The Love of Money I - Cover

The Love of Money I

Copyright© 2024 by MindSketch

Chapter 18

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Marcus Upton is a young man living in New York City. He has a good job in finance, great friends, a good job, and the love of a good woman. And then a single day changed all that for him. Enjoy the journey of a regular man who has just come into unbelievable wealth and witness the doors and opportunities it opens for him.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Rags To Riches   Workplace   Cheating   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Oriental Female   Big Breasts   Small Breasts   Revenge   Slow  

Friday 8:43 am

A departure from the usual, it was the smells that woke me up this time. Savory bacon mixed with the sweet, earthy scent of maple syrup and the strong aroma of coffee was a more pleasant way to wake up than having your phone scream at you.

“What the hell smells so good?” I mumbled, blinking the sleep out of my eyes as I looked around the room. Light spilled in from behind me, rays bouncing off the hardwood floors and carpets to provide dim illumination in which to see my surroundings. I was lying naked in the largest bed I’d ever slept in, surrounded by an accumulation of furniture and luxury items that totaled more than I could have earned in a year a week ago. I laid my head against the pillow and stared at the ceiling, sorting through the memories of what happened to me after I left Emily.

Erin happened to me. She spent the next two hours draining every drop of pent-up energy Ashlee had cultivated in me with her little stunt. She gave me another lapdance, stripping completely naked now that her body was no longer a mystery to me. Then, once sufficiently teased to the point that I was about to go mad with lust, she gave me a brief blowjob, made sure it was sufficiently coated in saliva, climbed back in my lap, and gave me an agonizingly slow handjob while I kissed all over her bronzed skin. I became very familiar with her firm breasts, and I think I could have sketched her arm tattoo by memory at this point.

She seemed to have an issue with Ashlee pursuing me, but that hadn’t stopped her from insisting that I look at the photos the paralegal left on my phone. She looked along with me, stroking my shaft and whispering all manner of dirty things like what I should do to the younger woman; Erin had the imagination of a degenerate.

Even wilder, after I’d gotten off in her hand, she had me eat her out while she looked through the pictures, describing in vivid detail all the heinous things she would love to do to Ashlee. She confessed a long-time attraction to the younger woman and came hard on my face as she alternated between my name and hers. When I climbed over her intending to bury my cock in her pussy, which was the only place my cock hadn’t been, she asked me to let her blow me instead. Apparently, she had something special in mind for our first actual fuck. She hadn’t steered me wrong yet, so I complied.

Still lying in bed I looked over and saw an Erin-shaped impression in the sheets, but she was nowhere to be found. I sat up, trying my best to grapple with the fact that I was once again conscious, and spotted a dark blue silk robe lying on the bed. Slipping it on along with some underwear, I made my way downstairs and headed toward the sound of voices and laughter.

I found Emily and Erin sitting at a corner of the large kitchen island talking to each other, laughing at something. However, they weren’t alone; Vikram was standing halfway down the kitchen island sipping on a cup of coffee and thumbing through some papers with an amused smile at something Erin said that I hadn’t caught. He was impeccably dressed as always, in a sharp suit and tie, a haircut that probably cost a hundred dollars or more, and a well-groomed beard that came dangerously close to looking like he’d just skipped shaving for a few days. He had the typical look of a man about to stride into a board meeting.

The same was true of Erin, who looked like a million bucks in a lovely, black-and-white skirt and jacket combo. She wore large gold earrings and a gold necklace that complemented her skin beautifully. Seeing her there looking elegant as she carefully pressed her dark-stained lips to the rim of her coffee made the memory of last night especially arousing. Contrast was a beautiful thing; food tasted better when you were hungry, a warm fire was more welcome when you were chilled to the bone, and the memory of your assistant as an insatiable hellcat was so much more arousing when you saw her as a flawless professional the next day.

On the other hand, Emily matched my unkempt demeanor, wearing a bathrobe similar to mine with damp hair from what I assumed was a shower. However, the natural look didn’t detract much. She never wore much make-up ... just a bit of blush and eyeliner to emphasize her Nordic looks and stunning pale grey eyes, so seeing her fresh-faced wasn’t much different from the norm.

There was one other person in the room. A man who appeared to be in his mid-thirties wore all white and stood in front of the massive stove set into the marble countertop of the kitchen. He was slicing through a slab of meat, creating long strands of what looked like fresh, thick bacon, and slapping them on the large griddle-like surface next to large, fluffy pancakes frying next to them.

Emily spotted me in the middle of a sip of coffee. “Oh, Marcus! Hey!”

Everyone but the chef looked toward me.

“There’s a party in my house and I wasn’t invited?” I gruffed. I wasn’t offended by the gathering. I just wasn’t a morning person.

Erin grinned at me and said, “I would have invited you, but I didn’t want to wake you up. I believe you’ve already met Vikram from YPV, and this,” she indicated toward the man cooking bacon, “is Chef Joel Martinez. Joel, this is Marcus Upton.”

“Good to meet you, sir. I’d shake your hand,” Joel said, glancing at me, “but...”

“All good,” I said as I approached the island and pulled up a stool next to Emily. “It’s good to meet you. Did I hire you?” I looked at Erin, “Did I hire him?”

