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TheDarkKnight: Blog


This is why we edit carefully before posting

Posted at

I'm working on a story where I gave the two female characters the names of Sophie and Willow. Somewhere early on, I described Willow as having "raven-black hair." From that point on, I kept calling her Raven. I was almost at the end of the first draft before I noticed it. I wondered who the hell is Raven, and how did she get into my story? Sheesh!

Sandy Explores the Sex Store - completed

Posted at

The sixth, and last, chapter of "Sandy..." posted today. This one was like pulling teeth, and not loose ones. Whew! Now I can get back to other projects and start catching up on my reading.

How does this happen?

Posted at

The story of mine I dislike the most and am most embarrassed to have written is also my 8th most popular based on downloads. It has a terrible rating, second worst of all mine, yet there it sits in my top ten.

All I can figure is some combination of the title, the description, and the codes appeal to a certain demographic among SOL readers. Hey, I think I just answered my own question!

Tooting my own horn

Posted at Updated:

Always wondered where that expression comes from. Sounds painful to me. I think Ron Jeremy is the only one I know who was successful at it, or maybe I just don't understand it.

Anyway, what I meant to say is that last night I hit 400k downloads. I know I'm just a midget among all the big-time writers here, with my dirty little stories, but I'm still happy about that number. Posting "Mom Hired a Housekeeper" yesterday pushed me over the top.

Thanks to everyone who is reading my stories. I'm still writing a lot!

Update on my previous post

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Since several of you were kind enough to respond to my previous post, I'm glad to report the mystery has been resolved. When I finally got a chance to see my buddy's computer I saw that he had his filter set wrong. Sorry for an unnecessary post.



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