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Writer Mick: Blog


Another Dark And Stormy Night

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Hi All

I have just finished a period where I only had three days off over the past four weeks. I also took on the task of finishing Xalir's last story. Right now it is in the final editing stage. I also had to continue to write "The Strawberry Patch:Book 3".

During this time, I have been teasing my Muse. I would write for a bit and then stop. My Muse went a little crazy on me and began dumping all sorts of ideas into my head and of course did it while I was at work and couldn't even write down the ideas!

So, having said all of that, one of the thoughts my Muse dropped on me was a story using the dreaded worst opening line in the history of literature, "It Was A dark And Stormy Night". In a couple of my creative writing classes we had to write a story with this horrible beginning. But I tricked her!

I wrote the story outline during several breaks at work (I made it a habit to bring paper with me on my job, take that Muse!) The first chapter was really short and then they got longer as I wrote more. I am going to post a chapter every night over the next ten days.

Voting will be turned on when the last chapter posts. Comments will be open from chapter one. I hope you like it, I had fun messing with my Muse.

Good Reading


Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends

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Hi All

Tomorrow will be the debut of "The Strawberry Patch:Book 3 - Live On The Savannah". It starts off dark, like Book 2 ended. After that things get better.

Thank you for all the nice words for Book 2, "Expect Me When You See Me" and the "I Was Sitting" Series.

I've recently finished a couple of stories that will see the light of day when my editors finish beating me up.

Thank you again for your readership and your kind comments (except that one 'You Suck').


I Was Sitting In The Delivery Room - final chapter

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Hi All

The 10th and final chapter of "I Was Sitting In The Delivery Room" will post in the morning. It was fun to write and I think it also sparked an idea for another story.

There are three more chapters of "Expect Me When You See Me" ending on February 10th.

"The Strawberry Patch: Book3 - Life On The Savannah" will begin on February 17th. This will be the last in the Strawberry Patch series. I think.


I Quit!

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Hi All

I have decided to no longer post multiple stories today, after finding that I've posted multiple unedited chapters, wrong chapters, chapters out of order, chapters to the wrong story,etc.

"I Was Sitting In The Delivery Room" will be reposted today. It will be Chapters 1-9. Chapter 10 (the final) will be posted on Wednesday Jan 23rd.

I'm sorry for any confusion this has caused.


WOW! The Great Chapter 7 of EMWYSM Fiasco!

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Hi All

I guess I should take this as a positive. After posting an unedited version of Chapter 7 of "Expect me When You See Me" I posted the edited version on the correct date and schedule as normal.

I got a TON of emails from folks telling me that the corrected Chapter 7 was posted as Chapter 8!

First, thank you to all of those who cared enough to point out that I am a doofus! All but one of them did so politely!

I am truly humbled by the number of people reading, and apparently doing so with a passion, and I want to tell you how much fun I am having writing because of you.

The corrected Chapter 7 should be posted. Chapter 8 will come out of Jan 27. Chapter 9 on Feb 3 and Chapter 10 (the final) on Feb 10.

Then I will begin posting Book 3 of The Strawberry Patch: Life on the Savannah.

I want you to know that I hear and understand you when you ask for the postings to be more frequent. I just don't feel good doing that because you have enjoyed the books I have written so much that posting more often would mean extended periods of time where there would be nothing posted as I took care of real life and wrote as I had time.

Thank you again for your kind notes and to the one person who was not so kind, bite me!




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