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PT Brainum: Blog


I finished! new book to start posting soon!

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I started writing a new book on the evening of December 12th. I finished a few minutes ago, at about the same time I started on January 20th. After 60 chapters, and over 100k words, I've decided it's going to be a series. Three important things happened when I finished, the book got an official name, I decided to publish to bookapy and sol, and I decided to create a sex free version for a possible Kindle publish.

I'm thinking Monday, Wednesday, Friday, for 20 weeks, starting sometime soon. Hopefully bookapy version will go up not too long after it starts publishing. I've done a pretty good edit of the first half, and will hopefully get the rest done soon.

Now for the title of the new book, 'The Hand Bound'

my new book

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I'm working on a new book, up to chapter 26 now, so progressing well. In the story the MC gains the ability to traverse the infinite multiverse. I'd really like him to drop in on Frank and Alpha of Alphas World by Any Pseudonym. Does anyone have contact information? If you are out there Frank, can you send me a message?
btw, in an infinite multiverse, there is a universe where a crossdressing Hitler won the second world war by appealing in drag to women to form a second suffragette movement. The iron hand of the jackbooted feminazi world leadership is surprisingly gentle.
so, yeah, it's a fun story, and I'm really enjoying writing, and having time to write again. PT

Christmas Discount

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I reduced the price of the trilogy Elements of Power on for the holidays. The fully edited version of book 3 is not quite finished yet, but I decided to go ahead and reduce the price anyway. regardless, when the final edit goes up, you'll have access to it, regardless of the price you bought it at.
I'm working on a new story, chapter 13 so far, I'm enjoying writing again. my goal for the new year is to get John the genius, aka Omniscient edited, and packaged as a single ebook on bookapy. here's hoping!
pt brainum

so I won first place - just not a category i expected

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I just finally checked the results today, and it looks like elements of power 2 won best gay/gender bending erotic story. Which is interesting because there's not a single gay sex scene that I recall, just M/F and group stuff. The story does involve changing sex, and in some cases having sex with yourself while another sex.
I'm really hoping the the award is more in recognition of the work i put into writing it. It was one of the most fun things I've ever written, and a nearly pure stream of consciousness, with lots of little breaks to make notes and do quick Google searches for accurate background details.
If you voted for me, thank you! If you haven't read it, then give it a try. Just start at book 1 or you will be very lost.
PT Brainum

that's a wrap - Elements of Power

Posted at

What a fun ride this was, thanks for reading, thanks for buying. I started writing this series in September 2020, unsure if it would go beyond book 1 (The ending of book 1 was originally such that it could have been left as a stand alone). I finished writing book 3 in January 2021. It started posting October 6th, and has provided nearly daily postings for 4 months. Not an easy task, but made enjoyable by all the wonderful comments, corrections and feedback. I'm enjoying writing the fantasy side of science fiction more than I thought I would. As a reader I'm in awe of the world building involved in most fantasy stories, magic systems that work with a basic logic, powers that require a price to be paid, etc. For hard sf it seems so much easier, just take one tiny concept and expand on it, how does the world change? What happens when you can make anything from indestructible stasis? What happens when you have tiny then bigger wormhole gates? What happens if you can remember the future, all of them?
I've written a few things that never got posted, because they just didn't excite me. They were experiments in style, format, and story telling. I do finally have an idea for a sequel to time to protect Earth, a character, a motivation, but no conflict yet for the plot. I have an opening scene for a sequel to microgates, but no plot, so that will have to wait for further cogitation. Currently bouncing around in my mind is a concept that I've played with in some unposted short stories, 'The hand of reality' is the most likely next thing I write unless I'm hit by inspiration out of nowhere. My ratio is 500:1, I have to read 500 words for everyone I write, so it will be a while until I put finger to pad again. Kindle unlimited is speeding up that process wonderfully.



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