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Hi All
I'm going to begin posting "Another Dark And Stormy Night" this evening. I'll follow with a chapter each day until all 11 chapters have been posted. Public comments and voting will be open right away.
Hi All
I am pulling this story until I can fix some gross errors.
My dear tormentor CoullPert, has pointed out some things about King George that I found to be correct. I need to fix those things in order to make this fictional story, more accurate, and therefore more enjoyable.
I still love the concept and where the story is going to go. I will try to get it back up and posting in a few day.
I'm sorry for making this sort of error.
Hi All
I have just finished a period where I only had three days off over the past four weeks. I also took on the task of finishing Xalir's last story. Right now it is in the final editing stage. I also had to continue to write "The Strawberry Patch:Book 3".
During this time, I have been teasing my Muse. I would write for a bit and then stop. My Muse went a little crazy on me and began dumping all sorts of ideas into my head and of course did it while I was at work and couldn't even write down the ideas!
So, having said all of that, one of the thoughts my Muse dropped on me was a story using the dreaded worst opening line in the history of literature, "It Was A dark And Stormy Night". In a couple of my creative writing classes we had to write a story with this horrible beginning. But I tricked her!
I wrote the story outline during several breaks at work (I made it a habit to bring paper with me on my job, take that Muse!) The first chapter was really short and then they got longer as I wrote more. I am going to post a chapter every night over the next ten days.
Voting will be turned on when the last chapter posts. Comments will be open from chapter one. I hope you like it, I had fun messing with my Muse.
Good Reading
Hi All
Tomorrow will be the debut of "The Strawberry Patch:Book 3 - Live On The Savannah". It starts off dark, like Book 2 ended. After that things get better.
Thank you for all the nice words for Book 2, "Expect Me When You See Me" and the "I Was Sitting" Series.
I've recently finished a couple of stories that will see the light of day when my editors finish beating me up.
Thank you again for your readership and your kind comments (except that one 'You Suck').
Hi All
The 10th and final chapter of "I Was Sitting In The Delivery Room" will post in the morning. It was fun to write and I think it also sparked an idea for another story.
There are three more chapters of "Expect Me When You See Me" ending on February 10th.
"The Strawberry Patch: Book3 - Life On The Savannah" will begin on February 17th. This will be the last in the Strawberry Patch series. I think.
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