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Ron Dudderie: Blog


The protocols of Carstairs is now complete. Discount code!

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As you know, I publish my new books chapter by chapter on SOL for promotional purposes. They're finished when I start posting chapter one. After I post the final chapter I leave it up for about a month and then I make it available for premium members of this site only. And I may decide to delete it when a new book comes out.

I'm about to upload the last part of The Protocols of Carstairs, my ninth book, seventh in the Carstairs Series and the last part of the three book story set in the Arabic world.

If you want to buy it, you can use, the bookshop tied to SOL, but you can find all my books at my own site as well:

If you wish to buy the three books that make up the Arabian Adventure, which are:
- This Is Your Carstairs Speaking
- Carstairs of Arabia
- The Protocols of Carstairs
you can get a discount for being a SOL reader. Use code SOLTPOCDEAL to get 25% off these three books. That's ten bucks! (Give or take a few cents.) Works on my site only, obviously.

Don't feel like spending money? Here's what you can do at no cost to you:
- Leave a review or a nice quote on my website, under the product page.
- Find one of my books on Amazon and rate it or better yet, review it.
- Rate and/or review my book(s) at
- Mention my work on the SOL forum.

I know it feels like a sucker's move to pay for something that's just floating around online, for free. Goodness knows I mooched more than my fair share when I was young. But that's the point: I was sixteen when I never paid for anything. Now I'm a grown man and if someone makes something I enjoy, I chip in. This book took TWO YEARS to write. I'd like to have the freedom to write more. You can help me do that.

Thanks for reading!

Ron Dudderie

The Protocols of Carstairs is here!

Posted at Updated:

Out now: The Protocols of Carstairs. Chapter one is also available as a 90 minute (well, 89 minute) audiobook, completely free!

As per usual, I will post chapters every week or so. There are 28 chapters, so that should keep us busy for a while. If you can't wait, you can also buy the book at, the bookstore that belongs to this site.

Start reading for free at or just buy the entire book and enjoy 28 chapters combining over 280.000 (!) words at:

Nearly done: The Protocols of Carstairs

Posted at

In September 2019 I published 'Carstairs of Arabia', the middle book of a three book story set in the Arab world. Well, I'm nearing the end of 'The Protocols of Carstairs', which concludes that adventure with a magnificent finale. (If I do say so myself.)

Soon I'll be recruiting proof readers (I've got a little list) and then I'll have to find an illustrator for the cover image. This is always a problem. I approached an illustrator recently and he was happy to do it... for $1000. Yeah... No. Sorry. I spent a year and a half on that book, you're not getting a thousand bucks (or one month's rent) for a drawing.

Anyway, in case you were wondering when the book will be out: before the summer. Probably.

Carstairs of Arabia is available to read here for premium members.

New book: Carstairs of Arabia

Posted at

Ah yes, the blog! Mustn't forget the blog. Hello friends, thanks so much for the kind comments and emails you've been sending!

I read them all, but sometimes even I don't quite know what to say. I also want to avoid making it look like every comment is scrutinized and dissected and commented upon by the author. That's a bit creepy, probably. But I do read it all and any and all remarks about grammar and other mistakes are particularly welcome. You can also reach out to me directly, via the messaging function of this site.

The previous book, which sets off this story, is available for premium members of this site. Why not try it out and support a good cause? You can also buy 'This Is Your Carstairs Speaking' AND the new story, 'Carstairs of Arabia' RIGHT NOW from In doing so you'll support both me and this site. Also, no waiting! This book has 28 chapters, so it will be somewhere around June 2020 before we reach the finale. (Wait, am I doing this right? 25 chapters to go, that's 25 weeks. 4.3 weeks to a month.... Yeah, sounds about right.)

Are you willing to wait that long? Seriously?! And that's assuming you come back here every week. If you're one of those precious people who won't read anything marked 'in progress', you may very well miss the window between when the story is complete here and the moment I make it available for premium members only.

Still, I'm not your mum. Do as you please. But this book took me TWO years to write. Isn't that worth the price of a movie ticket and a medium popcorn? Sure it is! So head on over to and treat yourself!

If you bought the previous book here or via my own website, I also offer a discount for this book. More info at my own website, which I assume you know about.

Anyway, must dash. I'm already working on the next book. It's just that my children are so hungry, I keep having to stop to take on jobs as a free lance dung shoveler... (please imagine some sad violin music here). It's not easy, let me tell you. But hey, enjoy your free prime quality novel! Don't mind me. I'll manage.

Your close, personal friend,

Ron Dudderie

New: This Is Your Carstairs Speaking

Posted at

I'm happy to present the fifth book in the Carstairs Series:
This Is Your Carstairs Speaking
. Come see the wonderful cover illustration at!

By now you'll know the drill: this book is complete. You can already buy it from my own website. But I'll offer it here, chapter by chapter, and then leave it up in full for about a month after we've reached the end. If you don't want to wait that long, buy the book right now!

Even though I currently find myself listed between a story about a rapist who reincarnates as a dog and the tale of a girl seducing her parents, you will find a different type of story here. It's a full-size comedy/action novel and the series no longer focusses on sex. There's some in there, but it's very mild.

Feel free to tell me about typos and grammar issues. There shouldn't be many, as it has been proofread by a few people.

I hope you'll come along for the ride. I'm currently hard at work on book six, Carstairs of Arabia.

To get an idea of my writing skills, you can always read the free, short story 'Best Sinterklaas Ever', available right here on this website.



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