Author's Description:
A filthy orphan girl gets transformed into a goddess, makes a prince fall in love with her and search till he finds her, then they live happily ever after? Give me a break. A more realistic story about Cinderella. Mice? We don't need no stinkin' mice. Part II greatly expanded 9/24/06.
Size: 40 KB (7,832 words)
Genre: Erotica
Sex Contents: Much Sex
Tags: Ma/Fa, Romantic, Fiction

Review by fuzzywuzzy   [other reviews by fuzzywuzzy]


Oh dear, another good love story! And a completely new twist on an old fairy tale thanks to Old Fart!


p.s., I don't consider this a stroker, but it is damned funny.

Plot: 10 | Technical Quality: 10 | Appeal to Reviewer: 10


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