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Hi All
One of the comments made to me about Chapter 12 pointed out an error regarding the use of Jeeps in WW1. I fixed that.
Then there was the issue of Patty and her letters to Paul and her four years at college. Another spot on comment by the same reader made me go back and read the whole book. He was correct and I've made changes to Chapter 12 to reflect the comments and make the story make more logical sense.
I also made a change to the situation with Opal Anne and her getting married that is addressed in later chapters. Now that part of the story flows and makes sense!
Thanks again for your readership and your comments. They can and do make a difference.
HI All
Another finished unfinished story!
I may embellish it later and add a shit ton of sex, but I haven't decided.
Hi All
My poor old brain has been so stuffed with ideas that I have an entire file of partially written stories.
While I'm waiting for my muse to return from vacation, I am seeing her cousin and trying to fill in and finish some of the partial stories.
The first of these is called "Debbie's Question" and it has to do with a question asked and a can of worms opened and closed in a most unusual manner.
I hope my muse doesn't get mad at her cousin and make her leave last longer! I want to get back to The Strawberry Patches final book and The Strength of the O'Dells.
Take care everyone and thanks again for your readership.
Hi All
Well, first, my basketball bracket is shot to hell!
Second, my muse never came back with me from my two week vacation, so I used my time to go over some past pre-editor works.
Thanks to DaveT, ProfessorC, and Coullpert, I have learned a new appreciation of the English language as it is spoken and misused in the good old United States.
Using the knowledge they have hammered into my think old skull, I have now corrected and posted all three stories in the "I Was Sitting" Universe and one of my personal favorites, "Equilibrium". The later is so much better and I have to say that I'm proud of the story and now the writing.
I hope y'all have a great time dealing with the basketball tournament and thank you all again for reading and commenting and writing emails. I really appreciate all of you.
Hi All
While my muse is on hiatus, I've bee going over a few older stories that had no editors. Having found several egregious errors, I fixed what I could. The "Wedding" story had some continuity errors and one name flip!
So all fixed and ready to make better sense. Now on to "Delivery Room". I know Tefler liked it, but I'm not sure I still do. We shall see.
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