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Old Dave: Blog


Y'all be careful & best wishes to you

Posted at Updated:

Remember the bit about you have unprotected sex with someone you are having sex with everyone they had sex with?

With Covid, you breathe with someone and you are breathing with everyone they have. And that is a hell of a lot more than they screwed.

So, whether you are breeding or breathing, use protection! Ya don't want to take something home with you. 300,000 is enough, don't kill your family also.

Fact or Fiction part ducks

Posted at

I was wondering about things in some of the western stories here on SOL involving shootin'.

First, does getting shot throw a body across the room? Lacking first hand experience, I asked the experts, namely our fellow readers. The census was no. From a physics standpoint, the impact won't be greater than the recoil. (Equal and opposite actions and all that. Sand don't forget mass.) Also, the bullet is gonna pass through. Yes, it'll tear the heck out of you, but its gonna go through, unless it hits bone but it won't throw you across the room. Getting hit by a car will move you a lot more. As one responder said, watch a hunting show or Google 'meat target'.

Second question, in the old west, if you shoot somebody in self defense, do you really get to claim their gun, clothes, horse and everything in their room? In addition to our fellow readers, I posed the question to a professor of history at the University of New Mexico. He's either on a break or figures I'm some crackpot to ask in the first place cause I've not heard back. Seems likely the only place this is codified is here in fiction land. We've pictures of dead outlaws in their clothes, but that's about. Now, if you have to shoot some guy out on the trail and you ride off and leave his horse tied to a tree, the bag of gold and his gun on the ground, don't say much about your smarts. Especially if his gun, gold and horse are better than what you've got. Oh, are his brand new boots your size?

Fact or fiction

Posted at

Every western story tells of a good guy killing a bad guy in self defense. The good guy then collects the bad guy's belongings as his property.

Is this action based on fact or fiction?

Coin of the realm.

Posted at

We readers are shortchanging our writers. Each day as I look at the posted stories, I compare the number of downloads to the number of votes. Votes and feedback are all the writers get for posting stories for us to read.

Oh, if your feedback is to tell someone they suck and should kill themselves, don't. Mama always said if you can't say something nice, keep your mouth shut.

Merry Christmas

Posted at

These days I am a Grinch. I do not enjoy the Christmas season for reasons I won't bore you with.


As you go about your own preparations for the season and jostle 50,000 close friends you've never met while hunting the perfect gift or decoration (or even just a burger), remember, those folks working in the stores and restaurants are people also. All they are trying to do is take care of business and go home at the end of the day. And they are having to put up with the same 50,000 assholes you are.

So, give everyone else a break. Say thanks and please and give them a smile. If nothing else, they will wonder what you are up to.



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