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Writer Mick: Blog


The Big Oops!!!

Posted at

Hi All

I managed to post an unedited Chapter 7 of "Expect Me When You See Me".

The posting befuddled my editor and me, until I figured out how I had messed up.

Therefore Sunday morning the correct version of Chapter 7 will post on its original scheduled date and time.



So Sad!

Posted at

Hi All

I'm so sad about Xalir passing. He wrote some of my favorite stories. I hope they post some of his unfinished works. I would love to have a crack at finishing them.


I Can't Take It Anymore

Posted at

Hi All

I got bored during a down time at work. I pulled out a pad of paper and made some rough notes and voila' a short story.

I typed it up this morning and am going to post it before I head out to my local sports watering hole to watch the KC Chiefs.

Also, thanks for the notes about the latest story as well.


General Stuff

Posted at Updated:

Hi All

It seems that it is time to nominate authors and their stories for the Clitoride Awards. It appears that someone has nominated me for Best Author. I am so outclassed by so many on this site, that I consider it an honor to be mentioned in their company. Whoever nominated me, thank you, you poor deluded soul!

On another note, I have had a policy of posting chapters to ongoing stories on a weekly, Sunday morning basis. Recently I have gotten some negative comments regarding that practice. It seems that some folks think that seven days is WAY too long to wait for the next chapter. Thank you for your notes and for wanting to read my work more often.

For a moment I considered going all Nick Scipio on them and ripping them a new one as I reminded them that they are getting these stories for free. Beggars. Choosers. And all that. But I didn't. I have not yet risen to the high exulted rank of TERB or even Penguin.

Lastly, as "Expect Me When You See Me" comes to an end on February 10th, "The Strawberry Patch:Book 3 - Life On The Savannah" will begin on February 17th.

And finally, just to show that I have a bit of a heart, I have begun posting "I Was Sitting In The Delivery Room On A Tuesday Morning" on a schedule of every 2-3 days. I cannot say that it is the end of the Mick and Kendi saga, but I cannot say that it is not. So, enjoy it while you can.

Thank you again for your readership,


Oh, What The Heck!

Posted at

Hi All

Happy New Year!

I was going to wait on this, but then I asked myself "Why?"

So here is the next installment of the "I Was Sitting" series with Mick and Kendi.

I am going to get this one out fast, so strap yourselves in.




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