Rounded Away - Cover

Rounded Away

Copyright© 2024 by Lubrican

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Angela Harris eloped and joined the Army. The recruiter said they would be stationed together. They weren't. They got a one-night honeymoon and then went separate ways. It was unlikely they'd see each other for over a year. She got assigned to my section and I had to decide whether to leave her to the wolves or take her under my wing. I ended up taking her under my body. I did not intend to break up her marriage, but it needed to be done.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Cheating   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy  

She was staring at me, but she didn’t look shocked.

“You mean we would watch each other masturbate? I think that would be cool,” she said. “I really like how your eyes get when you look at me like this.”

“You just lie back and I’ll stand here,” I said.

She flopped back and both of her hands went to her pussy. Her legs spread wide and my prick leaked. It would be easy to cum quickly, but I wanted this to last. I wanted to watch her having fun.

“Do you want Daddy to talk dirty while you do that?” I asked.

“Talk dirty? How?” she panted.

“I wish that what I have in my hand was in my baby girl’s pussy,” I said. “That kind of dirty.”

“Yes!” she said.

“I’d get on top of you and you’d spread your legs wide, like they are now. And I’d tease you by rubbing the tip of my cock up and down, touching all the places you’re touching now.”

“Ohhhh,” she moaned.

“And I’d push it in you. It would be tight, but it would fit, and I’d go slow so it wouldn’t hurt. And I’d pull it out and push it in until you had an orgasm.”

“Ahhhh,” she groaned.

I stepped closer.

“And then I’d shoot my baby-making sperm all up inside you and it would soak your womb and fertilize your egg,” I said.

“It’s gonna happen!” she squealed.

“I’m gonna cum, too,” I panted. “I can’t cum inside you, so I’m gonna cum on your skin. Can I do that? Can I cum on your belly?”

“Uhhh!” she grunted. Her knees drew up and one of her fingers went deep inside her. “Ohhh Mama, I can’t take it!”

And that was when I leaned down, held myself up with one hand beside her head, and put three lines of spunk from her tits to the hand that was still rubbing her pussy lips. She jerked when she felt it and looked down at the mess I had made on her front. Whether it was by instinct or some desire to explore, her hand came up and her fingers stirred the streaks on her abdomen.

“Sorry,” I said in a loud whisper. “I got the urge and couldn’t stop myself.”

I saw the stirring hand go back to her pussy. I knew she was getting my sperm close enough that things could get dicey.

She looked up at me, still panting.

“I love this,” she said. “I had no idea what it could be like and I really love doing this.”

“Me, too,” I said.

“I don’t want any wing-women. I’d rather just hang out over here,” she said.

“If you do that I’m going to want to fuck you,” I said. “I’m not trying to shock you. I just want you to know the truth. If you come over here a lot, I’ll try to seduce you into letting me do what I just described.”

“You can’t fuck me. I’m a married woman,” she said.

“That just makes you a challenge, remember?”

“A challenge to you?”

“Yes. I can’t help it. You’re one of the most beautiful, sexiest women I’ve ever seen, or at least been able to talk to. I know I’m your boss and when we’re at work I’ll behave myself and be professional, but if we are here, in private, you’ll have to learn to fight me off.”

“If I had kept rubbing you, would you have shot off like that?” she asked.


“Your thing is all soft right now. It got that way because you shot on me, right?”


“Then when you start getting pushy I’ll rub you until you’re soft.”

“I’m going to want to teach you other things,” I groaned.

“Okay,” she said, happily. “I’ve loved everything you taught me so far. I don’t even mind you shooting on me, except it’s getting cold.”

I stepped back.

“Shower,” I said. “Take a shower and get dressed. Then I’ll take you back to the barracks.”

I showed her where the shower was and made sure there were towels in there. I went to my bedroom and put on jeans and a T shirt. It was getting late and I realized we hadn’t eaten. I looked in the fridge and found the remains of a Calzone I hadn’t finished. I put that in the microwave and put the bottle of orange juice on the table. No more booze, at least not on this day. I got plates and forks. I was thinking about how amazingly far things had gone in just the short time I’d had her at my place. It was almost like we were fated to meet. Or maybe it was love at first sight - with complications.

She padded in the kitchen barefoot. Her hair was damp but her military cut would dry quickly. She had on the same blouse and skirt as before and instinct told me she was still commando.

“I thought I’d feed you before I take you back,” I said.

“Thanks. I’m starving,” she said.

