Hormone Therapy - Cover

Hormone Therapy

Copyright© 2024 by Sperm_DonorX

Chapter 24: Kim’s Wedding and Seducing Sandy

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 24: Kim’s Wedding and Seducing Sandy - The story describes the accounts of Tom after his discovery of a drug that emulates the response of the female brain to ovulation and enhances it 1000x. It makes women horny beyond control, releases eggs, makes them pregnant even if on hormonal birth control, numbs the gag reflex and pain of deflowering, among other things. Tom discovers slowly how to use this drug to make a living, entertain a growing harem, cuckold, and ultimately spread his genes around the world.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Gay   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   Cheating   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   Daughter   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Indian Female   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Massage   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Revenge   Violence  

Over the next few months, Kim, Francesca, and I became an increasingly close family. The amount of time I spent with my official family, Susan and our six children, was reduced even more.

Susan was happy keeping up the house, caring for the children, being involved in charities, school boards and the like. She was as upbeat and funny as ever. Our sex life was great - but she didn’t complain that it only happened once a week or less.

When Kim’s own pregnancy became known, Francesca managed to convince her husband that it would be an enormous advantage for her job, since she could take care of all four babies at once.

He even accepted Francesca’s demand for Kim’s company during her regular visits to London, forcing him to pay for yet another babysitter to look after both Kim’s and Francesca’s children in their absence.

It transpired that Kim’s vow to reject any penis but mine would not prevent her from enjoying sex with Francesca - thus eliminating part of my concern about Francesca’s unsatisfying sex life with her husband.

Both girls were clicking - their bisexual sides fully activated. They both enjoyed me but were otherwise satisfied with one another. Francesca was happier than I had ever seen her in the years we had known each other, glowing with joy and love.

Her otherworldly beauty was taken to the next level, giving her modeling carrier an enormous boost. She glowed of joy and love, as did Kim.

I spend most of my time in London - split between client work and my second family: Francesca and Kim. They had become so close that they rarely visited me alone. I had to accept the fact that they would have powerful sex sessions with each other when I was not around or busy. While I enjoyed sex with both Kim and Francesca, the highlights were the sessions together within our love triangle.

Kim stayed true to her vow not to accept any cock in her but mine. Soon Francesca had followed her example and reduced the number of nights she spent with her husband from an already low number to zero.

She had long since convinced him that she needed her own bedroom. The fact that her new nanny (Kim) had a room with direct access to hers helped to satisfy their mutual sexual desires without alarming her husband.

I wasn’t entirely surprised when both girls turned up in London with the same kind of ring on their fingers, announcing that Francesca had taken Kim’s vow: to have no other cock in her but mine. She confessed that the bondage and cuckold session we had arranged had fulfilled a fantasy of hers - but she had no intention of repeating it.

Moreover, the two of them had made a vow to each other, promising eternal love and fidelity - with the understanding that this arrangement included me, and only me. Their rings were their way of creating a same-sex marriage between them, a marriage that included me as a third party.

They had no demands on me other than to make them happy as often as possible; by screwing them together or separately. They both explicitly stated that they didn’t expect me to stop fucking as many other women as possible, both for my job and for my own pleasure. They were not just ‘ok’ with it, they felt pride in having a virile lover.

Needless to say, I was very happy with this arrangement - to know my two best friends and fuck buddies were happy, and to maintain exclusive access to the two hottest girls imaginable. I could not have complained if they had sex with other guys but having them exclusively was giving me a warm feeling deep inside.

With the help of the organizational wizard Angela, I arranged a semi-formal wedding ceremony for these two girls, with a wonderful party of our most trusted clients and friends.

Angela knew many gay and lesbian artists and fashion designers who were well aware of the need to keep things discreet and not judge other people’s family arrangements.

As you would expect from Angela, the ceremony was spectacularly romantic. Roses everywhere, live music by some famous gay musicians, beautiful church, gorgeous dresses. Both brides looked as stunning as you can imagine, one a famous supermodel, the other a stunning teenage girl with the brown skin of her Indian ancestors contrasting beautifully with her creamy white dress.

Kim and Francesca were incredibly moved by the ceremony, the countless well-wishers, and the love they received from everyone. I stood next to them as they repeated their vows of eternal love in front of the audience - and although it was not spoken aloud, it was obvious - at least to those in the know - that I was included. Our love triangle was known and approved of by many within the London fashion scene, even if most preferred to remain somewhat in the dark about the saucy details of it.

All four of us, Angela, Kim, Francesca, and I, had tears in our eyes as these two gorgeous young lovers in their white wedding dresses kissed each other after repeating their vows. I held their hands and watched from a few inches away, serving as ‘best man’ for both, and was rewarded with happy kisses from both immediately afterwards. All three of us stood together as the congregation lined up to offer their congratulations.

