Blackmailer's Web - Cover

Blackmailer's Web

Copyright© 2023 by afs

Chapter 4: Kiss. 8 Month Left

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: Kiss. 8 Month Left - Dan is blackmailed to make a homevideo with his Mom

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Blackmail   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Cream Pie   Lactation   Pregnancy   Slow  

The next day dawned bright and clear, the sunlight streaming through Dan’s window and warming his skin. What had happened yesterday had given him a new surge of strength and confidence. His thirst for new sensations was now driving him forward. It was the thirst of tasting his own mother.

Dan lowered his eyes down and saw that Mom’s lace panties filled with cum were still on the floor. It was a good thing he always locked the door before he went to bed, because if someone came in and saw this scene ... He doesn’t even what to think about it.

He reached for panties and tried to pick them up, pulling them away from the sticky floor, drenched in cum. He should have cleaned it up the night before, but the orgasm had left him too spent to do anything else.

With shaky hands, Dan cleaned the marks from the wooden floor and placed sticky panties in one of his dresser drawers, hiding them among socks and underwear. “I’ll throw them in the wash later.” He paused for a moment before firmly shutting the drawer.

He looked out the window and heard a car leaving the garage. It was his Dad’s Porsche. “Isn’t today Sunday?”

Dan walked into the kitchen, still half-asleep and rubbing his eyes. But what he saw suddenly made him fully awake and surprised.

Seated on the table, his Mom was slumped forward, her shoulders sagging in apparent exhaustion. Jack was comforting her by rubbing her back.

“Good morning,” Dan said, surprised.

“Morning...” Nancy replied, her voice soft, leaning into Jack’s touch. “You should know, Danny, your father won’t be living with us anymore, unfortunately,” she said.

“Or fortunately,” Jack added with a tight smile.

“What happened?” Dan tried to remain nonchalant.

“Your father cheated on me. That’s all,” Nancy said, her voice breaking slightly. “I’ve been figuring it out for a while now, but today he confirmed it.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Dan stayed quiet, thinking about how well their plan had turned out. While he stood there, he couldn’t help but see how lovely his mother looked with her hair gently framing the face.

Jack seemed unfazed by the news. “Well, it’s about time he got what was coming to him,” he grumbled before giving Nancy a kiss on the cheek and drugging Dan out of the kitchen.

“It worked out just as we planned. Just as we wanted,” Jack said when he was sure Nancy wouldn’t hear them.

“Just as you wanted,” Dan replied calmly.

“Don’t act like you’re innocent. You wanted this as much as I did. We both knew Dad was a dick. We’ll be better off without him. Damn, he even left without saying goodbye to us.” Dan stayed quiet.

“You just have to keep your mouth shut about what we did. Ok? By the way, did you manage to return Mom’s lingerie to her closet after we talked yesterday?”

Dan felt a lump form in his throat as he instinctively nodded. He imagined Jack finding Mom’s sticky panties in his drawer.

The instant Jack’s face lit up with a smile, it seemed like he had been anticipating this response from the start.

“Great,” Jack replied with a smooth smile, giving Dan a firm pat on the shoulder. Leaning in close, he whispered, “I haven’t forgotten about that little attempt to blackmail me.” And with that, he departed.

“I guess he’s definitely not going to share with me how his friend pulled his mother into bed. I’ll just have to depend on my own resolve.”

Returning to the kitchen, Dan took a seat beside his mother. She was wearing an intriguing light robe and being lost in thought she didn’t realize when a bit of it slipped, slightly exposing her boobs.

At that moment, a nugget of wisdom from the incest site sprang to his mind like a beacon of enlightenment:

“Step 1. Befriend her.”

He took her hand and gave it a weak squeeze.

“It’s going to be okay, Mom.”

“I know, darling,” she smiled.

She moved, delicately placing her hand on his, and a single nipple peeked out from the robe. A pink nipple encircled by a purple halo, the robe lightly touching it, then covering it, then revealing it again.

“Dad didn’t deserve you, Mom. We are always here for you.”

She smiled, “Thank you, dear.”

He relaxed a little, letting his thoughts carry him forward.

Am I really planning to have sex with my Mom and record it? It was one thing to think about it and another to be so close to her and imagine it happening.

He gazed once more at her lovely face, taking in every detail. Her eyes sparkled with a warm glow, her lips were full and soft, and while time had left a gentle mark on her features, she retained a remarkable youthfulness.