She was halfway through her portion of the calzone when she stopped.

“What if I don’t want to go back to the barracks?” she asked.

She leaned back in her chair.

“What if I asked you if I could stay here, tonight?”

It was forty-seven minutes after twelve in the afternoon. I took a sip of coffee and looked at her. She looked nervous.

“Let me do a little recap,” I said. “We met each other about twenty-six hours ago, give or take fifteen minutes. You are a private E-1 and I am a Master Sergeant E-8. I am also your NCOIC. You actually only have half a day on the job. You have more time, in fact, being naked or in completely unprofessional situations with me than you do in your new assignment. Oh, and you’re married. Let’s not forget that. Now, you want to stay here for the rest of today, and then stay overnight, again, while sober. We have experienced something I’d call extreme chemistry and if you do stay here it is highly possible you’ll end up not only naked, but actively cheating on your husband.”

I held up a hand.

“I know you feel right now like you won’t cheat, but you also know there are lots of very strong emotions you were not aware of before today, and all we’ve done is scratch the surface. If you think about it, you never thought you would do any of the things we’ve done. If you get excited enough, you won’t say no and if I get excited enough I won’t stop and that means by tomorrow, this time, we might not be friends at all because you may be unhappy at what happened.”

“I think you’re making it more serious than it really is,” said the babe in the woods to the wolf. “Everybody I spent the last several months with had just graduated from high school. I know I’m not worldly, but those people seem like little kids to me. You are the first adult male I’ve ever been able to talk to and ask questions of. You’re also the first adult male who has ever touched me like you did. My husband kissed me and he put his penis in me, but now I understand all that amounted to was like him greeting me and saying what a nice day it is.”

She paused. Her camel toe wasn’t so obvious from where I was standing, but her nipples were spiked so much I knew she was feeling emotional.

“Okay, so I’m not stupid enough to think if I stay here tonight nothing will happen. And I know nothing should happen. But I also know I’m in over my head and the recruiter lied to me and that I would not have gotten married if I knew then what I know now. I have felt much closer to you than I ever have to Peter. I know I shouldn’t feel that way, but I do. I don’t want to make life complicated for you, but I do want to keep exploring things with you. I know I’m just a private, but I’m convinced you’ll teach me how to do my job really well. I’m not worried about that at all. What I am worried about is making stupid mistakes with all those men you’re convinced will chase me around and if I’m going to make stupid mistakes I’d rather make them with you. I’m not saying I’ll come back here a lot, or that you’ll be my boyfriend or any of that. All I’m saying is I’m comfortable with you and not scared. If I go back to the barracks I’ll be uncomfortable and maybe frustrated. I only learned how to masturbate this morning. I feel like somebody gave me one driving lesson and told me to go take the car to town all by myself.”

She stopped and I assumed it was my turn to talk.

“You might be perfectly capable of driving the car to town by yourself,” I said.

“I don’t have a driver’s license,” she said. “The only thing I’ve ever driven was a tractor.”

“You know what I want to do,” I groaned.

“Yes. I know. And the funny thing is I’m not nearly as scared of that as if you tossed me your keys and told me to take myself back to the barracks.”

She blinked four or five times.

“In fact, thinking about that doesn’t scare me at all.”

“You’ll be cheating on your husband,” I said.

“Maybe not. I know one way to make your penis soft. I assume there are other ways, too.”

“Yes, and since we’re negotiating here, I’ll just tell you what the next thing on the training schedule is. It’s called oral sex and if I perform it on you I will lick and suck you between your legs until you have an orgasm. Then I’ll have you put my penis in your mouth, and have you suck and lick it until I have an orgasm. I will want to have that orgasm in your mouth, at which point you’ll have to decide whether to spit it out somewhere, or swallow it. Does all that sound like something you’re ready to tackle on the second day you’ve known me?”

“I don’t know,” she said, sounding a little faint.

“If you don’t know you shouldn’t do it,” I said.

“Okay. I get that. I just don’t want to be alone. This is all too new and I don’t know how to act. Those women I met yesterday in the shop aren’t anything like the girls I knew in OSUT. Isn’t there anything you can show me that doesn’t involve sex?”

I blinked.

“Of course,” I said. “I should have thought of that.”

I had her change into a pair of Valerie’s skinny jeans and had her put her bra on under the silk blouse.

Then I took her on a tour of the fort and the ville outside the gates.

