"Retribution" shows a lot of imagination by its author, Thornfoote. The story involves a young woman who was serially abused as an orphan, and what happens when she discovers that she has super powers.
In fact, she really has multiple personalities, each of whom has a unique power that can be organized and used by Linda, the protagonist. I've read other superpower fantasies before, but this one I find particularly appealing, because each personality is interesting in her own way, and only reveals herself to Linda over time as the story develops.
"Linda" has telekinetic powers and a physical body
"Mouse" handles camouflage and display
"Ret" can read minds, learn languages, and determine whether a person or group is evil
"Tink" can make something dissolve, grow, or shrink
"Kelly" (one of the twins) can "see" a location for
"Karen" who can transport them to any location that Kelly knows
And each of these personalities is portrayed in a different way, and at different stages of development, so there can be disagreements, but everyone gets along really well for the most part.
The plot is interesting, though somewhat simplistic, as it would be if a not-very-well schooled teenager was analyzing situations and making decisions. Linda wants to get rid of evil, and goes to great lengths to do so. But the story is immensely appealing. It's really easy to fall in love with Linda's character.
This story is complete, and a sequel, "Linda's Posse" is in progress. Enjoy!