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Look out for the first chapter of the continuing tale of Journeyman Mage John early next week. Yes, chapter 50) is written and with Spin my proofreader. Once he approves it, chapter one will make its appearance and will continue weekly. It will help a little if you've read Magician, but the story does stand alone if you haven't,
"Hi, thanks for the interest shown in the update. Yes, it's still an ongoing project, currently I'm writing chapter 29). No, I'm not planning on publishing anything here until I reach chapter 50) so you've a while to wait unfortunately. Currently my output is one chapter a week as real life (job and family) intrudes on my writing. Currently it looks like the entire tale will be heading towards about eighty to a hundred chapters though this is quite fluid towards the upper end of the range as I weave a few newly thought out concepts into the tale which can stretch it out a bit.
Yes I'm writing a sequel to magician under the working title of Mage. Unfortunately it has to be done during my less than copious spare time, so don't hold your breath on seeing anything for at least a few months, possibly up to a year.
However, here's a taster...
Around a large table in what was obviously a meeting room sat a disparate collection of Beings. Beings related in some form or other to the Earth human woman who sat at the nominal head. In spite of their apparent youth (less than 30 years of age) of most of them, each of those present exuded an air of competence and command. There was no one else present, no secretaries nor servants, these Beings had no need of such. Very obviously a highly secret discussion was in progress.
"Well, we're about as ready as we can get I think," the tall redhead announced to the assembled team leaders in front of her. "We just need to decide on what we can do if we get caught."
"Agreed, Mage Roxanne, Galadriel's notes advise extreme caution and she's from an extremely cautious race to begin with," stated one of the young-appearing men.
"Yes, the Yr'ch cannot do magic; however, they can detect it, locate it and deal with it via their technology, Kordanta," the woman addressed as Roxanne replied. "John's gift looks good on you by the way," she added.
"Feels good too, never ever thought to be in my twenties again."
"Freya approached Morgana for you?"
"Yes, now all I need to do is find a woman like her."
"Good luck with that," Roxanne giggled.
"Can the Seer we have get us in?" came a question from a dark-haired woman wearing what appeared to be a Feileadh Mòr or great plaited kilt, though in a vivid shade of orange.
"Seer Melanie believes she can, Sinnead. They do not appear to be aware of phasing shifts or a few other tricks we use."
"That's a relief; they appear to be highly expansive compared to even the Æsir. Fifteen worlds so far and population problems like you could not believe according to the Maraú-Uxuí."
"Expansive yes, but only when they need to in order to control their population. Their… government makes Falias look like a paragon of freedom and tolerance."
"Falias at least have stopped the Tuathans from making merry in the affairs of other worlds. The Yr'ch invaded at least one of the worlds they hold and use the inhabitants… or what's left of them, as slaves," Sinnead grimaced.
"Our orders are to observe, our various Seiðkonur Councils and governments will make decisions," a middle-aged man dressed in loose fitting clothing patterned randomly in severely contrasting colours stated.
"Yes Harmel, but this is to plan a 'go to hell' plan," Roxanne replied.
"Yes, I understand, but I'm hoping we won't need one."
"Better to have one and not need it…"
"Than to need one and not have it. Yes, I understand Roxanne. As does Seiðkonur Snorrison."
"Which is why we have the Mazdani with us as shock troops just in case we need a quick get-away."
"My people are interested as to how we'll manage against the Yr'ch. They appear to be physically impressive," stated the well-muscled humanoid with a very long face and mottled hairy exterior.
"Well if it goes to hell, you'll find out, Tu'tar."
"Whilst it is tempting, we had best hope not as they do outnumber us by a fair margin," Tu'tar replied with a rumbling laugh.
"Sixty billion of them at the last count, though they also do fight… or rather squabble amongst themselves somewhat."
"That's where I believe we can activate a plan of some sort. Distraction rather than confrontation is the key here," stated a young female humanoid with dark skin and pointed mobile ears.
"Agreed Teali, it must also direct their attention away from our cluster of Earths."
"It is the opinion of my sisters that their civilisation will implode long before they reach us. However, that implies that they will act in a manner in which we expect," a young-looking blonde woman stated.
"We cannot rely on should haves, might have beens and probably wills, Melanie."
"Agreed Roxanne, my sister Seers are working on a solution to this, based upon them reaching us in one form or another."
"For that we have the Journeyman Mage John option, Melanie."
"What option is that?" she asked confused.
"He mixes up a batch of Mages from the special forces of all nations in time for us to train them and set them after the Yr'chs to buy us more time to do it to an army."
"Oh… that option."
"Yes, so inform your sisters to put their efforts on the back burner and come up with a solution for the here and now please. Not saying we won't need it, but there are potential solutions needed before the enemy is at the gate."
"Of course, Roxanne."
"Rakona of Loegria has confirmed that their special forces will be ready," a slim intense young-looking woman added.
"That's good Brianna, their tech isn't as advanced as the Yr'ch… hell, let's just call them Orcs, it's easier to pronounce and they do look like them, a bit… but, it's better than anything we have."
