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Hi All
I've just finished the rewrite of "I Was Sitting In A Bar On A Monday Night".
Like so many of my earlier attempts at writing, there were numerous grammatical errors and some context shifts inside the story.
Those have all been fixed and now I like it even more than I did before!
Have a great weekend St. Patrick's Day survivors!
Hi All
We had some awesome thunderboomers blow through NE Oklahoma last night. A couple of thunder blasts were so intense, the old brick building I live in shook!
Tonight we lose an hour of sleep, unless, like me you stay up past 2AM. Must be the gout drugs keeping me awake.
This week we're supposed to have clear skies at night and that means that Mars will be very bright and right next to the moon!
On Sunday I will post Chapter 6 of The Passion of the O'Dells. This chapter sets a new location and takes us several years into the future of the story.
I'm heading to the mountains for several days of decompression and relaxation. Then the world cranks up again on the 22nd and it's back to the salt mine.
Take care all
Hi All
If you haven't noticed, members here can now post a list of their favorite stories for others to see.
This means that you can look and see what sort of weird shit others read. It could introduce you to weird shit that you might like. I made a list. It isn't carved in stone, as I have a personal list of 82 personal favorites on my computer.
I go back and read these stories again when I feel in the mood. Some are sexy. Some are love stories. Some are cheating wives stories. Some are westerns. I'd like to think that my tastes are like my writing, slightly eclectic. (Read that as warped!)
Anyway, I'm going on vacation and there will be times in the mountains when I'll have no access to the internet. Not to worry, my loyal readers, the next few chapters of "The Passion of the O'Dells" are already in the queue and the story is finished. Well except for the "You Suck" part from my editor and proofreader, the dreaded Coullpert.
I've promised several friends that I would tear into their books, since I've fallen behind on much of their work while I finished "The Passion". I need to catch up with Gordon Johnson, Oyste50, TedBiker, and ProfessorC among others.
This journey into writing in this genre that I began way back with "Mick and Keri" in 2017 has been good for me. I've met some very nice people, people who have been generous with their time and advice. Most have never told me "You Suck!".
So please be careful and whether you think this virus is better or worse than our current government, take care of yourself. Get out of the house and go for a walk. The birds and squirrels are still out there doing their thing. Life is still what you make of it.
I got Covid in December and had a runny nose for two days. I'm in that old target age group and credit that fact that I grew up eating dirt and not disinfecting everything in my home for my strong immune system. I don't get sick. I break shit all the time, but never get sick!
If you're living in one of those unlocked or unlocking areas of the country, support your local businesses. Many have gone away for good, most are struggling. My favorite restaurant opened after being shutdown for a long time. My first tip there was for a large amount because I knew the servers and cooks were hurting, I asked my favorite bartender to split the tip up and make sure those who really needed it, got a bigger piece of the pie.
Take care my good friends
Hi All
So I opened voting for The Passion of the O'Dells and it shot up pretty fast considering how squirrelly the scoring is on SOL.
Then Chapter 5 hits and a few people went ape-shit! I killed off the main character! How could I do that?
Who said he was the main character?
Then people start voting 7's, because I killed the main character off. I DIDN'T!
I hope those of you voting low because I killed off YOUR main character, but not MINE, will re-vote when they realize they made a mistake.
Hi All
Well here we go. Scoring for the "Passion of the O'Dells" has been turned on and you folks are wonderful!
Chapter 5 breaks on Sunday and it is a landmark episode. Remember that Book 1 followed the primary O'Dells from the end of the Civil War to the midst of the fight with the Pueblo Cattle Company. Book 2 goes from the fight with the Cattle Company to the end of World War 2.
Chapter 5 marks a shift in location and brings a portion of the tale to a close. No cliffhangers at the end of this one.
I'm going on vacation for the next two weeks and hope to get a huge jump on "The Strength of the O'Dells" which follows our hero family from the end of World War 2 through the Vietnam War and into the struggles in Iraq and Afghanistan.
That leaves off right at the start of "I'll See You When I See You" which is followed by "Expect Me When You See Me".
The plan is to then return to "The Strawberry Patch - Book 4" Then I'm going to need a whole new set of ideas. I've been thinking of putting some of my stuff on Bookapy, but I don't know if people will want to pay for an entire book when they can get it for free. Let me know your thoughts, when you have time, please.
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