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I've been sitting on a "story" for quite some time now, have not done anything with it to expand it into something significant and wanted to share it with you...maybe get some ideas as a result. The content came from a couple of chats I had with an intriguing woman who had two fetishes, shoes and dental braces. I can't really call it a story, it is more of a writing excercise but I have gotten a couple of interesting and positive comments from readers and would be interested in other opinions.
Thanks for anything you care to say about it.
Regards, Peter
In order to move forwardwith "Rina Strelnicov" I had to pull an episode from Penguins's Preference, and rework it to lead into the next chapter of Rina Strelnicov where Toby meets the young nun he was in love with at fifteen while in college at Johns Hopkins.
I have realigned this story from three to four chapters. Other than more interesting and correct writing nothing new has been added. I just want my chapters to be reduced to more easily readable lengths. I am now 83 and don't know how much longer I will keep up my interest or ability to write so continuously. I just want what I have posted here to represent the best I have to offer. Thank you for your continued interest.
Peter Duncan
It has always been my goal to learn how to express sexual actions in as an erotically detailed way that makes me feel as much a part of the action as possible. So I often reread my work and see if I can improve it. I have just made some changes to Cunnilingus for Beginners and hope it reads well for those who have taken interest in my work.
Thanks to all of you for allowing me this luxury or (laughs) folly.
In chapter nine Toby asks Samantha Onassis for a weekend off because his landlady (Irina Strelnicov is coming to visit. Sam, who had a lenghty affair with Sergei Strelnicov before he married Irina, is suspicious of an affair going on between the two of them. Rina introduces Toby to anal sex.
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