PT Brainum: Blog


elements of power 2 - now on bookapy

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It is up! The complete book 2 is available now on bookapy, use the link below.

Book 3 is currently being written, so that's where my concentration is, and it's coming along great!

If you bought on bookapy Elements of Power 1

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If you are one of the 38 people who blessedly purchased Elements of Power 1, my first foray into publication, then I'm writing to make sure that you know I'm continuing to update that book. That included the addition of an entire new chapter at readers request (Transmutation: 21) to soften the jump to the ending.
I'm also updating it as errors get fixed, and it's now available as mobi, pdf, and epub. I'm hoping to get a sufficiently error free version of Elements of Power 2 up next week or the week after if you are eagerly awaiting the sequel, and the daily posting of chapters is not fast enough.

elements of Power gets a new chapter added

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To help with the confusion, I wrote a new Transmutation: Chapter 21 for the first Elements of Power book. It should post shortly, so please do go read it, the old chapter 21 is now chapter 22. Hopefully you can increase your score for both that book and the sequel after reading it.
Thank you

elements of power and it's sequels!

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Elements of power came to an end today, and elements of power 2 began posting today. I'm currently writing elements of power 3. Because of the effort involved in getting a book ready for bookapy, it will be a week or two before EoP2 gets posted there. I have created a pre release draft, but it needs more editing, and right now I'm focused on writing. To give me more time, chapter 2 of EoP2 will post tomorrow, but posting will then move to an every other day event, instead of the daily posting that EoP enjoyed. I'm hoping to be completely finished writing the EoP trilogy by the time EoP2 finishes posting. Once that's done, I intend to go back and work on editing the omniscient series (aka John the genius) for publishing on bookapy. I've also had a reader volunteer to edit microgates, so if that happens then that'll probably get put on bookapy too.

elements of power on bookapy

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I'm trying bookapy out by posting parts 1 & 2 of elements of power, i think i might have under priced it at 2.99. If it works well, I'll be posting parts 3 & 4 there in November after the daily posting catches up. It's been a fun write, and I'm still into it, writing part 5, with plans for a part 6. Parts 1 & 2 are 93k words, and part 3 & 4 are about the same.



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