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QM: Blog


Man of Shadows available on Bookapy

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Man of Shadows is now available on Bookapy. Containing five extra chapters to the SOL version as well as a prologue, epilogue and maps (including a hi-def link). An Amazon version will be available soon though this is mainly due to Amazon's ridiculous practice of not allowing anything other than major updates in editing.

Extra chapter are 7, 13, 39, 52 and 61.

Man of Shadows world map

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A map (still under construction) of Erren's world.!AjT-7lz33IcVgu961f5H7-br4zGT3w?e=Ph5Noh

Henry the Great - Bookapy

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A revised and expanded version of Henry the Great is now available on Bookapy. Divided into convenient chapters and extended to 2020, unlike the SOL version which finishes in 2000 AD. It's not a story as such, but a timeline of how one small event could change history.

New story, Man of Shadows.

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The SOL version of The Artist is now complete. Those who want can purchase the extended version on Bookapy. The new story is a 'swords and sorcery' style novel set in a fantasy medieval world. Unlike Magician, don't expect the magical system to be logical. The tale involves a man from a non magical world assisting a goddess to deal with a magical parasite, which for various reasons due to his non-magical nature he can see and kill. It will start next week and be about 60 chapters.

The Artist

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The Artist is now with the moderators in Bookapy. The version there will have eight extra chapters, a prologue, epilogue and appendix. The extra chapters are 7,13,16,24,30,35,46 and 56. the point from where we are on SOL is chapter 57. It will be available in pdf, epub and kindle versions under David Holmes. There is an identical version available now on Amazon under the same name.



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