If you’ve never been around military folk “ville” is short for “village”, which is what every town outside the post is called, even if it’s a big city.

We ate supper out - fast food - and it was 1900 hours when we got back to my house. She needed to pick up her uniform.

The afternoon hadn’t been too challenging because we were in the car for most of it and I wasn’t looking at her. I was just driving and telling her what she was looking at. When we got back to my house, though, there was this long-legged gorgeous woman who had left adolescence way behind, in terms of her physical development. She was relaxed and confident. There was an odd quality to her that I was sure resulted from the maturity of her age, which was that of many of my NCO peers, hobbled by the restraint of how she was brought up. There was no stiffness between us at all, save the stiffness in my pants. That came from walking behind her and watching her ass as she negotiated the three steps up to my porch in jeans designed for a ten pound ass, but were currently filled with fifteen pounds of pulchritude. You know what I mean. Once we got inside her bright smile and those big, soft, very tasty breasts were right there in front of me.

“That was fun,” she said. “Thank you.”

“You’re most welcome,” I said.

“This is where I’m supposed to get my uniform and bag of your ex’s clothes and you take me back to the barracks,” she said.

“Yes,” I said. “You need to be in the barracks in the morning so people will see you there. It’s Sunday and you have other things to do besides defend your honor against attack by me. Relax, talk to your neighbors, and get ready for work Monday.”

I could see her doing the conversion in her head to turn military time into the civilian time she still thought in. That would change with time and it reminded me that she was still a raw, know-nothing private.

“Can I hang out with you next weekend?” she asked.

“Probably,” I said. “Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it.”

“Okay!” she said, brightly.

She went and got all the clothes and I gave her a trash bag to put it all in. Then I drove her back on post and to her barracks. Before she got out of the car she looked over at me. I detected more than a hint of nervousness, or insecurity.

“Thank you. I don’t think you understand how important this weekend was for me.”

“I’m glad. I hope you understand the complications this could cause if any of that became public knowledge.”

“I do, but I also think it is nobody’s business than ours,” she said. “It had nothing to do with the Army. It was private time. I get to have private time in the Army, do I not?”

“You do,” I said.

“Okay, then. I’ll see you at work Monday after PT. Where do I go to do PT?”

“We don’t do section PT,” I said. “You can go to the gym and do weights and run on the inside track, or you can do calisthenics on your own and run on the outside track. You’re a big girl, now, and you’re expected to keep yourself in good shape and able to pass a PT test.”

“Got it,” she said. “And nobody will think it’s odd that a private is doing this alone?”

“You’ll be in your issued PT uniform,” I said, “which will not have your rank on it. Nobody who looks at you will think you’re a private. Privates just don’t look like you. Most will probably think you’re a butter bar.”

“Butter Bar?” she repeated.

“Second Lieutenant,” I explained. “It’s a reference to the color of the insignia.”

“Oh! We had one of those in basic. His name was Lieutenant Fisk. They called him the XO, but I don’t know what that means.”

“It’s short for executive officer,” I said. “The XO is like what civilians would call the commander’s personal assistant.”

“I have so much to learn,” she sighed.

“Tomorrow you can learn how the National Stock Number system works,” I said.

“I think I remember when we talked about that in school,” she said.

“Okay. See you tomorrow.”

She got out and ambled up the walk to the entrance of the three story apartment building that the Army had assigned her to live in.

I went home and spent an entire hour thinking about what had happened since I met her, while I stroked my bone.

I had to cum twice before I could go to sleep.

Do you have any idea how hard it is for an almost forty-year-old dude to get two hardons within one hour?

Turns out it’s easy if you can smell her scent on the pillow as you stroke.

Monday morning, when she came in and I was actually astonished at how she acted. She gave not even a whiff of evidence that she had seen me anywhere except work the previous Friday. I told PFC Allen to go over the NSN setup with her, which we dealt with on a daily basis. It was the heart of our operation, in fact. She knew about the system. She had learned that in school. What I talked about was which part of it applied to us. PFC Allen reminded me that I had tasked her with inventorying the parts room, which she was halfway through and would take her at least three more days to finish. If we’d been up to full strength two people could have gotten it done in two or three days.

But we aren’t up to strength and I took PFC Allen’s “advice” and took on the task, myself, that I had wanted her to do. Naturally, it put me in close contact with a very distracting person. Fortunately, the NSN system is so complex that it helped take my attention off of how good she looked, even in the Army Combat Uniform.



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