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TheDarkKnight: Blog


A Confession

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Several years ago, I started using another id, my alter ego if you will. I had forgotten why I felt I needed it until I went back last week and reread the two stories I posted there. Ah, the mystery is solved. They are very extreme, not like most of my other stories. Call it an experimental lab. Anyway, if you are interested in taking a glimpse into the dark side of TheDarkKnight, check out Ken Usemi. Corny name, I know.

So, now that I have confessed, if I say ten Hail Marys and let Father Mike blow me, can I still get into heaven?

Grammarly followup

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Thanks to everyone who responded to my original post. You gave me a lot to consider. I was about to delete it, based on the 40-some-odd stories I've successfully posted here over the years without using it, but some of the comments you sent have convinced me to try the Pro version, at least for awhile. It might make the third rewrite, the painful one where I search for all the little errors, a little easier.


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I've been using the free version of this program for a few weeks, and I'm getting ready to delete it, but I wanted to see if others have the same frustrations with it as I do, or if I'm missing something. I find that I ignore about half of the suggestions it makes. It seems like it is designed more for business writing; nice clean memos, presentations, etc., not for dirty little stories like mine. And while I was trying to type this, a popup ad for the Pro version showed up. Another annoyance.


Well, this is embarrassing

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I was going through some of my older posts and realized that a story I posted here ten years ago, Interal Affair, is VERY similar to one I posted a couple of weeks ago, My Student Assistant.

The sex is different, but the setup is the same. Guess you could say they have the same root but different blossoms.

About My Student Assistant

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Like some of my early stories, this one is a mixture of reality and fantasy. I was a systems analyst, and Lynn was my assistant, a real person, much as I described her. There was a luncheon, and I did end up giving her a ride back to work. That's where the fantasy starts. I just took her back to work. Nothing else happened between us.

And I didn't have a Miata,I had a Chevette, but at least it did have a stick shift, and my hand did come close to brushing her leg, which might be why this story stuck in my head for a long time.



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