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PT Brainum: Blog


tragic irony

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In 1991 a guy named Jimi Heselden started a company called Hesco that made a barrier commonly known as Hesco barriers. A self standing wire framed sack that you fill with gravel dirt or sand to create an instant wall or barrier. Got a lot of use in Afghanistan and Iraq during the wars, and grew in popularity also for civilian use such as emergency flood water barriers.
In 2009 he purchased Segway from the inventor because he thought they had great untapped market potential, and he loved the product.
Ironically, in 2010, while riding a Segway and walking his dog, he went backwards over a cliff to his death. It's a tragic shame he didn't have some sort of barrier to keep him from falling off the cliff and into a river.

PS open hand, last written chapter is number 12 and posts on Thursday.

an open hand

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i just posted the first chapter of sam's adventure book 2. it's not complete, but as promised to many of my readers who wrote me, it's a new year so I'll post what I have.
once the first chapter is up, I'll add the rest of the book to post automatically. probably daily until the spot where i stopped writing.
happy new year

a new and terrible joke

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What did you get your wife for your anniversary this year?



Yeah! She said wanted a big surprise, and even admitted she never would have guessed. But even better was my present.

What did you get?

She had to pull the stick out to try them, and I hid it when she wasn't looking!

I'm writing again

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Changes in meds and my mind is clear and creative juices are dripping. Poor Sam, 13 chapters into book 2 and I'm stuck, I know where I'm going. But getting there and making it right have become an issue. It's going to take time and inspiration, but there will eventually be a book 2, I hope.
Meanwhile Koby Roberts has become my new nemesis, 12 chapters in 3 days. The dude wants out of my head. It's also a new style for me, a system novel, if you're familiar with those. I read too many machine translated stupidly long Chinese novels while down and sick over the last year. The new novel is called American With A Chinese System (awacs). Bad Chinese English translating is part of the charm of this one. Even worse. I'm actually learning some Chinese characters. I hope this book doesn't do that to anyone else, Chinese is just wrong on so many levels in my brain. As always, I'll only post if/when completed.
Let me add that system novels are really hard to write, you have to keep track of every point, level, skill, metric, calculation, Etc. I've already had to retcon once to fix a mistake I made because it would change the story too much to rewrite it. It worked great, so making lemonade. So happy to be writing again! 破釜沉舟

update - yes I live

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Thanks to everyone who's asked how I'm doing. I'm finally getting off the post surgery meds that have been making my brain too mushy to write. All I've managed the last few months is reading more than a hundred books, and writing a few jokes:

There's no law saying that women have to wear bras. Infact there's a lot of wiggle room.

A man goes to visit a psychologist, after getting seated he begins, "Doc you have to help me. Every decision I make I always feel like I could have done better. I constantly worry about the consequences of the choices I've made. I can't even sleep at night as I'm so wrapped up in self doubt and recrimination. How do I stop being my harshest critic?"
The psychologist hummed, as he thought about it a moment, then asked, "Have you considered marriage?"

"How do you like your tea?" She asked
"Like how I like my women." I replied
"Oh?" She asked, arching an eyebrow, "and just how is that?"
"I'm happy with anything in the cup."

The problem with sports metaphors is that if you don't one put it, people just don't understand.

The last time I asked this question there were death threats but I think this is an important question to ask: Guy's, why is it that the wife is the one who get to decides if we are in trouble or not?
I think I'd be much more comfortable with some sort of neutral third party making that decision.
My wife is very good at remembering all the things I might have said or done that were wrong but when I try to do the same for her I just don't seem to be able to do a very good job of it. I know it's not because she's any more perfect than I am, and finally dawned on me, my problem was that I forgave her.
If saying that made you angry, I guess you're not the neutral third party I'm looking for.



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