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Old Dave: Blog


Like an visiting old friend

Posted at 1/4/2024, 2:20:52 AM

Periodically, I find my self drawn back to the stories by Ernest Bywater, who died in July of 22.

Just to say, we miss you, Ernest.

Do over stories

Posted at 11/12/2023, 12:24:06 AM

I am a long time reader and occasional writer on SOL. I have enjoyed many of the do over or do after death stories here on SOL.

I recently ran across a book on Amazon (forgiveness please) entitled "Life before Life". It is based on research by a department of the University of Virginia and built on 1100 cases converted to computer. They have over 2500 reported and investigated cases, just not all entered into their data base yet.

So maybe some of the crazy writers here are not crazy after all.

Six months gone

Posted at 3/26/2023, 8:05:54 PM

Our excellent writer, Ernest Bywater,died six months ago. His writing remains right up there with the greats. Although I've read his story Mack many times I still get chills as I reread it. His prose in chapter one where he is detailing the murder of Jim Dean and setting up the story is no less than masterful.

If you haven't read it recently, give yourself a treat and check it out.


Posted at 1/2/2023, 10:53:31 PM

I just finished reading Living Two Lives - Book 1. In telling the story of a childhood cancer patient it tells of the death by cancer of another child.

If we have a pet going through a painful death we are able to ease their pain and suffering with euthanasia. I could not make my dog suffer a painful death with cancer in his sinuses.

If we can do it for the pets we love why in the name of everything holy can we not do it for the people we love.

Ernest Bywater

Posted at 12/9/2022, 3:58:50 AM

Readers new to this site may not be familiar with the stories by Ernest Bywater. He died July 16 2022 so you won't see new stories to draw your attention. If you are looking for a great story check out any of his.

I doubt many read the first chapter of "A FARMER'S LIFE" and not be affected.



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