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O.K. I've got the next chapter ready to post. However, due to the overwhelming response to the story, I'm going to post new chapters to a new story -- Life After Covid is Good.
Obviously, the ratings on the original story are so low the new chapters won't have a chance. I have no complaints, I wrote it and you rated it based on your feelings. That's how it works. Just do me a favor, rate the new stories on their own merits. Don't just bomb them because you think I suck. Hell, sometimes I don't like myself either.
Folks, I not going to apologize for chapter 1. Apparently some just don't like it. We have reached a point in America where politics is truly polarizing. Guess it just goes to show one man's paradise is another man's hell. There won't be anymore politics or disasters in future chapters. Instead, I want to stress the good parts of human nature as people pull together and help others. Knowing that, you can decide to read it or not. Be safe out there.
Still no sex, I'll let others do that.
Once again, I've wandered into Oystwer50's Smart Girl Universe. Should have packed a lunch. Lunch, hell, should have brought a chuck wagon and 35ft travel trailer. Gonna be here a while. If you have never been here, or it's been a while, it's a great place. So, come on in, or come back, the reading and imagining is fantastic.
We are blessed with some great writers on this site. Without a doubt, there are stories better than anything the best sellers lists ever imagined. Better than everything coming out of Hollywood these days.
Currently, I'm reading one of the best. I won't review 'The Legend of Eli Crow' as the writer prefers no reviews of his stories. However, if you are looking for a fantastic read, this is one.
It is not always "and I". You can find the grammar rules else where, but here is the easy way. If just one person was doing something would you say me or I?
I rode the bus. Me rode the bus. John and I rode the bus.
The bus took I to town. The bus took me to town. The bus took John and me to town.
(Unless Jody Daniel is writing about Tracy!)
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