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Max Geyser: Blog


I'm writing!

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After a few notes from readers, some more patient than others, I figured I better give a status update.

I'm writing! I'm working on chapter 14 and I'm about halfway through it. I'm struggling with an intricate little twist that might impact things going forward, so I'm trying to work through that. I was also very much out of practice, so I had to re-read everything I had written so far to get back into the flow. The thing is, I don't plan to publish it until I have at least another chapter done. You have more waiting to do.

On the homefront, I'm still working a lot. I took some time off around the holidays, but I'm still working 6 days a week. (7 this last week.) Spare time for authoring is sparse. I'm hoping things will calm down in the next couple of months.

Until then, I'm stacking up some paragraphs for later consumption.


I owe you all an update

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It's been too long. I know this by the notes I've been getting from a lot of you.

I hope you all are doing well. We've been healthy and safe, but this working from home and extra hours is wearing thin. Not much has changed for me. In fact, I worked all 7 days last week. Again, not complaining as I know many people have lost their jobs through the pandemic. I'm currently overemployed...

As always, there's good news and bad news. The good news is that I intend to start writing again. The bad news is that I need to re-read the series, re-plot some points working forward and get a few chapters written and proofed before you see any of it.

When, you ask? Later this year, I'm hoping. Look for the second half of November and into December before you get fresh chapters.

In the meantime, there's a lot of good content here I've been reading. I finally broke down and read the Home For Horny Monsters series by Annabelle Hawthorne. I'm not really into that genre, but that's a fun, rollicking good read. I highly recommend it. I've also read up on BluDraygn's Runesmith Chronicles. Not bad either. And of course, I have re-read quite a bit of Bluedragon's OTSL, the inspiration for my story. Give 'em a shot.

AAASTL II is on hiatus

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I hoped it wouldn't come to this, and I'm a bit disappointed.

I'm currently working 6 days per week in my home office with my work PC here. My own PC is disassembled in a corner. I just haven't had the time or opportunity to write.

Don't read this as a complaint. I'm grateful to be employed in these times, and I look forward to writing again when things calm down.

For now, the story is on hiatus. I will eventually finish it. I still think about the story often and I look forward to getting back into that world.

Until then, stay healthy!

Isolated thoughts

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In my last blog post, I talked about submitting Chapter 13 and going on a Florida vacation. Well, the world changed a whole lot while we were there. We managed to squeeze in two days at Disney World and one at Universal before all the parks closed. Fortunately, our resort stayed open for a few extra days and we got to lounge around the pool while the news got stranger and stranger.

Now, we're back home. I'm working a lot of hours from my home office. There very place I come to write An All American Teenage Sex Life. Progress has slowed a lot. While this might be a time you see more work from other authors, I'm afraid it's likely going to slow down for me.

Don't take this as a complaint about the situation. I'm grateful to be able to work, and frankly be employed in these troubled times. Not all can say that and I suspect if things don't bounce back soon, even more will be out of work going forward.

I'm going to try to nibble away at Chapter 14 when I can. I'm not going to promise any kind of publishing date going forward. I plan to under-promise and over-deliver. That way you can be delightfully surprised when a new chapter arrives.

Hold on out there. Be safe and hold your loved ones close.

Chapter 13 update and Spring Break!

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Chapter 13 is complete and sent to my editor. I'm going to be away from work and writing for a little over a week with an extended spring break vacation. The family and I will be enjoying the sun and the beach.

Expect the chapter next Friday, March 20. I could get it to you earlier, but you're just going to have to wait again while I recharge and get back at if for Chapter 14.

I'm planning to read through my whole series once again while I can. There have been a few minor story details I had to clip from this chapter because I couldn't quite remember an earlier nuance. That's not making for the best storytelling, so I feel like I should be the expert of my own story and go back and remind my brain of it's earlier brilliance. Continuity is important.

Thanks for bearing with me on delays and such over the past month. It's been a rough one, and this is a vacation I really need.




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