"We were interested to learn of Loegria," Teali nodded. "However, we understand why you won't tell us where or how."
"The Council… well, my Council, felt that the members of this exploratory group needed to know and that a level of trust has been built up enough to permit that."
"Plus it would be difficult to hide what they are in this expedition," a tall alien-looking pale-skinned male with delicate pointed ears stated.
"That's true, Talshish."
"You have our word of honour that our governments will not be informed," Kordanta stated.
"Thank you, Kordanta," Roxanne replied, seeing the nods off all the leaders assembled. "Now, back to business."
Æsir (Human). Small confederation of six Earths of which Valaskjalf is their capital. Fought the Tuatha Dé Danann for over 1,000 years until the Tuatha Dé Danann gave it up as a bad job, much to the disappointment of the Æsir who were quite enjoying the fight. Their society is extremely class conscious with a system of prenoms or titles defining upper and lower classes. Mages work openly with the Æsir government but are not in charge in so far as anyone else appears to be either. Closest approximate Earth analogy - Viking/Norse
Anasazi (Human). Small pastoral society with a preponderance of very powerful Mages, peaceful but very isolationist. Closest approximate Earth analogy - Bhutan.
Craebh Ruadh (Human). An Earth where Mages rule ordinary humans, though quite benevolently for the benefit of all. Hostile to the Coalition of the Pure who hoped to find support amongst them but managed only to alienate themselves and earned enmity by assassinating the leader of the Craebh Ruadh who had opposed their proposals. Powerful in magic as a group, but individually no match for the High Mages of Earth. Much of their group magic has Theurgical roots via their priesthood. Closest approximate Earth analogy - Ireland before the Romans.
Nazca (Human and Neanderthal). One of only two (known) Earths where homo-neanderthalis survived, though very much as second-class citizens. Isolationist in nature and ruled by what appears to be some form of criminal secret society backed up by some very heavy duty Mages. Closest approximate Earth analogy - Apartied South Africa.
Olorun (Human). An Earth where religion rules via theurgical magic. Has little interest in other Earths with non-believers. Closest approximate Earth analogy - Yemen.
Phaëtoni (Human and Neanderthal). The other (known) Earth where homo-neanderthalis survived. Very much in the majority over homo-sapiens, though ruling them benevolently. A very peaceful society with little or no magical use. They are allied to the Craebh Ruadh in order to prevent incursions by the Tuatha Dé Danann. Closest approximate Earth analogy - Costa Rica.
Rutasi (Human). An Earth ruled by a world spanning empire whose Emperor is treated as a living god. Highly militaristic, though not expansionist, simply using them to keep the populace in line. Pretends that other worlds do not exist, though their Mages will open a dialogue if there's something that they want or need. Closest approximate Earth analogy - Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great.
Tiamati (Human). A world where mysticism apparently runs riot and Mages are the highest of the high. Largely peaceful though find it difficult to comprehend the Mages of other Earths, nor cope with being treated as their equals. Closest approximate Earth analogy - Egypt under the middle kingdom of the Pharaohs.
Tuatha Dé Danann (Human). Expansionist militaristic society originally holding four Earths in its autarchy (Falias, Gorias, Finias and Murias). Technologically advanced up to about the level of 1800 AD, though uses magic to supplement its military and so are considered very dangerous.
The world of Murias has since seceded from the autarchy and now stands alone amongst the other civilised Earths.
The world of Finias has since been abandoned due to the Nephilim incursion there and subsequent genocide. Closest Earth analogy - Pre- revolutionary France.
Levels of Mage.
Apprentice. An apprentice is bonded to a master for twenty years, during which period he/she is fed, clothed, housed, trained and given a small allowance. They are constantly supervised and monitored to prevent them from breaking the rules and/or killing themselves.
Journeyman/woman. A journeyman/woman is bonded to the same master for a further one hundred years during which they are expected to find work within and without the magical community and pay back their debt of training (not necessarily money, but time and obligation). Many end up in the world of scientific academia where control of the elements and power manipulation helps them reach fairly high levels in universities and research laboratories throughout the world. They are warned not to become too conspicuous. Many also do research within the magical community as well as in various disciplines; magic is too much fun not to play with it.
A few end up working for the Council's enforcement groups around the world and essentially make sure that as few people as possible come into contact with real magic and/or clean up the mess in cases where it goes wrong or there has been a confrontation with the Coalition. It normally requires a high level of discipline to work in enforcement, though there are exceptions and the casualty rate can be quite high.
Mage. A Mage is a fully qualified magic user. He or she is financially independent and free of ties to a master, though most retain ties of affection and respect. They can more or less live where they want and do as they want so long as they follow the Council's rules.
High Mage. Though not a title as such, a High Mage is a one who has mastered the hidden higher magics in the iso depth and quantum layer fields. Whilst many Mages will touch upon one area or another (power, spells, healing, etc.) only a High Mage is master of all. The title is often used confusingly of any senior Mage.
Seer. A Seer is a specialised Mage, highly intelligent (even by Mage standards) and capable in gestalt of correlating masses of information. Specifically a female genome trait, they are very rare and treasured by those races and organisations that have them.
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