over her chest. “He says he has a lead on the man who trashed your apartment and thinks it might be a link to someone you know, but he didn’t want to say anything over the phone. He’s a little eccentric about things like that. Chloe says that it’s because of the line of work he was in.”

“Alright.” I looked at Helen, who took a seat on the couch. “And Chandler?”

“Like I said,” Helen replied, “We get him to keep the hounds at bay as long as he can while we get you oriented a little more. I’m confident he can buy us at least two weeks. Chandler’s very capable. Despite the chaos surrounding Colin’s passing, he’s done well with the company.”

“I recommend you bring him into your inner circle, though,” Helen continued. “I don’t have faith in many people, but Chandler’s one I think you can trust, and he would be much more effective if he knew everything.”

I shrugged and said, “That’s fine. It’s not like I have some sort of secret master plan-”

My phone rang, and I pulled it from my pocket to check who it was. I remembered that Bobbi was now inside my house, and for all I knew, it could be on fire.

It wasn’t Bobbi, though.

“It’s Emily,” I said. “Just let me take this real quick.”

I stood up and started pacing around the desk as I answered the phone, “Hey Em!”

“Hey, M,” she said back. “Just checking on you. I heard about Jacob.”

“How?” I asked. “That just happened this morning!”

“Hillary called me,” Emily said. “Jacob called and ranted to her about you, calling you selfish. She said he called you the ‘R’-word and said that you wouldn’t give him a chance. He was so mad he let enough slip for her to figure out he wasn’t working. She called him out on it and he came clean and confessed that he lost his job a week ago. Get this ... he’s just been driving around, gambling online, and eating beef jerky all day for the last two weeks while telling her he’s been at work.”

“Jesus,” I muttered. “Gambling and beef jerky? Both of those things will burn through their savings in no time.”

“Yeah. I tried to call him, but he didn’t answer. Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I said. “I’m fine. I have security now, and they handled him. Is Hillary going to kick his ass?”

“I don’t know. She doesn’t have the temperament for that, so I doubt it.”

“You think she’ll leave him?”

“No,” she replied. “She doesn’t have the temperament for that either. I wish she would at least consider it, though. I don’t understand how she can put up with all his crap. It’s not like he’s providing for them. She would probably be better off...”

“Yeah,” I said absentmindedly, watching Helen and Erin as Emily continued to ramble on about Jacob’s marriage. Helen leaned forward and whispered something to Erin, casting furtive glances over at me as her lips brushed my assistant’s ear. “Do Mom and Dad know about it?”

“No,” Emily said, “And they’re not going to find out. At least, not from me. I don’t want to risk Jacob showing up at my place yelling at me.”

Erin turned her head and pressed her lips to Helen’s. The older woman opened her mouth, and I had a front-row seat as my assistant’s tongue plunged between Helen’s lips. The two ladies gave me a graphic display of their sapphic make-out session, almost acting like they were the only two in the room as they focused their attention entirely on each other.

Erin ended the kiss, grabbed her lover’s face, slid her tongue along Helen’s chin, and ran it across Helen’s lips and up her cheek. Helen extended her tongue, and Erin slipped it between her lips, sucking on it like a little cock as she moved her head up and down on it. Then she extended her tongue, swirling it around Helen’s, ensuring it was all very visible to me as Emily and I continued our conversation.

“Um...” I said, suddenly finding it hard to concentrate. “That’s good. I ... uh...”

In one fluid motion, Erin slid off the edge of the chair and onto her knees without breaking the messy kiss she shared with Helen. She walked on her knees, closing the little remaining distance between them, and Helen spread her legs open, inviting my assistant to slip inside them.

“You okay?” Emily said when I failed to form a coherent sentence.

“Yeah,” I said, watching as Erin broke the kiss and trailed her lips down the throat of a woman old enough to be her mother. I slipped my hand in my pocket and adjusted my suddenly hardening member to make it more comfortable in my pants.

“Yeah,” I continued. “I just saw a text on my phone. I got distracted.”

Letting her head fall back, Helen’s eyes slid shut, and she let out a small whimper as Erin peeled her blouse up, exposing her tits. I watched as the younger woman pulled one of her bra cups aside, revealing a stiff, pale pink nipple that she slipped between her lips.

“Sounds like you’re busy,” Emily said. “Should I let you go?”

“I ... have a few more minutes,” I said. Helen lifted her head, and her eyes slowly opened, her icy-blue eyes locking onto mine. She slipped a pretty pink lip between her teeth and bit on it as her perfectly manicured fingers slid through Erin’s silver hair, pressing her firmly against her breast.

“What are you doing?” I mouthed at Helen. She simply smirked at me in response.

“I have a meeting soon, though,” I told Emily, “so I should wrap this up, but I wanted to say congrats again on getting the part in the play.”

“Thanks!” Emily said. “Rehearsals don’t start till the middle of next week, so I’m going to take it easy the rest of this week. The director is a taskmaster, so I’ll be busy.”

“What are you going to do?” I asked, barely able to pay attention to my conversation with my sister. I absentmindedly squeezed my cock through my pocket as I watched Erin bob lower, half her head disappearing under the skirt Helen had bunched around her thighs. Helen fixed her eyes on mine as she gently grazed her fingernails through Erin’s hair. Her hips began to rock back and forth as Erin was suckling on the older woman’s pussy.

“I don’t know,” Emily said. “I have some reading to catch up on. Could I come by your house and use your pool this week?”

“I ... yeah,” I said, feeling very weird about being turned on enough to touch myself as two women engaged in lesbian delights in front of me while talking to my sister on the phone. It didn’t stop me, though. Despite having only fucked them a handful of hours ago, watching Helen and Erin interact with each other in this way was incredibly erotic. They were two of the sexiest women I’d ever met, and their lesbian display was priming me for a round two.

“I won’t be there,” I continued, “but I’ll make sure you have access to the apartment while I’m gone.”

“Where will you be?”

“I’m going to Vegas for a few days,” I said. The uh...” I turned around to face my desk so I could concentrate on Emily. “There’s been a lot of people hounding me since the news broke, and the interview yesterday just made things worse. I bought a plane today, and I’ll be leaving in the morning.”

I heard Helen let a low moan, and my hand immediately shot up to cover the bottom portion of my phone as I whirled back around. Helen smiled at me, her face contorted in pleasure, and her eyes shone with mischief, but as soon as I faced her, her moan died in her throat. The message was clear: You either have to look, or you have to hear. Choose.

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