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Ron Dudderie: Blog


You're all very quiet!

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Just prepped chapter 27. I can kind of see why it's relatively quiet in my mailbox; if you were served a 27 course meal, you'd stop thanking the chef after each course at around course... I dunno, three? Still, it's a bit eerie, shouting into a void. Most I got the past few weeks were a few 'Hey, why can't I read your OTHER books for free?!' emails.

Still, all is vanity so never mind. Just drop me a line when we're done, if you had fun. (Since we've been going since April, I'm pretty sure you have a pretty good idea of how you'll rate this by now.)

Meanwhile, big thumbs up for Storiesonline for having such cool posting guidelines. Literotica refused chapter 26 because of that incident where Martin walks in on Kelly. (Actually they allowed it and then pulled it when some goodie two shoes complained...) They also need a week (A WEEK!) to clear a chapter.

Over on Lit. a lot of folks were quite upset at Martin's involvement in the death of Christopher Ames. One keeps coming back to call him a murderer in the comments. You haven't lived until you've received an anonymous email from someone who berates you for the death of an unpleasant character in a fictional comedy story and then says he will have to stop jacking off to... I mean reading your free book.

The fourth Carstairs book is coming along nicely, by the way. I do have a mailing list on my website, if you're interested. Toodle pip!

Service has been resumed

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I know I'm not supposed to use this blog as some sort of Facebook post, but this is just to let you know the normal pacing has been resumed, as I'm back from vacation. It sucked, just as I thought. They're not really predisposed to enjoying life, are they, Norwegians? I'm fairly sure one of my protagonists will have some outspoken opinions on that country in a future novel. They have TWO kinds of pastry: apple based or with a cream filling. You want chocolate? You want nuts? No no no. We don't do that here. What's this, Denmark? We are saving the money you want to spend on nuts and chocolate for our children!

I'm working on a fourth Martin King / Carstairs novel right now. I actually want to get started on the fifth, because I have a really great idea for that one, but there's some housekeeping to get out of the way. A wedding, for one. The current book is slow going because I keep running up against the fact I can't really write anything without a weird finale. People who have emailed me have quite often suggested they would love to see Martin and Kelly revisit the Graham McAfee show. Sure, that would be fun. But what would have to happen at the end? Should the studio burn down? Alien invasion? I just don't know. I suppose I only have myself to blame. You should see the stuff coming up in 'And The Winner Is'... (You can, in five minutes time. By getting the damned book.)

Short break

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I hope you enjoyed chapter 20. It's extra long and has quite a lot going on.

I myself am taking a brief vacation, so next week there will be no update. You could start again from the beginning, if you're bored. Or, you know... visit my website... skip your next two cups of 'Costa Rica Finca Palmilera' (seven dollars at Starbucks) and support my writing. Just a thought. Then maybe next year I won't have to spend my vacation in someone's fucking basement in fucking Norway.

It's going to be awful. If you're in Haugesund, Norway next week and you can hook me up with some pussy, please get in touch.

(That's what this blog is for, right? Casual hookups? No? Hey, I need to get inspiration from SOMEWHERE!)

I guess you guys liked chapter 13!

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It's always nice to wake up to a fan mail, if I may call them that, but after chapter 13 went online I got eight of them in the space of ten hours! Some readers wanted to share some nitpicks (which I enjoy reading because I do update my books every once in a while and I'll usually fix whatever mistake was pointed out), but most of you seemed to enjoy the rant at the end.

What is most gratifying to me is that this particular chapter contained no sex whatsoever, but it seemed to have struck a nerve (or tickled a funny bone). I too like a bit of sexiness from time to time, but I'm glad that you, like me, all seem to prefer a good story.

I'm glad to say that at this point there is a lot more action ahead. I know I take my sweet time setting it all up, but I'm confident in saying it's worth it. Keep an eye out for chapter fifteen, my personal favourite!

And The Winner Is has started up

Posted at

I'm happy to offer you a chance to read 'And The Winner Is', the finale of the Carstairs trilogy. This site has the best audience I've met so far and if you have the patience, I have the stories! (If you haven't got the patience, I have a website where you can buy them right now :)

You may be interested to know I've recently completed another book, which is a stand-alone novel. It is called 'The Most Hated Man'.

Professor Doctor Pjotr van Voogt tot Burema is the smartest man he knows. Not smart enough to understand why his wife left him, but still pretty smart. He lives in Amsterdam, in an academic bubble where he finds himself king of the hill.

His most recent scientific publication involves women, and how they use the fact that men can't live without them to their advantage. His theories are, to put it mildly, not well-received.

Forced to go into hiding, Pjotr slowly discovers there is more to him than an angry, weedy, clumsy professor. Then he meets Angel, who is literally a truck stop whore. Her life is an absolute disaster and their first meeting does not end well. She also happens to be the only person on Earth that Pjotr can bring himself to care about. Or is she?



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