A Story in the Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Universe
The continuing story of King Leonidas of Sparta's unknown son Martin. Now that Earth is secure, Martin must return to the home planet of his species and claim the throne of his grandfather. He will discover many wondrous things about the galaxy spanning empire he is now King of, as well as the fact that many do not want him to claim the throne that is his by birthright. He will face many challenges that will test his mettle and beliefs. It will become personal. It will become A Spartan's War.
(premier members only)
Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, NonConsensual, Lesbian, BiSexual, Shemale, High Fantasy, Science Fiction, Vampires, Interracial, Slow, Violent
Sex Contents: Some Sex
Posted:Modified: Concluded: (Added Chapters 19-22 (final)) [ Reviews ]