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Author's Description:
Both the Boy and Girl Scouts have them.
Size: 9 KB (1,848 words)
Genre: Humor
Sex Contents: No Sex
Tags: ft/ft, Heterosexual, Humor

Review by Eddie Davidson   [other reviews by Eddie Davidson]

Reviewed: - (Review Updated: )

I only recently discovered Holly Rennick.

She's written 98 stories going back to 2004, most of which seemed to be centered on perverted humor - which is my jam. I feel a bit like Christopher Columbus discovering the new world.

"Holy fuck, look what I found" and there are probably all these other people who already know all about it and live here.

Perverted humor is super hard by text with no pictures because it can be very dry. There was this amazing artist named Randy Dave who used to draw an entire story in just one picture and his stuff was usually hilarious - often about girl schools selling 'cookies' , car washes.

Holly's piece "The Scout Laws" takes me back to those cartoons. It's not a "story" like you would imagine. It's more of a guideline to how boy and girl scouts would act in this sort of hypersexualized version of a world that exists in Holly and Randy Dave's imagination - where every girl has a desire to sit atop the biggest dick possible in most cases.

It's very funny stuff, and it's short and sweet. If you are looking for a pick me up, it's a good quick palate cleanser to read and it was done in a very joyful way that is refreshing to see.

So much humor is dark, and this was just raunchy almost 1978 kind of Meatballs/Little Darlings humor - back when they made movies that showed a little titty now and again.

My only thought would be I'd like to have seen merit badges, and I'd like to see a longer story that is based on these laws, like an orientation where the scouts are assembled and introduced to them and all the fun they can have practicing tying knots.

Plot: N/A | Technical Quality: 10 | Appeal to Reviewer: N/A


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