She covered up her robe, hiding breasts, and tightened the belt. Now her big swollen nipples were leaking through the wool robe.

“What’s now?” he asked.

“What’s now?” she pulled her long hair into a braid. “Your father said he won’t help us with money, and we have the house payment due,” she sighed, “I’ll figure something out, dear. Don’t worry about the money.”

“Money?” he coughed. “What if I tell you I know where to get some money? Remember when you said if I got into any trouble, you would help me?”

She looked at him suspiciously. “What kind of trouble are we talking about here?”

“It’s not really a problem. Here’s the thing. I ... I recently signed up for a program that offers good earnings, but there’s a catch. I have to create a video for it.”

Nancy looked at him with anticipation. “What kind of video?”

Dan hesitated, then continued, “An intimate video, where you’d have to be involved, too. And they’re going to pay us.”

“I have to be in it?”

Dan nodded, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

“They’re paying us, you say? What exactly are we supposed to do in this video?”

Dan’s cheeks turned slightly red. “It’s, um, a video where we have to have ... well, just kissing.”

“Kissing!?” Nancy seemed unable to believe her ears.

Dan nodded, his throat feeling parched. “It’s just kissing, Mom. And they’re offering a substantial amount of money. So...”

“And how much money are we talking about?”

“Um... $50,000”

“$50,000 just for us to kiss?” Nancy repeated.

Dan nodded once more.

His Mom took a nonchalant sip of her coffee, as though considering a proposal.

“Why don’t you find a girlfriend and ask her to do this?”

Dan blurted out without thinking, “Because it’s supposed to be you.”

Nancy’s calm demeanor cracked, and she asked with a raised eyebrow, “So, they want a kiss between a mother and son? Is that the thing? That’s why they’re going to pay us that much?”

“Yeah, kinda,” Dan gulped. “Don’t overthink it, Mom. It’s just a regular kiss, nothing more.”

“Are you sure we’ll get those money?”

“Of course!” I wish I was.

“What kind of kiss is it supposed to be?” Nancy asked, looking him straight in the eyes. “Is it an elaborate French kiss, or a simple peck?”

Dan swallowed hard. “French ... I think.”

His Mom gave him a long, hard stare. “And we’ll get the $50,000? Are you sure?”

Dan nodded resolutely, “Yes, I’m sure.”

Nancy pursed her lips, considering the offer. “Well, fifty thousand won’t hurt us. And, it is just a kiss after all. Plus, you’ve kissed me once before, remember? You have some experience.”

Dan’s face flushed an even deeper shade of red. “So you agree? You’re truly comfortable with this?”

“Of course I am not. But I guess you don’t like it either. It’s your idea after all, if you’re fine then I’m fine as well. As I said, our family won’t mind 50 thousand now. Just promise me one thing: no one can ever find out aboutit, especially not Jack.”

“Absolutely, Mom. Not a word to anyone. So, should we aim for tomorrow to get this over with? I don’t have any plans.”

Nancy nodded in agreement. “Tomorrow it is, then. When Jack is out. You’re the director here, and I’m ready when you are.”

He retreated to his room. “Kiss? Really? This dude is not gonna pay me a penny for a damn kiss.”

As he sat in front of his laptop, Dan wandered back to the blackmailer chat room. He needed to come up with something fast, but his mind was blank. “What should I tell him?” he muttered to himself.

“How about...” Dan slowly typed out the words on the keyboard. “Fifty thousand for a kiss.”

He sent the message and waited, his heart racing. Ten minutes later, the reply came in. Dan nervously opened the chat, expecting a complete rejection. Who would agree to $50,000 for just a kissing video? But the response turned out to be much more interesting than he anticipated.

“I’ll give you all 250,000 for a full blowjob video. No sex, just blowjob with your cute Mommy.”

“You’ll give it all?” Dan couldn’t believe his luck. “For a blowjob?”


“Okay,” Dan replied and closed the laptop. Blowjob is not a sex. Maybe this was his chance. But how will he talk Mom into a blowjob? Is that even possible? He had time to think of an idea for tomorrow, but no matter how hard he tried, nothing came to mind. He couldn’t shake off the feeling of guilt and fear that had been gnawing at him since he agreed to the blackmailer’s offer.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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