Hormone Therapy - Cover

Hormone Therapy

Copyright© 2024 by Sperm_DonorX

Chapter 4: Could the Drug Tempt Tabea to Cheat?

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 4: Could the Drug Tempt Tabea to Cheat? - The story describes the accounts of Tom after his discovery of a drug that emulates the response of the female brain to ovulation and enhances it 1000x. It makes women horny beyond control, releases eggs, makes them pregnant even if on hormonal birth control, numbs the gag reflex and pain of deflowering, among other things. Tom discovers slowly how to use this drug to make a living, entertain a growing harem, cuckold, and ultimately spread his genes around the world.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Gay   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Indian Female   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Massage   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Revenge   Violence  

After my episode with Heather, life went back to normal. I jerked off to her thong a few times while watching the incredibly sexy video of our encounter. I ogled at the images of her nubile body - hotter than anything on porn sites.

Heather avoided me, clearly embarrassed by her own behavior. I guess she was trying to convince herself that it hadn’t happened.

As for Susan and me, we continued to have amazing s ex with a little help from tx34 in very small amounts. I realized that it could be dissolved in creams and gels, so I mixed it with the lubricant we were already using during sex.

Occasionally Hannah or Tania would take care of some of my sexual needs and let me fill their wombs with my hot seed without the need for the drug.

Tx34 mimicked and greatly enhanced the female brain’s response to ovulation. I felt that it wasn’t really taking advantage of women, but rather unleashing their true desires. It was simply triggering (and greatly enhancing) a natural function of their bodies that evolution had created to ensure that they had sex on their fertile days. I prefer to think of it as a kind of hormone therapy, just as hormonal contraception tricks the female body into thinking it is already pregnant.

Heather’s seduction had confirmed the irresistible urge to mate that tx34 induces in women, but I had another nagging question: would women in committed relationships be inclined to cheat under the influence of tx34? Or would they just lust after their significant others?

There was anecdotal evidence that women were more likely to cheat on their long-term partners during ovulation. I had the opportunity to test this hypothesis - purely for the sake of science, of course. Could I refrain from finding out? Of course, not - it had to be tested!

As I pondered the idea, my eyes fell on Tabea, who was staying in a room across the hall from Susan, my girlfriend. She was a tall, stunning Scandinavian beauty with blue eyes, long blonde hair, and an almost translucent pale skin tone.

Sleeping with Tabea was something any man would dream about after seeing her. Those impossibly long legs, that supermodel face, her slender and soft body ... lean and smooth. She seemed to have a thin layer of soft flesh wrapped around her body, no hard features anywhere. It was obvious that she was hiding two large melons under her thick sweater.

Everyone knew, however, that these dreams were just dreams, for she was engaged to a handsome, tall man, Peter. She never flirted with anyone and had a ‘do not approach me’ aura about her.

In other words, she was the perfect subject. If she could be tricked into cheating, anyone could. The opportunity came a few days later, after a visit to Susan’s room. I had said goodbye to Susan and was on my way home, just in time to beat the evening curfew at the women’s college, when I saw Tabea’s fiancé, Peter, coming out of her room.

It was obvious from their flushed cheeks that they had just had sex. He was still tucking his shirt into his pants as he walked briskly away, obviously in a hurry to beat the evening curfew.

What a wonderful opportunity to test my hypothesis about cheating: a committed girl who had just satisfied her cravings a few minutes ago - there could hardly be a more challenging target.

I quickly put some tx34 laced gel on my index finger and smeared it on Tabea’s neck as I passed her.

“Excuse me, Tabea - you have something on your neck,” I said.

She was a little out of it - probably from the sex a few minutes earlier - so it took her a moment to realize who was talking to her.

“Oh,” she replied, moving her hand to her neck. “Uh - what is this?”

I was standing right next to her now. Her fiancé went around the corner and disappeared from sight.

“Mhm, Tabea - it looks like sperm to me,” I said with a mischievous grin.

