The late, great Rachael Ross isn't everyone's cup of tea.
It can't be because of her writing skills, because few authors here can match the quality and readability of her prose. Most likely it's because she'll tweak the reader's assumptions and biases, turning stereotypes on their ear, as well as sometimes featuring transgender or gay characters with which some readers just don't want to deal.
In that regard, "Cassie," witten under her God of Porn nom de plum, is a relatively safe read for anyone, a short story featuring a cast of bored, horny high school students in a small town, and dealing with the consequences of giving in to peer pressure.
Mostly what it's filled with is sex, well-realized and well-described by Ms. Ross, but from the mouth of the titular Cassie, a memorable character telling a bittersweet tale.
Read it for the sex, read it for the great writing . . . whichever your approach, you're likely to enjoy this story.