After a fabulous meal, followed by a fantastic party with live performances by some of the most famous female singers of our time (my clients, of course), we retired for a long night of passionate sex. After watching them enjoy each other (it was their wedding night after all), I made sure to fuck them both unconscious. We all cried of love and joy when we woke up the next morning, not believing the perfect life we had.

I had been concerned that Francesca’s husband would feel neglected over time, jeopardizing my lover’s financial stability and her children’s home. To solve this problem, I had visited his hospital in disguise. During these visits, I sprayed a little tx34 on a young nurse as she was about to enter his office near the end of his shift. I had made sure that this nurse was using a copper IUD for contraception.

These visits resulted in his late return home. I was sure that after the second visit, this nurse was addicted to his attention, even without my stimulation, and gave him regular relief. Now that he had a cum-dump at work, he wasn’t in a position to complain about his wife’s diminished sexual interest.

Clever as she was, Francesca had convinced him that her twin pregnancies took away her interest in sex for good. Francesca exploited his nagging discomfort with his own infidelity with the nurse to extract compliance with everything she demanded, most importantly his acceptance of her regular trips to London with Kim, leaving him with their combined six children.

Angela did an excellent job managing my clients and keeping me ‘hard to get’. Everyone lined up for repeat bookings, which gave her great leverage. Our clients understood that referring new clients, especially if they were young, beautiful, and married, was a way to increase one’s priority. We turned down most referrals, which allowed us to keep our fees as outrageously high as they were. We even discussed raising the fee, but our income was high enough to keep it flat for the time being. Of course, I honored my lease with Angela and shagged her every other month.

The clients were as enticing as ever. The crème de la crème of European models, influencers, and actresses. The high fee acted as a gatekeeper, granting access only to very famous and rich women - those who were adept at parlaying their beauty into financial stability, either through their own profession or by marrying wealthy men.

The third category were young aspiring teenage models, often virgins and just barely at legal age, who received my ‘massage service’ as part of the package Angela’s advertising company offered them. I made it my mission to turn their first sexual experience into the most fulfilling of their lives - something they would never be able to replicate.

It made me proud to think that their memory of our sex would remain in their dreams forever. The feeling of deflowering virgins was something you could never get tired of. I was glowing with joy for days every time, I had yet again broken the cherry of an aspiring young model, enjoyed the tightness of their virgin tunnel and the expression of wonder on their faces when they experienced the joy of sex for the first time.

I addition to the pure joy of fucking a virgin, it was a way to compare my sexual conquests with other men: for mathematical reasons, men deflower one virgin on average. I had broken hundreds, if not thousands of cherries. It made me feel powerful to know that my sexual success was so far off the charts, beyond even the most skilled womanizers, rock-stars, or athletes.

You would think that splitting my sperm between my wife, my love triangle with Francesca and Kim, and my clients would be enough to completely drain my balls. It might have been, hadn’t my date with Kim in that exclusive bar, just before I brought her into Francesca’s gangbang, left me with the phone numbers of an extremely cute busty chick.

She had been out on a date, but after witnessing the way Kim leapt at me upon my arrival, she had concluded something below my belt was responsible for this sexy eighteen-year-old hottie hitting on a guy twice her age. She had slipped a note into my coat pocket while I sat with Kim and attempted to exchange flirtatious glances with me behind her date’s back.

I had resisted the temptation for a few months, but finally gave in. I had texted the girl named Sandy, and suggested we meet at the same place. After the OK came within minutes, I demanded that if she wanted my cooperation beyond the first drink, her greeting would have to be as enthusiastic as Kim’s.

When I arrived, Sandy did her very best to earn her reward, jumping on me, kissing me passionately, grinding her body against mine to the point of almost screwing me in front of everyone. She gave the bar quite a show, humping me through our clothes.

When we finally broke up, the bar cheered just as much as they had when Kim jumped me. While we had our drinks, I inquired about Sandy’s life. I had been upfront that I was married and in London on business. I mentioned that I had met Kim on a flight to the USA. She put the rest together - realizing that Kim was not my wife.

It didn’t bother her. On the contrary, she wasn’t available anyway. Her relationship was stable but lacked the excitement and thrill of new partners. What she craved was crystal clear: a one-night stand with someone she had reason to believe was an expert in bed. In short, she wanted good sex with no strings attached.

She flirted heavily with me, thrusting her massive boobs forward to accentuate her ample cleavage. She looked hot as hell with her long blonde hair falling openly over her bare shoulders and her hourglass figure hugged by her one-piece red dress.

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