Her eyes widened in shock, deeply embarrassed at the idea of having sperm on display in the hallway. It was fascinating to watch her expression change over the next few seconds as tx34 kicked in: Her embarrassment evaporated.

“Lowering inhibitions” - yes, we have seen this before. She took what was left on her finger and put it in her mouth. Seductively, she licked it clean - completely out of character for her.

“Uhh, now she has a large amount in her system,” I thought silently.

Meeting her eyes, I grinned and asked: “Do you like the taste of sperm, Tabea?”

Quite uncharacteristically, she looked back with a devilish smile and replied, “Mhm, my absolute favorite.”

“How many brands of sperm have you tried, Tabea?” I asked as we continued our little game.

“Peter is my first and only boyfriend,” she replied with a bit of sadness in her voice, “no desire to taste other men.”

“Really?” I asked, raising an eyebrow, “You don’t know what you’re missing, Tabea!”

She pondered the idea of trying ‘other brands of sperm’ for a moment. Then she turned to me and replied, “Maybe you are right, and I should try ‘other brands’ - but cheating on Peter is difficult. He never lets me get close to other men.”

“Well, Tabea - he is gone now, and I am close to you!” I grinned.

“But you are with Susan! You wouldn’t cheat on her, would you?” Her pleading eyes betrayed her hope that the answer to the last question was negative, that I was actually planning to cheat on Susan.

Instead of answering, I pushed her back into the room and pinned her against the wall. The door closed behind us. She let out a little squeak as she felt the wall behind her.

“Tom, what are you doing? You’re Susan’s boyfriend! I’m engaged...”

I didn’t let her finish her sentence and brought my lips to hers, planting a hard kiss on her mouth to muffle her words. She struggled a little, probably just for show, but the tx34 effect grew stronger by the second. Soon we were locked in a furious French kiss. My hands cupped her large tits and squeezed her bottom.

I hadn’t forgotten to place my cell phone on a board out of her line of sight and record our encounter - for scientific documentation, of course!

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. After a while, her hips were grinding against mine and she lifted one leg to wrap it around me, pulling me in and her pussy out. Her pussy rubbed hard against my crotch. Our tongues probed each other as if nothing else in the world mattered.

Her pussy was grinding faster and faster against me, her breathing getting shallower and shallower until she suddenly stopped and started shaking uncontrollably from an epic orgasm. I let her go and propped her up against the wall.

“Wow,” she commented, “that was definitely the most powerful orgasm of my life - and we haven’t even undressed yet! How is that possible?”

She shook her head. “What am I doing? I am an engaged woman; I should not be having this kind of pleasure with another man!”

But her actions belied her words, she tugged at my shirt - and quickly had it over my head. Then she unbuckled my belt and pulled down my jeans. My cock was already aroused. She grabbed it and dropped to her knees. After examining it carefully, she put it in her mouth. The sensation was amazing. She sucked on it, gently at first, but eventually with increasing force. I confess it was so erotic that I realized I could not hold out for long.

I pulled up her sweater. She raised her arms and let me pull it over her head. It turned out that she hadn’t bothered to wear anything underneath! Her beautiful breasts were exposed - the size of cantaloupes. They were soft and supple, like everything else about her. Her knockers were not as firm as Heather’s, the petite Brazilian teen goddess from across the hall whom I had deflowered a few weeks earlier, but they were just as big and impossibly soft!

She took my cock back into her mouth and sucked on it like nothing else mattered. My dick touched the back of her throat. Just as I was thinking how wonderful it felt, she pushed harder - and my penis went down her throat! I had never experienced this before, except for a few seconds with Tania, and I certainly did not expect it from innocent Tabea!

I only knew deep throat from porn movies and never expected a normal and innocent girl like Tabea to be capable of it! It only took a few seconds before I felt my release approaching. I looked down and met her eyes. I gave a small nod, and she acknowledged me with a twinkle in her eye - then I closed my eyes and let my release come. My penis spurted cum after cum, six big loads, the first three right down her throat, two in her mouth and the last on her lips.

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