“No,” Erin replied, “Joel is the Head Chef at The Laramey. It’s my father’s country club. I talked to the manager there and made a generous donation on your behalf in exchange for letting him work here temporarily until we can make a different arrangement.”

Joel turned and set an omelet that I hadn’t noticed on a plate in front of me, then followed it up with two pancakes that looked like they had blueberries and bananas in them. He glanced at me and asked, “Coffee?”

“Please,” I begged, and he set a cup of hot, frothy caffeine before me, and I picked it up, trying not to look too enthusiastic. It tasted amazing - thick and creamy, sweetened to perfection with a hint of cinnamon or nutmeg.

“I’m here,” Vikram chimed in, “Because I was just going over some recommendations for your security meetings. Your grandfather found his original security firm through some of our recommendations, so Erin reached out to us for some names. She asked me to put together some names and come help out with some pre-interview work and weed out some of the candidates that obviously wouldn’t be a good match.”

“I thought it would be a good idea to maybe get some people familiar with your grandfather’s situation to work for you. We’ll set up Vikram downstairs and set you up in one of the rooms on the second floor.” Erin said.

I half-listened as she started laying out today’s agenda, not quite able to fully comprehend complex thoughts until the coffee kicked in. I took my first bite of the omelet and immediately dropped my fork on the countertop. It clattered across the stone surface and startled everyone else. Joel spun around, his eyes wide, and Erin’s words died instantaneously.

I immediately buried my face in my hands. “Oh my fuck! Joel, what the hell did you put in this!?”

“What?” Joel responded. His tone sounded a little scared.

I peered from my fingers, “This is one of the single best things I’ve ever tasted in my life.”

“Jesus, Marcus!” Emily said with a chuckle. “You can’t scare everyone like that. A bit dramatic, don’t you think?”

“You’re one to talk,” Erin scoffed. “You proposed to the man less than fifteen minutes ago.”

I hadn’t known that food could taste that good and spent the next ten minutes scarfing down everything Joel put in front of me as Erin and Vikram filled me in on the security situation. I was to have a primary bodyguard who would be with me at all times. They would live in one of the many rooms of my apartment, know just as much of my life as Erin knew, and would take the lead for the rest of the security staff. There would need to be security dedicated to my apartment, a handful at Marduke, and dedicated security for any other locations I frequented. As all of this was being explained to me, Erin kept checking her phone and replying to messages to coordinate the process.

“I’ve also started to put together a list of other staff for cleaning, driving, maintaining the garden, IT, and meals.” She glanced at Joel, “I tried to talk him into a job, but he’s not interested.”

“It’s not that I’m not interested,” Joel said while starting his cleanup process. “I’d have to move, and I just can’t uproot my family, and The Laramey pays me very well.”

“I understand,” Erin said and looked back at me. “If you’re good with me making the hires for everything else, I’ll move forward, but you have to do the interviews for the bodyguard position.”

“Makes sense,” I said. “Can I just reiterate how much I hate the idea of having a bodyguard though? I’m going to have zero privacy.”

“If I may,” Vikram cut in, “You’ll still have some privacy ... especially in your own home and other secure places. You’ll just have to forego some of it in more public settings. We’ve already received several death threats at your old apartment. Frankly, I’m surprised no one was scouting it out when you went by there last night. It was pretty reckless, and you really need to be careful moving forward. It’s the cost of your situation, I’m afraid.”

“I know,” I said. I’ve always enjoyed my privacy, and the thought of that being encroached upon made me wonder if the money would end up feeling like a millstone hanging around my neck. “I just don’t want some guy following me around knowing everything I get up to.”

“You make it sound perverted,” Emily said. “You afraid your bodyguard is going to catch you in the middle of an orgy or something?”

I couldn’t help glancing at Erin, who was currently sipping on her coffee to hide the smile I could still see in her eyes. I glanced back at Emily and said, “Sure Em. I don’t want him perving on my orgies.”

Three hours later

“I’m not gonna lie. This is impressive,” I said as I looked over one of the most impressive resumes I’d ever seen. It belonged to the second interviewee for the job of being my bodyguard, and read more like Jack Reacher fiction than an actual CV.

John Cartugent’s accomplishments included being a former Navy SEAL who graduated from Admiral Jonathan H. Anderson Naval Academy, performing several special operations to neutralize high-value targets, which was a five-dollar phrase to say he killed people. He retrieved high-value assets from hostile environments twice, which meant he rescued hostages, instructed a Navy SEAL program, had expertise in small unit tactics, experience with underwater demolitions, and experience with “unconventional warfare” - whatever that meant.

His decorations included the Navy Cross, the Silver Star, and the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with gold star for exceptional achievement. He was in the top three percent of his class in hand-to-hand combat and the top five percent in marksmanship. This was one of the most impressive thirty-four-year-olds I had ever met, and he wasn’t even old enough to run for President. It made me wonder what the hell I had done with my life so far.

Erin sat on the couch next to me, taking notes as John and I became more acquainted with one another. He seemed a bit stiff compared to the first candidate, whose name had also been John, but was slightly better qualified, judging by the resume. I wondered if a collection of accomplishments this intense came at the cost of having a personality.

“So, what do you do for fun?” I asked, looking for any chink in his armor.

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